Legend of Ling Tian Chapter 95: Late night jungle

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Everyone burst into laughter, all dancing and dancing, a few of them almost fell from the immediate laughter, Ling Chi’s small face was flushed, and he was anxiously defending something, but no one was listening to him. Ling Tian pointed at Feng Mo wryly, and said with a smile: “Old Feng, that girl Li Xue is okay to make a joke. I’ve always seen your old boy serious, but I never thought that you weighed 300 kilos. It’s really hard for you to be so vivid when the big man learns that the little girl speaks.”

Feng Mo burst into laughter, and said: “The son doesn’t know something, it’s not that my old Feng is boasting, even if my old Feng learns from Ling Chi’s little brother, the girl who keeps the butterfly will definitely not be able to hear it.” /

“Oh? Really?” Ling Tiansha looked at Feng Mo with interest.

Feng Mo chuckled, “Remember that Ling Chi’s little brother said a few words to Die’er girl that night, and Lao Feng heard clearly.” He cleared his throat and wanted to perform again.

Ling Chi’s anxious face turned red like pig blood. Although he couldn’t see it in the dark, everyone felt that Ling Chi’s body seemed ashamed and hot, and he couldn’t help begging for mercy: “Brother Feng… Uncle Feng, I rely on you Uncle Feng…”

Ling Jian smiled invisible and said: “Old Feng, ignore him, continue talking about you.”

Feng Mo coughed twice, pinched his nose and said in a delicate tone: “…Xiaodie, come and let Brother Chi kiss…Wow hahaha…” Ling Tian Lingjian slammed at the same time, taking a breath When it came out, Ling Tian smiled and slid directly off the horse’s back, and the kite fluttered before it flipped up again.

Ling Chi blushed and yelled roughly, “Fart, I didn’t say that, I obviously said…” Suddenly he stopped.

“What are you talking about?” On the one hand, another Jagged Guard winked up, smiling full of gossip.

“Nothing to say. Go away!” When Ling Chi realized that he almost went to the local area, he would naturally not go on. He glared fiercely at this big hairy face. Turning his head madly.

“Haha. I didn’t expect Xiaochi to be cool and still a lover on weekdays; he tricked the little girl into her hands without making a sound. It’s amazing. Worthy of being a’little grass’?! “Ling Tian laughed loudly.

Ling Jian skinned and looked at Ling Chi sideways with a smile, “No wonder this kid is always smirking during this period. It turns out that spring is here.’Little grass’ and’spring’ is here?! Congratulations. !”

“No…it’s not the land…what little grass. Spring. How come the son and Brother Jian always make fun of people like Lao Feng. They are not like that…” Ling Chi’s face flushed red. . He also became stammered. Desperately deny,

“Hahaha…it’s nothing…” Everyone laughed. It seems that the tiredness of rushing all the way is missing in this laughter.

Hundreds of iron horses whizzed past. Tumbled to the silence at midnight. The front was dark. The scent of trees mingled with the fragrance came out. Nothing to set. In front is a forest.

Suddenly, Ling Tian let out a clear rebuke, and the Jianma under his seat made a long hiss, and then rushed three feet away to stop the momentum. At the same time, Ling Tian raised his right hand high and made a gesture.

Everyone stopped from the gallop, and suddenly became silent.

Ling Jian moved the fastest, turned over and dismounted, and came to Ling Tianma: “My son, there seems to be something weird in the dense forest ahead.”

Ling Tian’s eyes gleamed, he looked at the dense forest hidden in the darkness, and slowly said: “Are you aware of it too? There should be at least dozens of people hiding in it. Just now I seemed to see the fire light one. Flash, now it’s gone again.”

Here is Chengtian’s sphere of influence. If there are people in the dense forest, and they are so ghostly, then they must not be Chengtian. If it is Chengtian’s power, you don’t have to be so careful, and you still sleep in the wilderness at this night. But if it weren’t a person from heaven and earth, and his whereabouts were so secretive, he was almost certainly an enemy, or at least a malicious stranger!

The two looked at each other, Ling Jian’s eyes lit up, and he whispered: “My son, do you think it’s the Xiao family or the heaven and earth?”

Ling Tian frowned, thought for a moment, shook his head, and said, “It won’t be so coincidental. I calculate, shouldn’t the Xiao family come so fast? And the number should not be so small. However, if these strangers are not from the Xiao family, who else will suddenly appear here?”

There was no sound in the woods. Just now Ling Tian and others rushed in. Even the slightest sound in the dark night can be heard very far, not to mention such a noisy sound, the other party must have noticed it and resorted to hiding His strategy must now be completely concealed.

Ling Tian looked at the front cautiously, waved his hand, and said in a low voice: “Everyone dismounts and hides in place. At this moment, the enemy is bright and I am dark. Don’t move rashly. Ling Jian, you and I go in and take a look. .”

Silently, hundreds of people rolled over and dismounted at the same time, Ling Jian moved and disappeared into the night with a “shoo”.

Ling Chi also carefully chose a position closer to the front, leaning on a big rock, and squatted down

So he responded to Ling Jian at any time. When he was about to search for Ling Tian’s trace, the son had disappeared without knowing when…

Ling Tian has already performed the one-man technique, and entered the dark woods. With the help of the dark cover, his body is like the rocks, small trees, and long grass on the roadside, and it seems to be directly transformed into After breaking the air, the **** swept across the space of forty to fifty meters without knowing it, completely hidden in the dense forest. Much faster than Ling Jian who was ordered to leave!

In the shadows on one side, Ling Jian watched Ling Tian drifting by his side with a stunned mouth, thinking about his method of infiltration, couldn’t help but feel ashamed.

The gap!

However, all of Ling Jian’s movements fell into Ling Tian’s eyes. From Ling Tian’s point of view, he was still very satisfied. Ling Jian’s current body style, no matter it was compared to the life and death battle in the Northern Wei Dynasty. , Or when the former Ling Jian and Li Xue competed, they had already improved considerably. Regardless of the agility or dexterity of the body, there has been considerable progress. It seems that A Jian is really “under beating”. Ling Tian smiled in his heart, but his body style didn’t slow down at all. He quickly switched from tree to tree, gently and gracefully, but he didn’t even touch a piece of thatch, and was silent. interest.

A little clearing ahead. Ling Tian stared at it. In the middle of the clearing, there was a vague pile of fires that seemed to have just been extinguished, emitting black colors and unpleasant smells, but even a single figure was missing. It seems that this group of people are extremely careful. After hearing the sound of horseshoes, they immediately extinguished the fire, scattered and hidden, and the hiding was very good. Even with Lingtian’s eyesight, they didn’t find anything for the time being. !

Ling Tian closed his eyes, his six senses suddenly opened, his thoughts filled with mercury, and he felt every place in the forest. Suddenly, countless sounds of suppressed breathing came in without any omission. His ears can be concealed, but you can’t avoid breathing.

With a slight movement behind him, Ling Jian has silently leaned over a big tree on Ling Tian’s right hand. The two looked at each other, and both felt that the other’s eyes flickered like a cold star in the sky in the dark. Ling Tian gently stretched out a hand, raised a finger, and swung it left and right. There are at least a hundred people to indicate to the other party!

Ling Jian made a virtual slash with his right hand, and a trace of murder flashed in his eyes, but he meant to ask whether to kill all of them? Ling Tian hesitated for a moment, pressing one hand to indicate Shaoan not to be impatient.

While the two of them were playing dumb puzzles, there was a rustling noise in the bushes under the tree, and the two stood up, breathing heavily, and one of them whispered, “Fucking , Where is the cavalry outside? How come there is no movement suddenly when I get to the edge of the forest? The hurt Laozi almost suffocated in one breath.”

The other person said hurriedly: “Quiet! Shout what? Now I am in Chengtian territory, all enemies are visible, and of course, be careful.”

The man chuckled in a low voice before and said, “It may not be the Ling family who came? The strength of the Ling family is now scattered in all directions. Where can I notice here? Besides, our actions are so secretive. Are you afraid of leaking something?”

“The son has already gone to meet the friendly forces. Before leaving, we must not let any forces find out, don’t you remember? If the son knows how careless you are, carefully peel your skin!”

The man chuckled in a low voice, seeming to be very scared of the young man, and then complained: “The cavalry outside is also weird, galloping in the middle of the night, it’s fine, we have collectively avoided it, you have to Let’s go, we didn’t mean to obstruct it. We just stopped in front of the woods and couldn’t go. Tell me, isn’t this torture? Even if they rushed in to fight~IndoMTL.com~, it’s better than it is now. It tastes better.”

While the two were talking, the grass kept rustling, and one by one, dark figures came out one after another. The heavy breathing became a ball. It seems that these people are really very careful. After perceiving the arrival of Ling Tian’s team, they were actually hidden collectively, holding their breath and waiting for the horse team to pass.

If you change to a normal horse team, you really may not be able to notice that there are more than 100 people hidden here, but it is a pity that they met Ling Tian! Ling Tian suddenly stopped outside the forest. And after this period of time, they held their breath and calmed down, but they did not hold it lightly. After all, it is impossible for everyone to be an innate master who can break their breath for a long time. But with the exception of a few people speaking, the others remained silent. Even the few people who spoke were quiet and very cautious.

Ling Tian quietly possessed himself on a big tree next to the clearing. Several people leaned on the tree after they got out, but did not find that there was a person hidden on the tree. Killing God!

And now Ling Tian on the tree is also shocked and inexplicable, just because among these people under the tree, he actually found two acquaintances! After the shock, Ling Tian finally realized that this time with the Xiao family’s so sure sneaking! (To be continued, if you want to know what’s going on, please visit www, more chapters, support the author, support the original reading!)

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