Legend of Ling Tian Chapter 103: Devil May Cry Pass

Update, for the sake of completeness, there will be no chapters. >

“A Jian, stand here!” Ling Tian ordered gently.

Ling Jian took a few steps forward cautiously and stood quietly behind Ling Tian, ​​still keeping a distance from Ling Tian’s position. With Ling Tian, ​​looking far away.

“Standing on this, what did you see and what did you think of?” Ling Tian looked indifferent, standing with his hands behind him, still not turning his head, his voice was soft, just like gossiping.

Ling Jian’s eyes were like swords, lightning swept across, thousands of miles around, all in his eyes, the turbulent mountain breeze continued to raging, and Ling Jian’s heart suddenly filled with pride! Although he didn’t say a word, Ling Tian could still feel the excitement of the stormy waves in his most loyal subordinate.

“This position is the highest point within hundreds of miles around!” Ling Tian smiled faintly: “Looking at it from this extreme, the four fields are thousands of miles away, all in the eyes and under the feet! “

“If you are a mortal, standing in this position, you can’t help but sigh and admire the wonders of the heavens and the earth, and even fear, or even fear, unconsciously worship the heavens and the earth! If a person who desires the pinnacle of martial arts stands here and feels Most of it is loneliness; especially for people at the level of Sending Jun Tianli, if he is standing here now, he will only feel extremely lonely, the kind of loneliness that is extremely proud. Therefore, if he is standing here, he will think of me . Thinking of when I can stand on such a high place.

Then, fight him. “

Ling Tian laughed and said the above paragraph in a certain tone. “But I’m standing here now, what I think about is the picturesque country under my feet, trillions of creatures, I have trampled under my feet! Do you know? I must conquer the world alone! I never have in my heart. Loneliness, only pride, only pride!” Ling Tian glanced at Ling Jian, then smiled and shook his head: “You won’t understand, what is thinking in my heart.”

Ling Jiandi really didn’t understand, just because what Ling Tian was thinking now was already beyond the scope of people in this world. He only knew that his son, his always cold eyes at this moment turned into the most exciting blood red!

At this moment, the earth is above the sky. There was a strong excitement in my heart. Strongly impulsive. He wants to be at this pinnacle. Loudly, facing the whole world, facing the thousands of creatures under their feet. Wanli Jiangshan. Shout out loudly: I am Chinese! I am Chinese! I am Chinese! ! !

I do not belong to your world! But I will definitely conquer your world!

Who dares not accept? !

Take a deep breath. Suppressed the turbulent emotions in his heart. Ling Tian finally calmed down. Although his expression, his posture has never changed. But his mood has gone from plain to intense and then back to plain.

He exhaled a bit of stale air in his chest. Ling Tian gave Ling Jian a warm look. Faintly said: “A Jian. Remember your current position. When we truly stand on the pinnacle of this world. Your position. Just behind me. Only one step away! Only one step away!”

Ling Jiandi’s pale face suddenly flushed.

Ling Tian smiled and looked at him, and said, “However, in such a position, it is not a simple assassin who only knows how to kill. However, I hope you can stand here forever. Do you understand? Can you promise me to stand here forever?”

Even under the harsh mountain breeze, a thin layer of sweat broke out on the tip of Ling Jian’s nose. He nodded heavily and said: “Being able to stand behind the young master is the glory of Ling Jian’s life! I will stand in this position.”

Ling Tian chuckled: “You know? As far as the realm is concerned, I and Sending Jun Tianli are almost the same. What I lack is nothing more than accumulation. But I am standing here now, but I will not be alone, because Behind me, there is you, so I will not have this kind of loneliness.”

“The realm of loneliness is the greatest torment for people like us!” Ling Tian looked at Ling Jian and said seriously: “I don’t want to have the opportunity to taste this loneliness, so you have to come on. .You can’t make me lonely, you know?”

Ling Jian’s cold, cold face finally thaws, and there is some choking in his throat.

Ling Tian looked at the white clouds floating in front of him unnaturally, and seemed to shuttle past his waist, as if he was in the heavenly palace, he couldn’t help but smiled vaguely, and suddenly remembered that paragraph in his heart. Lyrics:

The earth is under my feet,

The country is in my hands,

Who dare to talk more?

Who is razing the six nations?

Which unity dominates?

Who has a record higher than the lone family?

High on the top,

Look, everybody,

My country is beautiful and picturesque;

Mountaineer walking in the fog,

Pointing to the sky and scolding,

Who can boast of me?

Qin Shishi,

People are here,

I won the world of chic,

Stubborn stone carvings,

Preserving history,

Tell me how to master me! (This is the theme song of the TV series “Qin Shi Huang”. It is very powerful and interested friends can listen to it.)


Ling Tianbei feels pleasing to the eyes and fascinated! Only the song that belongs to memory is played back again and again in the mind, the neigh of the golden horse and the iron horse, the majestic and passionate music, the soaring pride, the peerless domineering!

Ling Tian pursed his lips, the sharpness in his eyes, at this moment, it was amazing!

Let me Ling Tian here, and take away all generations of chic! Let all the later generations extol how I smashed!

Dong Zhao has completely messed up into a pot of porridge!

As Dongfang Thunder unexpectedly and powerfully seized the position of the head of the Eastern family, and then used thunder to eliminate dissidents, just when everyone believed that Dongfang Thunder would inevitably settle for a period of time, keep a low profile, and quietly develop its strength. Jinglei’s next move caused everyone to lose their eyes once again!

He actually pulled up all the soldiers and horses of the Eastern family and rebelled openly! This is obviously a arrogant act of life and death, in the eyes of everyone, nothing is self-defeating!

However, even more outrageously, the first wealthy merchant in the capital of the Eastern Zhao Kingdom, Wu Sansan, the formerly indisputable wealthy idler, Wu Sansan, unexpectedly chose to ruin his family to support Dongfang Jinglei, and the strength of the two families is added. At the same time, it is by no means as simple as one plus one equals two, just as if the strongest chemical reaction was produced, and the Dong Zhao Emperor Dongfang will be driven out of the capital tomorrow with the strongest strength!

Then the two sides started a continuous battle! Seeing back and forth, Dongfang Jinglei uses the Dongfang family

The accumulated strength, as well as the massive wealth support of Young Master Sansan, gradually grew bigger and bigger. The first response was several cities in the surrounding areas. All generals belonging to the Eastern family have risen and marched toward the capital. This situation has spread to the whole Dongzhao country in just three days. Almost every city has two people fighting and bleeding! For a while, there was smoke everywhere in Dongzhao territory, and the chaos was in chaos.

Three days later, the power of a family is still not comparable to that of a country. First, the third son and his family disappeared, and then Dongfang Jinglei was also driven out of the capital. However, the power belonging to the Dongfang family is like a century-old worm , Dead but not stiff, burning, killing and looting all the way, just like a locust crossing the border, with a billowing chaos, all the way west.

Shen Ruhu’s army on Chengtian’s side also suddenly moved. First, 30,000 elite troops were separated, and the flags swarmed in the direction of the eastern thunder fleeing, and they killed them forcefully. Be sure to follow the arrangements of Lord Ling Tian to pick up the people who thundered the East.

Dong Zhao’s actions first ignited the chaos of the whole world!

At the moment when Dongzhao’s chaos just started, it was as if an appointment had been made in advance——

The 200,000 troops in the hands of General Ling Xiaoling had been inactive for a month, suddenly thunder broke out, and when they acted, they were like a mountain whistling a tsunami, rolling forward! All the way to attack the city, the soldiers will guide the Zheng’s capital Jinbi City! Along the way, all the resistance forces were exactly the same, the leading generals lost their heads inexplicably, and then the dragons were defeated all the way without a leader.

Ling Xiao’s army hardly encountered any effective resistance, and there was no major loss. They marched all the way, and in only four days, they were killed under Jinbi City! It even surrounded Nanzheng Capital City in groups, and then immediately launched the most fierce siege war without stopping for a moment!

We didn’t even leave Nan Zheng Junchen a little time to negotiate! It is clear that Nanzheng will be exterminated and surrender? can. But you must surrender immediately and never accept any form of negotiation. If you want to surrender, simply put down the suspension bridge and open the city gate to admit that you are surrendering. If you want to send someone to negotiate? Sorry, let’s kill one by one.

Although the battle situation is temporarily stalemate, it has already shown a lopsided situation.

Almost at the same time, the 150,000 army of Xiaojiatun troops at Sunset also rushed in and rushed into Nanzheng. If the Ling family did not move, they naturally did not move, but the Ling family was already about to capture Jinbi City. If the Xiao family still did not move, they would have watched Nan Zheng fall into the territory of the Ling family. At this moment, the Xiao family would naturally not let go of the great opportunity to fish in troubled waters!

Even if you can’t confront Ling Xiao’s army head-on, you still have to reap some benefits! Divide Nanzheng this big cake into one portion.

Naturally, the Xiao family’s army stationed on the border of Dongzhao originally came from afar under the banner of helping the friendly forces. After the Dongzhao civil strife began and the situation became uncontrollable, it completely revealed its hideous features. With swords and swords, from a polite guest gentleman to an all-evil robber and bandit, there is only one purpose: the big cake of Dong Zhao, our Xiao family must share it. And pick the big pieces!

Naturally, the biggest move was Xiao Fengyang and Xiao Erye’s middle road army. With an order, he brazenly killed the Chengtian Devil May Cry Pass, and at the same time separated an army of 20,000 people, and proceeded fast along the northeast route. Attack Shen Ruhu with Dong Zhao’s headquarters in the vest! In fact, it echoes the Xiao family’s army in Dongzhao, and obtains the greatest benefit!

It’s just that at the beginning of the battle on the Devil May Cry Mountain Pass, Erye Xiao, a master of warfare, felt something was wrong!

This is the touch of an excellent art of war!

The original plan of this attack was just a feint, in order to cooperate with Meng Ruoyun and his party’s attack on Ling’s family; naturally, if favorable news is received, then it is expected that it will immediately turn into reality. It is a variable in the plan.

All wars have started, and the flames are coming from the sky; if Meng Ruoyun succeeds in the Chengtian local area, then Xiao Erye dare to take this opportunity to swallow Chengtian, Nanzheng, and Dongzhao all in one fell swallow!

The most taboo Ling Tian is still being hunted down. What a great opportunity this is!

Xiao Fengyang didn’t know that such a crazy plan was actually not only thought of by him, but another person had already made arrangements. The plans of the two were the same crazy, but the latter’s plan also included Xiao Fengyang himself.

The key to the mountain pass, which was supposed to be within easy reach, was met with extremely tenacious resistance from the defenders of the Ling family. It was really out of Xiao Fengyang’s plan, not to mention the easy acquisition in the previous plan!

In Xiao Fengyang’s entire layout, Yamaguchi’s guard was originally Wang Taifu’s person, and was naturally the inside line of Xiao Jiadi. Before the attack, Xiao Fengyang had issued an agreed order, which made him pretend to resist, and then he was defeated. , The Xiao family’s army again pursued and killed, and then took the opportunity to swept all the way into Chengtian. The guard in the pass was also full of promises, so Xiao Fengyang would confidently lead the army to attack.

This was a plan with no loopholes, but at the very beginning, it encountered huge variables. It was obvious that there should be only weak resistance. Why did it become such a tenacious resistance? There are even signs of counterattack.

Just when the confident and confident Xiao Fengyang army came to the gate, countless sharp arrows greeted them as the first “appetizer”, almost defenseless Before the Xiao family even reacted, they dropped nearly a thousand corpses, and retreated with howling ghosts! This sudden and great change made Erye Xiao angrily dragged his three beautiful beards down!


Is this still a little resistance, pretending to be defeated? One by one killed the corpse mountain and blood, and would rather die together than take a step back. Did the officers and soldiers of the Ling family mean a little pretense to defeat? Fear not to be ruthless when you shoot, not to be poisoned when you swing a knife, and not to die when you kill!

This…what the **** is going on?

Is something wrong there? Why am I so upset? Where did my perfect layout go wrong? !

At this moment, Xiao Fengyang’s head buzzed into a ball.

As early as eighteen years ago, the Xiao family secretly arranged Wang’s involvement in Chengtian, and then after Wang Taifu was promoted all the way, Xiao Fengyang had already arranged today’s affairs. I know that in the future, the Xiao family will march in from here. Wang Zhihong was arranged early to arrange all his direct descendants on this route. In order to avoid being too obvious, he also arranged every one or two passes to the city. Arrange a person to guard here. For many years, he has been following the rules and has not dared to show his feet, even the Ling family’s spy some time ago.

The news, Xiao Fengyang was able to catch them all at once.

But now once the war really starts, these people will fight desperately with themselves!

Xiao Fengyang thought about it, but couldn’t figure out what was going on.

But no matter what, the army has already attacked, drawing the bow without turning back the arrow. Naturally, the thousands of lives before can’t be sacrificed in vain? In particular, there are several capable generals carefully trained by the Xiao family, who are so unsuspecting that they hate the city, can this hatred be not reported?

So the fighting between the two sides intensified.

It has been a whole day of fighting, and there are not many people who can stand on the wall, but the offensive of the Xiao family is still swept like a violent wave. In just one day, one hundred and fifty thousand troops attacked one violently. The small town of Yamaguchi, guarded by 5,000 people, actually paid nearly 7,000 casualties and has not yet captured it. This is already a pretty terrifying number! !

The number of casualties is already an astonishing number close to half of the 150,000 army!

Xiu said that it was a false defeat, even if it was a desperate fight, being able to have these casualties is a heavy burden that the Xiao family cannot bear!

Xiao Fengyang hated Yamaguchi’s guard!

Seeing that Yamaguchi was finally about to win, Xiao Fengyang passed a strict order: The guard of the Yamaguchi must be captured alive! Xiao Erye didn’t allow him to die! This person has killed so many Xiao Jiaerlang in one fell swoop. How can this hatred be enough to die?

I want you to die! I want you to know how extravagant death is for you!

Xiao Erye has a hideous face, and the hatred in his heart has overflowed his chest!

Hundreds of people from the Xiao family have already attacked the city wall and entered the mountain pass! The opponent no longer has the power to fight back, and the result is basically certain, but the Xiao family has paid a very heavy price in this first battle!

The easy task that was originally planned to be completed with almost no effort, has now evolved into a solid frontal fight, and it is also the most tragic trap of ground meat!

This fact makes all the Xiao family members face the impending victory without a trace of joy at all!


Even this short time of breathing is so rare!

Countless reinforcements from the Ling family suddenly arrived, and they rushed to the Devil May Cry Pass as if they had fallen from the sky. They only met with thousands of lives and completely stopped the Xiao family’s army. The pace of the imminent victory, and then he insisted on using life to fill, fight, and fight, step by step, squeezing the Xiao family’s army from the broken wall.

It’s the ground, ‘squeeze’! This is the word, or it should be said to be bump! The soldiers of the Ling family seemed to be mad one by one, almost using their own bodies as weapons, almost forcibly backing up against the opponent’s swords, bows and arrows, rushing into the sword rain frantically, wave after wave. Bo, fierce not afraid of death, blood was sprayed like a torrential rain, almost every inch of land contention left both sides with several lives!

Human life seems so humble at this moment! It’s so cheap!

The first wave of reinforcements from the Ling family was wiped out almost as soon as they rushed into their mountain pass! But what followed was a steady stream of Ling family soldiers, wave after wave without stopping, without hesitation, plunged into the **** battlefield, like a child who has been away from home for a long time and plunged into it feverishly. There is no hesitation or delay in the embrace of Mother Earth!

No command, no guidance, no mobilization! The place where the blood is thickest, the place with the most corpses, the place with the most screams! That is the direction of their attack!

No scruples!

Stepping on the corpses of his comrade-in-arms brothers, rushing up one by one with red eyes! Pile up! Go up…dead! The living soldiers who had just rushed up soon turned into corpses, and then the following soldiers continued to step on them and rush up without blinking their eyes, and then died, and then another wave…

In the vicinity, only flesh and blood are flying. Everyone can’t hear what the comrades around him are yelling, nor can they hear what the enemy is yelling. Among the blood-red pupils, they are all bitter. Killing!

That is the determination to die with the enemy!

In the distance, within the mountain pass fortress, countless Ling’s reinforcements, with red eyes, rolling in from all directions, rushing to the pass, that is the land of death, yes, they are rushing to kill, rush Into death; outside the mountain pass, the soldiers of the Xiao family are also piled up one after another.

The soldiers on both sides are advancing, no one backing, both sides are rushing up with red eyes, it seems that the only purpose is to rush to the mountain pass to kill or be killed! Behind the soldiers on both sides, there were thicker and thicker corpses left, all of them were mutilated, and there was no corpse. Only a pair of solidified eyes were still exuding crazy and bloodthirsty killing intent! Only there is no nostalgia for this world!

It seems that in the hearts of these iron-blooded men, at this moment, there is no room for anything other than the enemy and killing. The elderly parents, gentle wives, and lovely children in the family who depended on them may have slipped through the hearts of the iron-blooded soldiers at this moment, perhaps not! But everyone knows that if their homes are entered by robbers, their parents, wives and children will be much worse than orphans and widows!

Man! All the beasts of war have been ignited!

Kill! For loved ones!

Kill! For Chengtian!

Kill! For honor!

Kill! To kill!

This is no longer a mountain pass, it is no longer a pass!

This is completely a flesh-and-blood grinding disc formed by thousands of lives!

Sun rises and sunsets, and the moon sinks in the last month!

Only a short day and a night, just one day, the two sides have invested more than 40,000 troops in this narrow place! The Xiao family has invested no less than 25,000 people, and the Ling family’s defenders and reinforcements have already left more than 10,000 people permanently on this land!

The battle is so terrible that everyone who witnesses this scene feels that their soul is trembling! The natural cowardice in the body of every soldier who witnessed this scene has disappeared, and the rest is almost complete animalism!

The animal instinct that humans have long forgotten, the most primitive instinct hidden under human nature!

The weak and the strong eat, you die!

The battlefield of killing, the flying flesh and blood, the crazy warriors, but they have a common soul, no matter whether they are the enemy or the enemy! There is only one thought: kill!

This was a life-and-death battle that was completely unexpected by Xiao Fengyang. At this moment, both sides could not stop!

The Xiao family has already paid more than 25,000 lives, and this

It’s still growing, refreshing every minute, and it’s not a small fortress! What a huge shame, this huge shame erupted in the Xiao family’s army at the same time with the anger that was deceived at the beginning, and continued to roar with life, and new troops joined in! Even, several teams rushed up with red eyes without receiving Xiao Fengyang’s order!

As long as the Xiao family doesn’t give up, it is naturally impossible for the Ling family to give up this mountain pass! So the battle became more and more tragic, more and more crazy! More and more dead people!

The original pass has long disappeared under the rotation of the flesh-and-blood grinding wheel of life, and the completely destroyed city wall looks more majestic than before it was destroyed! It is countless corpses being filled in, filling the walls that have been damaged and destroyed! From above the condescending city wall, blood falls like a waterfall, converging into streams! Oh, if this high ground can be called the city wall.

The real blood and blood test!

The truth is that life is in the world!

The people on both sides are now completely stepping on the corpses to fight! No one can really step on the ground under their feet! Because, between the soles of the feet and the ground, even if it is the closest distance, there are already three or four corpses of comrades or enemies underneath.

So, with the constant fighting and constant trampling, the feet of both the enemy and the enemy continued to make the sound of the bones of Kakadi’s corpse breaking and shattering, and the people above were still waving their knives frantically. , Fighting frantically, until he was lying on the ground silently, turning into a pile of silent flesh and blood that could do nothing but the creak of bones being trampled on

Everyone in the battle is crazy! If you have a sword in your hand, use the sword. When the sword is broken, you can use your fists, shoulders, feet, knees, teeth, or even your body with your head to hit it and bite

Wang Han and the four iron guards left behind are each in charge of one direction. They inevitably kill their eyes, and the roaring command day and night makes their throats seem to be inserted into the burning red long The knife has long been unable to make a meaningful note, and commanding the battle has become the only action with only one meaning-waving!

This action does not need to be understood or explained, everyone can see it, it is: Chong! kill!

The unusually vigorous infuriating energy in daily life has been dripping away a day ago. Now everyone is commanding and fighting by instinct, and everyone’s body is constantly spraying from different parts. Splashing blood, whether it’s the enemy or your own, because every moment, the enemy’s blood is sprayed on your body, and then drips down, and the next moment, it may be a different part of your body, and the spilled is Own blood!

Wang Han has two sharp arrows stuck in his body, and he has no time to pull it out. The black iron long knife in his hand has been transformed into a blood knife. This treasured knife that kills without seeing blood has never stopped sucking human blood day and night. Under the circumstances, it finally turned into blood red. During the day and night, it was Wang Han himself, and he could not remember how many people he killed! I only know that people are constantly rushing up, and people are constantly falling. The blood is like the fireworks of the Lantern Festival, and the most brilliant and wonderful brilliance is blooming in front of my eyes! I don’t know anything, anyway, as long as he doesn’t fall and he doesn’t die, Wang Han will be fighting all the time! Never stopped! The middle section of Wang Han’s blade has already been cut!

The blade that has been tempered with profound iron is actually slashing the human body! This invincible, peerless magical soldier, in this maddening battle, could not support it to the end! The constant friction between the blade and the human body has already made the entire knife as hot as it is in a furnace! When cutting into the human body, it can even make a sizzling sound and emit a faint heat! But no one noticed this anomaly, and no one would notice!

Raising his red-eyed, straight eyes, Wang Han seemed to be tirelessly sweeping back and forth among the enemy groups, slashing and killing frantically. Every time he went back and forth, several enemies would fall, but Every back and forth will add a few **** wounds to his body!

No one will come up to dissuade them. All people are in the same state of crazy killing. The only thing that can be distinguished is the difference between the enemy and the comrades in arms. Now, the only thing that makes them stop The method is death!

As long as there is a breath, no one will stop killing!

A steady stream of reinforcements, or a team of hundreds, or a team of dozens, or a team of thousands, came in a hurry, and then hurried into the battlefield, and then died in a hurry!

There are countless people who have not even left a word from joining the battlefield to death! Even the lively lives in the blink of an eye have turned into trampled blood on the ground!

The highest military mobilization order issued by Lingfu Bieyuan issued by Meng Lige exerted the greatest effect! All the Lingjia soldiers and horses in the nearby states and counties are like flies smelling the smell of honey and swarming, one after another, endless, almost endless!

The current battle situation is no longer controlled by anyone, completely out of the so-called command.

In this extremely small area, it is completely the most primitive killing, trampling!

The initial sound of screaming and killing that shocked the world is now completely gone~IndoMTL.com~Both sides are going in with their heads stuffed, except for the screams of dying and the sound of the blade cutting into the human body. Other voices. Everyone is saving every bit of physical strength, using every bit of their own strength on their own swords, cutting into the enemy’s body!

This pass, this mountain pass with hundreds of lives in an inch of land, even if it falls into the hands of any party after the war, it will no longer have its original effect! Even if it is called a piece of ruins, I am afraid it is no longer considered.

The few half-foot-thick soil rammed by a huge force, has been gradually dissolved by the blood of the torrent, melted into masses of fleshy clay, and then trampled into powdery mud again, completely turned into nothingness !

However, as the number of reinforcements from the Ling family increased, and they became more and more dominant in this battle, the victorious scale finally fell to the Ling family, even though the soldiers of the Xiao family were grief and helpless. , Was finally suppressed beyond the mountain pass!

Oh, or it shouldn’t be said that they were suppressed beyond the mountain pass, but none of the Xiao family soldiers who rushed into the mountain pass were left dead, while the Ling family soldiers had already rushed out of the mountain pass! (To be continued, if you want to know what’s going on, please log on to wwwm, more chapters, support the author, support genuine reading!)

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