Legend of Fu Yao Chapter 9: My heart is like a rock

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The moonlight stretched the shadow on the window strangely and long, but reflected all the movements clearly, seeing the shadow leaning over and lowering his head, stretching out his palm to take a picture——

Meng Fuyao rushed in immediately.

She raised her palm without saying a word, and set her palm up, the wind was fierce and murderous, but the man fluttered, still floating away with her back to her, Meng Fuyao flew to chase. I suddenly felt cold before.

She bowed her head in amazement, and saw the blood spring spurting out, her own blood, hula la hulling away the startling Hongqiao indoors.

At the other end of the blood spring, the sharp knife light flashed behind the splashing blood, and Yalanzhu’s face flashed in a daze.

Meng Fuyao made a sudden bang in his head.



Before turning a thought, I suddenly stretched out a hand on his side. Holding the white jade bottle in that hand, he inhaled the blood spring into the bottle with a single stroke, seemed to laugh, then waved his hand and turned And grabbed her.

Meng Fuyao took a breath to hold back the sharp pain in his chest, raised his hand and chopped, but the man just turned slightly, and the light red moonlight came in and suddenly disappeared.

Meng Fuyao reacted unsatisfactorily under the serious injury, immediately turned over and jumped up, trying to escape and call for help when he broke through the roof, but when he was halfway up, his eyes and foreground suddenly changed.

The roof was gone, and in front of him was a pale red coral moon. In the moonlight, the grandson Wuji in a light purple long dress slipped silently over his palm and attacked, and the pale Yalanzhu was poked out with hatred.

He dropped his palm, her bayonet, he dropped his palm, her bayonet…

Playing back in front of her eyes over and over and over and over again like a movie, as if to make this painful moment in her mind over and over again to deepen the impression until she can’t forget it again.

And during those replays, I also experienced the pain of betraying and deceiving a sharp knife into the heart over and over again. If the reincarnation is endless, until the original persistence and confirmation in the thinking are washed away, only the bone pain at this moment is left.

The pain of trust being destroyed.

Meng Fuyao’s eyes went black, and a string in his head was plucked countless times until it was overwhelmed with a “clank” sound.

She fell down.

Just before the fall, a word suddenly flashed through my mind.

“There is a legend about our Fufeng. This pale red, coral-like moonlight is the day when Fufeng sorcery is flourishing. On this day, the top wizards cast their spells, and the power of gods and ghosts is infinite.”


When Meng Fuyao woke up again, there was chaos in front of him.

There is no wind, no moon, no stars and no light, but it’s not total darkness, but an obscure gray, pale gray without any vitality.

In that ash, someone said leisurely: “I only wanted to take your blood, now I think…you are a very good primer…”

Meng Fuyao said coldly: “Who are you?”

The man’s calm voice did not distinguish between men and women, and seemed to be smiling, “Your master.”

“Bah!” Meng Fuyao replied forcefully.

The person still smiled: “You are very strong, martial arts and aspirations are close to the peak. It is indeed difficult to subdue you, but it is indeed infinitely beneficial. Anyway, I want to try.”

Meng Fuyao held the front heart, the knife failed to really pierce her heart, she experienced countless blood and blood, even in the most defenseless moment, she will never forget the basic defense-never aim your heart. Anyone’s hand.

That’s what Changsun Wuji once said to her, as a superior, you must abandon any emotional factors when necessary, doubt when you should doubt-trust when you should trust!

An inch is too small to save her life, but now she has lost too much blood and is very weak, and the opponent’s strength is extremely strong, not inferior to her in his heyday, and even seems to be worse. If she wants to escape, she needs Perseverance of 120,000 points.


She should not fall into the trap set by others step by step, and die in the chaos of heaven and earth.

She will die in the firmament too, after she touches that hope.

Meng Fuyao stretched his hand into his arms to take the pill made by the Tengzhu that he had looted in the Wandering Valley. This is something that can solve the mind control method, but this is the antidote after the middle control method, which controls the mind. She is not sure whether the prevention is useful in advance, nor is she sure whether the other party is using mind control, but hope is better than no hope.

As soon as his hands were in his arms, the man’s sleeves flicked, and the small bag of pills rolled away, seeming to land in a corner.

“You are in pain… aren’t you?” The voice suddenly changed, becoming sad and sad, “Being deceived…by the one you love…betrayed by your dedicated friend…it hurts. ……”

The grayish-white scene in front of me suddenly changed round and round, showing the back of Longsun Wuji floating towards Yalanzhu’s bedroom, showing his falling palm.

At the same time, the conversation that was blowing in the wind repeated itself.

“…Don’t let her know…”

“…the side army is mobilized…”

“…keep it for me, wait for me…”


“Why lie to me…” The sad and sad voice, coupled with those powerfully impactful sight words, sighed over and over again, washing her mind, “Lie me…lie to me… someone who swears …Cannot be trusted…”

My mind was turned into a fierce blood red, messy light and shadow chaotic thoughts were stacked, and it seemed like that in the trance, it seemed to be deceived, and I was clearly told in my consciousness, just admit It’s like that. As long as you obey that kind of understanding, you can get rid of such intense pain… However, after a long while, Meng Fuyao gritted his teeth and burst out a word from his teeth: “No!”

The voice paused, and then changed its tone again, even more painful, with anger hidden, and asked: “Why are you hiding from me…Is something hiding from me!”

There are many phantoms, the teeth and claws are stubbornly forced, this time more vivid and faster, like a fast-forward horror film can’t help flashing back in my mind, Changsun Wou-ki floats out, flashes into the bedroom, falls palm… even more him After he succeeded, he looked back and smiled coldly, as if it were true.

Very true…Very true…

It’s true…it’s true…

A voice in her mind desperately told her…Is it true? It is true…

“Why are you hiding from me…Is something hiding from me!”

Who made the sound? Ah, I am myself, I am questioning in anger, every word, I am…no…no…yes…yes…no…

Thrilled in his mind like a knife, swaying in a chaotic spell of light and shadow, Meng Fushao held his head, his teeth stuck in his lips and thin blood lines.

After a long while, her answer was still categorical: “No!”

The voice changed again, full of suspicion, “…what are you going to do there? Why don’t you let me be with her? Are you afraid I will find something?”

The ensuing scenes are more intense and exciting, the slow motion flashes in the mind a little bit, Changsun Wou-ki turns a blind eye to her call, coldly palms…

Meng Fuyao hugged her head and rolled on the ground. Under the struggle, the wound burst and the blood was visibly intense, but she didn’t feel it. She only desperately resisted the earth-shaking impact in her head. The grayness in front of her eyes gradually faded, and the darkness fell a little bit. With **** black, the world is so painful and intense.


The voice changed again, sternly, “…The so-called sincere following can’t match the national interest!”


Sorrowfully, “…Wu-ki, grandson, you bear me!”


Helplessly, “…Why can’t you tell me clearly? Get along for so long, you have failed my trust!”


Uncomprehensible and painful, “Zhuzhu…my only close friend…why do you treat me like this…”


Dismayed, “So you hate me! Zhuzhu! You really hate me!”


A mouthful of blood spurted into the ground, splattering sorrowful blood everywhere.

Meng Fuyao can’t see the **** color, her world has long been submerged in a redder purgatory, the world is scorching hot and all sides are covered with magma, she is tumbling and tormenting in it, using all her mental power to fight against the enchantment of ideas, and she is no longer determined Let illusions and deception destroy her most precious trust in emotion and friendship.

That was the spiritual pillar for her to move forward courageously throughout her life. Without these, she would no longer be herself.

That is the solid backing she has stuck with until now. She promised him and believed him!



The eight “nos” exhausted all her persistence and will.

However, in the world, she is the only one with such persistence and will.

In the Moon of Rakshasa, under the witchcraft of God, the severely wounded woman, chooses to firmly believe, “No!”

The breathing of the person next to him seemed to pause in surprise. It seemed that he had never expected such a violent conscious persecution by exhausting top-level means, and the brainwashing of almost completely real phantoms. Meng Fuyao, who was seriously injured and weak, could resist to the end.

This has never been possible in the past.

No one in the world understands the cruelty and horror of this* more than this person, that is, destruction, collapse, killing, twisting, and the ultimate spiritual destruction of everything in the world.

In order to cultivate this*, this person also exhausted his mind, prepared for many years, and tried his best to believe that he is a **** and ghost, and he can also completely destroy his consciousness and submit to hallucinations.

What kind of affection and trust made her resolutely so, resisting the transference that no one can resist so far*?

What kind of person is lucky enough to get this kind of deep affection and trust?

The air was silent. Except for the occasional weird “click”, you could only hear Meng Fuyao’s struggling heavy breathing. There was a taste of shock in the person’s pause, which was also a lifetime. For the first time.

The reddish moonlight has moved westward, the moonlit night of the Rakshasa, and the magic of sorcery soars.

The once-in-a-year god-given opportunity, in the outrageous resistance of a peerless woman, will eventually pass.

The far-reaching layout of the painstaking effort, but can not fall short.

With a long sigh, it finally disappeared in the wind, like a sigh, pity and regret.

“If you can’t get your will… I can only take the second place and use your flesh and blood…”

Long fingers, slowly handed them out.

Meng Fuyao opened her eyes blankly and listened to the movement around her. The gray mist in front of her had been replaced by a **** red. Only the shadowy shadows could be seen. It seemed that the other party’s hand was very slow and slow. There was blood red. The faint sizzle sounded very awkward, but he couldn’t move in front of her for a long time.

The opponent seems to be a master of psychological attacks. Every sentence and every move is intended to destroy the enemy’s will.

The faintly subtle voice seemed to arrive in front of him.

Something flicked softly around the cheek, as smooth as a ribbon.

Meng Fuyao lifted his hand and caught it like lightning. The thing flashed so fast that it disappeared in an instant. However, Meng Fuyao obviously couldn’t see it, but he still moved his fingers forward along the track he heard, with a “click”. The tail was so thin that it could hardly be grasped, but Meng Fuyao held it firmly and flicked it!

The thing hangs softly in the hand.

The other party seemed to be surprised again, and smiled softly: “You are really amazing. In this case, Afei… I start to admire you, but it’s a pity that this thing, the extremely poisonous Gu in the world, let alone touch , You will die if you smell it.”

Meng Fuyao has fallen down before her voice, a layer of blue aura on her face, silently struggling and rolling on the ground, there is a spot of blood wherever she passes, listening to her breathing gradually weakens, the voice laughed He became happier and said softly: “Nine-tailed raccoon solves the world’s strange gu, but this kind of Gu can only be solved by the nine-tailed raccoon’s inner pill. If you are not willing to kill it, you will kill yourself.”

Stepping forward lightly, the voice feels regretful: “Really, I want a living obedient you. You are too useful for you. If you are lucky, the world can be all for me. , But now you can only use the dead and only flesh and blood… But you are so tough, I have to retreat.”

It seems that someone’s finger was handed over, and the sound of the surrounding wind suddenly tightened when there was a distance of one meter, as if the **** of heaven was poking down the fingers of iron tongs, trying to severely choke fate’s throat.

Rolling to the corner of the wall, Meng Fuyao, who was dying and exhaled, suddenly jumped up.

She jumped up, grabbed the small medicine sac that had fallen in the corner with one hand, flashed a black light in the other hand, “killing the sky”!

The black mans are like a tide, and the black tide is rising up with blood and anger!

The tide rushes and whizzes, if it is made of steel, the light is like a halo from three feet away, and the light is like a sword with a thousand handles flying in all directions, everywhere is sprayed with fine blood beads, and there are crashes everywhere. ll.

Meng Fuyao condensed his full strength to strike the sky!

The person was surprised, “Huh?” He dared not take it under the power of such a top expert’s best effort. He stepped back, he seemed to see something when he stepped back, and he said “Ah” again. The hand came up again.

Meng Fuyao has already begun to retreat.

She seemed to want to go back to the other side in a flash, but she retreats like a fish in the sea as agile as a fish, changing from a forward rush to a backward flight, without even a turning point in the middle. With a bang, her back slammed into a wall behind her, her body had already penetrated the wall in the splash of blood, turning like a goshawk in the smoke.

At a turning point, the slightly hot light shone on the face, and the sky was bright in the blood-red vision!


The legendary Raksha Moon Night, which no one takes seriously but exists, has passed!

The moment Meng Fuyao was exposed to the sky, there was a sudden bang in her mind, and she was rushed by the rest of the chaos, and she was about to destroy her consciousness in an instant.

She immediately grabbed a handful of pills, but couldn’t see which medicine they were, and ate them casually.

Behind her, there was the sound of the wind, she leaped up and rushed away with a force of 120,000 points. She couldn’t see anything in her blood-red vision, and she maintained her balance completely with her super skills and she couldn’t discern direction. Running wildly.

She ran wildly.

First ran on the high and low eaves, turning the streets, and then ran across the undulating mountains, and ran up and down the plateau.

At the end of the day, I forget why I ran.

She has been suffering from dilapidated headaches. It is the sequelae caused by the huge mental devastation. The after-rhyme* of those controls circulates in her mind endlessly. With every impact, she forgets the past and reality.

In order not to let her own blood and amnesia, she kept looking for medicine from her medicine sachet, but for convenience, her medicine sachet was filled with pills, big and small pills, and she was not careful enough to remember it. What kind of medicine is the size of the pills, but I have to take the medicine according to my feelings. Anyway, the poison is put in separately, and there is a cure for the disease. There must be no major problem.

However, even if they are all medicines for curing diseases, the consequences of eating mixed together are unpredictable. The result she encounters is intermittent ambiguous memory confusion. Sometimes she remembers everything and sometimes forgets everything.

In such a chaotic rush, when remembering everything like that, she wanted to find the grandson Wuji, but when she ran out, she had no direction. After a rush, she became more and more uncertain. She had already left the city. , She didn’t know.

At the end, after taking too much medicine, she became more confused, and Changsun Wuji’s name rarely remembered, but a shadow flashed vaguely in her heart. When she heard a call, she also vaguely felt that it was very important. The person, very eagerly called, she had to run over and return to him, so she ran more vigorously, but ran further and further.

Because of her, blind.

When fighting against the opponent’s spells, she resolutely chose to condense the true energy first under such pressure. Only by gathering the true energy can she escape. Therefore, she did not use all of her mind to protect her brain and Consciousness, so that under the combined attack of the gray mist that may be mixed with toxins and the destruction of the mind, the brain appears congested, and the congestion descends, which affects vision.

The toxins in the body can be expelled, but those in the eyes cannot be controlled. No one can practice martial arts to the eyes.

She knew the consequences at the time, but she still made this cruel choice. She would rather go blind than be accused by the other party and become a harm puppet driven by the other party.

She, Meng Fuyao, is very valuable now, and the Empress Dawan is still second, but if she is used to threaten Wudu Han Xuanyuan and murder those three, the consequences will be unimaginable for her.

So you can pay any price, never be charged!

The price is as heavy as a mountain in front of people who disregard feelings; in front of people who cherish feelings, farts are not!

Blind! My mother is heart-minded!

If the other party knows that Meng Fuyao can distract and condense his true strength in order to escape in that situation, he can still make cruel choices to himself in an instant.

Meng Fuyao, who came here in the thunderous storm, is hard to come by!

She survived the ravages of the night’s spirit and persisted until the end of the Raksha Moon Night.

She chose to blind herself in order to escape the final blow.

She pretends that Zhong Gu will die, in exchange for a chance to roll to the corner and get the medicine pouch back.

She used eight categorical “No!” in exchange for her complete self, and for the people she cares about will not be the result of her being threatened.

She feels that she is very good, very good, and really did what Changsun Wuji taught her, doubting when in doubt, and trusting when in trust!

The conversation that I heard that night was really about Longsun Wuji, and Changsun Wuji was indeed different during that time. With her temperament, it is inevitable to question and try to pursue it, but when that “Longsun Wuji” The moment she floated into Yalanzhu’s bedroom and took a picture of her palm, she immediately determined that this was a fake.

The palm of Wuji shown on the window is too long. She is very familiar with the hand of Longsun Wuji, even a shadow can be recognized.

She never really doubted Longsun Wuji.

Politicians’ political considerations are necessary. From the perspective of Changsun Wuji, it is a subconscious idea to consider what choice he will make regarding national interests. After she became the Empress of Dawan, Changsun Wuji often Intentionally or unintentionally, I talked to her about the rule of the ruler and governed by her, and she developed the habit of being boldly suspicious and carefully seeking verification in the face of political considerations.

But she didn’t think that Changsun Wuji would really choose that.

The same sentence, the rivals did not start, let alone Arranju?

He may not necessarily put her first in national interests and her, but he always tries his best to balance and never wants to conflict.

Your mind, I know it.

My heart, do you know?

Just like Hechi’s conversation, she was only rude to the grandson Wuji, not really angry, just because she wanted to see him live fuller, and didn’t want his world to be only Meng Fuyao.

Only Meng Fuyao, if she leaves in the future, how will he survive the long life?

A person’s world is too barren and completely occupied by one thing. That is a terrible thing.

She didn’t want him to fall into such a nightmare.


I would rather do it for me!

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