Legend of Fu Yao: Mystery0518 Long Comment

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Daiyuan, you really tortured me to death

Woohoo. I haven’t commented on Longan’s article yet. I’m sorry. But today this chapter is too cruel. I thought that the chapter of the purple cloak was already heavy enough, and it was so pitiful, and after the abuse. The chapter of the purple cloak made me cry. Although I didn’t cry in this chapter, I was still entangled with it.

What I must do every day is to chase Fuyao. I always feel that such a chic and happy woman has brightened my whole entangled and depressed life; Longan’s words are always so happy, making me laugh again laugh. I have always loved the prince madly before. I think this man is too strong. He has a strong black belly and is so gentle that he can drip water. Although Zong Yue is also my dish, I just can’t understand that he is always poisonous to the point of choking Meng. Fuyao choked my spectator too hard. But after reading Xuanyuan scroll, I changed my view of Zong Yue. Zong Yue, who was a dark charm, was also so gentle. Suddenly, I thought of giving Fuyao to Zong Yue. Okay, don’t get me wrong. I’m actually a princeling. I’m really a princeling~

Suddenly I felt that Fuyao and Zhan Beiye were a bit like a painful experience when I was young, so when I grew up, I was bright and powerful, as if only such a bright light could dispel the previous haze. But Fuyao’s experience was obviously more tragic. This is still a woman, so I feel more distressed; such a bright temper and such a refreshing her, it turns out that such pain is deeply buried in her heart. I think Wuji must have known it a long time ago, and he knows everything, so the condemnation in his heart must be very heavy, so his feelings for Fuyao are not inexplicable but famous. I had always felt that the prince’s feelings for Fuyao were abrupt, how could he fall in love so desperately inexplicably, because it turned out to have such a deep relationship. I don’t doubt the reasons for the prince in the first place. In any case, the prince will surely be okay in the end.

As for Zongyue, since I have changed my outlook on him, I don’t believe that Zongyue did anything heinous to Fuyao back then; Zongyue was only a little bigger back then, so what kind of troubles can he create? . I think it might be like Su Xuan in “Emperor Phoenix”, who has nothing to do with a lot of organs and is used as a murder weapon. In fact, it is not his fault. I always think that Zong Yue is actually a good person, and his heart for Fuyao is also true; when Fuyao experienced those tragic pains, didn’t Zong Yue make her forget all those memories for her life, if Zong Yue didn’t Kindness would he be like that to Fuyao. Zong Yue is also a good person, and his affection for Fuyao is also quite deep. Longan Da is nice to him~

As for Fuyao, every time I encounter unhappy things, when I encounter setbacks, I will think of her, such a bright and bold woman, I hope when I can be as bright and sturdy as her; yes, I like to be like She is so sturdy ~ Fuyao is so strong, she can definitely figure it out for herself. This is what Longan said, the prince said it, Fuyao did it like this: we can choose to escape, but we don’t have to be afraid to face it. A true warrior, dare to face the bleak life, dare to face the dripping blood. Fuyao is such a brave man. She is.

Everyone, take a photo~ I know that Lu Xun will be **** off by me again~ Climb away with the lid~

Call again: Longan, come on~ Looking forward to Fuyao’s Nirvana~

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