Legend of Ling Tian Chapter 79: Provocation again

Now it’s only a chapter and a half, and it should be all out before 23:00. Everyone has been waiting for a long time, sorry. >

Ling Tian’s long sword circled, squeezing out a brilliance, the sky was full of sword light to protect the body, and facing Yumanlou, three swords were pierced!

Under the internal force reaction contained in the Lingtian sword light, the hidden weapons in the sky scattered all around, and a scream suddenly sounded. Yumanlou did not let Ling Tian make three moves, and instead of retreating, he moved forward, rotating to dissolve Ling Tian’s true power, but instead deceived a little. He knew that as long as he relaxed, the two would never want to stay tonight!

At this moment, Ling Tian’s body, which had already tried his best to sink, suddenly floated back strangely. But with the momentum of falling behind, the green brilliance wrapped around him suddenly slipped from him.

Yumanlou’s body twisted abruptly in mid-air, and he chased after him. With one palm stretched out, he grabbed the brilliance in his hand, only felt that the tentacles were soft, and it was actually a good piece of warm jade. ! There was another pulling force, and something seemed to be tied to it.

Ling Tian had already floated behind. Suddenly, his body was bullied, and a sword fell in the space between the two. Yumanlou only felt his hands were empty, obviously Ling Tian cut something with a sword. The distance between the two suddenly opened. Yumanlou was exhausted, and he sighed in his heart. He was about to turn his body and land, but felt the strong wind blowing in front of him. Ling Tian patted Yumanlou’s right hand with a palm. Take the initiative!

Yu Manlou sneered and raised his palms. When he came up, he realized that he was still holding the jade pendant. With a thought, the jade pendant flew out and threw it towards Ling Tian. The momentum came quickly, with a whirr , If Ling Tian insisted on it, it would be equivalent to a slap with Yumanlou. What’s more, Yumanlou added another force of maneuver to this throw. If it is empty, he is sure that the jade pendant will automatically revolve into his hands. With the release of the jade pendant, Yumanlou’s right palm slashed out again!

But at this moment, Yumanlou suddenly saw the other’s eyes. I couldn’t help but stunned: There was a hint of triumph in the opponent’s eyes. why? Why is he proud? What’s to be proud of? Could it be that the other party has some tricks to fail?

When Yu Manlou was full of doubts, Ling Tian didn’t evade the palm of Yumanlou’s slap. He took the palm with his body, snorted, turned his palm into a finger, and popped out a finger. , The sharp gust of wind passed, the crystal jade pendant suddenly split seven or eight petals, and flew in all directions.

Jade Manlou suddenly knew that Fang’s goal was actually to destroy this piece of jade pendant! why? Is there anything else in this jade pendant? !

Jade Pei!

Yumanlou suddenly remembered something. His face changed a lot!

Ling Tian said nothing. He was about to leave with Li Xue wrapped around her waist and pulled by the sky. Suddenly it was discovered where the jade pendant burst. A small black spot shot towards him. Thoughts moved. Copy one in his hand.

Just then. Ling Tian only felt a tight waist. Then the whole person flew out like clouds and fog.

Although Yumanlou has deep internal strength. But it can’t stay in midair for a long time. A breath of real energy has been exhausted. The body had to fall down. the following. A few unusually strong winds wrapped spears, swords and other things. Xiang Lingtian attacked one after another. But it was the eleven big bosses of the Yu family who shot almost at the same time!

Dangdangdang several noises. Ling Tian could only use his sword to block. The body was pulled by Li Xue with all his strength. Has left the Yu Family Courtyard. Fell on the tree. A whistle. The two stood up at the same time. When everyone in the Yu family flew up to the wall. The two ups and downs. Has quickly disappeared into the night!

The Yu Family intercepted it all. It was again in the Yu Family Courtyard. Actually let the enemy go away calmly!

Yu Manlou’s face is blue!

“Find the broken jade pendant for me and put it together! Don’t let go of even the smallest pieces! Before dawn, I want a result!” Yu Manlou issued an order with a furious expression. He already thought of the other party. Before leaving, I would rather take a palm of myself and destroy the jade pendant. There must be a hidden feeling in it! Maybe, there is no secret on that jade pendant.

The latter man in black clearly didn’t do his best, and it seemed that martial arts should not be under him, at most it was only a difference. In today’s world, how many people can reach this point? Ling Tian? Thinking of this person, Yu Manlou sneered. Although Ling Tian was powerful, he should have not yet reached this point. Even if he had already started practicing martial arts from his mother’s womb, it would be difficult to reach such a realm.

When the third brother Yu Mantian came back, Yumanlou once asked about Lingtian’s martial arts in detail. According to Yumantian’s description, Lingtian’s martial arts were indeed amazing, even slightly in his third Above my younger brother, but not too much.

Combined with the performance of Ling Tian that he saw on the battlefield, Yu Manlou had a conclusion in his heart. Calculated at Ling Tian’s age, having such skills can be said to be shocking to the world, and it is enough to be regarded as a genius who has not been born in thousands of years. But it is definitely not up to the level of this black man!

Moreover, listen to Yumantian’s description and self-esteem

Among the elephants, Ling Tian’s martial arts should go the Gangyang Road, the same number as this black T3. So which side is this man in black is already ready to come out!

Thinking of the techniques used by the opponents several times, the vaguely familiar feeling, Yumanlou couldn’t help falling into deep contemplation. After several confrontations, the opponent’s skill was divided into several waves, and they had shocks again and again. This feeling…like the waves of the Yangtze River, wave after wave, wave after wave, endless endlessly, getting more and more fierce…

Moreover, not only this feeling, but when the opponent’s skill strikes out, there seems to be a faint feeling of pulling, like being in the water, not standing steady…

The opponent’s internal strength is close to the feminine vein, but it seems that he is trying his best to hide something without trying his best…

I want to cover it up!

The whole building snorted heavily! Two cold rays of light came out in the eyes: Can you really treat me as a fool?

But in the end how did they escape? Even if the rope is tied to the waist, it should be visible. With the eyesight of oneself and others, even at such night, it should never be invisible. And where can the rope that can bear the weight of two be thin? But I didn’t find it at all, it was really weird!

From now on, I am afraid to prevent even more tragic revenge on the first floor! Yumanlou could not help but sighed long when he thought of this.

“Patriarch.” Eleven big heads gathered around. They came over, all of them were slanderous, feeling dull on their faces. Tonight, everyone was surrounded by almost all the high-level forces of the Yu Family. Not only were many people killed and wounded, but the other party was eventually run away. Everyone was embarrassed, and their hearts were extremely angry. They seemed to be resounding in their faces. There was a slap in the face. The master of Chongxiao Pavilion, Yu Zhanfeng, was full of grief and anger, holding the mutilated corpse of his righteous brother in his hands, and his eyes were full of hatred.

“On martial arts, the least of you. There are more than four people on the first floor host; the number of rounds is far better.” Yu Manlou sighed, and said in a deep voice, “Waiting absolutely Under the advantage of, still let the other party escape, do you feel that there is no brilliance on the face?”

Everyone looked ashamed and couldn’t help lowering their heads.

“Taiping days have passed for a long time. There will always be problems.” Yumanlou said leisurely: “Fortunately, this time I didn’t let the family get it done in one pot. It is already pretty good. Keep working hard, and there will be that day. “

Everyone’s complexion changed drastically, and they all knelt down: “Please, the master of the house, confess the crime.”

“Get up!” Yu Manlou sighed, shook his head, and said: “I’m very disappointed.” As he said, he turned around and left everyone behind. Although these two people weren’t left behind, it would be beneficial to beat everyone by this matter. Lest these guys close their doors and name their names, consciously Laozi is number one in the world; with this mentality, sooner or later they will suffer a big loss! After this lesson, I believe everyone will converge a little. As far as future family wars and world disputes are concerned, it may not be a bad thing.

Not long after, Yumanlou’s voice came out: “Start the extinction plan previously planned immediately! Search the whole city! After all the pieces of jade pendant are found, send me to the study immediately, without any omission.” /

Everyone’s heart was stunned, and they agreed in unison. Knowing what happened tonight, the Patriarch was really angry this time. In the past ten years, I haven’t seen the Patriarch be so gloomy. If the Patriarch cannot be satisfied during this extermination operation, I am afraid that everyone’s good days will come to an end. Thinking of the Patriarch’s punishment, everyone couldn’t help shivering.

Before everyone left, a white-clothed man hurriedly came out of the room and bowed a salute, saying: “The Patriarch has specially ordered that the second pavilion’s caresing is favored, and the family members are connected to the Yu Family Courtyard~IndoMTL.com~ It is supported by the general affairs of the Yu family. The first application is the same as that of the second master. Funeral matters are handled by the grand pavilion master and the grand worship. At that time, the patriarch will come to mourn. After today, if anyone dares to insult the family of the second pavilion master, Kill without mercy!”

“Thank you Patriarch Ron!” Everyone felt regret, hatred and gratitude. Patriarch showed such great kindness to us. If we still can’t fulfill Patriarch’s entrustment, it would be better to die! Especially that Yu Zhanfeng was moved with tears streaming down his face. I believe that if Yumanlou wanted him to die at this moment, he would not hesitate at all!

No one knows. When Yumanlou returned to the study, he slapped a heavy palm on the table, with three long beards under his jaw and without wind, and four words came out in his mouth: “Sky-wind-of-water!”

But at the same time, Yumanlou couldn’t help being full of doubts–

“Could it be that the partner on the first floor this time is actually the Shui family, and the black-clothed man who appeared afterwards is excellent in martial arts. If it weren’t for concealing his identity and not doing his best, he might not be able to take the fight. Advantage, although he can conceal his martial arts, but for thousands of years, the characteristics of the water family martial arts included in this family have been few. That person’s martial arts background is clearly the pulse of supreme softness, and he is very good at using skill to dissipate his strength. How can such a unique martial arts It can be easily concealed… (to be continued, if you want to know what is going on, please log in to om, more chapters, support the author, support genuine reading!)

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