Legend of Fu Yao: xiaoyin1990 long comment

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Returning is the origin, a long review written by a certain cabbage to Longan, celebrating the promotion of Longan to three stars, I hope your network cable will be well soon, haha! (This is what I just saw, the commentator wrote last night, Beibeita is funny)

At two o’clock in the morning, after finishing the code, lying on the bed and unable to sleep, he got up and wrote a long comment to Longan.

I have been reading Longan’s article for half a year. I am not experienced in terms of time. I first read “Emperor Phoenix”. I prefer the name “The Long Song of the Sea”. The connotation depends on the article, so Longan is also entangled again.

I like Chu Feihuan, love him for his unconditional trust and dedication to Changge, love him to follow and chase Changge, I remember that Feihuan once said to Xiao Jue, she did something wrong, I will fix it! I think this is the true meaning of love, the true meaning of trust. I don’t care about right or wrong, regardless of life or death, right or wrong, and only follow in the footsteps of one person throughout my life. Be the person behind her, even if I never change When she looked back, she was also happy!

Life is just a joy of right and wrong. If there is only one person in my world, there is no difference between right and wrong. My heart is like her, my life is tied to her Life!

I prefer the jade fox. I always think he should love long songs. I wonder if Longan thinks that all men love long songs (although there are some who don’t, such as Shui San and Xiao Chen) a bit too tacky. So he rationed the fox to the saint? Hehe, just a person’s words, longan naturally has longan ideas.

After watching “Emperor Phoenix”, I turned up “Yan Qing” again, and I felt that the rhythm was much slower than the former. Without that many suspense and palace battles, only a few soldiers on the battlefield, but also beautiful. purely.

Many people like Mu Xin, and I am no exception, but I still joined the Helan Party. There is no way. Helan You’s appearance is really amazing, whether it is the shyness and innocence when he first met Huai Su, or to achieve his goal Unscrupulous viciousness and insidiousness, or several letting go and repeated attachments to his beloved, even between revenge and love, he did not choose to be suspicious, but at the moment the secret was revealed, it made people feel sad.

Next is the current “Fuyao”. When the pit was opened, I had officially come to Canghai Literature. Because I was going to chase the text of longan. From the beginning, it is still gorgeous and mysterious. The layout was enthusiastic at first, but now I am preparing for the postgraduate entrance examination, so I have not pursued it anymore. I will wait until the longan is over and read it all over again.

Since “Emperor Phoenix”, the humorous cells of Longan began to swell. I once laughed more because of Longan’s writings. Now, in “Shuyao”, the trend is even worse. I read some posts in the daughter country. , I always feel that everyone compares longan to a god, and the gorgeous and beautiful words are like a foreign guest. At first I thought so, but after watching “Fuyao”, I think that longan is very young and fashionable. It is not a blind academic style, nor is it An amazing classical woman, she has great wisdom, little cunning, when she is beautiful, she is a poet, when she is humorous, she is like a urchin.

From Longan’s diary and usual introductions, I guess that Longan is a civil servant. I have not added a readership, so the intersection with longan is zero. All guesses are based on hints and experience. In the interview, I saw a photo of Longan, dressed in purple, just like the sister next door, gentle and demure.

This is the first time I have written a review to an author on Canghai Literature.com. I didn’t expect it to be very long when I came up. Maybe I have been holding back for a long time and I don’t vomit.

Finally, I wish Longan smooth work and good health, “Shuyao” is very popular, and I feel happy every day!


Although I have only read my essay for half a year, I have read all three of my books, and I can be regarded as my senior old reader. From Yanqing to Dihuang to Fuyao, the three books are very different in style, so I I understand very well that some readers who only like Yan Qing or only like Dihuang, give up my other two articles, and are even more grateful to the readers who accepted all three articles.

I have some shortcomings in writing, such as not being popular enough, not simple enough, using the pen to be subtle and not straightforward, it seems a bit brainy, and there are some elements that are popular nowadays. Therefore, the audience of the book is always It’s not very wide, but it’s worthy of joy if you have friends who are always there.

I wish you a successful postgraduate entrance examination, thank you for your virgin comment, hug.

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