Legend of Ling Tian Chapter 146: Parting with you

Tian Leng smiled coldly, looked at Ling Jian, and said: “If you don’t have the ability to keep your face, you must save your life first; the face is a thing you need to pay attention to only after a certain strength and status. The body is Your own face is given by someone else! Don’t you think that you are now qualified to keep your face before Jiangshan Lingzhu sent Jun Tianli? If you do this, it will only be even more embarrassing!”

Ling Jian stood quietly, without any shame of defeat in his eyes, and said firmly: “Yes.

” After a pause, Ling Jian said word by word: “But one day, I will definitely have! “

“If you don’t have the courage to spit out the blood, you will really lose the qualification to challenge me again, but now I’m still satisfied, well, wait until then, you will come back to find your lost face Right, Haha Jun Tianli smiled very heartily, looked at Ling Jian, and said with a smile: “Killing is sometimes very interesting, isn’t it? “

Obviously, the sharp murderous aura on Ling Jian has aroused Tianli’s extremely strong interest.

Ling Jian pondered for a while, then looked at Sending Jun Tianli, and smiled consciously.

To be honest, Ling Jian smiled, even if it is not rare, even the very familiar Ling Tian, ​​Wee Chen, Ling Chi, Feng Yun Lei Dian and others are extremely rare to see Ling Jian smile, and today, Ling Jian actually gave an outsider Laughed! Rarely heard!

Ling Tian smiled when he saw this strangeness, and slowly walked to the place where the two of them had just stood, shook his head and sighed: “It’s a pity, it’s a pity that I have such a flat ground.” As he said, his right hand went down gently The force formed a small whirlwind that was visible to the naked eye. With a slight whirl, a large hole half a meter square suddenly appeared on the ground. The ground paved with hard rocks was silent between the two of them. A big hole was shaken out in the imposing competition, and the stones in the hole were all turned into powder!

A deep seal where Ling Jian is standing is like a knife and an axe! But the position where Tianli stood, but there was no slight change.

Looking at his two clear footprints, Ling Jian sighed lowly. Looking at Sangjun Tianli’s eyes, there was a hotter light.

This is the gap! Also Ling Jian’s target!

The next three days. Ling Jian. Early morning snow. Ling Chi. Wait for others or join hands in pairs. Or the three of them joined hands and don’t fight with Send Jun Tianli once. In the end, the four teamed up to fight Tianli once. Still failed to take the slightest advantage.

It is strangely. Ling Tian never made a move from beginning to end. And sending Jun Tianli is also very unexpected. From beginning to end, there was no intention to ask Ling Tian to take action. Ling Tian has been watching and thinking. Thinking about something. And Tianli looks up to the sky most of the time. I was also thinking about it. Two people move. It was almost exactly the same.

Three days later, Jun Tianli drank the heroic blood of spirits twice. Finally decided to leave. But before leaving. Tianli had a conversation with Ling Tiandi. But it makes most people fall into the cloud and mist.

Tianli: “I’m leaving. The time is not before. I won’t come again.”

Ling Tian: “Oh.”

Tian Li: “How long do you estimate you will need?”

Ling Tian: “About…five years, at most, six years.”

Tianli: “I’m quite confident! Then five years later, how about?”

Ling Tian: “Yes.”


Ling Tian: “Are we friends?”

Tian Li: “Are we the enemy?”

Ling Tian: “We are neither friends nor enemies. But we are rivals and partners.”

Tian Li: “Haha…”

Ling Tian: “Unfortunately, if… I will kill you!”

Tianli: “If… I will kill you too!”

Ling Tian: “I am waiting for you to kill me.”

Tian Li: “Each each other.”

When the two were talking, Li Xue, who was closest to Ling Tian’s realm, suddenly discovered that although Song Jun Tianli’s body did not release any fierce aura, it exudes another extremely dangerous and terrible aura. , This kind of breath would not be noticed if it weren’t for the passers-by who had actually walked Huangquan Road like Li Xueling, and Ling Tian didn’t seem to have any special movements, but the whole figure was still like an unsheathed divine sword. , Aggressive, seems to be attacking something.

Also, what the two people said seemed to have some cryptic meaning, as if they were agreeing on something, and they seemed to be testing something…

Obviously, the two men are embarking on a spectacular competition. Li Xue thought secretly in her heart. However, what kind of competition is it that even the person who knows Ling Tian best and knows the best practice exercises can’t see it?

Furthermore, Ling Tian, ​​whose cultivation base has greatly improved, is still faintly at a disadvantage in this competition.

So how high is the cultivation base of sending Jun Tianli? !

Li Xue frowned and began to think. For a long time, she suddenly raised her eyebrows and a shocked look appeared on her face. Could it be that their so-called contest turned out to be…

At this moment, the two of them had finished speaking the words that made others sound inexplicable. Tianli looked at Ling Tian with a meaningful smile, waved, and drifted away. Never looked back. His long figure, flying with the autumn wind, and the sky full of yellow leaves, and then suddenly disappeared, as if suddenly

Lost between heaven and earth.

Ling Tian stood with his hand in hand, looked at the figure where Tianli was hidden from the floating yellow leaf, and muttered: “You disappeared, but I’m still here. So, I will win.” Until then, Ling Tian His attitude and temperament returned to his usual natural and chic, but this change was very secretive. In the eyes of others, Ling Tian now was almost the same as Ling Tian just now.

After that, he smiled suddenly, shook his head, as if to throw something away, shook his head inexplicably, and muttered to himself: “Fun, funny person. I really…reluctant to bear it.”

Ling Jian watched the two talk, looked at the place where Tianli suddenly disappeared, looked at Ling Tian’s figure standing holding his hand, a fanatical light flashed in his eyes!

This is the peak power? !

In the early morning, Yu Bingyan looked at Ling Tian’s tall and straight figure, and her beautiful eyes showed a drunken look. It seems that it is just this figure that has already made the two women drunk…

The only thing that is discordant, Li Xue’s mouth was frantically, with a vomiting expression on her face, she muttered to herself: “Really…I can install 3! I’m doing it all the time! I can’t stand it… God, if you open your eyes, let’s thunder…”

After this matter was over, Ling Tian relocated to the Lingfu Courtyard, which truly began his most leisurely days in this world. Playing chess with a few stunning beauties every day, chatting, playing the piano, writing, painting… a day that typical gods can only enjoy!

Ling Tian completely turned a deaf ear to all the disputes with the outside world, and left everything to Li Xuemeng, Lige, Xiao Yanxue and others in the early morning. This unprecedented decentralization has caused everyone to complain. Especially Meng Lige and Wee Chen, the two of them are undoubtedly the most tired. They often go to Ling Tian to complain, and we finally have a thick chest to lean on. Meng Lige and Mr. Mengda can be counted as that person without this treatment. Damn, Mr. Meng Da is willing to rely on it, right?

Ling Tian’s answer is simple: If everything needs to be handled by myself, what do you do? I am responsible, only a few of you are enough. As for whether you are tired…what does it matter to me. If you don’t want to be so tired, you can follow my example and assign tasks, as long as it doesn’t affect the overall situation.

For this sentence, after listening to this in the early morning, he pouted and pressed his lips against the thick chest, spoiled for a while, and was relieved. Mr. Meng Lige, Mr. Mengda, rolled his eyes directly, turned around angrily, and left. With this attitude toward the lord, Mr. Mengda is definitely audacious!

Just kidding, everyone can do it, so why use me Meng Lige? If we can do this like you, it would be a big mess.

However, Meng Lige still admires the personality of Ling Tian that he doesn’t use and does not employ people. From ancient times to the present, there are very few monarchs with this kind of measurement, but all of them are people who have achieved great causes! Only those who do not love the absolute power can reach the peak of power! Working under such a master, even if it is a little bit tiring, I still feel very comfortable. Just because of this trust, I believe that there is no second person in the world to give.

So although Meng Lige is very tired, he is still very happy.

As for Ling Jian, Ling Tian just confessed: Are you not gearing up to get revenge from the Lei family? Leave enough strength for me, and let the other kids go out and practice. You can make trouble anyway.

In one sentence, apart from Ling Jian, the other eight killers were divided into two batches, and they happily took turns to kill one, especially the four boys from Fengyun Leiden, who were ravaged by the heavens some time ago. Broken, it’s their turn to ravage others this time! This made Ling Jian, who was in the other courtyard of the Ling Mansion, heartbroken, and he wished to bring Ling Chi back and replace him in battle.

During this period of time ~IndoMTL.com~The Yu Family also successfully destroyed the Wu Kingdom. Except for the Moon God Kingdom in the West, it has also unified half of the country. But if you want to pacify the Moon God Kingdom, because of the long distance and a dangerous and inexplicable desert in the middle, even with the huge strength of the Yu Family, you will never dare to rush troops for a while. What’s more, with the gradual arrival of winter and the end of the war, how could Yumanlou cross the desert and deepen alone in the midst of winter? That is the danger of the entire army being wiped out at every turn! To pacify the Moon God Kingdom, for the Yu Family, I believe that this will be a long process.

For the Lei family’s attack on the Ling’s family, Ling Tian just sent Ling Chi to send a letter to Yumanlou, which stated that Yu Bingyan was not in danger during the crisis and everything was in good health. On the other hand, it clarified the determination to destroy the Lei Family and warned Yumanlou and Yu Family not to interfere. This statement, Yumanlou agreed without hesitation. For Ling Tian, ​​this was also expected. The Lei family’s strength has completely collapsed, and for Yu Yuman Lou, there is no longer any use value. What’s more, the Lei family often sends people to the Yu family to cry and ask Yumanlou to avenge Lei Zhentian and others. Yumanlou has long been annoying. Does Ling Tian mean that he can deal with it by dealing with it?

So now that Ling Tian proposes to exterminate the Lei family, Yumanlou is in the middle. (To be continued, if you want to know what’s going on, please log on to wwwm, more chapters, support the author, support genuine reading!)

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