Legend of Ling Tian Chapter 113: Arrogant assassin

Xue quietly wiped away her tears, and forced a smile to herself: “What are you wondering?” The trembling voice is just how excited she is now.

How can Ling Tian know? With a pitying sigh in my heart, he hurriedly changed the subject and said: “I’m very surprised, our world is all monogamous, why are you not in conflict at all now?”

“Monogamy?” Li Xue laughed mockingly: “This is purely a lie, right? Brother God, you are also from a big family, don’t you know? Even some of our previous lives As far as the elders are concerned, which one has only one wife? Which one of the several elders does not live with at least three or five wives? And which one is outside with few outside rooms? Monogamy? You deliberately make me laugh, right? ?”

“Don’t say it’s our family members, even a small business owner, if you don’t have a lover, it’s embarrassing to say it! Even a small police chief, how can there be less good looks outside? “!” Li Xue chuckled: “If you have no money, no power, no talent, even if you are monogamous, you can’t find a good one. And the powerful, hehehe… I won’t say, you want to go. “

Ling Tian smiled thoughtfully, and said: “I’m not talking about others, I mean you, don’t have any thoughts in my mind?”

Li Xue snorted, twisted Ling Tian’s arm, and groaned: “Of course I have an idea! But what if I have an idea? Will you abandon other beauties because of me? You don’t need to answer this question, everyone knows it, I won’t really mind.”

Li Xue said angrily: “Furthermore, this world is already another world, which is to be strong. You are on the road of the emperor. If you only find a wife, the world will think you have something wrong. “

Ling Tian took a long breath and made a look of relief, and said in relief: “This world is so good.”

Li Xue’s eyebrows were raised, Xing’s eyes widened, and she suddenly asked aggressively: “Honestly, the reason you want to be the emperor is because of the seventy-two concubines of the Sangong Sixth Courtyard? Are there any newcomers?!”

“No!” Ling Tian was upright, shook his head solemnly, and said: “How is it possible? Am I this kind of person? Besides, the seventy-two concubines of the Sixth Court of San Gong, that’s a little bit less. ; At least three thousand beauties in the harem.”

“You! I killed you! I didn’t hurt you just now. I dare to be so arrogant!” Li Xue became angry. Pounced with teeth and claws.

“You said you wouldn’t mind. You bite me. I bite you first. Um…”

En. The two are biting each other. See no evil. Do not listen to assault. No evil… what…

Ling Tian is tender and sweet. Spring time is boundless. The battle of Dongzhao is already full of flames. Sorrow is everywhere. Desolate.

The Shenhudi army finally came into contact with Dongfang Jinglei. At the time, Dongfang Jinglei was being hunted and killed desperately by the troops belonging to the East Zhaodi Brigade. The subordinates who belonged to the area around him were no longer five thousand. And almost all of them were injured.

Then both sides didn’t talk nonsense, they charged almost at the same time, tumbling and fighting together.

Shen Hu’s meaning is very clear, to create the biggest war situation here. Create time for the East Devil May Cry Pass. Naturally, he refuses to talk more nonsense, and the more lively the game, the better, so that the more attention he will put in this aspect.

When the two sides were in a continuous battle, Ling Jian, dressed in black and black robe, quietly concealed into Dong Zhao’s thousands of miles of land, like a ghost, and like a sharp arrow coming out of the string. Into the hinterland of Dong Zhao.

His goal is the temporary residence of Emperor Dongzhao Emperor Dongfang Mingridi. Yanyang City!

Outside Yanyang City, the temporary capital of Dongzhao.

The sunset is setting, and the autumn wind is bleak. The boundless and dim black is about to dominate the earth again.

Ling Jian hidden in a bush, his indifferent face was as usual, expressionless. Looking at the majestic and solemn city in front of him like a binocular eagle falcon, just like a **** standing among the nine clouds, ruthlessly overlooking the earth.

Following Ling Tian out this time, especially the moment when he climbed to the top of the mountain behind Ling Tian, ​​Ling Jian had a lot of insights. Even after facing Li Xue’s almost humiliating contest, he never made progress. His kendo successfully broke through the solid bottleneck at that moment!

Especially, at the moment when he witnessed the huge mountain that once stepped under his feet collapsed, Ling Jian also felt in his heart that a long-term obstacle suddenly collapsed!

There are only things you can’t think of, nothing you can’t do!

From that moment, Ling Jian’s eyes were bright, and the road ahead was infinitely bright. Ling Tian once taught him swordsmanship, swordsmanship, boxing techniques, body techniques, and all the exercises. At that moment, it was like a clear stream that flowed slowly in Ling Jian’s heart. All the previous ones were puzzled. , All the questions came through at that moment, without any hindrance.

At that moment, Ling Jian had a subtle feeling of suddenly enlightening and becoming a Buddha!

At that moment, Ling Jian soberly realized that his martial arts had taken another big step forward. If it was this time to face Li Xue again, Ling Jian was confident, even if he didn’t dare to win, he would definitely not Lost!

This is a breakthrough in the realm and a revival of confidence!

Ling Jian’s confidence reached its peak again at that moment, a brand new peak!

He dared to challenge anyone again, any strong in the world!

On Ling Jian’s thin shoulders, a section of black sword hilt protruded obliquely. On it, a touch of black sword spikes slowly fluttered, like a devil’s flag, slowly flying, sharp fangs, already exposed come out.

Ling Jian finally stood up slowly from the bushes, with cold eyes, like two indestructible swords, looking towards the black and heavy city in the distance.

The boundless darkness suddenly reigned over the earth at the moment he stood up!

Ling Jian usually swept across the wasteland at high speed with a touch of green smoke.

The eyes with a sneer, seem to have predicted that there will be boundless blood in Yanyang City tonight!

No more lonely tonight!

Even with Ling Jian’s indifferent temperament, his blood boiled over.

In the past ten years, Ling Jian has been in charge of the first floor at a young age, and he has traveled almost all over the world, from an unknown small assassin organization to today’s first floor in the world, and the assassin’s name is even more famous. Through the world, no one knows, no one knows! But I never knew that the leader of the world’s number one killer organization was such a young man!

In the past ten years, the number of dead souls under Ling Jianjian is more than ten million? The boundless killing had already tempered Ling Jian’s nerves! In the idle situation, even most people change their colors in horror, in Ling Jian’s eyes

It’s already commonplace, and Gujing doesn’t wave.

In this world, there are not many things worthy of Ling Jian’s discoloration. Fastest update htt

It’s worth noting that Ling Jian cares about the locals, and it’s even rarer. No matter how difficult the task is, Ling Jian has never flinched, and has never missed it!

Ling Jian has absolute confidence in killing people, no matter who it is. Long-term victory has already cultivated all the victories in his eyes! Even when facing Yumanlou that day, Ling Jian stepped forward with absolute confidence, without a trace of excitement!

Because Yumanlou is no more than the head of a family! Even though he, the Patriarch, is more noble and majestic than all the monarchs in the world! But he was always just a Patriarch, and over the years, there has been more than one Patriarch who died under Ling Jianjian. Ling Jian was already a little numb to the words Patriarch.

Although that day was almost defeated and killed on the spot, Ling Jian is stronger today. I believe that Ling Jian will never fail again! There are no people in the world who Lingjian dare not kill!

Now that Ling Jian is about to assassinate the land, it is a higher-level existence, the king of a country and the lord of the Eastern Zhao, Dongfang Mingri!

This is really different in Ling Jian’s senses. It is rare to be excited before murder in his life, and it has already emerged in advance. Ling Jian killed countless people, and he had killed everyone. Down to the traffickers and pawns, up to the officials of a country, there was blood dripping under Ling Jianjian. But the only one who has never killed the king of a country!

Originally, there was a chance to slaughter the Northern Wei imperial family, but because he wanted to kill the Northern Wei prince Wei Chengping himself, he missed the opportunity. Ling Chi seized the opportunity to kill the Lord of a country. No difficulty!

But Ling Jian always regretted it.

But now, the opportunity has come again! If he succeeded in beheading the Eastern Zhao Kingdom under the protection of the Eastern Zhao’s layers, Ling Jian would have a great sense of accomplishment. And what Ling Jian pursues is the emptiness that arises in his heart when this sense of accomplishment emerges from the bottom of his heart.

Only at that time, is Ling Jian the happiest time.

Just as Ling Tian killed his Patriarch in one fell swoop in an extremely powerful Eastern family that day, what a delight!

Ling Jian seems to have seen Dongfang Mingri falling under his sword, blood flying across, his head thrown high, and then he was grabbed in his hand.

If this assassination can be completed perfectly, then Ling Jian’s next target will be the number one master in the world, giving you Tianli!

Under the cover of night, Ling Jian didn’t even pass the city gate. He jumped several feet high as if stepping on a ladder without even passing through the city gate. He leaped several feet high, interacting with his feet, like a **** bird, quietly He flew onto the city wall, and then unconsciously used the shadows everywhere to avoid a dozen groups of soldiers patrolling by Dong Zhao, and walked leisurely on the wide streets of Yanyang City.

The city of Yanyang at night is silent, like a dead zone, because it has just entered the night, even the watchman who strikes the time has not come out. Compared with the prosperous places such as Chengtian City, Mingyu City, and Jinbi City, Yanyang City is really a bit small.

Occasionally, a few groups of soldiers patrolled with swords and guns staring at them. Ling Jian also hid in the shadows at will. Several patrol soldiers even wiped Ling Jian’s clothes in the past, and there was no response at all. I didn’t expect that the most terrifying killer on the mainland would be just a step away from him. If it is time to know, I am afraid these people will be scared to sleep for months. This is no different from passing by with death?

For those occasional encounters, Ling Jian even made preparations for murder, but the few patrolling soldiers actually walked over with such talk and laughter, Shi Shiran was extremely natural. Even when you can see Ling Jian by tilting your head, those guys just stalked their necks and passed by blowing cowhide…

This even made the first killer who was ready to kill someone depressed. Such soldiers, such patrols. Ling Jian even felt that he could bring 10,000 people in silently, and he guaranteed that these stupid big men would never show up.

It’s myopia!

Or simply ignore it!

At the time when the war was full of flames, the guards here were so relaxed! Ling Jian couldn’t help but marvel at his assassination. It is not difficult to train elite soldiers. Only time and skill can make a team of elite soldiers the embryonic form in a very short time, and then just a battle baptism, the elite soldiers can be fresh out.

But it is a bit puzzling to spend countless money and food to cultivate a mob. Even if you don’t understand military training anymore, you shouldn’t have trained such a group of pig-headed soldiers, right? So Dong Zhao’s officer in charge of training soldiers and horses is really capable.

Ling Jian secretly expressed admiration in his heart. Those Dong Zhao officers can actually admire the world’s number one killer. I don’t know whether they should be proud or sorrow for them? ! .

The ghost usually wandered around the city for a few times. Ling Jian has basically determined from the strictness of the guards that the Dong Zhao Emperor Dongfang tomorrow will be temporarily settled in the Yanyang City City Lord’s Mansion, and the City Lord Mansion will naturally become a temporary Earth Palace.

Now that the target has been determined, Ling Jian began to step on the terrain, set the approach, and check the retreat.

There are quite a few teams patrolling in Yanyang City. Several times they almost encountered Ling Jian, who had disappeared. This fearful feeling made the Killer Ling very uncomfortable. Later, he jumped out blatantly. Looking east and west, where is the most appropriate place to enter, and where to retreat after the assassination is complete, there is no trace of it. If you are injured, which direction should you escape from? There is a blind spot in that direction…

I really don’t know if we should praise Ling Jianyi for being brave, or should he be stupid and bold? !

In the end, Ling Jian even untied the long sword from his back and measured it with the long sword as a ruler. While he was taking measurements, a group of patrol soldiers, Ma Wuqiao, came across, and the dim light of the dim yellow lantern was shining on Ling Jian.

Ling Jian was a little depressed, so he stood up straight without evasiveness. He was not happy, killing a few people and relaxing, he could also consider. As for alarming Dongfang Tomorrow…the alarm will be alarmed, and it’s not a big deal. At most, it will increase the difficulty when I assassinate the ground again, but it just happens that I get into that kind of life and death situation again to find myself feeling.

Ling Jian held the hilt in his hand and watched with cold eyes as a patrol team of more than 20 people walked straight towards him, his eyes getting colder and colder, he was about to pull the sword out of its sheath!

At this moment, unexpectedly, something happened to Ling Jian that made Ling Jian laugh or even furious.

The leader of the team approached slowly with the lantern, see

Without dodge, I saw him dressed in black, holding a long sword and looking at the bully, a masterful manner, looked at him with a little surprise, just before Ling Jian was about to draw a sword to kill someone. At that time, the captain nodded and bowed to Ling Jian, and said flatly: “The sir is working hard.”

Ling Jian was dumbfounded, and furiously said: “Do you recognize me? What is the chief? Hmm?”

The captain bowed in a low voice and said: “The sir is calmed down and his subordinates will leave immediately. They will never disturb the adults. Please forgive me, the sir.”

Ling Jian was depressed for a while, so he grabbed his sleeves, pointed at himself and gritted his teeth and asked: “Have you seen me!? How can I be so sure that I am your chief? How can I be so careless! I can tell You, I am an assassin, come to assassinate the assassin of the lord! Understand?”

The captain laughed twice, wiped his cold sweat with his arm, and laughed: “You really can tell jokes, you can tell jokes, hey, hey.” After thinking about it, he nodded and said with a bow: “Look at The commander’s posture, that is haha, the absolute master of the palace; how can I wait for someone blind to recognize the commander as an assassin? Besides, if there is a commander here, which assassin dare to come? Please don’t be happy! If an adult wants to find someone happy, the young one will find two smart and handsome for the adult!”

Ling Jian was stunned by what he said, and let go of his clothes in surprise. He suddenly understood the meaning of what he said, and shouted angrily: “Bah, what are you fart! Look at what you guys are like. Well? Is this patrolling or shopping? Just patrolling, what can you show? A bunch of bastards! Even if the assassin gets under your nose, you won’t recognize it! Why don’t you get out of here?!”

“Yes, yes, let’s go under the mark, let’s go, hehe, hehe.” He nodded and bowed again, and then the whole team made a big gift to Ling Jian and hurried away.

An angry bass came from a distance: “Grass! I dare to say that I am a stubborn eunuch, isn’t he a dead **** without a seed? He comes out every day to pretend to be a ghost, and he wants to fool Laozi?*, even if I am a stubborn, bad Planting is better than this kind of dead thing without eggs. I know that it is harmful to children all day long. Bah! There are still faces to say that we are really looking at people through the cracks of the door and beating people.”

“The captain is wise, if it weren’t for the cleverness of the captain, I really don’t know how to deal with the dead **** who plays with children…”

“That’s right, at the sight of that dead face, except for those from the palace, there is no one else; the poor stupid hat really thought that putting on a **** would really turn into a turtle… It’s ridiculous! “

“Hahaha…” There was a burst of laughter.

The eunuch? No eggs? Playing **** with children? ! Become a turtle with a bastard? ! ! !

These words made Ling Jian, the world’s No. 1 killer mouth, slanted, his hands and feet cold! Am I good for this? !

I was about to turn around to find the bad luck of this group of bastards, but they have disappeared. Obviously, after getting rid of Ling Jian, these people are afraid that this **** will have something to do, don’t really want to go and search for it. Tong Qu Le, in order to avoid trouble, he has already swiftly turned a corner…

Ling Jian hummed heavily, the face of the rigid coffin that hadn’t changed for thousands of years was flushed with anger, and he couldn’t help but slashed his sword against the wall beside him.

There was noisy footsteps, and another group of people came over. Seeing Ling Jian standing proudly in the middle of the road, they were taken aback. Then, as if they had seen a devil, more than twenty people all saluted. The two sides of the division were attached to the corners and quickly slipped away…

Ling Jian smiled back with anger.

This Dongzhao’s Yanyang City is too…fuck!

This cannot be blamed on the patrolling soldiers for failing to perform their duties, it is really the trouble that Dongzhao Kingdom has brought out by itself.

Before the Dongfang Jinglei incident, a team of kendo masters with a strong lineup was sent to assassinate the king of the Eastern Zhao Kingdom, Dongfang Mingri; it caused great riots in the Eastern Zhao Palace, and it was precisely because of this team of people. When Dongfang Jinglei was messing around inside the palace, he brazenly made a mutiny and expelled the entire royal family to Dongfang Mingri from the capital in one fell swoop.

The deaths and injuries caused by this team of assassins to the Eastern Zhao imperial family are immeasurable. Most of the harem beauties are people who have no power to bind chickens, so they are naturally cut and killed by these martial arts masters. Without the ability to resist, Dongfang Tomorrow’s favorite concubine was sacrificed on that day. As the ruler of a country, Dongfang Tomorrow, after performing profound martial arts to kill several people in succession, finally suffered serious injuries under the enemy’s life-for-life style of play.

This assassin incident finally sounded a great alarm for Dongfang Tomorrow! Dongfang Mingri truly realized that even in the inner courtyard of the imperial palace, it is very unsafe for such martial arts masters who can go high and high.

Since being expelled from the capital for this matter, it has become the biggest shame of the East in tomorrow’s life! As the prince of a country, is it tolerable or unbearable to be forced by a rebel like a bereaved dog?

The reason is that Dongfang Mingri naturally understood that it was all the chaos caused by the assassin that day that led to the success of Dongfang Jinglei’s rebellion. Dongfang Mingri immediately hated the two words assassin and was extremely jealous.

Since coming to live in Yanyang City, Dongfang Tomorrow has immediately launched an anti-Assassin activity~IndoMTL.com~Well, that is to let the masters of the inner court often wander outside in black and mask, and then completely arouse With the guard’s vigilance, everyone was more conscientious and did not allow any assassins to get in.

This is also an exercise. In short, it is prepared!

Naturally, the court masters silently entered the palace for the assassin that day, and was inevitably severely punished by the emperor; they naturally also had resentment against the imperial army outside, when they wanted to, Naturally, the guards were useless, so that the assassins were mixed in. All of them were indignant for the guards’ negligence but the punishment for themselves and others.

Now that I have received the emperor’s order to guard against the assassins in an upright manner, I will naturally not let go of this opportunity to avenge my personal revenge. These days, I have exercised and practiced with excuses and have actually abused the Guards more than once. , And some people in the inner court were physically mutilated and mentally perverted. They caught handsome sergeants and played a game, but some sergeants had no complaints. Over time…

This has directly led to a consequence: The current imperial guards, especially the younger sergeants, as long as they see those wearing black night walkers are like seeing the plague god, they rush to avoid them. Especially Ling Jian looked looking for fault, standing in the middle of the street with a big look, holding a long sword and making open gestures…Who has ever seen such an arrogant assassin?

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