Legend of Ling Tian Chapter 28: Profound blessings

Ling Tian had completely forgotten everything here, until that Yinliang~ disappeared into his mouth, he was still holding the jade piece in his hand to his mouth, reluctantly controlled it with force, and confirmed it. It was already a trickle, and it was a pity that it was put down.

“It’s so delicious! It’s so delicious!…” Grandpa Ling muttered to himself a little nervously, and he couldn’t help but greedily look around the stone wall, thinking that if there are more than ten or eight bottles. Drink it, how happy it is…

In infinite fantasy, suddenly a hot stream that could almost burn everything rose from the stomach, the huge medicinal power rushed unscrupulously in the meridians, Ling Tian suddenly flushed with his handsome face, and the bones all over his body were gridded. There was a sound, the golden crown of hair on his head “bang” burst, and the roots of a long hair were brushed upright, infinite pain swept like a frenzy of the sea, and completely submerged Ling Tian’s entire consciousness…

Ling Tian didn’t even have time to rise up the thought of resisting, he was fainted by the fierce medicine impact, and fell to the ground with a bang on his back!

The brilliance of Ling Tian’s body was suddenly released, and it disappeared in a flash. The huge medicinal power had already run through Ling Tian’s meridians spontaneously under the madness of no one, and swept Ling Tian like a ruin. All the meridians in the body, the invincible dragon-shocking magical power internal force meets this torrent, just like Can Xue meets the blazing sun, instantly disintegrating and dissolving…

Unconsciously, Ling’s body rolled around in pain in the stone chamber, his skin bulged up visible to the naked eye, criss-crossing meridians and blood veins were clearly visible, as if he was about to break through the surface skin, with sweat all over his body The pores were greatly opened, and a stream of thin purple-black liquid spurted out of Ling Tian’s body…

The temperature on Ling Tian’s body is getting more and more, and the skin is getting redder, and the blood is rushing in the blood vessels to be visible to the naked eye! A trace of white gas slowly emerged from Ling Tian’s body, becoming thicker and thicker, and in an instant it filled the entire stone room…

For Ling Tian, ​​the elixir and spiritual things to transform the body condition are not new, and it is not the first time. Whether it was taking the Great Huan Pill, the Dragon Internal Pill, or the former using two pieces of Tianxin Jade transforms the internal condition of the body, and has already experienced this process of washing the hair and cutting the marrow, but compared with previous experiences, the pain caused by this transformation is totally insignificant compared to the great witch!

Even with Ling Tian’s superb endurance that is beyond life and death, and can be compared to humans, he has actually lived and died several times! Was awake and fainted, awakened again in a coma, again comatose, and then awake is repeated. How many times do I have long remembered, his magical power that traverses the world, since his journey through the dragon, has never been disadvantageous. In the face of this super heat, there is no resistance at all!

This time the transformation with Tianxin Jade is different. Although the condition of the former is bleak and terrifying, the most important force has been absorbed by Ling Tian himself. The rest of the force is distributed and concentrated on the body surface. , Although the appearance was intact even though the body was wounded and there was no good spot, otherwise, even if there is a peerless medical skill to send Jun Tianli, it may not really be such a godless, three, five or seven days will make Ling Tian reborn and recover to the best condition !

If it is said that the previous transformation was skinning and deboning. So this time it was at least Ling Chi broken. And it is repeated over and over again. This statement is definitely not an exaggeration!

Fortunately, Ling Tian was mostly in a coma. Even if I wake up. He will also fall into a coma immediately. otherwise. Let him endure this tremendous pain in a sober state. Even with Ling Tiandi’s tenacity, he still couldn’t make it through. In fact. I believe that no one can bear it all through the ages. Even if it was just a short awake moment in Ling Tian. Ling Tian already felt tremendous pain. It is simply the sum of the eighteen layers of **** multiplied by one thousand…

Wan Zai empty green fairy milk. Is it waiting? When the owner of Shishidi found it. It is close to maturity. now. More than three thousand years have passed. In other words. This fairy milk has absorbed the aura of the earth for at least 13,000 years! Even though Ling Tian’s martial arts is high and strong, his internal strength is profound. But how many years did he cultivate after adding his previous and present lives together? This huge spiritual power energy did not directly explode his body on the spot, or even turn it into fly ash. You are already lucky!

Such a huge force. Even the world’s number one master Jiang Shan makes the Lord send Jun Tianli to swallow it. Only the ashes extinguished the underground field. of course. Peerless medicine with heavenly reason. It is impossible for others. Nor would he be as rash as Ling Tian. Naturally, there is a more appropriate and correct way to take it. Even made a lot of great elixir. How could it not waste the elixir like Ling Tian! Ling Tiandi skill is naturally better than sending Jun Tianli. There is also no profound medical treatment. But Ling Tian has one more word than sending Jun Tianli-“Luck”! Ling Tian really had so many favorable conditions that Ling Tian escaped this time of being crushed to death!

The first is that Ling Tian is, after all, a person who has experienced the baptismal crossing of the Nether Huangquan Road. Two lives are human. Really see through life and death. And the tenacity of the soul after two lives is far better than anyone in the world; secondly, Ling Tian had taken a lot of elixir to improve his skill. I have also used several kinds of blood ginseng ice lotus and other genius treasures to refine Dihuandan. The dragon inner pill has absorbed the essence of the sun and the moon for three thousand years. Those two items are also a kind of spiritual power in disguised form. So Ling Tiandi’s body. Not very repellent to this kind of spiritual power. It can even be said that I am used to it.

The most important point. It is that the Lingtiandi meridian was once used by two pieces of Tianxin jade, which is the yin and yang jade made by the master of this stone room, Jun Zhantian. Since Jun Zhantian made such an arrangement for this matter. Is it a completely useless arrangement? Ling Tiandi meridians were originally expanded by Yin Yang jade to the realm of being able to withstand this fairy breast.

Of course, Jun Zhantian didn’t expect that this fairy breast would be discovered after three thousand years, which means that he ignored three thousand years of pure spiritual power. With these extra spiritual powers, Ling Tian is still not immune, and will eventually be unavoidable, but Ling Tian really has “luck”, just before he died, he accidentally ate another piece of it and grew up. Wannian’s spiritual thing, Wanzai Huangjing…

Although Huang Jing also has ten thousand years of medicinal power, but because of its mild attributes, it does not have the lethal power of Wan Zaikong Qingxian milk. Instead, it directly reinforces the meridians that Ling Tian had originally expanded to the limit. Becoming more flexible, Ling Tian’s meridians have room for further improvement on the basis of their limits. With many coincidences, Ling Tian finally barely withstood this terrifying power and gained great benefits!

All of this, can’t help saying that Ling Tian is really lucky, and if he is lucky enough to “Ling Tian” change his life!

Anything is a blessing from heaven. Only when all of them are combined can we barely meet the harsh conditions for digesting this fairy milk. Ling Tian will meet all the ghosts and gods…

The whiteness of Ling Tian’s body is getting thicker and thicker. In the white white mist, there was originally some **** and fishy smell. It was the last remaining scum in Ling Tian’s body that was forced out, and now The white mist actually has a hint of refreshing fragrance.

The density of the white mist in the cave has reached the point where you can’t see your fingers. The skin on Ling Tian’s body is still like a fog-making machine, and white mist is constantly emerging…in the center of Ling Tian’s On his face, the complexion that was distorted by the extreme pain has slowly recovered, and gradually became calmer, but he still hasn’t woken up, and is quietly asleep…

If you send Juntian here, you may be able to take Ling Tian’s blast to look at the essence of the eternal elixir, so it’s been spoiled and wasted. These essences can be used correctly, and it will be unimaginable. benefit!

Time slowly passed by the white mist of the sky, and slowly no longer agitating parts attached to Ling Tian’s skin, as if forming a huge cocoon, crystal clear and magnificent……

Naturally, Ling Tian, ​​who was in the state, didn’t know, but at this time, the Tianfeng Continent outside had already fallen out.

Jade Manlou brought soaring strength and confidence to win happily came to Tianfeng Continent, focused on the Shui family, and under the tree, Ling Tianshu, his biggest opponent, entangled the entire Jade family for thousands of years. If these two powerful enemies can be eliminated in one fell swoop, the world is naturally within reach. How can you imagine that you will be surrounded by a lot of sudden troubles just when you get off the ship, you can imagine the depression.

The Shui Family was naturally hostile to their Yu Family. The Huangfu Family and the Song Family showed an expression of bitterness and enmity for no reason, making Yu Manchu angry! Deep down, Yumanlou felt that the strength he brought might not necessarily be afraid of these three, but it was an extraordinary period at this time. After all, the biggest opponent in Yumanlou’s heart was Ling Tian, ​​and the two had already settled the world. Gamble! How is he willing to use up his strength here inexplicably?

Destroying the Huangfu family and the Song family can be done with the strength of the Yu family, but it is bound to pay a very heavy price; plus the engagement with the Shui family, even according to the original plan, it can be partially Forbearance, there are bound to be casualties, then, I am afraid that even if all the top masters that I brought to Tianfeng Continent this time will not be buried here, they may not leave a lot of them. Even if I can finally get away and go back, I will be around the most. There are only two or three kittens left. Then, what will Yumanlou use to fight Ling Tian? That’s not called a war anymore, it’s completely an abuse!

So even if Yumanlou was helpless and reluctant, he had no choice but to temporarily suppress the monstrous anger in his heart, and first assist the two families to get the matter out of the question.

How to figure this out? The method is actually very simple, as long as you find the Shuntian League, everything will be solved. Therefore, in the few days before the two hundred years of the Shuiyu two families, the four companies jointly launched an action against the Shuntian League. Except for the Shui family and the Yu family, they must retain their strength and do nothing to work. The Huangfu family and the Song family have the support of the Shui family. They are determined in their hearts, and they will come out without fear.

After a few days of intensive search, only a few people were caught. All the characters above the hall master of the Shuntian League were gone, and even a powerful master was not caught, let alone the Shuntian League. The three most mysterious leaders, as for useful information, are even lacking.

Although this action did not achieve the expected effect, it succeeded in achieving another effect, which was to successfully arouse the anger of the Suncheon League, and the Suncheon League’s powerful rebound came back with endless blood pressure. Both the Huangfu family and the Song family received a **** gift: a human head! Of course, it was the head of the Suncheon League who had originally taken the hostage. Each family sent one, but how they were sent is still gone. When the two families were in grief, they also caused great panic.

But this is not the end, it’s just the beginning. Within a day, the business, shops, and ten capitals of the Huangfu family and the Song family were nearly devastated, and I don’t know where it came from. Countless big men in black savagely broke through these originally not

The place that the high-level attaches importance to, first was beaten, smashed and looted, and then went on fire after the incident, and then disappeared without a trace. After the two experts came to help, they could not even find a trace.

The business of each of these shops is of course trivial if it is individual, but the problem is that this time, two thousands of shops and hundreds of businesses within a radius of a thousand miles have happened at the same time. The impact on the two families is extremely huge when the result is less!

The Shuntian League just let go of the two most densely populated Bishui City, outside of Bishui City, and nothing was left out!

Faced with such cruel results, the two patrons simply wanted to cry without tears. No longer dare to arrest the people of the Suncheon League too arrogantly, in fact, it is equivalent to making a compromise.

All this was expected by Shui Mankong, the owner of the Sui family, because when the Sui family intended to deal with the Shuntian League that day, they encountered this set of toughest counterattacks, but it was not as before. The fierceness means that even if the Shui family’s thousand-year-old academy is not provoke by oneself, the Huangfu and Song families do not rely on their own ability to have the Shuiyu family as their backers. It is natural to pay the price to irritate the Shuntian League rashly. End, far from over…

Sure enough!

After a day of calm, everyone was figuring out how to get in touch with the Shuntian League and start negotiations, but the two masters in Clearwater City had an accident. The three elders of the Huangfu family were silently assassinated, and the Song family was not spared. There were also three clan masters who lost their heads inexplicably.

And this kind of thing happened in the clear water city that everyone thought was foolproof! In this way, not only the arrogance of the two families was completely wiped out, it was even equivalent to two slaps on the faces of Yumanlou and Shui Mankong. Because the two men agreed that in Clearwater City, the other party did not dare to offend. Unexpectedly, six **** corpses appeared soon after the two said these words.

This is simply~|!

While the two biggest family lords in this world were furious, the Huangfu family and Song family, who had originally clamored for the most powerful family, were unanimously silent. Shuntian League’s cruel methods made both families panic. Now the two families worry about whether their sons and wives can return safely. What they really want to worry about is whether their family will be ruthless by the other party. destroy!

Shui Man is okay. After all, he knows more about the consistent strong style of the Shuntian League, but Yumanlou is really a bit mad. The Yu family has always been the only one who respects me in the Tianxing Continent. Not going well, how not to be angry!

Of course, now Fu and Song family no longer doubt Yumanlou. Things have progressed to this level. As long as you are not a fool, you can see at a glance how absurd Huangfu Yanhan’s original guess is. If you offend the Yu Family for nothing, the crisis from the Shuntian League has become more and more serious.

Furthermore, Huangfu Yanhan and Song Tianqiao people are not in the mood right now, and there is no time to consider what will happen to the Yu Family if they offend it. After all, it is a long time ago. The Yu Family was before the battle or unified the world. It is estimated that they will not spare their hands to deal with them, and now the real worry is the Suncheon League. This is the biggest crisis of the two.

In the past few days, the two of them can see that neither the Shui family nor the Yu family have any interest in the matter of their two families. Although the two Patriarchs seemed to be angry and excited, they just stayed in anger and excitement. As long as the Shuntian League did not provoke the Shui Family and the Yu Family, Yumanlou and Shui Mankong would not act on the Shuntian League first. After all, no one dared to leave a chance for the mantis to catch the oriole. Therefore, it is impossible for the Huangfu family and Song family to get substantial assistance from the two families.

Now the two are eager to negotiate with Suncheon League, right! It’s just a negotiation, and even the two of them have already planned, as long as the other party’s conditions are not too excessive, just pinch the nose and agree.

On this day, the weather was clear and cloudless. But Huangfu Yanhan and Song Tianqiao’s hearts were gloomy.

There are still three days before the date of the battle between the Shui Family and the Yu Family. The arbitration representatives of the two great hermit sects in the Tianfeng Continent and the Tianxing Continent, the Supreme Heaven and the Heaven Waitian arbitration representatives have all rushed to Clear Water City. Immediately after being taken into the Shuijia Castle in the Middle Peak of Mokong Mountain by the Shui Family~IndoMTL.com~Shui Wubo, the number one master of the Shui Family, ended his seven-day retreat on this day and walked out.

Almost all the top masters of the two continents have gathered here! No matter which two people have eyes facing each other, as long as they are not in the same strength, it is a burst of sparks and a high fighting spirit. Even if the people of the two families are facing the two hidden doors, they are eager to try, and they have a taste of edge.

The atmosphere in the air is getting tense day by day. The faint **** killing air quietly rose up, and the gloomy mist shrouded the sky above the Shuijia Castle.

After only three days, the Jiazi War will begin again. Except for the arbitration representatives in the two hidden gates, countless people are about to fall asleep forever.

No one wants to be the one who fell!

Huangfu Yanhan and Song Tianqiao walked in with their subordinate masters cheeky. Both of them were worried that if they were still dangling outside, they might be touched by the other party’s head. They were really frightened! (To be continued, if you want to know what is going on, please log in to m, more chapters, support the author, support genuine reading!)

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