Legend of Ling Tian Chapter 85: Blizzard Grim Reaper

This is how it is.

There was a scream of snow after the New Year, and it fell overwhelmingly. The snowfall in the New Year was originally a happy event, but the amount of snow in this snow is really beyond everyone’s imagination. The barracks in the frontier fortress were extremely cold, and even many soldiers suffered from frostbite.

At this juncture, the 15,000 pioneer soldiers and horses of the Shenzhou Empire’s foremost outpost were also trapped in a place three hundred miles west of Yan County because of the heavy snow, and they had to go back all the way. It is a mountain road, and it has been covered by heavy snow, and it is impossible to explore the road or march. The only thing you can do in this situation is to stand still.

However, even if the issue of standing still has not been resolved, they can temporarily stand still. But what about military supplies? With the supply of 15,000 people, the number of people eating horses and feeding is a huge number. Now that the road is cut off, the follow-up food, grass, medicine and other supplies are similarly unable to be delivered. And this 5,000-strong vanguard is on a rush, and because the mission this time is actually not too far away, everyone only took seven days of rations!

When the heavy snow fell, I didn’t care about it, but when the snow was getting bigger and bigger and I felt bad, one and a half days had passed. When I realized that the back road had been completely blocked by the heavy snow, It’s too late to think about anything.

Fifteen thousand people consume at least 10,000 catties of rice every day, as well as clean water. Moreover, this does not include the medicines needed by the wounded and sick. The weather is so cold and the food is not available. As long as the physique is slightly weaker, they will get sick! Finally, the quality of the sergeants of this team is still very good, there is no one in a hundred patients!

The most unbearable thing is that it is not particularly cold during heavy snowfall, but when the snow stops, the bone-to-body chill can almost freeze people alive. And when this illusory man came out, although he brought some warm clothes, it was far from the actual demand.

It is equivalent to this sudden heavy snow, which has driven these five thousand people into a dead end, almost hopeless!

The distance of the heavy snow completely melted, and it will take at least ten days or more, and it may not even be possible. If it were to wait until that time, I am afraid that these 5,000 people would have already become 15,000 ice sculptures.

There are only two outlets ahead of them. One way is to keep going, looting civilians along the way, but this is only a drop in the bucket at best, this kind of small village on the border. A village has at most a hundred households. What kind of village can support an army of 15,000 people? What’s more, more supplies such as war horses?

The other option is to keep going, rushing to the opposing enemy at all costs, defeating or hunting them, and plundering their supplies to ensure their own survival. Of course this choice is very dangerous. But compared with the two paths, this is a relatively feasible option!

The leader of this vanguard is Feng Mo, a self-defeating and brave man. The original Iron and Blood Guard, led his twenty old brothers to lead this elite force, and finally went through a lot of hardships. After a bitter request for a battle, Ling Tian’s approval was obtained and he was able to set foot on the battlefield again, but he did not expect that the desperate situation made Feng Mo almost crazy!

Whether it comes out one day early or one day late, Albania will not expand into this delicate and embarrassing situation, but it’s just such a coincidence! Could it be that I brought my brethren out, so that they have not done so much to be side by side on this barren mountain? Feng Mo was unwilling, really unwilling!

But even if he is not reconciled anymore, he will not defy Ling Tian’s order. Ling Tian said clearly and plainly: The day when the spring blossoms next year will be the time to step down the Yu Family! But now that the sky is full of snow, it is definitely not the best time to go to war, it is the same for everyone and already. So Feng Mo has been hesitating whether to start an action.

But in the team, there are two brave characters, Ling Feng and Ling Yun. After Ling Jian got married, the two of them were made official titles by Ling Tian, ​​but they were killing them. Berserk, the silence of the past two years, although often assisting Ling Quanjian in dealing with illusory things. Train some people; there is no doubt about it. Compared to the previous days of fighting the sword, it was a lot worse, at least in their opinion. This time I came out, probably because of the boringness of staying in Chengtian Xianfu for the past two years. Seeing Feng Mo dispatching troops, begging to follow him.

And Ling Tian, ​​Ling Jian and others considered that with Feng Mo, such a mature and respectful general, leading the team, and Ling Feng Lingyun, with the world’s top follower, they will definitely complement each other and be foolproof. As long as such troops are not surrounded on all sides by an army that is several times larger, I believe that nothing unexpected will happen. Besides, Ling Feng and others have been holding back long enough for this period of time, and it is time to go out and let go. Even the two of them are still discussing, let these fifty or so fierce guys take turns to go out and relax, just as a vacation.

So let’s start with Ling Feng. Of course, before leaving, many people envy Ling Feng and Lingyun’s envy eyes are red. This was because Ling Jian changed his face and cursed the other people back, otherwise, more would follow.

However, no one would have thought that they would encounter such a big situation as soon as they came out!

Now Yifeng has encountered such a sinister situation. On the contrary, Ling Feng Lingyun had no worries, even a bit of excitement. He tried his best to squeeze Feng Mo and attacked, first to weaken the enemy’s strength, and secondly, could his brother be able to save his life?

Faced with Feng Mo’s hesitation, Ling Feng’s reason is plausible: The harsh environment is relative. Since the young master believes that such severe weather is not beneficial to the fighting between the two armies, then Yumanlou is nothing. Fool, definitely won’t send troops rashly in this kind of weather! Therefore, we took advantage of this heaven-sent opportunity to engage tens of thousands of people and grab some food. Do something more sabotage, and then run away. Even if Yumanlou knew it, Guyan could only suffer temporarily at this juncture.

Even if Yumanlou really wants to report something, we will choose this season first. We will never risk sending troops. We will definitely wait until next spring when the flowers bloom. We will definitely not come out to drink the wind and snow. We have no choice. He is completely different from the ruined cauldron; and by the time of spring, the general offensive of our Shenzhou Empire has already begun. Even if Yumanlou does not come, we still have to find him. What are we afraid of?

So, in any case, it can’t affect the overall strategy. Take 10,000 steps and rush forward. We can still have alive. If we don’t move forward, will everyone stay and wait for death?

Feng Mo began to hesitate, then pondered, then paced back and forth, thinking carefully, and finally blurted out: Say it right, say it well, be a good plan! Just do it! “Then smiled with a beard on his face: “Just to my liking! “This makes Ling Feng Lingyun, who has spent a long time talking and talking, feel a little bit in the trap. This old boy is not planning to push us out afterwards.

So Feng Mo selected 3,000 people who were in good condition as the vanguard. Led by himself and Ling Feng Lingyun and others, he gathered all twenty masters of the Iron Blood Guard, and rushed into the Yu family silently. Within the territory. For the sake of safety, the 12,000 army behind them naturally kept a certain distance from these 3,000 people and followed them from a distance. If they succeeded, they would naturally cover up and kill them. If there was an accident, they could be rescued at any time. However, no one expected that the result would actually be

On the other side, the sky was also covered by heavy snow, and the soldiers in the basic Yujia barracks were also nested in the temporary barracks, and a bonfire was raised to keep warm.

Or drink Lie through this extremely cold weather. No matter how experienced the commander is, he would not predict that in such bad weather, enemy soldiers would steal the two camps. The border between the two is separated by several mountains. The mountain road is slippery and the snow is overwhelmed. If you slip, you will hear him fall into the deep valley at any time. At this time, troops will be dispatched. It is simply looking for death, this has long been a taboo for military soldiers!

Don’t talk about military books or anything, just to put it logically, how can historical wars be held in the middle of winter? Military career is not easy, even if you are going to die on the battlefield, don’t let people get frostbite on your hands and feet, right? This has become a routine!

Who would have imagined that there will be such a team of desperadoes today, hurriedly out of the sky, and the team that usually comes to vacation in the mountains and rivers is so unlucky in the heavy snow Was into the mountains when it came? And this mountain is the one that has crossed the border between the two countries

It’s terrible accidentally…

But accidentally, it is also inevitable. This march also fully proves that these guys are not good intentions! Of course, it’s rare for a unit to have such a bad encounter. When the heavy snow falls at any time, they are still in the mountains, and they rushed into the vast mountains without letting their lives.

The time in the front line of the Yujia border. Guarding Guan Jue’s home and the gate is naturally not a waiting person. With the military barracks full of jade, it is the top priority. But this time is also the season when the weather is cold and the war is unhappy. In this way, there is much room for operation.

Those elders’ nephews, grandchildren, and grandchildren should naturally also make full progress. But the older generation of masters from the Yu family naturally won’t let their hearts feel even more.

Liver darlings are really participating in the battlefield of blood and blood to fight with real swords and guns. What if something goes wrong? Gilding is one thing, but taking risks is naturally another thing!

The weather like this is a golden opportunity given by God to send my nephews and nephews to the most difficult places through the time when there is no war. It is also the most dangerous place in general and the safest place now. Once the weather returns to warm, then immediately adjust it back, it is absolutely foolproof.

In this way, I also completed a very perfect gold-plated journey, and I have a more perfect excuse for the promotion of the army: stationed in the frontier when the conditions were the most difficult, even the Chinese New Year did not go home! Such loyalty, there is no credit and hard work!

In this way, not only the life and blood are preserved, but also no small strains can be obtained. How can there be a place in the Yu Family Kingdom in the future? What a wonderful thing I am.

This kind of wishful thinking, those old giant slippery guys don’t know how to play? Therefore, under the banner of defending the home and the country, it is the result of the mighty joining of the army on the gilded journey.

So, the outpost of these 30,000 people on the border of the Yu family has almost become a concentration camp for the descendants of the Yu family at this moment. Too many gangsters in Ming Yucheng are all armed with spears and dressed in brocade robes. Instead of armor, the arrogantly concentrated here!

This made the border guard Yuwei almost pale in grief!

There are no singers in safety, but

If this group of little ancestors simply came to serve as soldiers, it would be fine, but one by one, they did not change their habits, some with dozens of hounds, and some were sitting in gorgeous carriages. They all brought the concubines from home directly.

The weather is so cold, but the Yu Family Barracks is in full swing!

Some are gathering crowds, some are fighting beasts. Some stay in the tent with Maggie day and night, don’t know what to do, just pay for a while.

There are also people who have nothing to do and go out hunting. It’s freezing cold, so naturally I won’t go to the mountains to find that uncomfortable, so I went to a nearby village to ‘hunting’

In a short period of time, in the dozens of small villages nearby, there were no barking dogs and they all went down! And some chickens, ducks and geese are naturally inevitable. The people in the neighborhood are not living, but fortunately, they haven’t made any death-killing cases.

In this way, Yuwei will receive at least a dozen complaints from villagers every day. This makes the congenital master even more frustrated

Behind these boys, everyone is an old qualification of the Yu family. Yuran can’t afford it. After being trained for several consecutive failures. Yuran was so angry that she couldn’t let go.

Fortunately just stayed here for three or four months! If it’s a treat, I don’t want to go back at all, just smash it to death to thank the world! Otherwise, he would be **** off. Seeing that the Spring Festival was over and the ancestors approached the day when they returned, Yuwei finally had some smiles on his face.

I can’t afford it.

But just when these little ancestors were about to return to the city, Yuwei even prepared an invitation for each of them in advance. Wait until you say goodbye and hurry up to compete for one. Get rid of Laozi quickly. God, it happened at this time that this heavy snow that was rare in a century!

Looking at the heavy snow in the sky, Yuwei almost wanted to cry: It will take at least ten more days to get rid of these little ancestors! Such days are hell. With this group of people here, what kind of soldiers should I train? I was dragged by those guys

Yuwei even suspected that if these young masters were allowed to live here for a year or a half, I am afraid that this barracks would not need to be attacked by the Shenzhou Empire, and it would collapse on its own…

Listening to the sound of yo five drink six coming from next to his handsome, Yuwei sighed sadly, threw himself on the bed, pulled the quilt and covered his head tightly

Here, is this still a barracks?

Just when Marshal Yuwei was extremely depressed. A bigger and more terrifying accident brought his depression to an end.

The most bizarre raid since ancient times, inexplicably close!

The Jade Great Handsome Mini is now appearing, and the noise around him suddenly decreases a lot. It was originally the noise of Cao Chao surrounded by all directions, but now Dongfang’s voice is suddenly much less. It seemed that it became quiet in an instant. It was nothing at all, but against the background of the still-old voices in other directions, Yuwei, the innate masters, instinctively felt something wrong.

The direction to the east is the two grandsons of the elder of the family. There are also a few examples to take the lead. These boys are the most lawless group. They have never put their military orders in their eyes. Why did they put out the fire early today? ? If it is said that the prodigal son turned his head back, is it too unrealistic to exempt? Are they playing enough? Even if you play enough, this movement disappears a bit more neatly!

After listening to the ears for a while, the voice of the south that is now close to the east also disappeared. The laughter was crazy the moment before, but suddenly there was no sound!

The sounds from the north and the west are still coming, sometimes mixed with excitement screams, but the southeast two directions seem to have become a dead zone, the huge contrast is really too great! With a shock in his heart, Yu Dashuai was completely cold when he was cold, and an inexplicable huge crisis rose from the bottom of his heart.

The internal force raised wildly, listened carefully to the movement outside, but still couldn’t hear anything. The gust of wind mixed with the heavy snow was still raging endlessly, and there seemed to be a heavy and dull sound in the distance. It is insignificant.

“Come here!” Yuwei let out a cold sweat and roared, but unexpectedly no one answered. The ominous feeling in Yuwei’s heart is getting more and more

The denser ~ IndoMTL.com~ What are your recruits doing? He sprinted to the door, raised his right hand, and threw a chair out with a whirr. Immediately after the long sword was unsheathed, it cut through the other side of the tent with a brush, and jumped out.

The sky is snowy, and the ground is white. There seems to be nothing unusual at all. The chair he had just thrown out was thrown lonely on the snow, smashing a hole.

The four-story sentry near the Shuai Teng I arranged. There is no trace! His thirty-two personal guards have always followed him every step of the way. Even today’s ice and snow have never been absent, but now they have not seen one. Yuwei suddenly felt a burst of horror. This is the feeling of death.

There was no sound in the military camps on both sides of the southeast. Quietly, there seemed to be a faint smell of blood, Yu Weixin made a decision, unfolded her body, and ran to the west. As the commander-in-chief of the army, it was the first time that he rushed with all his strength in his barracks.

Just as Yuwei just unfolded her body skills, the snowy ground in front of him seemed to squirm. A thick layer of snow suddenly lifted up, smashed at him with a face, and then two white shadows all jumped up, two thin long swords swiftly smashed out from left to right. .

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