Legend of Fu Yao Chapter 9: Extremely painful

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The figure of Changsun Wuji has long since disappeared from the field of vision, and Meng Fuyao is still staring at the direction he is leaving without saying a word.

Somehow, watching his figure fade away in the wind and snow, and finally disappeared, her heart sinks bit by bit, like a rickety boulder, dragging it down bit by bit, sharpening The faint pain of bleeding marks gradually sinks to the bottom.

She obviously felt that she had made the right choice, but the hunch in her heart told her that things were not that simple.

She had an urge to rush up and grab the grandson Wuji, telling him not to go back again, so he would return to the Wuji Kingdom and be the Lord of the Kingdom Mingjun, what if he didn’t return to the Master? The firmament is an independent country. Except for the sea, it is not accessible to all countries. Although countries cannot send their troops to the firmament, it is also difficult for the firmament to cross the strait to punish Promise.

But that was his teacher, but he chose to go back like that.

Meng Fuyao can only hope for the compassion of Master Wuji. At the beginning, listening to Taiyan’s tone, the master seemed to attach great importance to Wuji. Such a disciple of Tianzong genius hopes that he will inherit this school and carry forward. Whose master Can’t bear to be harsh, right?

She held up the burden given by her eldest grandson Wuji. The burden is not heavy, but she feels that it is more important.

Open the baggage, there are a few things inside, a piece of paper, a pill, a small folded dagger with weird and non-metallic materials, and even a strange shape that can be put on the elbow. Small prosthetic hands, there are some fragmentary, indistinguishable debris.

She didn’t know the use of these weird things, but the one given by Longsun Wuji would definitely come in handy. She carefully put it away and hurriedly unfolded the folded paper.

What catches the eye is the elegant and agile handwriting of the grandson Wuji.


Be sure to take care of everything in this kit. The pill must be taken immediately. The evergreen “four realms” will be launched soon. This four-square formation will be changed by the heart of those who enter it, so I cannot Knowing all about the pass, you should be careful step by step. When there is a difficult decision, you don’t need to hesitate and follow the guidance of ingots.

In addition, the life of the four realms lies in the flow and invisibleness, and often enters its formation without knowing it. It hurts people by taking advantage of the gap. You will climb up and look around, but when you see the black smoke rising, it is the mouth, smoke The southwest corner of Qi is determined to be the gate of life. You can enter from here to get the first chance. Once you enter the battlefield, you will be determined by yourself. Remember.

Anyone who has crossed the four realms of the temple, regardless of their status, will be treated by the temple and can receive the help of the temple owner. This temple is a century-old iron rule, so don’t go through it. , Non-coercion can be.

There is no need to worry about me, my family is kind, and I have always loved me, just return to the temple, and you will forget the past.

I am in the temple, and I hope you are well every day, waiting for your arrival.

When you set foot in the main hall of Mingfan, you will have to set up a table with wine.

Take care.

Meng Fuyao slowly put down the paper, carefully folded it again according to the original crease, held it in his hand, rubbed the slightly raised writing with his fingertips, and seemed to want to engrave every word in his heart.

When did he write this letter? In the station along the way, under the solitary lamp, the figure at the desk reflected on the window paper, the man quietly wrote the text left to her, quietly arranging her next section of the most difficult road in the whole world, the frosty cold At night, the ink fell on the paper and turned into ice, and every word was heavy but never expressed.

She held this kind of thought, but felt too heavy to bear. The thin paper in her palm was as light as nothing, and the tone of the content on the paper was understated, but the haze in her heart became thicker, but she did not know where the haze came from.

The wind and snow whizzed and rushed towards the face, the center of Qinliang was refreshed, he seemed to hear his voice in a trance, and he whispered to the side of the ear: “Swinging, when I am confused and painful, but remember that I am Waiting for you.”

He is waiting for me.

Meng Fuyao took a deep breath, stood up, and said to Yunhen and others on his side: “The next road is too difficult to walk, let’s just part ways.”

She spoke a little hard, her tone was dry, Yun Hen immediately shook her head, just opened her mouth, and the word “no” has not yet been spoken.

Meng Fuyao suddenly shot!

Not waiting for Yunhen Yao Xun’s Tiecheng to refuse, or even waiting for any response from them, Meng Fuyao shot like a thunderbolt, and the ground was thunderous in an instant!

She didn’t attack the highest cloud mark of martial arts, but rushed towards Yao Xun like lightning!

Yao Xun was caught off guard. Just as soon as he opened his mouth, he fell silently, and the cloud mark Tiecheng around him subconsciously came to rescue. Meng Fuyao took advantage of their distraction and slapped his palms left and right.

Tiecheng fell to the ground, but Yunhen stepped aside, and moved away when he slipped.

Meng Fuyao immediately closed his hand, and patted his own Tianling Gai with his backhand.

Yun Hen was shocked, and she slid over again as soon as she retreated, raising her hand to kick her elbow.

Meng Fu shook the waist of “Slaying the Sky”, and suddenly slid out silently. She twisted her waist quickly, and “Slaying the Sky” with a knife and sheath patted Yunhen’s waist.

The cloud mark fell down and fell into the snow.

In the past few times, the rabbits flew and fell like electricity, and in an instant Meng Fuyao had deceived the three of them.

Watching the three people lying beside him, Meng Fuyao slowly closed his eyes.

She was silent for a while in the wind and snow, then moved the three of them to a shelter from the wind, took out thick clothes from the baggage to cushion them, and blocked them with pine and cypress branches.

The acupuncture points can be resolved after half an hour, and it will damage the body in this cold place for a long time.

Nine Nether Realm, Yunfu Sky Realm, since the four realms move with the movement of those who enter the formation, when Yunhen and the others wake up, they must have been unable to find the entrance to the four realms.

Meng Fuyao slowly squatted down, before the three of them.

Once you enter the four realms, you will either die there or break into the temple. Maybe the temple owner has responded to his request and sent himself back. Then there will be no more Meng Fuyao in this world. For these people who are dedicated to following and supporting themselves Saying this is goodbye.


I will be away for a long, long time. From then on… we will be together forever.

His eyes slowly swept across everyone’s faces, Meng Fuyao suppressed the tears floating under his pressure, and wanted to see their faces more clearly, and more clearly.

She must remember their faces and firmly in the memory. If this is death, their faces will warm the cold of her death, if this is alive, then she will slowly in the years to come recall.

Remember these confidants who accompanied her on the roads of wind, frost, rain and snow for the past three years, lived and died together, and witnessed her journey through the continents of the five continents, remember the amazing journeys of the five continents in the past three years, and remember those encounters, acquaintances, and mutual , Help, remember those moved, shocked, concerned and warm.

Then, goodbye.

The three were calm as asleep, not knowing that Meng Fuyao was about to leave them for a long journey.

Meng Fuyao squatted in front of Yao Xun and stuffed a private seal engraved with “Fuyao” in his hand.

That is the seal belonging to the industry under Meng Fuyao’s name. Yao Xun earned this industry for her. Unfortunately, Meng Fuyao is so committed to moving forward. He has never inspected Yao Xun’s complacent achievements.

Tugging at Yao Xun’s slender face squashed by the door, Meng Fuyao smiled, remembering the first time he met him, this guy was beaten up by himself, and then this slippery guy twice Fleeing from oneself, but finally returning to oneself.

“You and me were the first to make the most money for me, but unfortunately I won’t be able to spend it… I will leave it to you, Caifan, do you like it?”

The first subordinate I met, I give you my property.

Immediately, she moved her body and squatted in front of Tiecheng, looking at the boy’s simple and simple eyebrows.

“Back then, you knelt for my city gate, and the man’s knee is worth a thousand dollars. What can I pay you back…” She tilted her head and thought, and put the finger that thunderbolt gave him in her arms, “I don’t Knowing what’s the use of this, or is it just old man Lei’s private collection? Anyway, when Zhan Beiye sees this thing, he should know my heart, Dahan fief, I will give it to you in the future.”

Patting Tiecheng’s shoulder, Meng Fu shook his head and thought for a while. He remembered the guy who had first met in Yao Cheng that year and lost the arrow, “I want to marry you!” The words were amazing. In the end, she became her guard. Stronger than him, it doesn’t take him much strength, but he remembers so desperately that he is her guard.

My most loyal guard, I give you my land.

Finally moved to Yun Hen, Meng Fuyao fell silent suddenly.

This is not her subordinate, this is the one who loves her.

He was a young man who silently loved her, but never said it, and never had any requirements and hopes.

Her, the first boy I met during the journey of the Wuzhou Continent.

Xuanyuan Mountain fought with swords, and Taiyuan Palace was shocked all night, Tiansha Zhenwuli gave up the opportunity to seek her safety, so that he was drifted from house to house, and when she disappeared, he traveled all over Fufeng. Searching hard, only smiled when I found her, and silently erased those wind and frost.

Other people have been compensated by her more or less when they helped her. Only Yunhen, the benefactor who has saved her several times, has never returned.

“I’m sorry…” Meng Fuyao said softly, “I thought, I want to help you get back your identity and honor, and I want to help you beat the two who are not dead, but I selfishly just go and do it. Your own business…and those status money are not what you want… Yunhen, Meng Fuyao will probably owe you in this life…”

She thought for a while, tore off a sleeve of her clothes, bit her finger, and wrote the “Broken Nine Heavens” inner strength mentality and stuffed it in Yunhen’s hand.

“The dead Taoist priest didn’t teach you this. Sister Sister taught you that the **** secret skills must not be leaked. It may not be a good thing to just learn to break the nine heavens. It is up to you to decide.”

She stood up, took another deep look at the three of them, and sighed in a low voice: “It’s a pity that I won’t see Kitano and Zongyue again…no matter, it’s troublesome to meet, so be it.”

Packed up, and suddenly saw King Kong dozing on his shoulders, Meng Fuyao hesitated for a long time, let it go, don’t worry, take it away, in case of danger in the four realms, how to protect the soul of the wizard god?

After hesitating for a long time, Sun Wuji, the senior, **** the mouth of the servant, put it in Yunhen’s arms, and carefully covered the three of them with pine and cypress branches and leaves.

Immediately, Meng Fuyao didn’t look back, and strode away.

The sky is flying snow, the ice wind is whistling, the sleeping people dream of sharing life and death, but the people who leave choose to walk alone.

A line of footprints, winding across the thick snow, was instantly covered by fresh snow.

In the depths of the darkness, amidst the wind and snow, in the opposite direction where Meng Fuyao left, there were a few figures suddenly coming quickly.


Climbing up to a nearby mountain, Meng Fuyao looked down from a condescending perspective, wondering how to find the “blue and black” smoke in this night?

Her eyesight has gradually recovered recently, but the color is still a bit inaccurate, and she will probably become red-green-blind in the future. It is really difficult to distinguish blue-black smoke with such eyes.

But her eyes brightened immediately.

In front, between the two mountain peaks, a wisp of smoke suddenly appeared, and the color was very dark and conspicuous among the gray snow.

Meng Fuyao was overjoyed for a while, and immediately ran over, only to realize that this place seemed to be a valley.

The valley looks nothing unusual, unlike any big formations, but Meng Fuyao firmly remembers the instructions of the grandson Wuji, and never dared to take the four realms lightly.

She walked with extreme caution. The moccasin boots creaked on the snow. After a few steps, she suddenly felt something different under her feet. It seemed that there were some pits under the snow.

She waved away the top layer of new snow with her feet, and she found messy traces under the snow, which seemed to be the footprints of many people.

She frowned—someone was in this valley just now?

Waving away from the snow, I gradually saw more things: marks from weapons, scattered clothes and accessories, and… blood.

The blood stains were still fresh, and it was as bright as a coral bead above the snow layer, and the little bit of bright red hit Meng Fuyao’s eyes. Somehow, she suddenly felt a stunned heart, and then she felt cold in her eyes and cold on her face.

She touched her face in surprise, and even touched two lines of tears.

Two lines of tears flowed silently at a moment when she was not aware of it, and instantly condensed into ice in the valley’s knife-cut wind.

Meng Fuyao was there.

For no reason, why do you cry?

Why do you cry suddenly when you see a pool of blood?

Blood… I don’t know how many times I have seen it in my life. She has seen her own, other people’s, something more astonishing and miserable than this pool of blood. Why would she shed tears because of this pool of blood?

She was startled to touch the ice beads on her face, but her heart thumped.

The mind is tied…The mind is tied…

A white light flashed in front of her eyes, and Master Yuan Bao suddenly came out of her sleeve.

It rushed to the blood pool, plunged into the **** snowfield, arched its head tightly, and couldn’t help but whine.

Standing there, Meng Fuyao suddenly felt cold in his hands and feet, the cold that penetrated into the bone marrow, from the meridians to every inch of flesh and blood, it was condensing every inch.

She raised her hand, her movements were as slow as the bones all over her body were rusted, and she could even hear the noise of the joints. She didn’t even know what she wanted to do when she raised her hand. With a light smile, she left her back and grabbed him from the nightmare she had sensed just now.

Her hand touched the icy void, the snow fell on her fingertips, and it was cold to the bottom of her heart. She stood blankly, and heard the jingle of chains, the roaring wind on the mountain, and the ice scum. Snow, the sound of beating on the deep wound.

She rushed over suddenly.

Pounce on the pool of blood.

She put her face on the pool of blood, and vaguely felt a human figure above that location, as if someone was lying on the snow and blood in the same posture not long ago, who is that? ? Who is that?

The **** snow buried under her face has a faint strange fragrance. The fragrance is different from any fragrance in the world, but it is more noble and cool, like the lotus of the heavenly palace covered with deep snow. The fragrance has been in her for three years During the journey, she was already familiar as if carved into the soul, so that even if there was only a slight scent of incense, it suddenly knocked all of her consciousness like Hong Zhongda Lu.


In an instant, the heart and soul seemed to have been broken.

The fragments are carved like this. Evergreen sacred mountain has thousands of snow, floating in chaos between the sky and the earth, wherever it falls, it will be cold to the bone, wherever it falls, it will be broken forever. It is too warm and can not be cleaned up.

She pressed her face tightly against the blood-stained snow on the other side, ignoring the cold and pain, the vivid blood on the snow was gradually mixed into a pink snow flake by her vigorously rubbing it. Sticking to the hair and eyelashes on her face, the pink snow could not melt on her cold skin, and was solidified by the silent tears.

In the end, the hard snow that was three feet deep was tossed and thinned by her, and the pink snow mist spread out all over the ground, some of which were the original blood, and some of the blood from her worn forehead, all mixed in Glued all over her together, she knelt down in the snow pit she pulled out, wishing to bury herself alive.

Finally, she lay on the mud of Evergreen Mountain, which had been hidden by the snow for many years, silently holding her head, and shrank herself into a ball. She shrank so tightly that she seemed to want to shrink herself under the mud forever. Go to sleep and never face the pain that hurts your heart.

There was a flash of white shadow on his side, and a small group rushed out, rushing in a certain direction like an arrow.

Meng Fuyao immediately raised his head and stared at the direction where Master Yuan Bao was rushing.

Master Yuan Bao sprinted out several meters, countless times faster than before, and even Meng Fuyao couldn’t see the trajectory in general. She was about to follow, and Master Yuan Bao, who had already taken several meters, stopped suddenly.

It stopped suddenly, gave a sudden stop in the air, fell alive, and then froze in the snow without moving.

It raised its head, lifted its heavy head desperately, and looked at the highest point of the Evergreen Temple. Its dark black eyes were wide, and the light and shadow of the pupils reflected everything it had seen. Reflecting its horror.

In the previous period, the master closed the spiritual connection to it, but just now, the spiritual consciousness was turned on and it had already felt everything.

The master is suffering!

It desperately ran in that direction, but was forced back by the command from its heart.

Go back!

Return to her!

Can’t bring her to me!

Protect her!

The telepathic command was extremely weak. It was so easy to feel it. This weakness made it anxious, but it really didn’t dare to move.

Be loyal to him all his life, loyal to all his commands.

In its consciousness, there is no violation.

Master Yuan Bao stood in the snow, and the soft snow quickly sank its small body. It took two steps forward, then took a step back. It looked up and looked forward, and then looked back at its face. Looking forward to Meng Fuyao waiting for it to lead the way.

At this moment, for the first time in his life, under the protection of the owner and the pet, he ate and slept, and did not know the suffering of the world. Finally, for the first time, he understood the feeling of human beings.

Behind him, Meng Fuyao knelt beside it, and said in a low voice almost pleadingly: “Yuanbao, go, go–“

Master Yuan Bao was silent for a long time, and his shiny black eyes gradually showed shattering light.

Finally, it raised its head and glanced in that direction.

Then it turned around and climbed up Meng Fuyao’s palm step by step.

He held Meng Fuyao’s cold fingers and slowly pressed his head, and then stopped moving.

Meng Fuyao looked at it, his eyes turned from incomprehension to reality, and finally there was endless pain.

She stopped talking and stopped urging. She carefully closed her fingers, raised the ingot to her forehead, and gently pressed her **** forehead against it.

At this moment, she hopes that she is the true owner of the ingot, can read its mind, understand everything it sees, and know what happened in the valley after he left.

However, she understands at this moment that he will not allow her to act rashly. Even if he leaves, he has arranged the way she wants to go. He doesn’t want her to take the predetermined route because of him.

He paved the way for her all his life, even if it took his own life and muscles.

Every step she took, she was stepping on his bones and his heart–

Meng Fuyao trembled, shook into a dead leaf in the howling wind at midnight. She heard her teeth trembling, and heard the ingot against her forehead, and the slight weeping wailing from her chest.

That kind of wailing also rang in her own heart, and the sound became louder and louder, which shook her consciousness and her thoughts became a mess.

Feiyan hurt her brain at the time when the soul-sucking formation was a blessing in disguise. Although she succeeded in breaking through the pass and “breaking the nine heavens”, she still had some sequelae. When she was extremely emotional, she still had a headache.

She woke up suddenly from this pain, remembering the earnest advice of the grandson Wuji, and she was shocked. Now Wuji doesn’t know what happened, she should cherish herself more to save him. How can she be here? Can’t get rid of the pain?

She immediately reached for a handful of snow, wiped her fiery forehead, and flew up from the snow pit, remembering the instructions of Changsun Wuji about the southwest corner of the smoke, she flew and turned around–

As I turned around, my head became dizzy, my body slanted, and the surrounding scenery changed when I fell to the ground.

The snow is missing, the valley is missing, the sky above my head is like a cover, and there are stars on all sides.

And she did not fall to the ground, but sank, as if she fell straight into the abyss!

Meng Fuyao made a bang in his heart, and suddenly remembered that when he jumped out, he flipped over, feeling confused and dizzy with a headache, and the direction in midair seemed to have turned in the wrong direction.

She did not fall into the southwest corner.

She got into the dead door by mistake!


The top of the nine days, the place of God’s punishment.

The highest peak of Evergreen Mountain is connected to Tianfeng.

The peak is three thousand feet high, and the top is as sharp as a knife poking into the sky. The highest point is almost at a right angle. It is straight up and down. It is covered with ice and snow, which makes it difficult for birds to stand.

The peak is hollow, but only a few meters in radius, and it forms a rugged rock cave that is less than three meters long. The cave is also full of ice and snow. The strong ice wind is above three thousand meters, and the cave is always unobstructed. Passing through, roaring, washing endlessly.

In the middle of the hole, a human-shaped iron frame is connected to the top of the hole and the bottom of the hole. There is a vaguely solidified black blood on the frame, indicating that the traitor who has been imprisoned here is the temple.

One hundred and fifty years ago, the lord of the last hall practiced madness, the king of the temple Yasha, the most amazing and brilliant martial arts peerless, Sikongqi, known as the “indestructible golden body”, took the opportunity to link the rest of the ministries with the intention of rebelling. At the gate of success, the dying hall master used a magic trick that no one had seen before. The “God of Destruction Nail” penetrated Sikongqi’s pipa bone, and the “Devil Rope” locked Sikongqi’s limbs, nailed to the top of the nine days. In this land, suffering from the icy wind and piercing the body day by day, it stretches across the sky, like a steel king who is not afraid of any pain in the world, roaring for a hundred days and nights, and dying on the torture frame.

That wind is not an ordinary ice wind. Ordinary disciples, even martial arts are still there, in good health, and at most they will die for three days and nights, so that the temple punishes criminal disciples without setting up any punishment hall. It’s still ok to meet Tianfeng halfway up the mountain.

Up and down the Temple of Evergreen, the color changed after hearing the peak of nine days. Except that the founder of the teaching ancestor had stayed here for a month, and later turned into a prison, the king of Yasha was tortured here for a hundred years. , Even the princes and elders of the various ministries would never dare to approach there easily.

After a lapse of one hundred and fifty years, the nine-day torture frame of a generation of Qijie was buried and once again welcomed its new sacrifice.

On the mountainside, the temple army in charge of escorting has stopped, and the armor can no longer climb the extremely slippery ice peak. Following King Jinnaruo up the mountain are a group of senior temple disciples.

Three hundred meters away from the peak, those disciples couldn’t help it. They stopped on the edge of the cliff. King Jinnaruo took the long-sun Wuji and said, “I will go up by myself.”

“I’ll be with you.” A person came up from the bottom of the mountain with big sleeves fluttering, with a blue robe and a high crown of the same color. The disciples all bowed humbly and said: “I have seen the four elders.”

King Jinnaruo turned around, his eyes flowed, smiled and said: “The Fourth Elders are also here.”

The four elders smiled and said: “I heard that there was a traitor in the temple, and I was very angry. I came here to observe the punishment.”

He looked at King Naluo’s Zhang Sun Wuji, frowning and said: “But a dying traitor, who deserves to be carried on your back, I will come.” He stretched out his hand to pull down Long Sun Wuji and pinched it heavily to the ground.

The long-term Sun Wuji fell on the ground full of ice and snow. The wound was shocked and blood spattered again, immersed in the depths of the ice layer, but he still said nothing, raised his eyes and glanced at the four elders, then turned his eyes away. .

“Your Highness,” the Four Elders stared at him with a sneer, “You are ruling the temple, have you thought about today?”

“Excuse me.” The grandson Wuji coughed softly, “The eight words…comment, I think…it seems more suitable for the four elders.”

“Nonsense!” The four elders’ complexion sank.

“Three years ago…When you were in charge of the Asuras, you privately increased taxes… Sending private people to blackmail the people… Withholding national tax,” Changsun Wuji said slowly, “The Lord also wants to invite you… After staying on top for a few days, this seat…stopped it, now I want to come, it would be better to…save your…dog named Fierce Wolf.”

“You!” The four elders whose scars were uncovered were furious, and shouted: “It’s not your bad thing. The Lord can’t blame this throne at all. How can this throne lose the Asura throne!” Yue said The more angry he raised his foot fiercely, he was about to kick Changsun Wuji.

King Jinnaruo kept copying his sleeves and sneered at him. At this moment, he said, “I’m skating on the mountain, and kicking off the cliff is not easy to explain. The elders saw him not pleasing to his eyes. It’s better to nail it up earlier. What punishment is there? Is the land of the roar more suitable for him?”

“It’s extremely.” The fourth elder smiled, stretched out his hand to pull the grandson Wuji, flew up to the cliff, saw the torture frame covered with ice, raised an eyebrow and sneered: “His Royal Highness, did you see it? That is the best coffin for you. Up.”

He dragged Changsun Wuji over, passing the “God Killing Nails” that passed through Changsun Wuji’s shoulders and wrists through the holes reserved on the torture frame, and then bend the long nails and buckle them onto the torture frame. Lock the mechanism so that even if Changsun Wuji forcibly breaks away regardless of the destruction of his true essence, the linked mechanism can immediately tear his upper body and cause him to die.

After some action, the blood gurgled out again, and the black blood stains on the ice and snow torture were immediately stained with fresh red.

The four elders acted rudely and deliberately rectified, but the grandson Wou-ki never said a word. The tormentor didn’t hear the other’s begging for mercy, and felt bored. The four elders retreated angrily, stroked his sleeves and smiled: “This **** The Roaring Wind is so serious that I felt a little overwhelmed when I stood up before the torture frame.”

“How come.” King Jinnaruo watched the four elders walk away, and the nine-day ice wind immediately roared and hit the grandson Wuji, his eyes flashed, and he smiled, “The elders are humble, you have profound skills. Where can I be afraid of this.”

“King Kinnaluo stands on the top of the nine days without changing the color, and the magical power is also reaching the state.” The four elders smiled with a smile, “Congratulations King Kinnaluo.”

“He Xizhi?” King Jinnaruo glanced at him lightly.

“The Lord of the Temple, as everyone knows, except for the Holy Lord, only King Kinara is qualified to ask for the title.” The four elders’ eyes flashed, “Although the Lord of the Temple used to belong to the Holy Lord, this traitor is rebellious. Master destroys the ancestors, and the lord now hands this traitor to you. The central meaning can be imagined.”

“I hope to borrow the good words of the four elders.” King Jinnaruo raised his eyebrows and smiled. “If you are really fortunate enough to take on the throne, with the knowledge and abilities of the four elders, you will be the throne of the Yasha Ministry.”

The four elders were so excited that they almost immediately bowed down to “Congratulations to my lord”. Turning around, he saw the grandson Wuji on the torture frame with half-closed eyes, his pale face seemed to be smiling but not smiling, which saved himself. As a transcendent elder, he desperately suppressed his expression of joy, nodded and said: “So, I wish King Jinnaruo’s wish as soon as possible.”

“To each other.” King Jinnaruo smiled, and slowly pulled out a long silver whip from his arms.

The four elders raised their brows and screamed: “Hua Shen whip?” His brows jumped, and he turned around to look at the grandson Wuji, and said in amazement: “King Jinnaruo wants to tortured this traitor. It should be just this The whip is not trivial, just in case…”

The whip of transforming the gods, training the primordial spirit, destroying the muscles and bones, it is too hard to be miserable. There are countless people who died under this whip in the temple. The four elders frowned, thinking that King Na Luo hated the holy lord. Even using this whip, it’s fine on weekdays. Now this traitor is seriously injured, and he is nailed to the top of Nine Heavens and he is tortured by God’s roar and wind. How can he withstand the suffering of this whip? He didn’t care about his grandson’s non-polar fate. He only felt that since the Lord had not ordered the execution of the traitor, it might not be beneficial to him to toss the opponent to death so quickly.

“Don’t worry about the elders.” King Jinnaruo held his whip lightly, with a grinning smile on his lips, “This seat has his own way, and he cannot survive or die.”

The long whip was stroked in his hand, King Nara tilted his head and looked at the four elders obliquely, without saying a word.

Receiving King Kinara’s gaze, if the four elders realize that the king will use torture, he must also vent his hatred of political opponents for many years. There may be some means to use it. These are not convenient for others. He took a step back and said with a smile: “There are still affairs in the temple, this seat is one step ahead.”

“Elder, please.” King Kinnaruo gave a hand.

The four elders walked down the peak quickly, and when they walked a hundred meters, he vaguely heard the whip wind that broke through the air, which was stronger and stronger than the wind of God’s roar, and he trembled with a sound of “pop” Said: “With such a powerful force, wouldn’t it kill someone with a whip?”

A sneer appeared again, half-turned around to look at the top of the cloud-shrouded mountain, with a cheerful expression: “It doesn’t matter if I die, from then on, it will be the world of my heavenly line!”


The night is deep, and the entire Evergreen Mountain is shrouded in a chaotic darkness, only the top of the Mountain, because it is higher than the clouds, the top of the mountain is shrouded in permanent moist and cold clouds, and the sky is not visible.

Above the clouds and mist, the violent wind screamed through the ice cave where the ice layer was frozen with fierceness like a knife.

In the ice cave, on the torture frame, the person to be tortured is very quiet. There is no call sign, no sound, no roar. If it weren’t for the white ice reflecting the person’s figure, it would be like the torture frame is still empty.

Under a hundred meters, the disciples of the temple who were ordered to be stationed on guard looked at each other in the ice chamber dug under the ice. They had all heard of the horror of the land of the roar, and also heard of the tragic death of King Yasha a hundred years ago. , I thought I would be noisy by the call sign and couldn’t sleep all night, but I didn’t want to be so quiet.

After being surprised, it was admiration. The Holy Lord is worthy of being the Holy Lord. He has never been broken down to this point. The badly wounded body was nailed to the top of the nine days, and they actually resisted, and they were all full of energy. After only staying for a day, I can’t bear the coldness of the mountain. I really don’t know what kind of endurance and perseverance have allowed my Majesty, who has been restrained and unable to perform martial arts, to persevere?

There were footsteps down the mountain, and the disciples who had come to change shifts arrived. The guards were overjoyed and greeted them one by one, stomping their feet and complaining: “Why are you here now? Dead…”

“Isn’t it punctual.” The disciple who succeeded was also complaining, “We’re still a quarter of an hour ahead.”

The two groups of people quarreled with each other. They just turned around, but didn’t notice that a dark shadow floated up on the side of the cliff without a sound.

The masked black shadow is so light and superb that it floats over the side of the group of disciples like this half-mountain cloud and mist, flying straight over the cliff top, and has already penetrated into the ice cave in a flash.

The ground was slippery and covered with mirror-like ice. The man seemed to be excited. He was obviously martial arts, but he slipped into the hole. He was planted with a bone and slipped to the feet of Changsun Wuji.

This person didn’t get up, just hugged him, and he hugged Sun Wuji’s waist with the cold torture frame, and did not speak. For a while, there seemed to be a thin stream of water dripping down, before landing, it became Ice, falling on the surface of the ice, tinkling.

“Don’t… cry.” Long Sun Wuji closed his eyes, no one seemed to be, and said softly, “Be careful…be heard…”

The man was quiet immediately, then got up, went around behind Changsun Wuji, and reached out to pull the chain that held the long nail.

The man gestured very carefully. He pulled the chain with one hand and grabbed the lock with the other hand, for fear that it would hurt Changsun Wuji, but when he pulled it out with all his strength, the lock didn’t move at all, but Changsun Wuji snorted.

The man dared not move anymore, his eyes dimmed in the darkness, and Changsun Wuji said softly: “Don’t…cannot pull…”

Slumped down, his fingers ran across Changsun Wuji’s body, which was colder than ice. The man shivered, took out a pill from his arms, fed it into his mouth, and took out another thin black piece Zhang Sun Wuji’s fur was pulled apart and stuck to his heart.

Then walked to the torture frame again, seeming to want to block a gust of wind for the grandson Wuji, but remembering that there was also wind behind him, he turned back and turned around, feeling very at a loss.

Zhang Sun Wuji opened his eyes, smiled tiredly at the busy shadow, and said in a low voice: “It’s hard to…you, in fact…don’t care about…me.”

The man didn’t seem to bear to look at him smiling, he raised his hand to cover his eyes, and said: “Don’t…”

“Just beg you…just beg you…” Changsun Wuji closed his eyes and murmured, “On her side…”

The man let go of his hand silently and turned around.

The grandson Wuji did not speak, no one wept and no one chanted in the darkness, a solid silence, but only those who were in it could feel the desperate resistance and greatness that even the bones would burst in the silence. Patience, that kind of hardship from the depths of the soul faintly murmured in the silence, arousing shocking echoes, hitting the wall of the ice cave, even the roaring wind and the high mountains were shaking.

The man finally couldn’t endure the huge silent impact, his body trembled, his fingers gripped the wall of the cave tightly, his fingertips immersed deep into the ice, and a little blood burst out.

For a long while struggling and saying: “I will try my best…”

Changsun Wuji slowly exhaled a long breath, smiled happily, his face was terribly pale, a smile blooming like a flower of ice and snow, the smile was bright and gorgeous, but it made people feel that the beauty was fleeting in an instant .

The man looked at that smile, slowly turned around, and muttered for a while: “Why…”

Zhang Sun Wuji slowly raised his eyes, gazing through the chaotic and confused mountains and snowy fog, staring at the direction of the heart.

Is she there yet? Has she entered the four realms? Is everything going well for her?

But I hope she is well.

Suffering…maybe it is suffering, but I still feel that the luck of being with her is worth all the pain that this person has suffered.

He smiled and was slightly satisfied. He realized that in his life, he was rich in gold and jade, and rich in a country. However, the happiest moment was the moment when she looked at him seriously, and his clear eyes were full of his shadow. Barrenness and paleness have since filled up.

“Why…suffering so much…” the man still muttered blankly, “How much do you have to pay for her? It’s that this great river and mountains are not worthy of your attention, is it even your life, you Don’t you cherish it?”

The Changsun Wuji was silent for a long time, and smiled slightly.

“With her…Do you need to go to hell?”

The masked man turned around in shock.

“Then, I will go.”

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