Legend of Fu Yao: Liu Ruoyu Long Comment

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It’s hard for a woman like this to understand. Just like Go, it’s simple and clear, but it’s difficult to understand deeply. The world can see her bright and unrestrained, and to some extent guess the hardship behind her, but the only people who truly understand her are probably only those who have been with her understand, such as Yuan Zhaoxuan, such as Zhaoxuan’s hidden position. She has her own independent pursuit, without this, Fuyao’s chic and intellectual will lose its glory.

Hu Sang, who is glamorous and less atmospheric, naturally doesn’t understand. She didn’t understand that “jealous” was offside for her, she should be “envious”, after all, she was too far from Fuyao.

Tiecheng didn’t understand at first, but later understood. But Master Longan made you understand later.

Zhan Beiye probably doesn’t understand how good he is in Ren Wen. He can be sentenced to death based on his sentence in the introduction. “You can’t do it, otherwise, my freed sword will pass through Your chest is inserted into the world and the five continents, once you go, you will never return.” How can Fuyao’s will be controlled by others?

Zong Yue and Yun Hen understand, but unfortunately they missed it.

Fortunately, there is still a Yuan Zhao who understands her. They didn’t know each other, but they knew each other. From the first glance at Fu Yao, Zhao Xu understood her from the look in her eyes. The two cherish each other, neither possess nor pet, they know each other from the bottom of their hearts, and go hand in hand. Fuyao likes to show off, and because he doesn’t try to pick her aspirations, he will help and not interfere with her pursuit.

Zhao Yu knows that such a guy like Fuyao can’t listen to empirical advice. As long as she wants to go, knowing that there are tigers in the mountains, she doesn’t hesitate to go to Hushan, and she stumbles, so she naturally knows this If she doesn’t work well, she will come back in another way-the experience will only be effective if she has accumulated it herself, and it will become clear after experiencing it personally. It’s like rushing to a military camp alone-she is not afraid of injury and death, but only of regret, afraid that she has not tried hard to win, and regrets herself in the future. Fortunately, she has a strong mind and often comes prepared. (Similarly, with a strong mind, it has different effects when placed in different environments. Huai Su has to do much more.)

Fuyao was too lonely and too independent, and after crossing, he became more determined that he was always alone. Don’t talk to her in the tone of someone who came by. Even if others point it out clearly, or even die, she will still be disappointed to only believe in herself, and her mind will only follow the way she paved. Zhao Xu knew her too much, so after clarifying her emotions wisely, she waited patiently for her to figure it out and respond to his offer.

Pray for Fuyao to pass safely.


Very good and powerful, Ruoyu’s writing is very neat and individual, and he must be as good as his writing.

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