Legend of Fu Yao Chapter 40: Step by step crisis

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The stalagmites rushed, as fast as wheels were growing underneath, Meng Fuyao turned over and jumped up, and the dagger was about to split the stalagmites in a flash.

Suddenly saw something vaguely human in the stalagmite, pale and colorless, Meng Fuyao was shocked and quickly retracted the knife. The tip of the knife rubbed the stalagmite. The stalagmite could not resist the sharp edge.” It cracked and rolled out a white object.

Ji Yu gave a whistle, everyone immediately dispersed, with the sword in his hand, watching the thing vigilantly, but the thing seemed to be alive, always rolling toward Meng Fu, Meng Fu shook his knife sharply. With one finger, the sharp light of the sword shone in the dark cave like a galaxy hanging upside down. The thing seemed to be afraid of such a magic weapon, and rolled to a stop three feet away from her.

After this stop, everyone immediately saw the thing. It turned out to be a naked virgin body, with her head tilted slightly to the side, leaning over her hands and hugging her legs, her body was completely hairless, and her skin was abnormally white, almost the same color as a stalagmite. , So it was buried in the roots of the stalagmite for a while nobody noticed it.

“Curved limbs to bury humans and animals?” Meng Fuyao murmured. In her previous life, she participated in the archaeological excavation of the Guangfulin Cultural Tomb Site. She once discovered the curved limbs burial. However, the shape of this child’s body was abnormal. It does not belong to the curved limbs on the body, nor the curved limbs on the side. At this moment, she remembered that it is now in another continent. There are differences between the dynasty and the humanities and cultures of the previous lives. The dating of the archaeology of the previous generations, the epigraphy, and the classification of cultural artifacts Types, even the taboos and customs of various dynasties’ tombs, are no longer applicable. What she can use is only some intuitions and basic inferences formed during the archaeological process.

For example, this human sacrifice was transformed into this stalagmite alone, which is out of order, and this stalagmite should not be a stalagmite. Meng Fuyao took a closer look and found that this thing turned out to be a thin layer of jade, probably originally. A huge jade stone was hollowed out in the middle and put into the corpse of the boy.

At this point, I saw Tong Zuo’s fingers slightly raised and pointed in one direction. Meng Fuyao used a knife to straighten her up. As expected, he pointed to the place where the stalagmite went down. There was a hollow due to the fracture of the stalagmite. .

Wind came out from the bottom of the cave, whistling and whistling in the empty cave. Everyone looked at the girl’s body, who was quietly resting on Meng Fu’s feet, as white as a jade stone, and watched her skin and flesh gleaming blue under the stalactites. Light, the bottom of my heart is a little flat.

Ji Yu picked up the soldier who had knocked down the stalagmite just now. He just stopped in shock for an instant. At this time, he lowered his head with shame, but everyone smiled at him tolerantly—even after all the battles. In the cave of this step by step crisis, at the foot is the thousand-year-old tomb of the Dagun tribe, the most bizarre in history. Suddenly seeing this thing is normal.

However, the soldier looked up at the corpse, and suddenly shouted again in panic.

“She raised her head just now! Not so!”

Meng Fuyao’s body exploded with this shock, Ji Yu frowned, “Are you too scared and misunderstood?”

“No!” the soldier said sharply, “I saw it really just now. She raised her head and glanced at me. Her white eyes are blue, so I, I…”

“Burn her.” It was Zhan Beiye who was talking suddenly. He strode over, and his sword pointed at the corpse. The blade flashed red, and the corpse tried to get away again as if it had sensed. But it was blocked by Meng Fuyao’s blade.

“This should be the’zhenmen virgin’ of the Dagun tribe. Girls who were born on a yin-yin-yin-yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy resource resource resourcearrecast, no one has been seen by parents since birth. Cheese, which has a crystal-clear skin, was killed by bloodletting at the age of five in an extremely cruel way. It was used at the entrance of the Yongzhen tomb. This thing is very grieving and cannot be kept.”

“No,” Meng Fuyao thought for a while, shook his head, “If this thing is burned, it can be solved, and the Dagun clan will not use her to town the tomb. Put it here, there must be other plans.”

She looked around, her eyes fell on the tortoiseshell studded on Ji Yu’s waist purse, she couldn’t help but said, “This is good, come, give it out first.”

Ji Yu was embarrassed, and he hesitated for a while before he took it off. Meng Fuyao laughed and said, “It’s from the little lover? It’s okay. I’ll explain it for you next time.”

Ji Yu’s face was reddened, don’t turn your head, Meng Fuyao saw that this determined young man also had such an expression, couldn’t help but wince his eyes even more, everyone smiled knowingly, and the atmosphere in the gloomy cave suddenly became slightly relieved.

Meng Fuyao split the tortoiseshell in half, and usually crushed it into powder and sprinkled it on the corpse. After the powder was sprinkled, the corpse shrank suddenly and suddenly looked up!

Her cyan pupils are shining in the dark with a strange light, her eyes are out of focus, but they seem to be looking at everyone. When everyone comes into contact with such a lifeless gaze, they can’t help but a coolness rises from the lower abdomen , On her abdomen, a transparent belly faintly revealed an earthy yellow light, and the light became more and more prosperous, like a cluster of magical fire.

The surrounding temperature suddenly heats up, as if someone is boiling hot soup with a large cauldron all around. There is no steam, but it makes people feel that biting temperature.

Everyone took a step back, Meng Fuyao stood still, and Zhan Beiye stood beside her, blocking her, but Meng Fuyao pushed him and said, “You are too yang, this thing is afraid of you, On the contrary, there will be trouble, rest assured, it’s okay.”

She stepped forward, staring at the cyan pupils, and said in a low voice, “Go.”

The tortoiseshell powder fell, the cyan pupils gradually turned white, and the belly was bulging. It seemed that there was something inside the body that could not be collided. It shook the corpse constantly banging, and the khaki light continued to flicker. , A long time gradually disappeared.

Meng Fuyao kept staring nervously. He breathed a long breath when the light disappeared, and returned half of the tortoiseshell to Ji Yu, saying, “The tortoiseshell is a holy object for warding off evil spirits. It is one of the favorite things used by tomb thieves. And.”

Walking to the entrance of the cave, Meng Fuyao said, “You can go down now.”

Ji Yu snatched it over, grabbed the tortoiseshell in his palm, and was about to slide down first, Meng Fuyao snatched it, probed in and took a closer look, and said, “Don’t slip! Keep your hands and feet on the cave wall and slowly go down. Don’t try to save trouble!”

Without a word, Ji Yu slowly climbed down according to Meng Fuyao’s request. The others followed, and Zhan Beiye refused anyone behind him this time and insisted on being behind him.

Meng Fuyao walked in the middle, while walking sideways to touch the soil around the cave, he suddenly said in a deep voice, “Quick! Extinguish the fire!”

She had a tense tone, and everyone trembled. A soldier holding the fire-folder immediately blew out the flame, and then asked Meng Fuyao, “Why?”

Meng Fuyao’s eyes were as bright as stars in the dark, but he didn’t answer. He just said, “Go down first. If I didn’t guess wrong, there should be something below.”

This descending hole is not very long. It won’t be possible to climb for a while, and there will be light from below. The entrance of the hole gradually moved to the left, and it became wider and wider. It was no longer able to support both hands and feet. Everyone climbed the cave wall and stepped on the protruding tongue. After moving for another ten meters or so, Ji Yu at the bottom suddenly said “Ah”.

At the same time everyone closed their eyes.

Huaguang is shining.

The crimson, blue, green, jade, yellow, cyan, purple, and five-color huaguang rushed out from the bottom of the cave. From a distance, it looked like a colorful cloud, rising from the depths of the dark underground, majestic, magnificent, transparent, crystal clear, Bright and blurred, dazzling amazing.

The huge crystal gemstone veins that are rare in the world are almost incalculable in value.

However, everyone was shocked not only by this.

These crystals are all huge and towering columnar crystals. The tops are sharp as swords, slanted and criss-crossed, and vertically and horizontally like forests. It is conceivable that if everyone slides down according to the habit of descending the hole just now, the final The result is bound to fall straight into the crystal sword forest, wear these beautiful huge crystals, and become the eternal sacrifice of the Dagun tribe’s millennium tomb.

This piece of crystal jungle, seemingly beautiful, is actually standing here for a thousand years, waiting for the death to kill the life.

In fact, in the northwest corner of the crystal jungle, there are indeed a few bones, struggling to wear them on the tip of the crystal. It is probably a tomb thief many years ago. After he robbed the hole, he was unlucky enough to wear it. People did it, and everyone looked at the corpses as if they had seen themselves, and they all shivered.

Zhan Beiye whispered behind Meng Fuyao, “How do you know there is this below?”

How do I know? Meng Fuyao smiled. All large-scale tombs have anti-theft measures. Quicksand stone, sandstone, mercury-filled fire, false coffins, suspected burials, and stone top gates… But in the tombs where the mountain is the tomb, they are used. Natural conditions come to kill people and guard against theft. Meng Fuyao once saw an array of mountains and rocks when he was excavating a tomb in the Warring States Period. When he thought of it, he was more mindful.

This is her professional instinct, which can’t be explained. Behind him, Beiye did not ask any more, but suddenly let out a low sigh.

At this time, he has reached the entrance of the cave. Ji Yu is now going down. The cave is very bright. The walls of the cave are full of large patches of mica and agate, which reflect each other with the crystals. The black projection on the ground is stretched. Before the crystal jungle, there is a With a huge statue of a strange bird.

It looks like a white crane, but its feathers are red, with weird patterns, only one foot, and a long white beak.

Meng Fuyao looked up at the statue of the strange bird and murmured, “The Chapter of “Shan Hai Jing” Zhang Eshan: There is a bird, its shape is like a crane, one foot, red and green with its own beak, now there is fire in its town… …This is Bi Fang, the **** of fire.”

Zhan Beiye suddenly stepped forward, sniffing the scent around the idol, his face changed.

“Fire oil…”

“Yes, this idol is hollow, and it is filled with flammable kerosene.” Meng Fuyao said quietly, “If I am not mistaken, there are wires buried all the way from under the idol, leading directly to the entrance of the cave. The soil is nitrate soil.”

“So you told us to extinguish the fire?” Zhan Beiye’s eyes changed. “Not only that, even the corpse of the child can’t be burned. Once it burns, it will explode under our feet, right?”

Meng Fuyao smiled without answering, but in the bottom of his heart he felt chills with the Dagun clan. The designer of this tomb was a pervert. At least the corpse at the door was a triple killer. He was sure that this ominous thing must It will be destroyed by those who enter the tomb. The method of destruction is nothing more than a fire and a knife. So the line of fire is buried directly to the underground idol. Once there is an open flame near the upper hole, it may cause an explosion below. If the tomb chooses chaos The corpse of the corpse was divided by a knife, and there was a monster in the belly of that corpse, and no one was spared. Even if someone passed the two levels, most people would relax their vigilance at this time and slide down the hole smoothly. Then there is another one. Guan must kill the crystal sword array waiting.

At this time, Zhan Beiye also figured out the horror, and suddenly said, “Fuyao, you saved us three times.”

Meng Fu smiled and shook his head, “You save me and I save you, why should it be so clear.” She strode over, bypassing the idols, passing through the crystal array, and finally stopped in front of a stone door , Said, “Behind this is the tomb road.”

I don’t know if it’s cinnabar or blood written in some weird fonts on Shimen, Meng Fu shook his head without raising his head, muttering, “Those who dare to send to my mound will never be left behind.”

Zhan Beiye was carefully identifying the incomprehensible cipher text of the Dagun clan. He was surprised when he heard this sentence, “Do you know Dagun text?”

Meng Fuyao grinned and replied, “All the tomb masters in the world only have this curse.”

Zhan Beiye looked at her and smiled, “I really like your stupid boldness.”

Meng Fuyao didn’t hear it, he slapped on the door to look at the huge door shaft, and said, “I don’t know whether to open inward or outward. Try it.”

The result of the test was to open inward, but couldn’t push open. Meng Fuyao reached into the crack of the door with a dagger, picked up and down, and said, “There are foreheads and ground trees. There are standing cheeks on both sides, and it seems that there are locks. The mandarin duck buckle is a very complicated door implement.”

He stretched out his hand and said, “Fatty! Crowbar!”

There was silence behind him, and Meng Fuyao was stunned before he remembered what he had said. He turned his head slowly, and everyone looked at her strangely in the crystal light.

Tugging at the corners of his mouth, Meng Fuyao murmured, “Mistaken words, mistaken words…”

Two black wind cavalry handed over two steel cones and asked, “Can this work?”

“It will be.” Meng Fuyao took it, and started to move around. The eyes of the people behind her were all on her back. It was really embarrassing. Meng Fuyao estimated that Zhan Beiye was using “So you are a tomb robber. “Thief” looked at her, hey, it’s so embarrassing, her fame was lost.

But to be honest, Meng Fuyao’s current technology display is indeed in the category of tomb robbery rather than archeology. In the past, when national archaeological excavations, in front of some difficult facilities, in order not to damage the ruins and maintain a high degree of integrity, they will invite some “Native people” came to help the excavation. Meng Fuyao learned this from an old “Faqiu Taoist”.

After a long while, with a “click”, the door of the dead man’s house was finally opened by Meng Fuyao.

A scent with a thousand-year-old staleness rushed out from the deep and gloomy tomb passage and slammed straight into the people at the door. Meng Fuyao pulled Zhan Beiye away early.

At a glance, the tomb path is about fifty meters long, with unobstructed views. There is no stone gate to seal the wall. It is completely different from the previous generations of the Han and Tang dynasties that used huge boulders to block the tomb path. Meng Fuyao is slightly relieved. If the tomb path is too big Many, with the current gunpowder technology and weight, it is impossible to explode the boulder.

The group cautiously entered the tomb passage. At this time, Meng Fuyao ordered the fire to be lit. He looked up. The murals above the tomb passage were painted with bright colors. Most of them were figures of sacrificial wars. Occasionally, the statues of gods were also strange in appearance. Looking across a corner of the mural, I vaguely felt that something was wrong. However, the light and shadow passed by as soon as the light and shadow passed. The black wind cavalry holding the fire fold had passed the mural. At this time, the source of the fire was precious, and Meng Fuyao did not have time to stop. the study.

As she walked forward, she smashed out a few crystals she had picked up earlier, constantly testing whether there was any mechanism in the road ahead. The cavalry was walking in front, and could not help answering Ji Yu’s low question, suddenly stiffening. , Seemed to see something, and slammed into the wall of the tomb.

With a bang, the wall cracked, and large patches of golden quicksand poured out like spring water, and the quicksand fell on the ground, filling a gap that was difficult to detect. The gap was filled in an instant, and then there was another bang.

The cavalry was short, and suddenly fell straight down.


Walking in the last battle, the northern wild clothes and the wind sounded, and suddenly came to the forefront. The black shadow picked up the cavalry with a swipe. At this time, there was a rolling noise under him, and the ground suddenly turned over, revealing a diameter of four or five meters. In the pit, the sharp blade flashes in the pit, as if waiting to be devoured.

Zhan Beiye carried a person, turned over in mid-air, and stepped up to the top of the tomb passage. With the force of that step, he swept two feet and passed the pit.

Just as he fell to the ground, there was another bang. The top of the tomb passage he had just stepped on suddenly split, and a large amount of soil mixed with sharp gravel fell down, pouring like a torrential rain, and instantly filled the sinkhole. Youzi kept falling, and after vaguely hearing that the pit was full, there was a “click” from nowhere.

Meng Fuyao has already raised his arms and shouted, “Go! Hurry! The tomb passage is about to be sealed!” The wall of the tomb passage next to her broke and a large amount of yellow sand flowed out. A layer of sand was piled up under her feet in an instant. Sand filled.

Ji Yu had already kicked the Black Wind Cavalry one by one, “Quick!” shouted again, “Miss Meng, go over!”

“You first!” Meng Fuyao kicked a cavalry away, and then shouted to Zhan Beiye who was about to rush through the sandstone smoke screen to pick her up, “You are not allowed to come, or they will turn around and die together!” /

Zhan Kitano’s figure froze halfway out, and even the muscles on his face twisted in an instant.

The rocks fell so fast that they would be unable to pass people. The half-person-height gap still closed, and Zhan Beiye’s anxious face appeared in the closed gap. He suddenly gritted his teeth and turned around like a wind. The black wind cavalry all fell down, then raised their legs and ran straight.

At this time, Ji Yu and Meng Fuyao were left with two black wind cavalry who refused to go, and Huang Sha was about to bury his knees. They looked at each other, each leaped, and kicked him. , The cavalry that Meng Fuyao kicked could pass through the gap that was only a few tens of centimeters wide and hit the galloping Zhan Beiye. Zhan Beiye had to reach out and take a step back, but the one kicked by Ji Yu suddenly swam. It slipped like a fish, and the light work was amazing. Once it slipped behind Meng Fuyao, it was a big push without saying anything.

The gap is only one person lying flat and so wide, but no one can pass it.

Meng Fuyao was staring at the Zhanbei ambition who was about to rush back in a hurry. He didn’t watch out that the cavalry had this hand. He was pushed so hard that he flew straight to the gap. In his busy schedule, he could only hold back Ji Yu.

The stones continued to fall, and the sand quickly filled the gaps. What’s worse, a stone at the top suddenly loosened, and a boulder weighing half a ton was crushed down!

The location where the boulder fell was facing Meng Fuyao who was about to pass through the gap. At this time, she was unable to change her figure in mid-air, and she would be crushed into meatloaf by the boulder.

Zhan Beiye suddenly rushed over. The long sword in his hand was erected with its sheath, and his shoulders were raised up against the falling boulder.


A mouthful of blood sprayed on the boulder.

The weight of a boulder is more than a thousand catties? Coupled with the huge gravity of Huo Ran’s falling, so with human force, even the natural and supernatural battle Beiye had to splash blood on the spot.

There was a faint creaking sound from the falling rock and sand. It was the sound of the boulder being pressed by the war Kitano’s long sword, or the squeezing sound of the Kitano bones being pressed by gravity, but Kitano refused to let it go. The corners of the mouth that hadn’t gone away with the blood was soaked with blood in an instant.

The Black Wind Cavalry who came last rushed forward, topped it with a weapon, carried it on his shoulder, and slammed under the boulder.

With a “call”, Meng Fuyao finally passed through the gap that was only one person wide, and Zhan Beiye pulled her with one hand, pulling her to safety.

There was another sound, Ji Yu’s body also passed, but he was a step late. At the moment when his body was able to come over, a huge boulder weighing several tens of catties suddenly fell, and the sharp tip of the stone was facing right. Zhun Ji Yu’s left arm.

With a “click”, a subtle bone crack sounded, and Ji Yu’s left arm was pressed under the stone.

His face was completely pale, but he didn’t look at his hand at all. He just pushed Zhan Beiye away resolutely and swiped the sword that was about to bend.

The long sword burst out, and the bullet fell to the ground with choking in the tomb, and the war Beiye staggered back, and another blood spurted into the ground.

The sword light flashed.

Blood splashes.

Ji Yu cut off his suppressed left arm with a sword.

He then turned over and fell to the ground.

The boulder crashed down, dividing the tomb road into two, blocking it forever.

An arm of Ji Yu stayed in the tomb of the Dagun tribe forever.

Left with his arm was the cavalry who remained on the opposite side of the boulder. The moment he pushed Meng Fuyao out, he was doomed to death.

Ji Yu grabbed the boulder, and the blood on his broken arm burst out. He didn’t care about it, but desperately beat the stone gate and shouted, “San’er! San’er!”

There was no sound on the other side, but there was a faint commotion.

Meng Fuyao rushed over and pressed his ear to the stone gate. He could vaguely hear dull struggling, thumping, suppressed gasping, and horrified howling from his throat.

What happened on the other side?

What suddenly appeared in the halfway between that huge stone?

And the soldier who gave her the chance of life, the lonely fallen soldier, what has he met now?

Isn’t it just quicksand to bury people alive?

Listening to his panicking gasps and roars, he must have encountered something very terrifying, beyond his ability to bear, as a black wind elite who has the intention of dying and kills people. What could make him fear so before he died?

Just because I didn’t know it, I panicked with imagination.

Meng Fuyao clasped the huge boulder, imagining the moment he faced the empty tomb passage, the mortal ending, the sudden appearance of ghosts, the desperate struggle, the maddening fear and the painful feeling of loneliness at that moment.

There was painful blood in her heart, and her throat was sweet. She banged her head on the boulder, but she didn’t know why she banged like this, but she felt that such a bang could prevent the youth from being born in her heart. Pain, but no matter how she hits, she can no longer save him, she can only “listen” to him, and at the end of her life, she will fight to death with unknown fear.

A warm palm suddenly appeared in front of the boulder, and her head hit the palm.

There is blood in the palm, and a little mud, which is placed between her head and the boulder, blocking her self-abuse.

That’s the hand of Zhan Beiye.

Protecting her forehead, pulling her away from the boulder, and pulling out Ji Yu, fighting Beiye has been very calm, without even looking at the boulder, he just silently embraced Meng Fuyao in his arms.

This is a purely comforting hug that does not contain any connotations. His embrace is broad and warm. He has the smoke, blood, and steel aura from this journey, and more of it is inherently latent. The faint scent of man in the blood, it is the pine-like scent of fresh snow from the top of the mountain, it is broad, refreshing, and it is just smelling, and you can feel the strength and rigidity that penetrates into the bone marrow.

Meng Fuyao leaned on his shoulder and allowed his own weakness for a moment. The embrace at this moment has nothing to do with the love of men and women, but just the same heartfelt memory for the victims.

Ji Yu silently let his subordinates wrap his broken arm, and sat on the ground looking at the stone gate that could never be opened. Everyone here is a brother of his brothers. He swore to live and die together. The partner, especially San’er, is his fellow. His hair is young. He took him out of his hometown and walked into Heifengqi, the glory of their lives, and agreed to make Hefengqi famous because of them, but in the end , He had to leave them behind.

When San’er turned his side and pushed Meng Fuyao, he had time to stop him, but at that moment, he didn’t.

Between Meng Fuyao and San’er, he chose Meng Fuyao.

Because that is the one the prince loves.

The prince’s life is bleak and lonely so far. In so many years, he has prayed countless times that he can meet someone who warms him, and now he finally meets that woman, bright, bright, and shining like a pearl, she will be the prince The redemption and yearning of this life, what reason does he have not to protect her?

Brother… forgive my choice.

A long time later, Zhan Beiye slowly let go of Meng Fuyao, and Ji Yu turned around, leaving some thoughts behind him in his heart, and the road has to continue.

The group of people continued to move forward in silence. There were no institutions in the tomb passage, but the frescoes on the walls were very strange. As they moved forward holding the fire-folding child, Meng Fuyao said in a low voice, “Oxidized.”

She glanced over the mural from the corner of her eye, thinking about the anomaly she had seen before. She vaguely felt that it was a portrait that was completely different from the style of the mural, but she didn’t have time to see it clearly.

The tomb passage is connected to the passageway. It is made of small bricks with an arched voucher top. There are patios symbolizing the courtyard on both sides. There are small niches on the left and right sides of the patio. They are not statues of gods, but two golden cups. There is a word under the calendula.

Zhan Beiye stepped forward and muttered, “Take my sacred lotion and serve my soul. Those who pass the tomb drink, and those who violate are ominous.”

Meng Fuyao said in amazement, “Call us to drink? When we are pigs, the things in the tomb can be drunk? Even if it looks like Qiongyeyuye, you will be a ghost after drinking it.”

She leaned over to look at the contents of the calendula, and almost vomited it out. It was half a dark wine-like liquid, exuding a slightly fishy smell and a light wine smell. There was a white mass on the bottom of the calendula. , Bending, like an unhatched egg.

“My old lady is a pig to drink this thing!” Meng Fuyao raised his foot to kick, “It makes me sick to watch!”

The chest suddenly moved, and a certain adult poked out his head sleepily. Meng Fuyao stared at the awkwardly sleeping Master Yuan Bao, and said in surprise, “Would you still wake up?”

Master Yuan Bao ignored her and looked straight at the marigold with weird eyes. Meng Fuyao looked at Qi Mao and murmured, “Mouse, you won’t be fooled?”

Master Yuan Bao suddenly screamed, pointed at the marigold, pointed at the wine, and pointed at Meng Fu’s mouth, then raised his head and made a swig gesture.

Meng Fuyao understood this time, his eyes almost didn’t fall out, “You… tell us to drink?”

Master Yuan Bao nodded vigorously.

“Brother,” Meng Fuyao grabbed it to the corner and met his head to discuss in a low voice, “Are you fainted? This is the wine in the tomb. Nothing can be eaten in the tomb. The expiration date is over. Wow…”

Master Yuan Bao: “Squeak!”

“Let me tell you a story. In my previous life, a few tomb robbers went to rob a tomb. There was wine in front of the coffin. It was much more beautiful than this. The robber drank it. , And then came out of the tomb, the sun shone, and the flesh became ashes…”

Master Yuan Bao: “Squeak!”

“Brother…I can’t drink that thing…”

Master Yuan Bao grabbed Meng Fuyao and slapped her in the face.

“Okay…” The incited Meng Fuyao touched his face, went back helplessly, and said, “The mouse asked us to drink.”

Zhan Beiye Meiyixuan, said, “Good!”

Meng Fuyao grinned, stretched out his hand to fetch the calendula, and immediately stretched out his hands. However, no one fought Beiye quickly. He took it and said with no objection, “I am first.”

Won’t wait for Meng Fuyao to grab him and take a mouthful with his eyes closed, everyone stared nervously, and Beiye wiped his mouth and smiled, “Fortunately, it’s not as bad as I imagined.”

Waiting for a while, seeing that he was safe, everyone closed their eyes and drank in turn, only to get stuck at the last Black Wind Cavalry. The young man frowned and said, “Lord, Miss Meng, this I can’t drink.”

Meng Fuyao wanted to persuade, the young man smiled bitterly, “Before joining the army, the villain was a drunkard. He indulged in the wine country all day and did not produce anything. Blame me, that winter it snowed heavily, she went out selling needles and thread, and when she returned from walking ten miles, she fell into an ice cave… Poorly, she was pregnant for a month…” His eyes were red and he would never say no. Go down.

Meng Fuyao fell silent, the young man raised his head to the sky, sniffed, and said, “The villain swears before her grave that he will not drink alcohol in this life and this life, and the offender will be destroyed…”

Meng Fuyao looked at him, once again took Master Yuan Bao to the corner, and asked, “Will I die if I don’t drink this wine?”

She made up her mind, if she would die, she stunned the young man and poured it in, not counting his breach of oath.

Master Yuan Bao hesitated, and was a little vague about Meng Fuyao’s question. This wine doesn’t seem to die if he doesn’t drink it, but… he shook his head for a while, then nodded.

Meng Fu shook the black thread, staring at it, hesitating, and suddenly heard an exclamation behind him.

She suddenly turned around and saw that at the end of the tunnel, the door of the main tomb suddenly opened.

An unknown darkness appeared before them.

Meng Fuyao took a breath and said, “Why did it suddenly drive?”

Zhan Beiye thoughtfully looked at the wine glass that was put back in place, and said, “The organic spring under the wine glass is connected to the door of the main tomb. When the wine is drunk, the weight changes and the spring bounces open, and the tomb door can be opened.”

Meng Fuyao looked at the wine glass, thinking that the designer of this tomb was a master of psychological tactics. Starting from the entrance, he used human self-protection everywhere. The ominous corpse at the entrance and the shocking shadow in the tomb. The wall chain mechanism, at this moment, as long as it is a tomb thief who can enter here, he will never drink this wine, then this last door will never be opened.

Those who can come in, and those who dare to drink this wine, should be the core figures who know the secrets of the tombs of the Dagun clan. It can be described as a highly secure design.

Of course, no matter how brilliant this person is, he can’t count that there is such a sturdy existence as Lord Yuanbao in this world, and he would have entered this tomb by such a coincidence.

Ahead, the door of the tomb room opened, and Zhan Beiye stopped all the soldiers who wanted to go to explore the way, holding the sword alone, and walking in the front.

Meng Fuyao insisted on behind the palace and drove Ji Yu and the remaining soldiers to the center.

The passage is very short, but the door of the tomb is very wide. When Meng Fuyao passed the door, he looked at it specially and found that the door had no axis. It was a single piece of stone, one meter thick, you can imagine it. Modern blasting technology may not be able to explode.

She stepped in the door step by step, and suddenly it went black.

Immediately, Ji Yu’s back in front was gone.

Endless and endless darkness, thick as ink, billowed, like a heavy mist of monsters enveloping her, and those mists suddenly gathered and dispersed, condensing into various hideous shapes, or double-headed cliff snakes, or It’s a giant ant with iron spine and steel teeth, or a poison ivy with barbed thorns, or a bat with wings as big as a puff fan, or a girl’s corpse with a curvy body…like the **** of **** let go of the curse , To release countless unjust souls underground, or the gods to disturb the soot of this world, to collect all the day’s Qingming, and replace these three thousand world monsters to wreak havoc.

Meng Fuyao opened his eyes wide, yelled, “Get out!” Huh and slapped his palm against the fog. The fog swelled, and the poison that had been encountered along the way faded, but immediately changed to a faint The white smoke was as thick as cow’s milk, and familiar figures appeared in the smoke.

Soldiers who turned their heads to freeze forever by the pond, the dead body hung upside down by poison ivy in order not to smell Meng Fuyao, the king tiger who chewed his tongue in the swamp, and the Huazi that burned all over the ant colony and the tomb. Pushing Meng Fuyao out of his own forever loneliness and leaving the three children to deal with darkness and despair…the people who died in front of Meng Fuyao along the way.

They were bleeding, losing flesh, falling on various organs on their bodies, and swayed towards Meng Fuyao. The first one was the young Huazi who was born and burned into a skeleton, with a pair of bones and The burnt hand stretched out to Meng Fuyao.

He said, “It’s cold underneath… Where’s my clothes?”

Meng Fuyao panted.

There were waves of dizziness in her mind, she rushed away from reason and consciousness like a wave, but there was a string from the bottom of her heart, every inch of desperation was tightened, and the tip of her heart was in pain, she stared in panic. Seeing the young man standing in front of her so real and vivid, his face was so burnt that he couldn’t see the facial features, he could vaguely discern a weird and contemptuous smile. He bent down his smoky face, so close to so real. , So real that Meng Fuyao could feel the burnt and **** smell in his skin, and it was forced so turbulently and silently.

He said softly, “Meng Fuyao, when you were about to save the prince, you already saw my look different. In your heart, are you waiting for me to stop you? Otherwise, with your martial arts, how can I Stop you? Do you think that we who are soldiers should sacrifice more than you?”

Question of the heart.

Meng Fuyao was cold from fingertips to toes.

Is it right?

Is it because I didn’t want to sacrifice like that? Are you selfishly waiting to be restrained by Huazi?

No no no no no no no no!

Meng Fuyao roared in a low voice. She backed away panting, and waved away the phantoms desperately, “No! No! Not like this! I… I was undressing, the person who was undressing, because of the fluctuating mind and reaction. Will be dull…not what you said!”

“Huazi”‘s hands were fixed in the air, floating vainly. He didn’t seem to expect Meng Fuyao to remain sober and defensive in this situation. His face suddenly gathered and disappeared after the smoke. Every time she gathers, Meng Fuyao feels dizzy in front of her eyes, and every time she faints, her consciousness becomes blurred.

Just before she was about to plunge into darkness, she suddenly felt a pain in her neck and was bitten by a big tooth.

A pair of small claws slapped her shoulders, and started to slap her in the face again.

When Meng Fuyao woke up, he jumped up, spit out and cursed, “Monster! How dare you turn a hero!”

Suddenly the smoke dissipated, “Huazi” and the others disappeared. Human saliva has the function of warding off evil spirits. Besides, all evil nightmares are afraid of the mighty righteousness.

Meng Fuyao panted against the wall, remembering that the soldier inexplicably crashed into the wall before, and San’er struggled and roared over the boulder. Was it because he had encountered this thing?

Taking advantage of the fragility of self-questioning deep in people’s hearts to control their minds and fall into eternal darkness?

She struggled, wiped the cold sweat on her forehead, hugged Master Yuanbao, rubbed its smooth hair, and thanked it very cheaply for the few slaps.

At this time, the milky white smoke dissipated, and the black mist came back, and the fingers could not be seen on all sides. Meng Fuyao put the Lord Yuanbao away and tried to light the fire-folding paper, but the black fog fell like iron, and the fire-folding light was full of light. Meng Fuyao extinguished the fire and moved forward slowly, walking carefully, while calling out in a low voice, “Zhan Beiye… Ji Yu…”

There is no response.

Meng Fuyao stretched out her hand to touch around, all sides were empty, she seemed to have entered a different-dimensional space ever since she stepped into the door of this tomb, she was instantly isolated from everyone, searching alone in the unknown.

Her voice gradually became tense, no one, no echo, what about fighting Beiye? Where is Ji Yu? Where is the Black Wind Cavalry? Where are people?

She shouted:

“Battle on the North Field! Fight on the North Field!”

The sound faintly crashed into the black fog, and then swayed back leisurely. The room was full of echoes of “War North Field, North Field, North Field”.

Meng Fuyao’s hand stretched forward and groped carefully. Suddenly his fingertips touched an object, which was slightly cool, dressed in silk clothing, and had a certain height.

She was surprised and subconsciously called, “War North…”


An accident happened again… I was wrong, I broke my promise.

The switch was struck by lightning yesterday, and I thought it would be broken today, but when it was broken, I felt like I had lice on my body and I was very upset, so I ran a few miles against the big sun to the Internet cafe, but the Internet cafe was poisoned. Destroyed my USB flash drive, then went home and moved the laptop to the Internet cafe and continued to persevere… Tears rushed, I knew I would have a few lice.

“Everyone who dares to send me a mound will never be the back of the house” Translation: Those who dig my grave will cut off their children and grandchildren.

Finally, my imagination is very bad, I don’t know how to rob tombs, and I really don’t have time to study temporarily. The writing is not so regular, not so exciting, please forgive me, please don’t blow lights with ghosts. Ahbi, that gap…just now.

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