Legend of Ling Tian: Gathered bandits

Even a few guys in the Shuntian League in Tianfeng Continent almost quarreled over the separation of their families. Because Ling Jian did not come by combination, but by head. For example, in the Shuntian League, Ling Jian’s bills and notices here are: Ling Yi: “Two; Ling Er: “Two… even more excessive, it was Ling Chi who added two sentences below privately: Top Ten No prize, the bottom ten must be punished!

Everyone is not together, who knows how much? In order not to fall behind, it is natural to take as much as possible! Everyone is afraid that they will be less than others and fall into the bottom ten list. Everyone is very clear in their hearts that the top ten is not rewarded, but the bottom ten must be punished. That can be fatal, even if you don’t. Life, you have to peel off the skin… Especially knowing that this notice came from Ling Jian’s hand, and the remaining forty people and 80 eyes were all red. Within a few days, almost all of the three continents The family of the family, but all those who have bad deeds have been ransacked!

At the same time, there are auctions everywhere, and everywhere are auctioning treasures for money.

Two groups of brave guys actually united together, and then with the help of the inner ghost Ximengan, they brazenly cut off the Yu family’s food transport team in broad daylight, and then within half a day the army of 200,000 rations It was sold to the poor at a price ten times lower than the original price, and then absconded with the money, without a trace. The 200,000 army was hungry for several days and made Yu Manchu thunderous and almost vomiting blood. He ordered Checha. !

Tianfeng Continent, the Shui family was the only one who didn’t suffer. The leaders of the Shuntian League were embarrassed to rob this new ally, but they were very strange. The Shui family was stolen continuously within a few days, and it was quiet in the night. At that time, there were dozens of times before and after a black-clothed masked man came to the water house. After guessing the inside story, the water filled the sky with a long sigh, causing everyone to sleep, and then opened two of the three silver vaults. The result was the next day. , The two huge banks were clean, and even the rats came in with tears in their eyes… This time the establishment of the country directly led to the extreme harmony after the establishment of the Shenzhou Empire. The wealth of the world is very average, many Even if the place wants to fight the landlord and eat the big family, it can’t find one in a radius of tens of miles. “This directly leads to the abnormal stability of the society. There is no object of jealousy. Can you be uneasy?

Furthermore, another effect is that the imperial wealth of the Shenzhou Empire has been filled to the extreme, causing Ling Tian to announce that no taxes will be collected for ten years. The world is suddenly prosperous and fart, and the wheels of history are rolling forward… It can be said that these so-called robbers and horse thieves have made quite immortal contributions to the stability of Ling Tian’s country!

This kind of strange thing, I believe that Ling Tian two generations have never seen it before, and I have never heard of it!

Eternal wonders, such wonders are not only unprecedented, I believe they are also unprecedented! !

Today’s Chengtian City, but after the eight directions will inherit the sky, it is once again a big bustle. This time the bustle is far better than the previous times, or even several times!

Faced with such a lively hustle and bustle, the Ling family officials in charge of the reception work complained one by one. They thought that the reception work this time must be a fat man. How could I have imagined such a heavy workload! All the personnel went into battle together, and there was still an official position, no matter what the position, everyone almost broke their leg.

In fact, people from various families and congratulatory envoys from various countries are very polite. When they meet, there are polite, condolences, and rewards. Even if the envoys are tired, they are working together happily and hard, but the question is no Knowing where, some young people who are full of gangsters seem to be young, but they are not young, and do not regard themselves as outsiders at all. They are full of spring breeze, frowning, or arrogant. As for all “consolation” and “reward” as long as they know it, they will all be confiscated and confiscated. Once the situation is more serious, they will be beaten directly and sent to prison. The officials did not think about it. After resisting, none of these young people are fuel-efficient lamps. Not to mention the martial arts, there are experts behind them. Anyone who reports is either decapitated or dismissed. At least they will be reprimanded by higher-level officials. The officials dared to be angry but didn’t dare to speak. God knows where these masters came from?

The happiest thing is the inns and hotels in Chengtian City. There are so many people coming in in an endless stream. The reception area arranged by the Ling family can’t hold even one percent of the people, so they have to divert, so these bosses earn The gift of silver is here. These guests are rich and wealthy, and the casual rewards are enough for the inn’s income for several days… Of course, the biggest winner is still Ming Yanlou, Gu Xiyan during this period The fingers of silver counting are sour…If you stand up to the top of the city and climb high, you can still see people from all directions still coming in an endless stream, like the smell of flies and honey.

The ambassador of the Eastern family saw…the Xiao family came, “The ambassador of the Moon God Kingdom saw…the water of heaven and wind across the ocean actually made people arrive…the most striking thing is Team after team of guys from unknown origin drove a long line of carriages to congratulate you, just like moving a house. The beggar’s carts are full of iron boxes, and the ruts of the carriages press the hard ground deeply. The traces of…Moreover, these people are still familiar with each other, and I often hear them communicating with each other, “Ah, isn’t this Brother Pomegranate (Brother Sixteen)? How much did Pomegranate prepare this time? “A black-faced boy greeted enthusiastically.

“Ah, it’s the brother of Sanjiu (Thirty Nine), hehe, not much, not too much, just a little bit, I really can’t get it, what about you? Why do you have to be more than brother!” A stubborn guy hit Haha replied, “Uh, “Ho **** ho knives”, this book is reprinted from ㄧб literary website αр1⑥κxsсom Deng is relatively lean and thin, and when he mobilizes all his strength, he can get a little bit. Every watt there?, Diao is so rich. This time, I’m afraid it’s going to fall to the bottom ten. “The black-faced teenager hummed, and the answer between the two was heard in the ears of outsiders. It was like falling into the clouds and mist. It’s so strange: There is actually a man named “Brother Pomegranate” and this “Brother Pomegranate” has a more weird name for the boy:

Brother Uncle, what is this name? The third uncle is the third uncle, and the younger brother is the younger brother. Is it Sanjiu’s cousin? That name is over with one cousin, why add Sanjiu? !

This is not the strangest thing, “Oh, I’m dead (injured) brother, you can come, my brother I want to kill you”, “Haha…, die (mouth) brother, it’s been a long time. Wow, how much did you do this time?”

“Cough cough cough” It’s just drizzle, hey, drizzle “Did brother, how about you?”

“Die my brother still has this temper, hahahaha, brother, I may be the bottom this time”, “Where and where…”

“Ah, it’s dead brother and death, brother, quack, the younger brother wants to kill you,” “Hahaha, the brother of the fourth uncle (women) is here, look at this kid’s proud appearance, quasi, send After making a fortune, “The official in charge of the reception was dizzy by these names, die brother? Dead brother?

Four uncle brother? What are my names? It’s hard to die. There is still someone with the hapless surname dying?

But these people seem to know each other, if it’s the two of them…not good! The official hurriedly beckoned to someone, hurriedly wrote a note, stuffed it in, with an extremely serious expression: “Submit the son quickly, one hundred thousand in a hurry! Delay will lead to arrogance!”

This kind of information is naturally super information. This note was placed on the table in front of Ling Tian with extremely high efficiency. Ling Tian was drinking lotus seed porridge made by Yu Bingyan himself. A note was sprayed on the face of Ling Jian on the opposite side without warning, Ling Jian suddenly covered with black lines, what happened to the son today!

This is Ling Tian. If you change someone, Ling Jian will draw his sword directly!

Obviously, he was discussing things very seriously, but he suddenly came to this hand, and his face was all over his head and his face was slimy, and his chest in black clothes was also very uniform. It is worthy of the method of the best master in the world. Look at Ling Tian, ​​he was already choking and laughing, one hand patted the tabletop, the other hand patted his thigh vigorously, his stomach hurt with a smile, and he wiped his face depressed, Ling Jian asked: “The son , What’s going on? It’s so funny? I only took a bath yesterday. Bathing is the most damaging thing. You can see that you made me look like this!”

Ling Tian kept laughing, and reached out his hand: “Watch it for yourself!”

Ling Jian grabbed the note in a puzzled way. It said “Brother Pomegranate,” Brother Third Uncle, “Dead Brother, “Die Brother, Brother Fourth Uncle” “These weird titles suddenly came into view. , Ling Jian stared at him, couldn’t recover for ten minutes, suddenly burst into a big stomach and laughed, twitching all over his body, tears also came out, shrank into a ball, laughed crazily than Ling Tian, ​​beside Ling Tian Li Xue took a look, couldn’t help but chuckled, and sighed: “This official is really “too raped. The second master Xiao Fengyang who came this time is actually the second master Xiao Fengyang. He just escaped, and he came back automatically. However, he shouldn’t be like that. If he is an insider, this attitude is too provocative! “Ling Tian smiled, and looked at another note, “In addition to the general entourage, there are six first-class masters who are supposed to be from the sky.” “The sky is long. “”, Ling Jian stopped laughing, and a strong war intent shot into his eyes. Li Ling and Ling Tian looked at each other, and there were some smiles in their eyes, “Sure enough, please read the latest festival, please go to w Bi z said “Axue, go and see Chen’er. This girl has to embroider the first banner of the Shenzhou Empire with her own hands. She is really stubborn. Isn’t it enough to leave these trivial matters to the servants? !” Ling Tian shook his head, but his face was filled with unbearable satisfaction, “Actually, I think too, but “…Li Xue looked at him clearly: “I will never argue with Ling Chen; as a woman , I like someone wholeheartedly, without any reservations! This can only be done in the early morning, I am not as good as her, “The last sentence, she said in a very low voice, as strong as Ling Tian’s internal strength, but only Barely heard, when Ling Tian raised his head, Li Xue had already walked away quickly, Ling Tian couldn’t help being stunned!

Yu Bingyan has a father, Shui Qianrou has parents, and Xiao Yanxue has relatives. Princess Moon has a mother and relatives. Even though Li Xue has no relatives in this life, she still has relatives from past lives and past lives in her heart. Ling Tian! Only in the early morning, in the early morning world, there is only oneself! In the early morning, this lonely girl, her entire world, all her life, there is only one, Ling Tian!

Ling Tian’s heart was suddenly warm, and he felt a little sour. He was melancholy. Ling Tian let out a sigh of relief, looked at Ling Jian, and said: “Ajian, brothers are back, we Go and see what kind of surprises these bandit leaders bring us?”

Ling Jian’s eyes lit up and said: “Okay!”

Ming Yanlou Zhan still maintains the pattern that Ling Tian personally arranged on the day. It’s just the current world. The original Ximen family, the Nangong family, and the Yang family have become the yellow flowers of the past. They have long been wiped out in the dust of the years. In Linming Yanlou, Ling Tian and Ling Jian both have a sense of vicissitudes of life. It is noon. Most important guests from all over the world dine in the pavilion dedicated to their own party. However, many people took the bustle and came to the lobby to dine. Naturally, there are also many people with ulterior motives. For example, the table on the east side is a young man who has been a few years old, dressed in luxurious robes, and his expressions are full of excitement and startled. , Xiaoyue’s voice, whispering to the sky, Ling Tian and Ling Jian smiled on their faces as soon as they saw these teenagers, sincere smiles from the bottom of their hearts!

Far away at a table to the west, a total of seven people sat, six of whom were in gray clothes with a cold look, and another girl in blue. Although this girl in blue was frosty and beautiful and transcendent, but The frost on her face is really too thick, even if the person at the same table talks to her, it is coldly ignored, as if it is a piece of extremely cold Nine Earth Profound Jade, Ling Tian couldn’t help but glance at his side. Like a piece of black ice, he smiled in his heart, and secretly said that the two people are really similar. One ice and one jade are a perfect match!

In addition to these two tables, there are five or six tables that are also eating quietly. They also come from different places to look at their clothes. Those who can book a table at Mingyanlou, at least are also a big man, Shangzhong Ju Jia, Tian and Jian looked at each other, and stepped into the hall at the same time. In an instant, two dozen eyes looked at them almost at the same time, and the two of them turned a blind eye, their faces casually found a table and sat down. Now, the eyes of the few Chinese-clothed teenagers in the east suddenly became extremely hot. One of them stood up uncontrollably, and seemed to open his mouth to speak, but was stomped severely from under the table by another, and he couldn’t help but feel pain. , I suffocated what I was about to say, and sat down obediently, while the six people in the west looked at Ling Tian and Ling Jian at the same time, their eyes flashed with obvious hostility, it seemed that there was still some suspicion, and the middle one was low. He said to himself: “Could it be that there is one of these two, Ling Tian? I met this person as soon as I arrived at Chengtian? Wouldn’t it be such a coincidence!” The rest of the people were all looking awkward. The old man frowned and quickly passed on. The voice said: “Try him!” The other six people did not speak, but, slowly nodded, Tang Wan of Mingyan Building hurried over and asked respectfully: “What does the guest officer want to eat?”

Ling Jian said coldly: “A few special dishes, two pots of wine.” Tang Wan agreed to go, and suddenly slapped, and a person who was eating in the middle suddenly yelled and put his hands in her hands. I closed my mouth, tears flowed from the hands of the blood, bowed his head, spit out a tooth, and half of the chopsticks also spit out at the same time. Among the six people on the west table, a chubby middle-aged man stood with an angry face. I got up and pointed at the man and cursed: “Your grandma’s, you just have to eat, what do you look at with both eyes? Inferior things!” He scolded, but his eyes were secretly fattening Ling Tian. Obviously he was very jealous of the two of them. The man was full of anger. Several people at the same table also stood up one after another. Looking at the fat man who was talking, one of them said angrily: “You said that shit! Dalu! Going to the sky, we have no grievances. Your Excellency made such a cruel move, and now he is even more hurtful. What is the reason?!”

The fat man was angry and cursed: “No grievances? What did that guy stare at my sister? His eyes were wicked and it was unkind! It’s not cheap, I tried to teach him, Is it wrong?!”

A discerning person knows at a glance that this is the chubby man in gray who deliberately provoked and provokes the matter. You are eating in the public. Can anyone not see it at first glance? Everyone has the heart to love beauty. It is natural to make trouble with such reasons!

Ling Tian looked at him expressionlessly, and said in a low voice: “The man didn’t look at all, but the fat man made trouble on purpose. The target should be us. “Ling Jian has already noticed it; the two tables confronted, but Most of the mental power of the quiet people at the west table is paying attention to their own side.

“It seems that they are doubting the identity of the son,” Ling Jian whispered, “I came out as I am, I didn’t intend to hide anything, what else do I need to suspect?”

Ling Tian sneered and said, “It’s true that I want to take this opportunity to touch me. These people seem to be the so-called masters who came here this time.” Ling Jian’s eyes flashed. , Said: “Just the old man in the middle, there are still a few pounds, it is worth a fight, and the rest are not worth mentioning,” Ling Tian nodded slightly, calmly, the injured person was extremely suffocated, and said with extreme air: “Why are you so unreasonable? I have a good meal, when have I seen her? Besides, this girl is beautiful, but,”

I didn’t say anything here~IndoMTL.com~ Apparently it means that the girl is beautiful, but she is too cold. She shiveres at a glance. Where else is she interested in watching?

The fat man frowned, and said fiercely: “What do you mean by this idiot?

How dare you say that my girl is not good-looking? Can’t **** die? “

Among the young people on the east side, a young man with a beard stood up and said gruffly:

“This thing is really evil today. I have seen someone who is unreasonable, and I have never seen someone so unreasonable! First, they slander others for seeing his sister, and then they think that his sister is blade-like and coldly like Ice cube, I said I was not interested, but I blamed others for lack of vision and stains. This eldest brother is interesting, and it’s a strange talk through the ages. It’s probably because his sister doesn’t want to get married, so he’s making troubles and wanting to take this. The money-losing goods should be sent out quickly. Most of them still want to misrepresent the gift money. Otherwise, how can they be so overbearing,” “That’s right,” the other teenagers clamored together. They were originally lawless masters. They have been away these years, and they have always been the gods. , Jian’s second child, and his third child, what would you care about there? Now there are Ling Tian and Ling Jian present, and they are in the Chengtian Mingyan Tower. The time and place are good and the people are complete. They are full of confidence, don’t talk about them. I don’t know that this is a person from the sky, I am afraid that after knowing it, it will make the noise more fierce. Naturally, this is how bad it is to say.

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