Legend of Ling Tian Chapter 21: Provocate 3 masters

After the song is over, the voice still wanders in the air freely, and it won’t break for a long time. A burst of light applause sounded softly from behind.

“Scented lips blowing plum blossom music, I would like to be like a jade flute! Chen’er, your flute skills are already in the room. Within three years, flute skills will surpass you and me.”

Turning around in the early hours of the morning, I saw Ling Tianyi wearing black clothes. Of course, the mask had been removed long ago. There was tender affection in his eyes, and he was staring at him for a moment. In the early morning, I couldn’t help but smile, and the bright moon in the sky seemed to lose its color. “The son will praise people. The son is pedantic. How can Chen’er have such extravagant hopes.” The tender voice was irritating.

Ling Tian smiled, stepped forward, and gently wrapped her fragrant shoulders: “It’s so late? Why aren’t you sleeping?”

With this question, my face blushed to my neck again in the early hours of the morning. When I was about to go to bed tonight, I suddenly remembered that I can truly be regarded as Lingtian’s woman now, so where would I be sleeping? Sleeping in Ling Tianfang? It seems unsuitable, but if you sleep in your room as usual, it seems equally unsuitable, at least not willingly. After thinking about it, the little girl was in a dilemma. In desperation, she had to wait for Ling Tian to return. However, he was afraid that Ling Tian would not find himself angry when he thought he went to sleep in the room, so he went to the yard and waited.

Ling Tian’s question was about the hardest and most shameful place in her heart in the early morning. How could she not be embarrassed and embarrassed? Ling Tian laughed softly, and instantly understood the feelings of Xiao Chen’s little daughter, and couldn’t help but laughed: “So Chen’er wanted to sleep until I…” Without finishing a sentence, Xiao Chen had already blocked her with embarrassment and embarrassment. Mouth, accompanied by a groan: “You…don’t say it!”

“Haha. My wife, how can I not sleep in my room?! Come…” Ling Tian laughed, suddenly leaned over, hugged Wee Chen’s light body, and strode forward boldly. He walked to his room and shrank into his arms with a “夒咛” in the early morning. I covered my face with my hands, I only felt that Qiao’s face was hot…

In the early morning, the three people in the guest room woke up almost at the same time. The movements of the three people were very consistent. They all groaned twice while holding their heads in pain. It was only after the groaning that the presence of the other party was suddenly discovered, and the three of them held their heads and looked at each other in a moment.




Two screams came from the two brothers Xue Leng and Xue Fei. The two brothers never expected. Appearing in front of my face early in the morning turned out to be the face I am most afraid of!

The other hum is naturally from the mouth of San Ye Yu Mantian. Immediately after. “Pengpeng” twice. Yu Sanye showed great power. The two guys who seriously lost the face of the Yu family kicked out one by one. Two painful calls sounded at the same time. Xue Leng and Xue Fei had their feet upright. Flew out from the door dancing and dancing. Fell heavily to the ground. More embarrassment, more embarrassment.

Over there. Third Master Yu had already driven out the door fiercely. Angrily roared like a violent roar: “I’ll ruin you two things. It’s a dull thing. You can’t move something when you see the wine. Something that’s greedy for something wrong…” San Ye completely forgot. . Yesterday I was in general with these two corrupt and useless things. It’s even worse…

The voice is in my ears. But I saw a person in white fluttering not far away. Shi Shi came. It was Ling Tian. There was a lovely smile on his face. He opened his greetings from a distance: “San Ye. Two brothers Xue; it’s early, haha. Come here. The weather is so good today. The sun is shining. Uh. The flowers are in full bloom. How about having a drink?”

The three found out that Ling Tian had just opened the mud seal while holding a jar of wine in each of his left and right hands. There was a burst of strong aroma of wine.


The three guys who are always addicted to alcohol suddenly retched at the same time! Looking straight at this wine, which is usually loved as life, at this moment, it is like looking at the killing of his father and enemy. Uh no, it is like seeing a wild beast. The eyes of the three martial arts masters showed fear at the same time.

Friends who have been drunk know that after a hangover, the most feared smell is the smell of alcohol. Right now, Yu Mantian and the other three were at the most uncomfortable moment when they had a splitting headache, and Ling Tian not only brought the wine, but feared that the three of them could not smell it, he opened the mud seal in advance…

Ling Tianhao sat under the grape rack in his leisure time. Before the table, he filled the four wine glasses with fragrant wine indiscriminately. His expressions were extremely enthusiastic, hospitable, and outspoken! “Three, come, the wine is now, the joy of life! Friends are also a joy, and friends come from afar, it is also a joy; a beautiful woman is on the side, and it is the joy of life; today we are one Get drunk! Don’t get drunk or return, please! Please please please! Please drink this cup together, don’t be polite with me!”

A series of enthusiastic greetings dragged these three lives onto a bamboo chair, with the general expressions on the three faces: like bereavement! Crying without tears! The Adam’s apple kept wriggling up and down, as if swallowing something. Uh, it’s not greedy, but there is a kind of intense vomiting…

“I am waiting for my duty, I have to take care of the little princess. I am waiting for my son’s good intentions and leave.” Xue Leng and Xue Fei brothers said these words at the same time, and then they were like installing under their buttocks. He jumped up like a spring, rushed out like a gust of wind, and disappeared in a moment.

Yu Mantian came back to his senses at this time, and was about to speak, Ling Tian already said over there, “Is it possible that the third master also wants to see the little princess?”

“Uh!” Yu Mantian sat back with his half-lifted **** and looked at the direction in which the two brothers Xue Leng and Xue Fei disappeared. He had already cursed thousands of times in his heart! The **** bastard, who just wanted to escape for his life, even left Sanye and me here! Actually gave me my reason first!

With a tragic and majestic look like sacrificing his life, San Ye was poured a few glasses of wine by Ling Tian as if drinking poison, and his head became a little confused. It seems that there are thousands of bees flying around his head!

In the early morning, letting a person with a hangover drink on an empty stomach, Ling Tian can actually do it!

Seeing that San Ye was almost there, Ling Tian suddenly sighed, seeming to be extremely sad. For some reason, Yu Mantian asked, “Hey! You kid, what do you sigh?”

Ling Tian sighed again and said: “Ling Tian used to sit on the well and watch the sky, and he was arrogant. I only learned today that there are people outside the world, and there are heaven outside the world. Only yesterday I learned that many great martial arts masters have already come to Chengtian. Almost all of these people have the courage of impropriety, which is really enviable! Such a character is a hero! The only regret is. I wonder who can be the veritable number one in the world?! “

Yu Mantian suddenly woke up half of his wine, and laughed proudly, and said, “It’s not a good thing to be brave, but it’s more than enough to deal with hundreds of brawny men who can only use brute force. Di! As for the number one in the world, hehehe, yes, there must be, but it’s not for you to inherit the sky!” Ling Tianyi talked about the super master, and the third master Yu took it for granted that Ling Tian was talking about himself, so he was a little humble. sentence. But his modesty is more appropriate than boasting.

Ling Tian frowned, seemed to disagree very much, but he was hesitant to speak.

Yu Mantian was startled: “Boy, just say what you have to say, what do you do with this bear-like appearance?”

Ling Tian smiled bitterly: “Of course, uh, I’m sorry to say that Sanye martial arts is pretty good, but those people are the number one masters in the legend, wow, the real number one in the world is not certain. , But it definitely exists among these people. This is unquestionable. Why Sanye still said that he is not in our Chengtian.” The implication is that what I just said is those real masters, you, better than them It’s too far!

Yu Mantian choked out of his throat with a sip of wine~IndoMTL.com~What? It was not me that this great master said? ! What is called “Sanye martial arts is not bad?” What is called “the legendary first master?”

San Ye’s hairy face was suddenly purple with anger! Actually look down on San Ye me! What **** ranks above me? What Yu Sanye hates most in his life is being looked down upon! “Who are you talking about?” When asked these words, the third master Yu held the wine glass tightly in his hand, and even a greasy green light appeared in his eyes!

Ling Tian didn’t seem to see or heard that San Ye was on the verge of an outbreak, he sighed regretfully, and poured another spoonful of oil on the blazing fire: “It’s not my little one. Look at San Ye, you must know that the people who came to Chengtian this time are all the top figures of each family, like the Ximen family. I heard that it is the second person in power in the family, Ximen, who is also known as the No. A master of Ximen has no hate; the Eastern family is a big figure in the Eastern family, Dongfang Jinglei; there is also the Beiming Qingtian from the Beiming family, the first master Bei Mingkong; the Nangong family is also a pivotal figure, I heard The Nangong Tianhu who has reached the pinnacle of martial arts came here in person. Which one of these is not a great master, even if it is not the best in the world, I think it is almost the same. I heard that you are the third person in the Yu family… …Uh, this…when I didn’t say, San Ye, don’t look at me like that!”

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