Legend of Fu Yao Chapter 8: This heart is crazy

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The blood color is like a ditch, slowly fading away on the flat ground, because it flows too much, and even the heavy rain cannot be washed away. It gradually merges from small strands into broad strands, flowing through those that will step on the water. Purple oil boot uppers that have to snap.

The purple cloaks strode through the blood water, under the cloaks a bit of cold sword tip flashed with blood stains, they stepped on countless crimson footprints into the hall into the patio and into the backyard, carrying blood and wind and rain. A volume of purple shadow of his cloak, like a nightmare, descended on the Li family’s house of poets and books.


The sound of blood sticking to the soles of the shoes makes a dull pounding sound. Any sound in the rainstorm seems to be stuffy in a jar, or the throat is obscured.

“Ah–” The woman’s scream suddenly sounded with the tearing of her clothes, and at the same time lightning flashed suddenly, as if the sky was torn in an instant, revealing the snow-colored flawless body.

Laughter and licentious laughter in the rainstorm.

“…Sure enough, she is a beauty…it’s not in vain!”

“Brother, hurry up… Seeing this white meat, brother, I can’t hold back…”

“What’s the hurry! Line up one by one! I heard that the new daughter-in-law of the old Li’s family is amazing in Baili, we are all happy today!”

Wind and rain knocks on the window, and the rain is like a whip, breaking the red dust and dirt, not breaking the human dust.


Suddenly there was another man crying, and then there was a crisp “pop”, the sky was so bright that it was shaking, and some people shouted with great anger: “Bitch! Dare to bite Laozi!”

Then there was another struggling scream, and suddenly the door was knocked open with a “bang”, and the woman with disheveled clothes and bare skin slammed out and plunged her head into the rain.

She was torn to pieces in her bright red wedding gown, the depth of which was not known to be blood or water, her hair was scattered all over her head, and it was soaked by the rain that she stuck to her jade-white forehead, she stumbled and rushed out , Stumbling over a corpse, Gu Lulu rolled away, struggling to get up and take a look.

“My husband–“

The woman screamed, and rushed to hug the body of the bridegroom official, her beloved, her beloved, a quarter of an hour ago, she was happily waiting for Xi Zhu to wait for him to raise the red hijab. , A quarter of an hour later she tripped his warm corpse across the door of the new house.

Someone chased him behind her. The woman closed her open hand, and she gritted her teeth and rushed down the steps. Under the steps was another somersault. She fell dizzy and got up and saw another heart-piercing scream. .


She’s here to see her off tonight, because her father, who didn’t go home because of the heavy rain, opened eyes to her that he could never close.

The woman knelt in the rain, trembling all over, the big raindrops were shaken away by her uncontrollable trembling, splashing blood in front of the court, and the men who came out suddenly stopped chasing , They slowly hugged their chests, standing under the impenetrable corridor and laughing loudly.

“Bitch, run for you–who do you still expect to save you today?”

“Chasing what? When she finishes going around and watching the corpse capital, haven’t she come back and lie down under us?”

Someone came over lightly, bowed flatteringly, handed over the umbrella, and faced the man who tied his pants on the steps: “Captain, it’s fun to play in the rain, it’s as slippery as a fish, don’t have a taste…”

The captain’s eyes brightened, he laughed and patted the man’s shoulder, and said: “You kid is strong!”

The man smiled flatteringly, and he bent over the lantern to illuminate his face. It was Lizheng who had been toasting Meng Fuyao at the previous table and was frozen.

He bends down deeply and wipes off his sweat… These guys are stationed nearby, saying they are looking for a certain enemy country’s main criminal, but nothing is wrong. They are forcing him to find a woman with a yellow flower to relieve the fire, even I fell in love with his thirteen-year-old second girl… I had no choice but to send the old Li family’s daughter-in-law… But… these purple cloak masters are so terrible… The old Li family is so miserable…

Lizheng lowered his head deeply, dodges his eyes everywhere, not daring to look at the dead corpse in the rain on the steps.

The purple cape captain became interested in his proposal, strode down the steps, and Li was hurriedly holding an umbrella to follow carefully.

…The woman can’t run anymore, crawling hard in the blood and blood on the ground. She vaguely remembers that the county grandfather did not leave because of the heavy rain. Now she lives in the backyard guest room, who is the head of the county. , Is the official of the parents, the protector of hundreds of thousands of people in Yuanxian County, the corpse of the Li family tragedy is everywhere today, as long as his old man is there, he will always be fair!

She must repay the Li family’s hatred!

This is the last hope that supports her with a broken body, struggling step by step in the rain, and walking up to a few steps to reach the backyard, which is now as difficult as a moat.


In the backyard guest room, Meng Fuyao sat cross-legged, and ordered Tiecheng, who rushed over: “Don’t leave this house even one step, don’t let people disturb us. Now we both rely on you.” She glanced at the sound. Zhong Yi, who rushed over, whispered: “Remember, your responsibility is heavy.”

Tiecheng knows, nodding his head heavily. He turned around, facing the window with his back to Meng Fuyao, drew his sword in his hand, and guarded without blinking.

The rain was too heavy, rushing to all the shouting and howling, in the thunderous rain, it is really difficult to distinguish the abnormal sound, but Tie Cheng suddenly frowned.

He vaguely heard a miserable voice calling for Daddy.

Tiecheng opened his eyes wide, trying to find the source of the sound from the rain, then he saw something slowly crawling at the backyard door.


The woman is crawling, dragging the mud and blood in the mud in the heavy rain, using her elbows and knees to walk the most bleakest and most difficult road in her life.

The captain of the purple cape sneered, and slowly followed, she struggled to climb a step, he took a leisurely step, and he was holding the umbrella carefully above his head, not raining, he lazily hugged his chest and smiled. The drenched curvy female body slid up and down, feeling that the hips were delicate and swelling, the shoulder lines were thin and pretty, the rain was soaking the clothes and the skin was shining with water, and there was such struggle and creep His posture is more flavorful than being stripped naked on the bed, and it can arouse the beastly desires surging deep in the man’s blood.

He swallowed and felt his lower body tighten again.

The backyard is already in sight.

In the three wing rooms facing the backyard door, the parents of a county, the honorable and reserved county grandfather, and the last hope of the Li family’s wife.

The county grandfather is awake.

He is a light sleeper, especially in recent years. He has taken too much money. The more he walks at night, he is afraid of seeing ghosts. He sleeps in his own house and gets up in the middle of the night to count the money under the bed, let alone sleeping in other people’s houses.

He shrank behind the window, licked the broken window paper, and tremblingly watched the woman creeping up like a ghost in the rainstorm.

He also had the township chief who lived with him, who was generally panicked like a sieve. Seeing Li’s daughter-in-law crawling over with an elbow, the man behind him approached with a grinning grin, becoming more panic and resentful. Thinking that the woman brought the murderous purple cloak into the backyard, putting them in danger, she couldn’t help but cursed in a low “scare”: “Hey! This woman! This woman!”

The county grandfather reluctantly covered his eyes and sighed: “Faint! Faint!”

I don’t know who I am scolding.

The bride of the Li family could not hear the guest’s cursing. She lifted her face with blood, tears, and rain, and looked at the closed door on the steps with hope. In a trance, she seemed to see the county grandfather pushing the door out, sternly scolding. These evil wolves rushed up with a wave of their big hands, leading the officers and soldiers, rescued her, and avenged the Li family.

However, the rain was falling like that, and the door was still tightly closed.

“My lord——”

The mournful woman, struggling to climb the steps, to pick the knocker, the captain of the purple cloak sneered at it, and did not stop.

“She knocked on the door, she knocked on the door, said I was not here, said I was not here—”

“Don’t panic, adults, don’t panic, just pretend to sleep…”

“My lord!!” The woman couldn’t open the door, and the door was firmly held back by a stool. She was lying on the steps, half body in front of the door in the rain, banging her head loudly, “My lord… please help me ……”

“Dead woman, dead woman!” The adult turned his back, and covered his head with the quilt, to isolate the mourning female voice and the sound of pouring rain from the thick and warm quilt provided to him.

The door is not frightened by the wind and rain, the thick quilt is wrapped in a cocoon, the blood is flowing across the door, and the tears in the rain are crying.

The spark of justice and passion will never open in a humble heart.

The woman raised her head, her forehead was full of bruises and blood, but she didn’t seem to feel it, she just calmed down suddenly, quietly watching the door that belonged to her family, but never opened to her, in an instant Understand the filth and shame of this world, the cowardice and selfishness of human nature.

The captain of the purple cape laughed impatiently, strode forward, picked up the woman’s hair, turned and left.

“My lord,” Li was hurriedly holding an umbrella and chasing him, pointing to the back of this wing room, and said: “There seem to be a few people from the rivers and lakes staying here today. The martial arts are so high. Do you want to… “

He stroked his still stiff arm, looking in that direction bitterly.

“Jianghu people?” The purple cape captain was startled, and then he laughed wildly, “What about the people of the rivers and lakes? Don’t you dare to squeeze? Dare to control? I am slaughtered like you! Look, I am there today. Play with this woman in front of people, and they don’t dare to squeak when keeping them!”

He laughed wildly, pulled Li’s wife by the hair, dragged her to Meng Fuyao’s door, raised his hand, and “teared” her body.



When Li’s wife climbed into the backyard, Meng Fuyao was already in a state of being.

In order to better supplement the lost true power of Longsun Wuji, she did not hesitate to return her true power, but this behavior is as dangerous as walking a tightrope, and if it is a little alarmed, she will give up all her efforts and even harm the two of them.

Tiecheng’s eyes have already stared out of their sockets.

He stayed in the room, listening to the crying and screaming in the courtyard, as if suffering from the worst torture in the world, he was so anxious that he was squeezing his feet at the window and looking and looking again, his fists hit his palms all over the floor Turning around, I watched Meng Fuyao again and again, hoping she would wake up earlier so that she could get away to save others, and heard the woman crying for the county grandfather in despair, hoping that the county grandfather could help her, and finally she begged Without a way, he also has a canthus.

His breathing was ringing in the room-hurried, chaotic, unable to restrain himself.

He tried to stand up countless times, the electricity shot out the window, and he stopped in mid-air countless times before falling to the ground.

He is not alone. There are people behind him who need his protection. His biggest wish in life is to follow her and protect her, even if she does not need him many times.

But this time, really, she said: You have a great responsibility.

Her words are so heavy that he can no longer cross the wall of promise.

No, no.

The rain curtain is like a wall, the transparent huge wall that the hand of the gods smashed down viciously, the wall is so cold in front of his eyes, and then blocked in his heart, he opened his sore eyes, through the eaves With the water splashing like a flying spring, I saw a few shadows striding over, “Kanda Kanda” stepped on the water, carrying something soft in his hand.

The soft thing was dragged over and slammed into the puddle in the backyard, a gesture of raising the clothes and crying startled.

The sky and the earth are all white, but Tiecheng’s eyes are red.

The blood in his whole body is as if he is no longer his own, all rushing out of his veins, rushing towards this rainy night, towards the killing and shamelessness, adultery and tyranny in this rainy night.

As soon as he lifted his leg, he flew up and rushed out indefinitely.

The body was suddenly pulled, and when he looked back and saw Zhong Yi, Tiecheng said angrily: “Let go of me!”

Zhong Yi looked at him with blood-red eyes and grief and anger. He was silent for a long while, and he really let go. Tiecheng hurriedly ran out, but heard the people behind him coldly said: “Go, you go, and then lead the enemy together. Come, then, kill your master.”

Tiecheng maintained the posture of one leg outside the other leg, and froze.

“I really don’t know how she would accept you as a guard?” The voice of the person behind him mocked, and there is no more cute and docile and docile, sharp as a knife, “A guard, the only thing to do in life The thing is to protect your master, instead of always remembering to **** the strong and help the weak to see the uneven road. That is the work of the knight. I said, you should be your knight, as a guard, you are not qualified.”

Tiecheng froze there, his five fingers inserted deeply into the window lattice, and the wooden thorn pierced the fingertips with blood, but he really didn’t move anymore. After a while, he turned very slowly and slowly, and he turned so hard and so hard. , So that Zhong Yi actually heard the creaking sound of bone twisting.

However, he turned around.

The moment he turned around, all his eyes turned to crimson, bloody.

Zhong Yi looked at him with mysterious eyes, and said in a low voice for a long while: “Forbearance… endure this moment, you endure this moment, better than you do a thousand things for your master.”

“Tap my acupuncture points…” Tiecheng gritted his teeth, begging, “click my acupuncture points!”

“You don’t need to worry about me?” Zhong Yi sneered, Tiecheng became stiff, and squatted down with his head in a low cry.

There was still a group of small white shadows squatting on the ground. Master Yuan Bao had already found a mouse hole and buried his head in his relative’s house regardless of filth.

The room fell silent, everyone was repressing their breath, everyone’s eyes reflected the shimmering light in the dark, the light was full of blood and pain, and new injuries were added wherever it was pierced.

In that silence, the sound of wind and rain and screams became more and more violent and clear, and the man’s blood was beaten like a whip.

But for her, Shinobu! Everyone is forbearing!

Meng Fuyao on the bed suddenly moved slightly.

Her true power has been running for a week just now, and she is trying to enter along the meridian of Wuji, because this level is too important, she doesn’t dare to enter, and wants to find out the direction of Wuji. So she stopped for a while.

Just like this, she heard the call outside the window.

It was the voice of a woman struggling when she was subjected to violence, her clothes being torn, and more than one man’s lewd laughter. Those voices were mixed with the sound of the violent rain, very weak, listen to her In my ears, it was shocking like a huge thunder!

Just outside her house, in front of the window, under her nose, there is a woman suffering the most torment in the world!

How! can!

Meng Fuyao made a bang in his head, and his hands were loosened subconsciously. The first instinct was to jump up and rush out to kill!

However, just as the fingers were withdrawn, Zhang Sun Wuji’s true energy was immediately disturbed by her restless aura. The storm surged like waves, and the inner breath was chaotic in an instant!

Meng Fuyao froze.

She can’t move… can’t move… can’t move!

She has already entered the drainage of Longsun Wuji meridian, and now she moves to the meeting to kill Longsun Wuji!

But she doesn’t move at the moment, the woman outside the window will be killed by Chaun Jian under her nose!

Meng Fuyao began to tremble.

At this moment, in front of me, the hardest choice in my life.

Let go of him and lose him; if you don’t let him go, you lose your dignity and reason to be a man!

She was courageous and courageous all her life, but in the stormy night of this foreign town, she suffered from unprecedented difficulties in her life.

How do you want her to let go of her hands and bury the confidant who has been with the wind and rain, and who has fallen to this point for her?

How can she not let it go, and listen to what all women in the world can’t tolerate happen before her eyes.

At this moment, Meng Fuyao heard a long howling like a wolf in his heart——

The howl Yin Ran was bloody, shattering her life of bravery and courage, so mixed with blood, cruelly rubbed, the wire-like persistence deep in her heart was unbearable, and she suddenly broke.

The sky is ruthless, as for Si!


At this moment, the woman outside the window is suffering miserably. At this moment, everyone in the window is deeply tortured by conscience.

It is no longer possible to tell who is more painful than whom.

Zhong Yi didn’t move. He turned his back to the window and raised his head, his pale complexion getting paler.

Tiecheng didn’t move. He held his head, his arms pressed against his neck.

Meng Fuyao… did not move.

She sits really calmly, her hand pressing on the back of the grandson Wuji is as stable as ever, without a trace of tremor in her fingers, guiding air, draining, dredging, taking in… a good step.

It was just the corners of her lips, but slowly bleeding came. It was the blood that she bit her tongue and lips, and the blood in the internal organs that could no longer control the torrent.

The blood dripped first, then clustered, and finally gathered into a stream. The more it flowed, the more it flowed, the more hurried, the lower jaw fell on the collar, and finally the quilt was wet. She sat cross-legged like this In the bedding of half rain and half blood, fire was burning in his eyes, blood was bleeding at the corner of his mouth, but his expression and fingers were calm, paying attention to the grandson Wuji.

She only looked at the grandson Wuji.

Look at his thin back, look at his black hair like silk, look at his exquisite but pale and transparent profile, look at his long eyelashes that hang down calmly.

Such him, such an indelible face written in her memory, she may not have selfishly, but she never wants to let it disappear forever.

She wants him to live well, just like before meeting her, noble, unrestrained, free, and powerful, overturning the wind and clouds from the top of the world, changing the vicissitudes of life with a smile.

For these words that should belong to him, she did not hesitate to praise her father running day by day, rushing to the front of destiny, trying to piece together a complete and flawless him.

Even if the price was paid, she would exchange her life’s dignity.

Let her be…selfish once in her life, even if she bears the sin of eternal life from now on.


Some people are laughing loudly, and some are crying silently.

In the rain, the strong and energetic purple cloaks took turns to taste the women under them, enjoying the “slippery and refreshing and moisturizing” in the rain that had never been tried in this life.

The snow-white skin was covered with viscous water, and it thumped like a fish on the ground. The screams had gradually weakened. On the ground that was groping and rolling, there was a constant reddish color. Mixed with rainwater, it spread out.

The men laughed indulgingly, slapped each other, and the ridiculous laughter resounded through the courtyard and into the silent room.

“…Master said, just play in front of them! Don’t dare to put one fart!”

“What is it, dare to fight us?”

“Look… Master is so cool… Come out and kowtow a few times, if you are happy, I will share your play!”

“Just lick it cleanly!”

There was a burst of wanton laughter, mixed with the woman’s screaming cry as if trying her best:

“The sky has no eyes! Do not bless the innocent!”


A blast of thunder sounded in the court, and even the house seemed to shook. Lightning shuttled across the sky, and the dark clouds were plated with layers of light.

The sky is angry!

The huge thunder shook the entire courtyard and the men stopped, and Tie Cheng, who was kneeling on the ground, shook his body and hit the bed. Both Changsun Wuji and Meng Fuyao shook, and then suddenly one fell from the bottom of Changsun Wuji’s clothes. Little box.

The box opened, revealing the Snow White Pill that Meng Fuyao had handed him earlier.

The fragrance of the medicine was clear, and it was forced into the tip of his nose. Meng Fuyao opened his eyes, and his eyes flashed over the pills like electricity.

Improved skill… Improved skill… If you can improve, you can get rid of it earlier, and you can save this woman’s life!

She automatically ignored Zong Yue’s repeated warnings—the drug is overbearing, and she must rest for a month after taking it.

Meng Fuyao raised his gaze and directly approached Zhong Yi, motioning him to feed her the pill.

Zhong Yi hesitated for a while, Meng Fuyao’s gaze got sharper, Zhong Yi’s eyes flicked over the unstopped blood from the corner of her lips, gritted his teeth, walked forward quickly, and stuffed the pill into her mouth.

He put his hand on the edge of the bed with some worry, and carefully observed Meng Fuyao’s expression. At the entrance of the pill, almost instantly, Meng Fuyao’s skin turned red, and even his unmasked wrists were flushed, as if the whole body’s blood was stimulated instantly. Zhong Yi was taken aback when he saw the red color receding, Meng Fuyao returned to normal.

At the entrance of the pill, Meng Fuyao’s mind was dizzy, as if a giant cannon was exploding in his chest, instantly exploding the flesh and blood consciousness and flying up to the clouds, blood and energy all over his body, and he was about to gush out. Time is the critical moment to improve her skill. As long as she takes advantage of the trend, the seventh floor can go up to another level. However, Meng Fuyao immediately reversed the power of her dantian and sent that zhenqi to the Changsun Wuji meridian. The lower body shook, and the zhenqi of the long sun Wuji tortoise breath, because of this sudden rush, finally awakened and began a slow self-repair.

Meng Fu sighed in relief and carefully retracted her hand. The moment her palm left Changsun Wuji’s heart, she was still very careful and stable. Once she was completely out of his body, it immediately became a lightning bolt!

Black, but burning red fire lightning!

The black lightning swayed in the room, so fast as if there were faint afterimages on all sides, and then disappeared, leaving only a low cry: “Tiecheng keep the guard!”

The heavy rain has not stopped.

With a “crash”, like the second thunder, the men looked up and saw the windows of the opposite room suddenly shattered, and a black figure came out like a thunder.

It’s more intense than thunder, more urgent than lightning, more intense than rainstorm, more intense than blood!

The man kicked in midair and knocked over half of the wall! She whirled and kicked in the sound of the rumbling and collapse, and the flying bricks were suddenly kicked by her into a sky full of stone shadows.

“Array——” With a loud shout, the well-trained purple cloak reacted extremely quickly, Qi Qi naked carp jumped up, the figure flashed and instantly opened the formation, the flying bricks, instead All hit the woman on the ground.

Meng Fuyao has already arrived.

She was close to the ground, and the black harrier swept over as light and dexterously. With a hand, she picked up the woman, grabbed her scraps of clothing and barely covered her body, and went under a vine flower stand in the patio next to her. As soon as he put it down, he turned around, a tumble in the air, and then turned to a purple cloak on the side of the formation.

That is the weakest part of the formation that just opened-this man has just evacuated his fire, his clothes are the most irregular, and he is still trying to pull his pants.

Meng Fuyao didn’t play any fancy tricks. She directly used herself as a cannonball and slammed into it. She slammed herself into a black light, a flowing shadow, and a roaring boulder. The rain on the city walls on all sides was covered by her. Zhang Qi and Zhenli smashed into each other, and her body became a vacuum within a meter radius on Monday, dripping hard!

She smashed her head like a black boulder, and saw despair and fear in the eyes of the opponent who was firmly locked and unable to avoid.

The sorrow, anger and blood that made her happy, filled her with anger and panic!


At the moment when the body hits, the “killing sky” hidden under the elbow appears and disappears, black when it appears, and blood red when it is hidden.

A broad blood rainbow was shot on the rain ground!

Meng Fu smiled, almost crazy, and when he raised his hand, the black light flew out, and the blood flew out of his head and hit his companion beside him!

The person saw that the head of the companion who was standing beside him just now suddenly flew towards him, and the last-minute despair and horror of his life still remained on the head, which became more and more clear in his vision. , The spurt of blood splashed, blinding his eyes.

Then he felt a cold neck.

Immediately he saw his head flying out, weirdly swirling in the dark night sky of heavy rain, turning a 360-degree panoramic view during the tossing, seeing the houses on all sides, seeing the houses In the dormitory, the concealed figure was motionless and saw the corpses in the yard and the soft brothers who were still looking for the softness of the boxes and cabinets in the outer yard. He saw his body standing in the rain and was kicked out by the terrible black hurricane. .


Chain head kick!

The head and corpse of this person who had just died were kicked out by Meng Fuyao again and hit the next one.

The next retreat! But he couldn’t retreat the man’s head with the real power of Meng Fuyao’s rage. Before the sword was half drawn, the protruding eyes of the dead man’s head were already in front of his eyes. The white eyeballs were raised, and then he felt a white light in his brain. A flash, and then something exploded.

His head was also smashed out alive, to the next one!

The domino of the dead head.

The muffled sound of “bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang bang, bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang ban The outline of the person, only to see the wind and shadows, interspersed in the crowd, the wind splashed with red, white and white flowers and greens, with broken limbs and broken arms and scattered pieces of meat, accompanied by a sound. Intermittent low howls and screams washed away the **** midnight rainstorm.

In an instant, kill nine people in a row!

The ten violent people in the courtyard in the rain are the ten with the best martial arts, the highest and the most energetic in this team. After all, not every man is strong enough to dare to have **** in a rainstorm. The purple cloak itself is the most powerful The sturdy and toughest assassination and arresting machine has always used the most iron and blood to train in the most ruthless manner. This team, especially the elite of the elite, can support a moment even if it meets Meng Fuyao.

However, the blasting blows of the peerless people at the expense of injury, the wind, thunder and lightning!

The ten most outstanding people still couldn’t resist Meng Fuyao’s desperate killing of Thunder and Wrath of Thunder.

Hurricane Meng Fuyao moved forward, stepping on the corpses of the nine people, and rushed to the last person. This was the leader of this hunting and killing door operation, the one who first threw the bride of the Li family in front of Meng Fuyao’s door. team leader.

He is also the smartest, and the moment he saw his heads flying one after another through the rain screen, he immediately tried to back up and turn around.

He had just moved, a lightning slashed down in the sky, and was slashing in front of his feet. The courtyard’s bluestone ground was scorched and burnt his toes in just one step.

He flinched in fright, and then heard the wind behind him.

The sound of the wind flashed, and then in the white light, he saw the black light rise, and he shot it hard!


The screams and faint cracks sounded, and some ugly things rolled down on the ground.

Meng Fuyao patted horizontally with a sword, and he broke his descendants’ roots by pats!

The captain’s pain was twisted into a ball underground, and he bounced unconsciously. This time it was no longer a comfortable and slippery flying fish. This time it was a dead fish struggling with a white belly. He clutched his lower body, desperately on the ground. Slip, try to get out on the slippery ground, swim a little farther from the Nine Heavens Killing God, swim to the area of ​​life!

In addition to the guest house in the backyard, forty people were scattered in the front yard looking for belongings.

Farther away, they still have three groups, each group of fifty people patrolling nearby, as long as he escapes from the backyard, alarms the brothers in the front yard, and then alarms other groups nearby, they will not have to die!

Not only can you not die, you can also contact the brigade distributed in Guanyuan County, and then report to the headquarter in Duanjing, or even the Great Empress! Surrounding this killing **** layer by layer, the broken corpse—their purple cloak originally had a powerful information network and an organizational structure of progressive connections!

As long as he escapes from the backyard!

The squad leader struggled desperately, crawling forward slowly, dripping with blood, and his posture was exactly the same as when the bride of the Li family tried to escape. Meng Fu shook his sword with a shaved head and radiated cold light, replacing his previous role with a sneer. Follow him step by step.

The torrential rain is pouring, and the sky is pouring. This rain is endless, as if to rush away all the blood and anger of the **** night when the murderer was killed, but it will never rush again. The hot-blooded woman was frustrated and full of anger.

The captain crawled, Meng Fuyao followed.

After three steps, she suddenly stepped forward, raised her hand, and a pale arm flashed, rolling away.


Meng Fuyao’s voice is clear and stern in the screams of the sky, like ice caught from a deep well.

“This is to pay the debt to the murder of the Li family!”

The squad leader clutched his broken arm, his yellow face was shaking with his lips, and he was desperately speeding up to climb out in the dizzying pain, Meng Fuyao took another step, the cold light was bright.

One leg is neatly left on the bluestone slab forever.

“This is to pay for the humiliation of the Li’s bride!”

The heart-piercing screams no longer sound like human voices, but like the squeaky creaks of midnight lightning and lightning, and the **** thing on the ground does not look like Man is more like a beast that fell into a hunter’s room with teeth traps after fulfilling lust.

He was still cruising, rolling thick blood on the ground, Meng Fuyao stepped forward again, “killing the sky” black light like a waterfall, poking into the chest and abdomen, so murderous Lingran without hesitation. The sound hit the throat!

“This is to compensate me for being driven to depravity by you!”

Red, green and green splashed all over the place, and the ugly body twitched and remained still.

Meng Fuyao dropped his sword, panting, and covering his eyes with his hands for a long while.

Rain water and the blood on her palm flowed down quickly, like the tears in her heart that had been blocked since she heard the voice and made the choice.

You and I are…actually as shameless…

The mass of things underground, but suddenly moved again.

This life is so stubborn that Ling Chi still has a breath left, still crawling with Hehe, desperately using the remaining hand to reach the door in front.

The door separating the backyard from the front yard.

At this moment, the dying man had no clear consciousness, and he had forgotten the motionless Meng Fuyao behind him. The only thing he remembered in his **** memory was this door representing vitality and hope.

It’s only a minute.

Under the vine flower stand by the door, a figure suddenly rushed out, stumbled and rushed over, hugged his arm, and fought hard!

With a sound of bone cracking, a weak woman who had never killed a chicken in her life, exhausted the greatest power that the greatest hatred of her life could use, and finally heard this thrilling fracture.

The captain couldn’t scream anymore, convulsed into a ball underground, finally stiffened, completely motionless.

The bride of the Li family released her hand, sat on the threshold, and laughed up to the sky.

Her legs are divergent, and her body is bruised and red, and she can’t bear to see her body. The film of torn clothes can’t cover her body. The snow-white background is wet and mixed with the wounds after various abuses, which is even more unnatural than the mass on the ground.

Yet she laughed like that, that kind of crazy, sharp, heart-piercing laughter, that laughter severely suppressed the thunder and rain all over the sky, and broke through the black stratosphere that was pressing over the filthy world. The sword and spear generally pierced through the endless grievance and silence of the dead family.

Meng Fuyao trembled in such laughter, shaking so violently, as if he was also suffering from Ling Chi.

She stepped forward, tried to pick up the woman, and said in a low voice: “Don’t laugh… please… don’t…”

The woman suddenly tilted her head and bit Meng Fuyao’s arm severely.

Her pointed little teeth pierced Meng Fu’s arms like a sharp sword, and quickly bit her clothes straight into her skin. The wet, salty liquid soaked out and instantly stained her white teeth.

She didn’t let go, the cyan pupils were shining like a beast.

Meng Fu motionless, said softly: “You bite…If it makes you feel better…”


She suddenly loosened her teeth, bared her blood-red teeth, turned her head and spit out her mouthful of blood with broken teeth, looked at Meng Fuyao with contempt and contempt, whispering and violent, fearing Words that are not hateful enough:

“Dirty blood!”

Meng Fuyao was struck by lightning. He stepped back and leaned on the vine flower stand. A violaceous flower that was maimed by the rain was knocked down and fell on her pale cheeks. It was a bit funny, but she was so numb that she didn’t know how to brush it off.

The bride of the Li family was draped in scraps of rags, sitting on the threshold, pointing straight at her in the heavy rain:

“He is a good martial artist, and he shrinks like a tortoise, watching my Li family suffer!”

“Be here in the main hall, the family member has a good wine, and the dog is free!”

Meng Fuyao leaned against the flower stand and stared straight at her. At this moment, the rain and wind all over the world turned into blue smoke and dispersed, and the world shrank into this small piece under the vine flower stand, flying everywhere. The cursing of the bride in the Li family was left, and the cursing bombs splashed on the rain again, shooting at her directionlessly like arrows. She was powerless, speechless and unable to avoid, leaving the knife with blood and arrows. Wear.

Meng Fuyao slowly bent down, covering himself in pain, but he didn’t know where to cover, his body was still intact, his consciousness and dignity had long been riddled with holes, and each hole was as big as an abyss. Pass the **** howling ice wind.

She has missed and failed in her life, but she has never lost her heart. However, at this moment, the new wife of the Li family is slashing like a knife, but she is speechless and can only be slaughtered.

So a bleak perception.

It turns out… She is no different from them. The so-called justice is vulnerable to selfishness before making a decision. She has never been more noble than anyone else, as selfish, humble, shameless, and cowardly!

Because of the unkindness of the world, one of the humble dogs in everything!

She has been standing all her life, but now she is finally kneeling in the dust.

From then on…How will she face herself at this moment?

The Li’s bride no longer smiled or scolded.

She sits, leaning against the door wall, her neck leaning back slightly, in an eternally frozen posture.

She is dead.



The stern and long drink rushed to the sky, and the scream was still unfinished, and the sky filled the sky with grey-black wild shadows.

Meng Fuyao rushed out like a whirlwind. Without even leaving the door between the front and rear courtyards, he smashed through the walls of the two courtyards and forced through.

She rushed out of the dust and smoke, she didn’t use her infuriating energy to protect her, she smashed out a head of blood, that blood smashed down, stuck her eyes, and there was severe pain on her forehead, but she didn’t even wipe it. .

Compared with the sadness and anger in the bottom of my heart, this pain is far from enough!

Meng Fuyao ran wildly in the courtyard in the rain, among the corpses in a place.

She overestimated herself.

She thought she could face and endure the consequences of such a choice. She thought she could use her life’s mind and time to make up for her selfishness. However, when the bride of the Li family died in front of her after cursing, she finally collapsed .

The heavens and the earth collapsed, and the universe dome revolved down, drowning her.

She doesn’t know what she’s going to do or where she’s going. She just feels that the air on all sides is as cold as snow, but she is full of anger and anger. The pain in the bottom of her heart interacts with the overbearing medicinal properties, and the whole body is excited. The blood rushed wildly and rushed, looking for an exit in all directions, the violent blood was like a snake that bound her consciousness, tightly strangling her, and strangling her breathing hard and confused.

She wants to break free! Break free! Break free!

She screamed and ran!

The other forty people in the front yard who collected the Li family’s belongings and soft belongings have all heard movement at this time.

In the wing room where the old couple lived in the Li family’s main house, the windows and doors were opened, and a few people’s heads were poked out. They looked outside, then looked at each other, and said, “What is the sound? The ghost shouts?” /

Then they all saw a black figure walking up the corridor like a ghost.

Their eyes just saw the black figure appearing in the promenade, and for the next instant they felt that a black light rolled over and something cold was flashing across their necks.

Heaven and earth stopped forever at this moment, the blood rushing out from the cavity, the flying human head saw four heads neatly falling outside the door, four headless corpses fell inside the door, the corpses still remained The posture of stunned visitation.

Meng Fuyao stepped on the eaves of the corridor and dashed past them with a knife.

Just one trick!

One knife, four heads!

Four heads landed, Meng Fuyao didn’t even look at it, raised his leg and floated into the next room. At this time, the sound of “gudong” was heard.

I was looking at a purple cloak looking at the golden color of the lamp and heard the voice raising his head in amazement. Before the words came out, I felt that the shadow of the lamp was dark, and then lit again. When it was lit, it was completely finished. red.

That is his own blood.

He slowly lowered his head and found that the front and back heart had opened a big hole, and a pale **** hand was pulling out a black knife.

Immediately he saw the black robe fluttering, smelling the **** wind at the tip of his nose, and the black shadow was gone. ‘

He fell down, and his last consciousness was…that’s not a human being.

Meng Fuyao doesn’t want to be a man at this moment. Being a man is too difficult and painful, it is better to become a demon!

Kill this shameless humanity and pierce this eyeless sky!

She ran across the entire Li family’s house, looking at people with a stab. Later, the purple cloak rushed out and gathered to deal with her. One of them was so brave that he lied to her side, and Meng Fuyao penetrated with a single stab. The bridge of his nose is full of life.

The bridge of the nose was hard, and the knife was stuck and didn’t pull out for a while, and there were people in front of and behind him. Meng Fuyao didn’t pull it out, even the corpse was lifted, and he smashed his head and covered his face!

It was so fierce, people were shocked, and some people started to retreat cowardly, and the purple cloak became less and less formed, so they died faster.

During the killing process, Meng Fuyao saw two trembling black shadows behind a water tank, but it was the county grandfather and town official who pulled them out. Meng Fuyao raised his hands to kill, and the two cried for mercy. , Keeps arguing that they have no power to bind chickens, and they are powerless to save people.

Meng Fuyao finally took it back with a knife–what qualifications did she have to ask them to kill them? She herself is more despicable than them!

As soon as she raised her hand and opened the two men, she rolled her knife and continued to rush, full of blood leaping, and she felt like splashing when she touched her throat. She vaguely knew that the side effects of the drug’s power had begun to spread. Most need to stop and rest, but she can’t stop. Only by constantly rushing and killing, can she turn that whole-hearted anger into blood soaring, and wash away the bone-thinning pain at this moment.

The knife rises… the knife falls… the knife goes in… the knife goes out!

The blood is drawn out like a band, and no one is more red than anyone else!

That kind of violent killing, galloping, it’s a long time to kill, and it’s very short. I don’t know when I followed someone behind me, vaguely knowing that it is my own person, the hidden guard, Tiecheng.

The hidden guard tried to stop her, she raised her hand and split.

“Protect your master, go away!”

Tie Cheng’s eyes were blood-red and she pulled her, and she slapped her over.

“Why didn’t you save it? Why didn’t you save it?”

The crisp applause made the lightning dodge, and the cry of blood of the clank man sounded behind him.

Don’t cry for this uncomfortable slap, cry for the helpless choices in life, cry for the bleeding scars of the master at this moment!

Meng Fuyao is still rushing. People seem to have finished killing. She is still looking through the corpse, her black figure jumping on all sides, impetuous and hysterical.

I vaguely heard someone yelling: “Stop her, stop her!”

“Let her cry! Otherwise she will be crazy!”

The answer is already crying, “I can’t stop it…”

Go crazy, go crazy, this world is so cold and cold, people are only alive with the pain, why not go crazy together!

Suddenly a faint shadow passed in front of my eyes.

She didn’t seem to see it, she ran straight into the shadow fireball, she was so cruel, she was trying to kill someone with strength, no matter if you are in front of you, whether it’s a mountain or a rock, a person or a ghost, dare to stop me , Killed you!

The shadow didn’t let go.


She slammed into a warm embrace.

The world is so cold to the bone, only this embrace is as warm as ever.

Meng Fuyao was stiff, and her whole body was shaking. At this moment, her body was stiff and her internal organs were burning hot. The only thing she didn’t had was the omnipresent calmness and warmth, such a different warmth. For a moment, her manic enthusiasm was gently trapped, in exchange for the most dangerous moment before she was about to lose her mind and self-injury and die.

Feeling the person on top of her head shook slightly, as if coughing, then a little heat and humidity fell on her head. Meng Fuyao became a little awake and raised his hand to touch, but the person immediately stopped her and hugged her even more. tight.

He held her tightly, he attached to her ear in the heavy rain, and said softly: “Fuyao Fuyao Fuyao Fuyao…”

He called her name loudly, recalling her perception of herself at the moment of self-despair.

He said: “How can you tell me to live like this?”

He said: “As far as the sinner is I am not you. If I don’t have an accident, this will not happen. If the hidden guard had not sent me out to detect and kill the purple cloak, this would not happen.”

He said: “Fuyao, we are all wrong, but remember that I will carry it with you at any time, not alone, not alone.”

He said: “If you don’t live, everyone here will die, I am the first.”

He said: “Cry, there is nothing you can’t face, there is no reason not to cry.”

He held up her face full of blood and rain, and the wet foreheads of the two were pressed together. Meng Fuyao looked at his bloodshot eyes under his bushy long eyelashes in a trance, where the pain and distress were instantly overwhelmed. His lips fell softly, and he kissed her so heavy and persistently, mixing the seven orifices of blood that flowed out from the cracking of the true qi with the rain one by one. His lips and teeth were lingering and his expression was painful, as if he wanted to use it. All the warmth of oneself, to heal her scars that are difficult to heal at the moment.

Immediately, she saw a sparkle, a bit of salty liquid that was different from the cold rain, falling on her cheeks.


At this moment, it seemed to hear tears falling and breaking the ice, and the tears he dripped on her cheeks finally knocked on the black heart ice that she has condensed silently since she was scolded. The extinguished spark ignited thousands of miles of ice, melting away the blood and freezing, and suppressing the rushing waves.

Spit out a long breath of malice.

She softened suddenly.

Soft in the arms of the grandson Wuji.

She sticks in his arms, crying happily regardless of the tearing heart, as if a dam opened a breaching dam to leak a flooded river, and a large swath of accumulated tears are gushing like a blowout well of intense pain. Coming out, those tears that rushed out, seemed to have exhausted her life’s tears, and quickly wetted Changsun Wuji’s coat and wet his heart.

Changsun Wuji hugged her motionlessly, sitting unobstructed in the middle of the **** concrete courtyard, the heavy rain poured down without thinking, and Changsun Wuji slightly raised the rainy face, gradually taking the woman in her arms The warm body hugged tightly, and his expression seemed to be slightly grateful.

Fortunately… everything is too late.

I believe that time can make up for all serious injuries.

The sky is dark.

Under the sky, in the heavy rain, in the corpses, the drenched men and women embraced silently. She cried for her grief and pain. He was pained by her pain and grateful for her never lost.

She lost her tears in his arms, and at the end she cried out dark red blood. He smiled slightly and relaxed, but his face became paler.

Then they hugged each other and fell into the rain.

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