Legend of Fu Yao: lipeng321122 long comment

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Following “Swinging” and seeing the present, it can always make people laugh in tears after watching it, and tears flash in the laugh. Following the ups and downs of the plot, our hearts sometimes soar to the bottom and sometimes fall to the bottom, ups and downs all the way When I walked, I saw the tenacity, courage, and courage of Fuyao, a Fuyao that never gave up, a Fuyao that never backed down, and a boundless love for Fuyao. Fuyao hid his weakness and vulnerability and showed it to his lover and friend. In front of the enemy, there is always the woman with a bright smile, illuminating the gloomy sky of others with her own light. Who doesn’t like such a heroine!

Fuyao can’t remember anything, I don’t remember my name, where I am, and I don’t remember everything, but I still remember Wuji’s voice, remember Qi-Fuyao-Mother-Wuji, it can be seen that Wuji is in Fuyao’s life The rooted ones are like the lotus flower in Wuji’s hands. Those who are deeply buried in the heart of Fuyao unconsciously think of Wuji’s words. Those who can still remember when Fuyao forgets everything are those who have always loved Fuyao but dare not go. Fuyao is in fact deeply in love with Wuji. For Fuyao, who wants to go home to find his mother, he dare not face up to and admit this kind of love, but whether he faces this feeling or not, When Fuyao experiences anything or makes any decision, he will think of Wuji’s instructions, think of Wuji’s position, and Fuyao Yingjing spreads his love for Wuji in all the details of his life without realizing it, Wuji’s hard work, Fuyao Tired of running, in the process of chasing you and me in love, the deep love and speechless love have tightly tied the two people together, going to heaven and earth together!

This kind of Fuyao Wuji makes people feel distressed. If Fuyao really returns to the modern era, how can we let Wuji live? I hope that the ancient and mysterious temple can show Fuyao the scene of the past life instead of taking her away. Let Fuyao, who has experienced many hardships, have a warm chest and a warm home. Let the body cool whether it is martial arts practice. Liang Wuji still has a trace of warmth because he is full of desolation because he is standing in a high position, a warmth that belongs to him-Fuyao!

I hope Wuji can find Fuyao, I hope Fuyao can stay with Wuji, and I hope my dear Master Longan can fulfill us! After experiencing the suffering of “Emperor Phoenix” and the pain of “Yan Qing”, let our “Shuyao” always keep a bright and hearty smile to illuminate the hearts of readers, and hope that lovers will eventually get married!


People who have the courage to persevere are actually more sensitive to feelings.

The road of love is ups and downs, but as long as you keep moving forward, there will always be the day when you reach the end

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