Legend of Ling Tian: Xuanyin divine veins


   Ling Tian’s face became serious, and he became more serious than ever!

   Meridian purple and black!

   As a previous life, Ling Tian, ​​who was born in the first family of Chinese ancient martial arts, naturally knew what this meant.

  There are two reasons for this. First, it is poisoned, and it is a very vicious cold poison. The extreme cold air invades a person’s meridians, and it is not too much. If this cold air is more than a trace, then the person will be immediately Frozen to death. It’s just the right point, but it can make people live, but the whole body will gradually become rigid until it can’t move.

   The second case is more complicated and trickier than the first! This is a kind of congenital meridian, which has a nice name in martial arts: Xuanyin divine meridian. To say ugly is the death vein that everyone knows! The meridians are completely blocked, and the internal force cannot be operated at all. A girl with this kind of meridian will never live beyond twenty!

  You will know by looking at Yu Bingyan’s meager internal strength. This girl didn’t know that she had put in several times or even dozens of times more effort than others to achieve this effect. But this also shows that there is still hope for her mysterious veins. It’s just hard! It is almost as difficult as hopeless!

   Ling Tian’s face is hard to look instantly! To say that it can be cured, it’s just that there are two people on Ling Tian’s side who have the prerequisites. The first one is Ling Tian himself. After the Dragon Shocking Skill reaches the twelfth level, he gathers pure innate true energy, which can forcibly break the Profound Yin Divine Veins in her body. Break through the two veins of Ren and Du in one fell swoop and connect the bridge between heaven and earth! Then this profound Yin divine vein can be completely eliminated! That was tantamount to helping Yu Bingyan cleanse her menstrual and cut her marrow, completely reborn. Yu Bingyan will immediately rank among the top masters in the world! But the process is extremely dangerous! With a little carelessness, the two of them are all gone, and there is no dead body!

   The second person, it was early morning, using her cold ice magic of the same nature as the Xuan Yin Divine Veins to slowly **** out the Xuan Yin Divine Veins! Not only is it harmless, but it also contributes to the early morning cultivation. But it must be in the early morning when the cold ice magical skill reaches the ninth level before they can barely try. However, we only have the fifth level of skill right now. If we rush into it, I am afraid that not only the jade ice face will be sold immediately, but also another early morning!

   And Ling Tian’s innate dragon-shocking magical skill, since breaking through to the seventh level three years ago, has made no progress until now! Ling Tian knew that he had encountered a bottleneck, and had never been in a hurry before. But today, Ling Tian hated himself for not hurrying to practice. According to Ling Tian’s current advancement, it will probably take at least ten years to wait until he reaches the level of the 12th level of Jinglong Divine Art! In the early morning, it was even worse, the weather in Chengtian was already hot, and after reaching the seventh level of Frost Ice Divine Art, it was necessary to practice in an extremely cold place. If you have been in the sky, I am afraid that we will never reach the ninth level of transcendent realm in the early morning! And with Yu Bingyan’s condition, how can she survive these ten years at least?

   Three people at the same time discovered the ugly expression of Ling Tian! Yu Bingyan’s heart was shocked and she retracted her hand like an electric shock. Closed back into his sleeve, his face paled when he thought of his ill health. Did he see anything?

   Wei Chen and Wei Xuanxuan both looked at Ling Tian’s face, and they were very strange to him.

   Ling Tian pondered for a while, and finally spoke cautiously: “In the early morning, you and Miss Wei went to your room to have a look. I remember that you took a book post that day. I think Miss Wei might be interested.”

   Wei Xuan Xuan looked at Yu Bingyan hesitantly, and Yu Bingyan nodded slightly. Knowing what Ling Tian might have discovered, he finally walked out in the early morning.

   Seeing the two figures disappear in the room, Ling Tian frowned and paced the room two steps. Looking at Yu Bingyan, he was about to speak, but shook his head again.

   “Brother, do you know medical skills?” Yu Bing Yan Bingxue is smart, how can he not see Ling Tian’s expressions but hesitating. Knowing that he must have found a problem with him. Can’t help being surprised. We must know that when the symptoms appeared, I visited almost all the famous doctors and experts, only to see the mysterious veins on Yu Bingyan’s body. Could it be that Ling Tian was able to see it at a young age?

   “Sister, is there any ill on you?” Ling Tian hesitated for a while, but when he saw that Yu Bingyan had guessed it, he simply asked.

   Yu Bingyan’s face turned pale, he really saw it! “Yes, brother, your eyes are like torches. The younger sister has a terminal illness of Tianyin lock veins and will never live past 20 years old. I am afraid that I will be hopeless in this life.” Speaking of her terminal illness, Yu Bingyan’s eyes, Turned out to be full of indifference. It seems to be talking about a trivial matter that has nothing to do with yourself. Obviously, Yu Bingyan was completely desperate about her illness.

   Tianyin lock pulse! It turns out that Xuanyin divine veins are called Tianyin lock veins in this world. Ling Tian thought to himself. Seeing Yu Bingyan’s calm eyes, Ling Tian’s heart suddenly cramped! It was like the internal organs suddenly turned into a ball.

   Seeing Ling Tian’s eyes suddenly showed strong pain and deep pity, Yu Bing Yan Fang’s heart trembled violently! He is sad for me! He is sad for me! ! !

   For an instant, Yu Bingyan’s heartstrings seemed to be slammed by Ling Tian; a soft warmth with a little bit of sour happiness, suddenly filled Yu Bingyan’s heart! Looking at Ling Tian, ​​Yu Bingyan suddenly wanted to, really want to, leaning on Ling Tian’s warm arms, strong shoulders, and crying happily. Vent out all the pain in my heart for so many years. Yu Bingyan has a feeling-this man, he can understand himself!

   was born in a noble family, and has been in good condition since childhood, but got this kind of terminal illness that no one can cure! For so many years, in order not to make her family sad for herself, Yu Bingyan forced herself to smile and smiled, but she silently suffered all the despair and pain by herself, chewed it up and swallowed it.

   For so many years, no one knows his pain!

  No one knows his despair!

   No one knows, I really want to live! Want to live! I really want to live! Live like a normal person! ! !

   Yu Bingyan is crying in her heart! Shout hard!

   But, she would never say these words! Because there is no one who can listen to her talk!

   Tell your parents? That can only be a family crying! Tell your brothers and sisters who have always been jealous of yourself? That is even more nonsense!

  The world is so big, there is no one in the world! There is no one who can listen to me! I thought that I could only follow the wind, talk to the clouds, talk to the flowers and grass when I was alone… Or, in the dead of night, biting the quilt hard, letting the tears flow from the corners of my eyes… Quietly Quietly and silently vent…

   Fortunately! God finally gave me a person who can understand, tolerate and pity me! This is the man in front of you! Yubing looked at Ling Tian infatuatedly~IndoMTL.com~ but he couldn’t! I can’t be so selfish! He is such an outstanding person, how could he let this short-lived body drag him into endless pain?

   But I… I really want to, really want to lean on… Just a while, just a while! Let me rely on it for a while, I am willing, I am willing to turn this meeting into the eternal in my heart! God, can you let me enjoy the beauty of the world before my life disappears? No, no, I don’t want a lot, I don’t dare to expect a lot, let alone have it forever! I only need a little bit, a little bit…Even if there is only this little bit, I will be content…I will be satisfied…I have no more regrets! ! !

   is like a child who is being bullied, suddenly found the warm embrace of his mother! From the bottom of my heart, to the bottom of my eyes, the warm and sourness suddenly became… so wronged…

   Ling Tian looked at her gently and tenderly, with deep pity and silent tolerance, and a kind of…encouragement! At this moment, Ling Tian silently and firmly opened his arms towards the poor girl in front of him…

   Yu Bingyan was heartily ecstatic! At this moment, she forgot everything and ignored everything… In front of her, there was only this embrace… uh… God, thank you! Make me crazy!

   Yu Bingyan almost rushed into Ling Tian’s arms with a speed that had never been reached before, fiercely, indulged, and ecstatically!

   So warm! So relieved! so happy! ! ! I am very blessed! ! ! ! Yubing Yan burst into tears, crying loudly!

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