Legend of Fu Yao: Suddenly like a dream 2005 long review

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The position of the heroes in the longan book in a row in my heart

1: The grandson Wuji, not because this is Fuyao’s book review area, he pointed out that I like Wuji first, but I really like him too much, no matter if he is gentle, calm, elegant, or black, Both treacherous and deep ones unconditionally like him all, his looks, temperament, body, tusk~ I am drooling!

Two: Helan You, although this gentleman is not a good person, he is also very insidious and cunning and very calculating, but he grabbed my attention from the moment he appeared on the stage, amazing! The beauty of the mountain flower suddenly faded, just like his thoughts full of fox, but his face still has a pure smile like water.

Three: Chu Feihuan, his name is really good! A man who is like water is as clear as water, as permanent as water, as clear as water, and as gentle as water. When I saw him, I remembered a word-“ice muscle and jade bone”.

Four: Mu Xin, like Guiyuan’s temperament as cold as jade, giving people the feeling of being proud of the world.

Five: Xiao Jue, Emperor Xiao is heroic and handsome! The love for Changge is also very sincere and persistent!

Six: Zong Yue, not because he always has the same temperament as crystal clear snow, but because he likes his poisonous tongue, hey~ I have a tendency to be abused.

Seven: Yu Zixi, how can you not like such a charming and charming beauty!

Eight: Su Xuan, he should be the most chivalrous man in Longan’s works, he is very energetic, chic and gentleman.

Nine: Fighting the North Field, full of domineering, enthusiastic and wild, always bright and bold, but also meticulous and soft.

Ten: Xiao Chen and Yun Hen, let’s go side by side. I can’t choose one of the two. Although I don’t like Prince Xiao’s love orientation, he is so elegant and fascinating, and Yun Hen, what a baby! No reason is needed to like him.

There are also Shui Jingchen, Bai Yuan, Qi Fan, Liu Wanlan’s Wang Fu Sikong marks, too many beautiful men to list them in detail. Longan, I admire you so much! They are all extremely beautiful men. You have written so many that none of them are the same. Each has its own advantages. It can be distinguished at a glance, and it will never be confused. It is very rare!


Holding like a dream, I owe you money again…

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