Legend of Ling Tian Chapter 12: Catch Zhou Sachet

   There is a long table in front of Ling Tian, ​​full of things. Weapons used for combat, such as swords, swords, halberds, bows, etc., accounted for almost half of the table. It shows that the Ling family’s hope for this future heir mainly depends on what, that is, hope that he, like his father, will be a majestic man. General of the Empire!

   Ling Tian glanced at these things, and he understood a lot in his heart. To be a general in the future? Ling Tian really didn’t think about this possibility? Since God has given me a chance to do it again, how can I be able to satisfy my appetite by being a general of a small country?

   The other things placed on the table look inconspicuous compared to the other things. The Four Treasures of the Study are necessary things, and there is even a small seal. Ling Tian smiled bitterly in his heart, and he really wanted to use it for performance. It seems that there is nothing above it.

  The small body stood on the huge tabletop, glanced at everything, but then turned his head; everyone around the table and looked at the table with interest The eyes of the child with pink makeup Yuzhuo gradually turned from great interest to surprise. This little guy, there are so many things that none of them is eye-catching! What does he want?

   There are many children who have seen Catch Week. No matter what you choose, you must always choose the same. Even if you fail to choose, other children will pick up some eye-catching toys and hold them in their hands for a while Put it down again, but everyone has never seen a Zhou Catch ceremony where a child chooses nothing and is not interested in anything. Everyone was secretly admiring: As expected to be the only heir of the Ling family, but this calmness is already commendable.

   Guifei Ling Ran let go of the arm of Emperor Long Xiang, brought a gust of fragrance, and came to the table next to his sister-in-law Chu Ting’er. He looked at his little nephew with playful eyes and asked, “Tian’er Choose nothing?”

   Chu Ting’er looked at her son nervously, little ancestor, you would choose one. Almost had to end up in person to choose for his son.

   At this moment, Ling Tian’s eyes lit up and he looked at Ling Ran’s waist, where there was clearly a sachet hanging! With a cheerful smile on Ling Tian’s face, he staggered towards his aunt Ling Ran.

   Ling Ran was overjoyed, and said: “Sure enough, Xiao Tiantian is still the closest to his aunt…Huh?” Before the laughter fell, it turned into an exclaim! He stood there at a loss: Ling Tian had already grasped the delicate and elegant scent hanging around her waist accurately and fiercely! White and tender little hands firmly grasped the sachet, but never let go! She was still screaming in her mouth and shouted, “I… want this!”

  Ling Zhan old lady has a black line on his face! Looking at Ling Ran fiercely, he almost had to punch the daughter who was a noble concubine on the spot.

  Ling Zhan has seen several aristocratic youngsters who grabbed rouge and gouache sachets and the like that they grabbed Zhou Zhou. Almost all those who grabbed this were ruthlessly mocked by Grandpa Ling! The prototype of a typical dandy dude! Today, I was afraid that this little ancestor would also come and throw out all these things that I had prepared, lest I would become the laughing stock of my colleagues. Even the sachets worn by the old lady, daughter-in-law, and maid were all taken off today. Grandpa Ling thought carefully and did not allow any mistakes. The precautions in the house were indeed foolproof!

   Thousands are counted, the only thing that is missed is this daughter in the palace. Today, the sachet worn on Ling Ran’s body can be said to be the only sachet that can be found in the entire Ling Mansion! Things turned out to be such a coincidence!

   The officials who were watching were mass petrified on the spot! Then came the uncontrollable laughter! Even Emperor Long Xiang, who was extremely uncomfortable because of the queen, couldn’t help but smile. Seeing the wonderful complexion on Ling Zhan’s face changed, everyone couldn’t help but laugh: Maybe, this is cleverness instead of being clever!

   Civil and military officials have discovered this since they came to Ling Mansion. Almost all women in Ling Mansion have no sachets on them. One or two can be said to be coincidences, but none of them indicates the problem. Up. Although everyone in their hearts is slandering this old immortal for serious cheating, who has the courage to say it on the spot?

   If the Ling family generously placed the sachet on it, then, even if Ling Tian was caught in his hand, everyone would at best be a joke, but the problem lies in the entire huge mansion in Ling Mansion today. Now that thousands of people would not have such a thing, Ling Tian was caught in his hands unexpectedly! And it’s still being worn by the noble concubine! Seeing the scene where the little guy’s tender face was flushed and he was about to catch it, everyone couldn’t help but laugh more.

   Chu Ting’er’s face was flushed, and she took a step forward to **** the sachet from her son’s hand; then, knowing that Ling Tian’s little hand was tightly held, Chu Ting’er couldn’t take it off! Ling Xiao watched his son and his wife scramble for the sachet, and couldn’t help being angry and funny, and said, “Forget it, he would hold it if he likes it.” As he said, he sighed deeply, feeling that his face was dull.

   Although it is not believed how much the baby of the Lord of the Week can achieve in the future, many people still believe this. Especially some officials who have been teased by the Ling Zhan father and son because their children caught Zhou, are even more happy! There was a brilliant smile on his face.

   Old man Ling Zhan let out a long sigh of frustration, stretched out his right hand, and pointed tremblingly at the imperial concubine Ling Ran, his mouth trembled for a while, and finally he stomped and walked out without saying a word. It seems that the old man was hit hard, and it is estimated that the feast later will not show up. Ling Xiao cried secretly: If the old man didn’t show up, wouldn’t it be that he had to bear all this by himself? Can’t help his face as earthy.

  Emperor Long Xiang coughed, and finally managed to hold back his laugh, and asked in a serious manner: “It’s not too early, I’m a bit hungry.” The words came out, it also expressed the feast of the Ling family. I can’t hide anything. The officials applauded one after another and were elated.

  Ling Ran saw this scene, already knowing that he was in trouble, thinking of his father’s stern face that was as dark as the bottom of a pot when he was leaving, he was very nervous. I was about to run away from her father and hurried back to the palace, but Ling Tian hung on her like a koala. His little hand just grabbed the sachet on her waist, and couldn’t take it off for a while. Next, he had to hold Xiao Lingtian in his arms. With a wry smile on his face, he sighed bitterly: Little things, little things, you can hurt auntie.

At the banquet, Ling Ran sat next to Emperor Long Xiang, standing high above the chief, but sitting on pins and needles. I just want to turn into a breeze and disappear without a trace.

  All the officials who came to congratulate me felt that this trip was worthwhile! Not only saw the two old men’s lips, but also the wonderful one directed by the Queen. In the end, it was even more pleasant. He always made fun of other people’s children for grabbing the sachet. Grandpa Ling finally took the fruit, and his grandson also grabbed the sachet. , And it’s the only one!

  In a happy mood~IndoMTL.com~All the officials are all smiling, laughing, appetizing, and drinking. In the hall, everyone exchanged cups and cups. After that, several military commanders could no longer care about the presence of the emperor and the noble concubine. They shouted five and six, so happy. As for the protagonist Ling Tian who caused such a scene, she was already taught by her mother Chu Ting’er back to her room…

  After three wine rounds, Ling Ran’s heart gradually settled down. After barely eating a few mouthfuls of food, seeing that the emperor Longxiang had already eaten almost the same, Ling Ran, who was unwilling to eat, clamored to return to the palace. Long Xiang always loved this imperial concubine so much. At this moment, he knew what she was worried about, and of course he agreed.

   has not yet said goodbye, a beautiful little maid turned out from the inner room, kneeling on her knees, and said: “The old lady said: I have not seen the concubine for a long time, and I miss it very much. I want to ask the emperor for permission. Niang Niang stayed in the mansion for a few days.”

   Ling Ran was shocked, her pretty face collapsed, she wanted to cry without tears. Long Xiang also gave a bitter smile, looked at her helplessly, and said: “Since the old lady asked, Xiao Ran, you should stay for a few days. Another day, I will send someone to pick you back to the palace.” Turning his head to drink and blush. Ling Xiao with a thick neck said: “Ling Xiao, the imperial concubine let her stay in the mansion temporarily. I will go back to the palace first. Uncle Ling is in a bad mood. Say goodbye to me.” He laughed and walked away. Got out.

   Watching the emperor’s figure go away step by step, Ling Ran’s mood was extremely gloomy. I had to follow the little maid who had come to report the letter, and walked in slowly.

   Not long after, a thunderous roar suddenly sounded… Everyone in the hall looked at each other, all of them couldn’t help but smile funny.

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