Legend of Fu Yao: Yiyiling Long Comment 2

novelmao.com, the fastest update to the latest chapter of Queen Fuyao!

Such a story that I cannot describe in words.

Yes, it’s a story, not a legend. The legend is cold and remote but the story is vivid and true.

Those amazing men and women, with the most true and warm blood, love, hate, and enmity are woven into a thrilling story. I can’t answer all those things that are not in love.

I have always loved the happy ending, but the impermanence of the world implies that there are always people who cannot be consummated. I can’t hope that those equally good men will lead the hands of others. It was a kind of blasphemy, an undoubted blasphemy for the affectionateness they paid, the blood shed, and the battles that they were shoulder to shoulder.

When I finished watching the ending, I felt confused. It is gratifying that someone finally grasped the last bit of happiness, and saddened the sadness of the Three Kingdoms. I want to shed tears for them, but none of them need tears. They all know that the road ahead is far away and there is no end in sight, and they will never go forward without regrets. Under the huge entanglement of the main story, there are still people who are upside down and tortured in this ten-zhang soft red, for love for fulfillment and without regret.

Those who are right and wrong cannot be measured or distinguished. Those splendid years of sacrifice for perfection, bit by bit, paved the way to return. This woman has no choice but to carry too much along the way, and she is also grateful that she has carried too much, so she dare not want to give up. In this epic long song, you dance with blood to create a world of beauty, about love and perfection, blood and enmity, faith and protection. I am outside the song, silently watching your clothes fluttering, unparalleled.

I am fortunate to be able to watch you from beginning to end.

So far, things are floating on the other side, I wish you happiness.


A wonderful long review, I like it very much.

I am a person who is mentally clean. I believe that deep in the heart of dedicated people, there are always some initial shocks that can never be erased.

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