Legend of Ling Tian Chapter 42: Yang family action


  ”Add more people to go out, carefully observe the movements of the Ling family, the Wang family, and the royal family, and investigate all the actions of the three families before the incident. Report me to me regardless of the size! Yang Lei, you bring some The capable manpower went to the capital to guard the city. Investigating those people who came to Chengtian for nearly half a month, especially those from the south, take care of them! Yang Yun, quickly send someone to the Nangong house to inform the Nangong Patriarch of this matter, remember Report everything in detail, without any omissions.”

  Although suddenly suffered such a big change, Yang Kongqun is worthy of a generation of outstanding people. He quickly settled his mind, the matter has happened, and the person is dead; no matter what the consequences are, it is no longer important. Now that it happens, there is only to face it, and face it calmly, regardless of whether the result is good or bad.

   Yang Kongqun was not in a hurry, and sent out orders in a streamlined manner, without any chaos. Everyone in the Yang family, who was in a mess, heard the voice of Yang Kongqun’s command, and calmed down in an instant. Everyone stood quietly, responding to every instruction from Yang Kongqun, and bowed.

   Yang Kongqun stands with his hands behind his hands, looking at the night sky. He had already thought that early tomorrow morning, the entire capital would inevitably become a mess because of his own decision! The wind is rumbling, and the vegetation is all soldiers. Over the years, the true elite power of the Yang family will be exposed to the world for the first time.! Knowing that such a decision will inevitably arouse greater suspicion from the royal family, but Yang Kongqun now has no choice!

   put all the best, the purpose is not to chase the murderer. Everyone knows that the possibility of wanting to catch the cold-blooded murderer right now is infinitely close to zero. This is a gesture, a gesture for the Nangong family! It’s also an attitude for the people of the world! Your son was killed on my territory. You are sad and I am even more angry! I am using my greatest strength to actively solve the problem, and I am not negligent.

   also used this behavior to tell the Nangong family: Your son has to die, it was not our Yang family! In my Yang family, my Yang family’s ally has had an accident, and my Yang family will definitely give him justice. Even if there are serious consequences, the Yang family will not hesitate. This is the Yang family’s attitude towards partners!

   It’s a pity that I made a mistake and lost all the games!

  The only thing that exceeded Yang Kongqun’s budget, but what Yang Kongqun didn’t know was that the Yang family’s reaction had already been anticipated by Ling Tian. What kind of power Yang Kongqun showed at this exhibition is what Ling Tian is concerned about. of. It is also one of his main purposes.

   “嘤咛”, Nangong Yu woke up leisurely, tears streaming down her face. Yang Kong Qun sighed, slowly approached, white beard fluttering: “Nangong niece, this is the end of the matter, so please be sorrowful, should we let Brother Ling into the coffin first.” After thinking for a long time, he couldn’t say any words of comfort. Any words are so pale and weak to the family whose relatives suddenly died. In desperation, the only thing that can be said and done is to let the headless corpse into the coffin as a gift, but it is not possible to enter the earth. Nangong Le must return to the ancestral grave of the Nangong family to enter the earth for peace.

  , the pale-faced Nangong Yu slowly stood up with the help of the servant’s wife: “Thank you, Patriarch Yang, for your concern. If you don’t retaliate this hatred, you swear not to be a man!” Turning his head to the guard beside him: “Go with my second brother , But is there anyone who has come back alive?” Although the voice was still trembling, it was cold and murderous.

   “There are two more people, but they are both seriously injured, and they are still unconscious. Patriarch Yang is sending someone for first aid, but the injuries are too serious to be optimistic.” A guard bowed.

  ”Take me to see!” Nangong Yu faintly bowed to Yang Kongqun, “My niece retires.” Obviously, he didn’t mean to let the Yang family go with him. Obviously very suspicious of the Yang family.

   Yang Kongqun nodded lightly, looking at Nangong Yu’s far away back, his eyes deep. Although people died under the protection of my Yang family, my Yang family is certainly to blame. But now, only calmly face it. My Yang family has done everything possible to investigate and arrest the murderer. Although there is no result yet, I have done my best to ask ourselves. If you Nangong family have any dissatisfaction, doubts, or even turn against me because of this, then my Yang family also Not necessarily afraid of your Nangong family!

   “How? Are you awake?” Although I have heard the Yang family’s guard who fled back, Nangong Yu still believes in his family’s guard! Who knows that it’s not an excuse to support the family?

  ”Not yet. The two men are similar to most guards. They both have a sword in the chest and penetrate the back. The murderer’s attack is so fierce that it is rare in the world. If it weren’t for these two people, they were lucky. The swords were slightly strayed by half a point, and the two of them had already lost their lives like the others! Even so, the trauma was still too severe, and I was really not sure that I could save the wounded!” A doctor still had blood on his hands. , A polite answer.

   “Okay, let’s go out first.” After everyone retreated, only the Nangong family was left in the room.

   “With the power of one person, more than 100 guards were slaughtered with the effort of a cup of tea, and they were unharmed! Ha ha ha…” Nangong smiled very bitterly, “Four people go together, three sons of the Yang family Even the skin was not scratched, but my second brother lost his head! This matter is really funny!” Nangong Yu sneered.

   “Miss, what shall we do?” a close guard asked.

   “Take out my life-saving ginseng king, and give each of them one tablet!” Nangong Yu’s voice was extremely indifferent.

  ”Miss is compassionate to the guards, I can’t be thankful enough, but the ginseng king is the elixir of Hanshi, which is extremely precious, the two of them are too seriously injured, even if they take the medicine, it is mostly in vain, so why waste the ginseng elixir… …” Another close guard said.

  ”The ginseng king is the elixir of the world, even if it is a mortal person, it should be a moment of resurrection. These two people still have a breath, and only these two people may tell what happened in the end, so they don’t want to do it! “Nangong Yu urged

   “Yes, the villain will feed the medicine right away!” The close guard quickly took out a small box of Wenyu, and took out a whole white ginseng cut. This ginseng was given by Nangong Family Patriarch Nangong Tianlong for a hundred years. Join the king, really has the magical effect of resurrection.

  The guard took a jade knife, carefully cut off two small pieces, and put them into the mouth of the dying guard, waiting for the result.

   Wanmu silently waits for the rain!

   seemed to be a moment, and it seemed to be a long time, a low moan sounded into everyone’s ears, on the couch, a gap was slowly opened with the closed eyes of a seriously injured guard. Seeing Nangong Yu standing next to him at a glance, his dying eyes suddenly lit up!

   Nangong Yu was shocked and leaned down: “Li Gang, may you speak? I have something to ask you.”

   That Li Gang snorted **** phlegm rolling in his throat, breathing sound like a torn bellows, every gasp seemed to be extremely difficult, a pair of eyes fixedly looked at Nangong Yu, the expression in his eyes was eager, anxious, Grief, anger, worry; seem to want to say something, but can’t say it, trembling more anxiously.

   Nangong Yu’s eyes brightened, and he put his ear to his mouth: “Li Gang, what do you want to say? Don’t worry, the room is full of our own people, you can say it with peace of mind.”

   Li Gang’s lips moved up and down, but he couldn’t make a sound, his eyes were even more anxious. Finally, there was a grunt in the throat, a mouthful of blood mixed with blood clots flowing out of the lips, but finally able to speak, finally made a faint voice in the mouth: “…little…sister…”

   Nangong Yu’s expression moved: “I’m listening.”

   Li Gang’s voice was as weak as a candle in the wind, and it was so low that he couldn’t hear it if he didn’t pay attention to it, but the weak voice, when it was heard in Nangong Yu’s ears, turned into a huge thunder on a sunny day!

  ”…that…the killer…is…,…is the…people from the Yang family…for…for…the master’s plan for the…Ling family…little…miss…. .You…” The voice became weaker and weaker, and finally there was another “cuckling” in his throat. Li Gang broke off breathing, his eyes were still angry!

  While the King Ginseng had a miraculous effect~IndoMTL.com~revived the dying guard for a while, but after all, it was not the elixir of resurrection, and Li Gang finally died.

   It’s just that a few words before his death contained shocking news that was earth-shaking!

   Nangong Yu stood up, clasped his hands, as if he could no longer control the anger and resentment in his heart!

   For some unknown reason, Nangong Yu, who should have lost his mind, suddenly became indifferent again! Suddenly, Nangong Yu, who was about to explode, completely calmed down. From the extreme movement to the extreme quietness, everyone felt panic.

   Nangong Yu’s pretty face is cold, and his eyes are cold and murderous…

   beside her, another guard who was also seriously injured was in a coma, panting quickly, her throat seemed to be pulling a bellows, her body convulsed, and she saw less breath and more breath .

   Nangong Yu hesitated for a while, suddenly looked cold, turned her back, leaned her left hand back, and pressed her hand slightly, the guard’s eyes suddenly widened, and there was a “click” in the neck. Twisted off, and died without a word.

   In response to everyone’s surprised and puzzled eyes, Nangong Yu gently drew a white silk from her arms, wiped her hands slowly, and said indifferently: “If the Yang family knew we had learned of this conspiracy, I am afraid that all of us who came to Chengtian this time will die without a burial place. This person was seriously injured and his life will be long. We should not take this risk.”

   With a move of the jade hand, the snow-white silk scarf floats up, gently covering the eyes of the guard’s deathless eyes…

   Recommend a friend Feiyang Heizi online game book: “Make a Supreme”

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