Legend of Fu Yao: rapids long review

novelmao.com, the fastest update to the latest chapter of Queen Fuyao!

Who is the most “black belly”? Longsun Wuji!

Who is the most “treacherous”? Longsun Wuji!

Who is the most “sorrowful”? Little war children’s shoes!

Who is the most “persistent”? Little war children’s shoes!

Who knows Fuyao best? Longsun Wuji!

Who is most worthy of Fuyao? Longsun Wuji!

With a wonderful pen, Longan uses the outline of the characters around Fuyao to bring out the beauty of Fuyao even more——

The grandson Wuji was amazing, but he knew how to let Fuyao fly away. His full of worry and care only turned into hands ready to support within three feet of Fuyao.

Xiaozhan is straightforward and fierce, ready to protect Fuyao under his wings at any time, and his love turns into a forbearing fist (it is said that there is a pepper or garlic in it o(n_n)o)

There is also Zhuzhu, such a bright and clear woman, although Fuyao is her “rival in love”, but she is like Fuyao’s most intimate friend. In addition to the pure and beautiful heart of Zhuzhu, Fuyao’s brilliance is also close. .

There are cloud marks, and iron, and.

Every time I look at or look at it, I can’t help but sigh, I can’t help but smile, and I can’t help but laugh~

The end of gossip:

Since it is the “Queen of Fuyao”, Fuyao is not in the modern world in the end (it is estimated that there will still be opportunities to use forbidden techniques to see modern scenes, this should be no problem). So, whose queen is it, from the current point of view, the queen of Longsun Wuji is the most reliable. But Nirvana, if you want to completely take the sway of “wearing back”, Promise’s road to chasing his wife, it seems that it is still a long way to go, and it will take a while~

The other fan tangled up is cute beads? What about the fierce little battle? I don’t want to send them easily, and I really want to give them their respective happiness (although looking at the happiness of the beloved is also a kind of happiness, but I always feel that something is missing), alas, entangled Ah~

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