Legend of Fu Yao Chapter 38: Night in the forest

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Under the tragic blue moon, a strange shadow slowly rose up in the pool near the mountain wall.

Looking from a distance, the shadow seems to have a head and a body, with distinct limbs, clearly rising still, but can’t help wriggling.

The moonlight projected the shadow on the mountain wall, and the group of “things” suddenly split up a little bit, and the two particularly soft “arms” continued to expand and contract in a strange rhythm.

On the rock, Master Yuan Bao rolled over, opened his eyes, sniffed his nose, and suddenly got up.

It looked back, then jumped up and plunged into Meng Fuyao’s arms.

Meng Fuyao was sleeping soundly. In his dream, the big ears were shaved to incite the grandson Wuji. He was half awakened by Master Yuan Bao’s collision. He subconsciously sensed it, but he didn’t feel murderous, and the surroundings were silent. He dumbly pushed the Lord Yuan Bao and cursed, “Sleep well! Don’t hug you, you and I are different!”

Master Yuan Bao was angry, jumping up and down and squeaking. Everyone awoke. As soon as he opened his eyes and opened his eyes, Kitano stretched out his hand and grabbed the sword used as a pillow, leaped up and looked around. He frowned and said, “Mouse what are you making?”

Master Yuan Bao desperately pointed at the cliff. Everyone looked at it, but it was just a quiet pool of water, an ordinary cliff.

“Did you have a nightmare?” Meng Fuyao squinted at Master Yuanbao, “If you want to sleep with me, just say it, pretending to do what.”

Yuan Bao was very popular and screamed every day. Although Meng Fuyao and Zhan Beiye made fun of the mouse, they also knew that the mouse was not a simple mouse, and they would never panic in the middle of the night just to sleep with Meng Fuyao. Ji Yu and the others carried their swords around in the nearby forest. Zhan Beiye and Meng Fuyao searched all around, and they confirmed that there was no abnormality before sitting back. Meng Fuyao grabbed the frustrated Master Yuanbao and put it on his stomach. As soon as he put it off, he said, “Is it a nightmare with the stone? I sacrificed the girl and provided you with a human sofa.” Overwhelming Master Yuan Bao easily, he said, “Sleep, stop making noise, there is still a hard way to go. Let’s go.”

Zhan Beiye added some firewood to burn the fire more vigorously, carefully looked at the terrain, and slept behind Meng Fuyao.

Tired people fall asleep quickly, and soon the forest calms down again. This time Master Yuan Bao was covered by the War North Field cloak, and was pressed by Meng Fuyao’s hand. He couldn’t move, but he refused to sleep, his eyes were bright. Listening with bright ears.

Under the moonlight, in the pool water, in front of the rock wall, the weird shadow slowly appeared again, shooting on the dark cliff wall, squirming slightly, some seemed like the ends of hair that were much thicker than the hair. Slowly move on the cliff.

The shadow slowly approached.

Master Yuan Bao suddenly opened his mouth, bit Meng Fuyao’s belt, and flicked his head. The belt was torn with a sound.

Meng Fu jumped up and shouted, “Mouse, what are you doing!”

Everyone woke up again. Meng Fu shook his hands and tied his belts, looking around and found that there was still nothing unusual. He was furious and cursed, “Isn’t it just because I didn’t spell it for you before, can I get revenge on me like this?”

Master Yuan Bao was tearful, and angrily threw himself on the rock, cursing the whole family at the cliff.

Zhan Beiye sat up and said, “Why did the mouse make this? I am upset, so let’s go, Fuyao, you continue to sleep, I will guard.”

Meng Fuyao yawned and said, “I’ll guard it, anyway, the mouse has made up his mind not to sleep for me.”

Ji Yu came up and said, “His Royal Highness, the subordinate brothers did not find anything at night, but it is better to be careful in this forest. You and Ms. Meng continue to sleep, and your subordinates take the brothers to watch the night.”

Zhan Beiye pondered for a moment, knowing that if he wanted to watch the night, Meng Fuyao would definitely not want to sleep. However, the two of them had been exhausted after many days of fighting with Mercedes-Benz, and they were not able to cope with the dangerous road in the future. They had no choice but to say, “Then , Be careful.”


Meng Fuyao and Zhan Beiye lay down again. Meng Fuyao was afraid that Master Yuanbao would be indecent again, so he stuffed it into a tree hole to his side and said, “I will let you out tomorrow morning.”

Master Yuan Bao was reduced to the child of “The Wolf Is Coming”, grimacing and looking at the moon through the hole. The tree hole was too narrow and he was too tall to squeeze, so he had to stay honestly and watch the shadow slow down again. Slowly rising, coming closer than before.

Ji Yu took a few guards with him, half sitting facing the forest, half sitting next to Zhan Beiye and Meng Fuyao. They turned their backs to the pool and looked around like eagles.

No one thought that there would be anything unusual in the pool water-this is just a small pool on one side, surrounded by cliffs on three sides, on which there is no suspicious grass growing, and the pool is so clear that everyone washes in it. I have caught fishes, knowing that there will never be any problems.

Their attention is focused on the forests that are most likely to be dangerous.

The shadow, approaching silently, has reached the ashlar where Meng Fuyao slept, slowly rising higher and higher, getting closer and closer to Meng Fuyao, moonlight slantingly shot over, the shadow is still one Tuan shadow, no trace of the entity can be seen.

Master Yuan Bao squatted in the tree hole, staring at the shadow with black jewel-like eyes, suddenly took a deep breath, his bulging belly shrank, and his head raised up and shouted.

Under the moon, in the tree hole, Master Yuan Bao exhausted all his strength to make a scream, but strangely, there was no sound.

That kind of sound is not the squeak of the mouse version of the past, humans can’t hear it.

The unique infrasound belonging to the centuries-old gods, with strange syllables, and the supernatural power of controlling nature, the voice burst out, like a line of steel knives, toward the pool water.

The smoky shadow was silent.

Immediately, it turned into a solid body and burst out!

Sitting closest to the pool water, a black wind knight with his back facing the pool guard was looking vigilantly in the opposite forest. Suddenly, his heart felt cold and he seemed to be splashed by the pool water. He was wondering what happened to the pool water. It will splash suddenly, even if you feel the side face is cold.

Something cold and smooth brushed his face, sizzled, licked his lips, and then rolled around his neck.

The cavalry reacted extremely quickly, raising his hand and grabbing the thing. Both hands were already broken. The pale blue liquid splashed out, and the cavalry guardedly avoided it. When he lowered his head, he saw half of the grayish brown in his left hand. The body of the snake, the head of the snake was flat, and he smiled in relief, “It’s just a water snake.” With a glance, he saw the thing in the right hand, and he was taken aback.

It was still half a snake body, with a pointed flat snake head, not the snake tail as imagined.

Two-headed snake!

The cavalry made a bang in his heart, knowing that he had encountered the double-headed cliff snake in the legend of the evil forest. This kind of thing is said to be a large group when it appears, and its revenge is very strong. If you kill it, it will kill your whole family.

The cavalry suddenly looked back, and saw that behind him, a group of snakes rubbed and twisted together to form a “human” shape, but now this shape seems to be a bit scattered, and the snakes are running around in a panic. Open, there are only two big snakes acting as “arms”, their mouths with sharp fangs opened, and the green snake eyes stared at him.

The cavalry looked at the snake, and subconsciously wanted to get up and chop it off, suddenly felt that he could no longer turn his head.

Then his neck, chest, arms, legs…every muscle and bone in his body are slowly stiffening, solidifying his life little by little.

In the final consciousness, he vaguely remembered the snake kiss that licked his lips just now.

The moonlight is silent.

Looking at the edge of the pond and on the stone, a pose of turning his head and looking back forever.


The moment the group of snakes were forced to shoot by the second sound of Master Yuanbao, everyone was awakened immediately, and the moment Zhan Beiye opened his eyes, he immediately swept Meng Fuyao down the bluestone, turned over and grabbed his sword. , Facing the pond reflexively is a split.

The water column splashed and smashed the group of snakes in half again. The weird “humanoid” has only two “arms” and half a “head” left, in the pool water under the blue moon Squeeze and wipe around.

The black wind cavalry rushed up, facing the pool and forming a formation, Zhan Beiye stared at the group of snakes, and said coldly, “Since one has been killed, the rest will be killed. One is missing. !”

These cavalry who have heard the legend all know what he meant, and they nodded coldly, and said in the battle, “This thing likes to form a human body to attack people up and down. It is hard to defend against, and the body is hard and smooth, and it moves quickly. Like the wind, think of a way to disperse them first!”

Meng Fuyao rolled down and looked at the snakes fighting the Black Wind Knights. So many snakes were twisted together, they were flexible, and they were swift as the wind when they “hand” grasp the “head” and hit them. People were fighting, and from time to time they flew out like a hidden weapon and took a bite, then retracted in an instant, and couldn’t help but wonder, “What is this? Why do we get so close we don’t know?”

“This is a double-headed cliff snake. It is said that it has been cursed by a wizard of the Dagun tribe. It is in a form of smoke and fog. It is difficult to detect before approaching the human body. It likes to attack with the human body. People who encounter them generally It’s a dead end, and once this kind of snake is killed, the consequences will be very troublesome.” Zhan Beiye quickly answered, “The snake we killed at night may be one of them.”

“Isn’t that snake single-headed?” Meng Fuyao asked in amazement.

“This kind of snake has a single head when it is young, and it grows up with double heads when it grows up. It lives in the crevices of the cliff. It was my negligence. I thought that this kind of snake disappeared with the destruction of the Dagun clan. Exist.” Zhan Beiye sighed and said, “The mouse is wrong.”

Meng Fuyao looked at the tree hole with a look of guilt, and said, “Wait for an apology.” He touched the bottles and jars from his arms, “Poison them first.”

“It’s useless,” Zhan Beiye grabbed her, “This thing is not afraid of poison, be careful to hurt others by mistake.”

“Use thunder bombs? I remember your cavalry is equipped with this.”

“Snakes can’t use thunder bombs in the water. Once a snake escapes to find a gap, our people will not be able to defend.” Zhan Kitano suddenly smiled and said, “It’s a troublesome thing, but sometimes troublesome things are very suitable for borrowing.”

He suddenly took a small bottle from his arms, poured some of the red powder on himself, extinguished the fire, and shot it into the fire.

Meng Fuyao asked him curiously, “What is this?”

Zhan Beiye replied very impressively, “Pepper.”

Meng Fuyao the black line, muttered, “Is there any pepper in this continent? Isn’t it me who crossed, it’s you?”

“What is crossing?” Lord Zhan asked casually with very sharp ears.

“It means traveling around the world.”

Zhan Beiye said “Oh” and explained, “Last time I drank the soup at Huazhou Inn, it really tasted better after you added pepper, so I ordered someone to get some of it. This snake is blind, right The smell is very sensitive. The smell of the enemy will chase the past endlessly.”

Meng Fuyao’s eyes suddenly brightened, “You leave the smell of pepper, what else can be more vivid and exciting than this? Once the chase comes…”

“Yes,” Zhan Kitano laughed, “When we go, everything will be left. The **** of the gods will definitely come up to look after it, turn the fire and dip it with pepper, and then… just wait for the double-headed cliff The snake will never die for revenge!”

He flicked his sword, soared, and flew over the black wind knight’s head, a light red light flashed, and with a sudden sword, the human-shaped snake group that had been destroyed in appearance was split into two!

Immediately drank, “Quit!”

Snake swarms were split left and right like a human body and fell down. Those double-headed snakes that were split in half, each of which is a separate individual, swept through the water like wind and arrows, Rushed over again.

Everyone has fled far away. Meng Fuyao was the first to escape-she hurried to the tree cave and quickly took out Lord Yuan Bao first, and she didn’t care whether she would be regarded as the third wave, and put her in her arms. With a glimpse, he rushed to a dozen feet away in the blink of an eye.

Zhan Beiye left last, and took away the corpse of the warrior who turned his head forever strangely. At the same time, he smashed a large number of rocks in all directions.

The snakes chased them out, and heard voices from all directions. For a while, they didn’t know where to chase them. Everyone had already climbed up the tree, leaped from the top of the tree, and rushed to the distance, before stopping, and Beiye himself. He dug a hole and buried the cavalry who died of snake kisses.

Ji Yu and others did not look sad. The soldiers died on the battlefield. They just watched the battlefield silently. That was their king, who was brave, determined, and treated like a soldier, following him on the battlefield. Whenever possible, he will bury the deceased child himself. He will not give up easily if he is injured and left behind. Therefore, there is an unwritten rule in Black Wind Riding that no matter who is injured and falls into desperation, he will kill himself immediately without dragging down the battle. Kitano.

Meng Fuyao came over and bowed silently to the soldier’s buried place. She blamed herself a little. Master Yuan Bao warned that she should be more cautious and more cautious. Then this young soldier might not die.

Zhan Beiye patted her shoulder lightly, and whispered, “It’s not your fault, it’s mine. I shouldn’t sleep.”

“Don’t fight,” Meng Fuyao smiled reluctantly, “It’s the mouse’s fault, who told him that he can’t speak human words.” He lowered his head and took out Master Yuanbao from his arms, the girl with wet hair, drooping his head As if sleeping, Meng Fuyao stared at it stupidly, “Hey, mouse, when did you get into the water?”

Master Yuanbao can’t take care of her. It’s a treasure at the bottom of the box, it’s not easy to use. It will hurt your vitality and you will have to sleep for a few days, especially if it is not in the sky now, and there is no need to supply it. More and more faintly.

Meng Fuyao remembered that the peerless pet of the Wuji family of the eldest son had lent him this way. Rarely gave birth to a little guilty heart, and muttered, “I have decided, for your sake, for your master’s third A big slap is reduced to two.” While carefully putting the ingot into the baggage on his back, there are clothes padded there to sleep more comfortably. As for the hair loss, don’t see it.

The group continued to move forward. All the roads in the dense forest seemed to be the same. The soldiers were cutting vines and thorns in shifts. They were still unavoidably pulled torn by some bushes. Meng Fuyao moved the bag of ingots to In front of her chest, she involuntarily touched the mouse every once in a while, for fear that it would be lost–this forest feels different from the dense forests I have walked through before. In the depths of those dense trees, it seems that there are countless deep inside. Eyes, watching them gloomily, calculating how long they can support in the dark, waiting for them to encounter danger anytime and anywhere to become their feast.

The difference from yesterday is that there are fewer beasts that have been watching and following them. They seem to have noticed that they have offended things that shouldn’t be offended, for fear that they would be harmed, so that Ji Yu and the others beat them when they hunted the beasts. It took a long time to hit a few hedgehogs.

In the middle of the journey, I encountered a chaser of the God of Heaven—Lin Zida, and there is no way. They may collide with each other as they walk. That small group of soldiers is being caught by a group of double-headed cliff snakes like bone maggots After chasing, Ji Yu and the others immediately climbed up the tree when they saw the figure flashing. They saw the chaser fleeing to death under the chase of the snake. When the group of snakes rushed to bite the corpse, they threw a thunder bomb from the height, this snake. No matter how fierce it was, it was the flesh. Under the power of the earth and gunpowder, Ji Yu dug a deep hole to bury the snake’s body so as not to be discovered by other snakes.

When camping at night, I didn’t dare to sleep against the water or the mountain wall. The group of people cut down a circle of relatively small trees to clear a clearing, and used those trees to build some simple barriers. The soldiers were condescending. Class guard.

Meng Fuyao put Master Yuanbao on his stomach, still lying soundly, but Zhan Beiye has been sitting cross-legged next to her to adjust her breath. After a while, he opened his eyes and listened to the wind from Lin Duan. The sound of passing by, listening to Ye Xiao’s yin-yin yelling from the treetops, cried the moonlight into a desolation. Farther away, the wolf howling in the moon, the sound of loneliness and desolation, it has a penetrating power.

Meng Fuyao slept motionless, exactly like the one on her stomach.

Zhan Beiye suddenly smiled and said, “Pretend to be tired?”

Still closed eyes, but suddenly twitched the corners of his mouth, Meng Fuyao said, “I am thinking deeply.”

“Think about what?”

“Think about what you want me to say to your third brother?” Meng Fuyao sat up, “Your grandfather was killed by him?”

“My grandfather, Taishi Zhou, known as’the second minister is the first'”, Zhan Beiye set aside the fire and said lightly, “In the official history of the gods and the wild history, the old Zhou Taishi is probably destined to be stinky for thousands of years, you know, The predecessor of Tiansha was the Jin Dynasty. The Zhan family and the Zhou family served as ministers in the same court. My father was ambitious and attacked Pandu. He wanted to take the Jin Dynasty and replace him. At that time, the grandfather, as a lieutenant, offered the capital without resistance. He was named Taishi, his daughter is both the former queen and the current imperial concubine. He has been the master of the two dynasties, and the high-ranking officials of the two dynasties have been honored and favored. For this reason, he was humiliated by the people of the time. Some people wrote poems to ridicule the queen. To change the imperial concubine, the lieutenant appointed the emperor again. “If he goes to the street, everyone will not approach him three feet away.” Zhan Beiye smiled slightly, and the dark eyes of the dark eyes dived deep, “but In my eyes, he taught me the art of war, asked me for the best master, took me to the highest library in the mansion, and personally selected the books he thought was useful to me. He was the best grandfather.”

Meng Fuyao sighed softly.

“My grandfather had a bleak evening scene, and my daughter was crazy. I was separated from the palace wall like Wanshan. I have never seen it again. I have not been crowned king at the age of eighteen. I live in a remote corner of the palace and dare not be in the palace. Walk around at will, fearing that they will be panicked and avoided by meeting young Ai’s maidens. My grandfather heard about it. Sooner or later I would be accused of unbearable crimes by my brothers. I asked three times before the Jade Stage before I got back. The title of my county king, but he didn’t allow me to build a government office in Jingkai Mansion and was distributed to Ge Ya far away. I was expecting to be able to pick him up and live with me in Jingkai Mansion. I took care of him and the old man’s evening scene was comforting. However, Ge Ya…he couldn’t stand the long journey anymore. In the year I went to Ge Ya, he died. The emperor said it was a natural end of life. Only I know, no.”


“I went to say goodbye to him before I left. He was reading and didn’t say a word. He didn’t say a word until I went out, “You don’t know when you will come back when you go. If I leave before you come back Yes, you remember to move my bones back to my hometown Yingchuan for burial. That year, I went to Pandu for funeral. When I opened the coffin to pick up the bones in the Taishi’s family temple at night, I found that the bones were black and he was poisoned to death. “

“Have you identified the murderer?” Meng Fuyao asked quietly for a while.

“Only those few people on the left,” Zhan Beiye sat cross-legged, looking in the direction of Pandu, his eyes slowly moving like a heavy dark cloud, with some deep-diving murderous aura hidden in the sheath, “Zhan Nan Cheng, Zhan Beiheng, and Zhan Beiqi who died under your dagger that day. Zhan Beiqi was probably just a dagger, and he was out of his hand with the knife.”

He turned his eyes and smiled at Meng Fuyao, who silently stared at him silently. At this moment, he smiled brightly and brightly, as bright as the sun. “It’s all over… Don’t be affected by these things, sleep. Right.”

He moved the fire, let out the hot ground, and tried the ground with his own hands, and made sure that there was nothing suspiciously unsafe on the ground. Then he signaled Meng Fuyao to come to sleep. Meng Fuyao knew that he would refuse. It was useless, moved to lie down, slept for a while and opened his eyes, seeing Zhan Beiye clutching his robe and staring at her scorchingly.

Meng Fuyao tugged at the corners of his mouth helplessly, knowing that he wanted to cover himself with his robe, but didn’t want to be rejected by her. The two people threw them around, and waited for her to fall asleep before covering it. After thinking about it, he had to reach out. , “Borrow clothes to cover it.” Pushed Zhan Beiye again, “Go to sleep quickly.”

The two lay down separately. Although tired, they didn’t dare to sleep too well. Meng Fuyao closed his eyes and vaguely heard a soldier getting up and walking out quietly. He was immediately stopped by his companion and asked, “Where? “


The man laughed, “Where can’t it be convenient? Where can I find a latrine in this deep mountain forest?”

“Ms. Meng is here…” the soldier whispered, “…the smell comes, disrespect.”

The person who stopped him was silent, and waved his hand for a while and smiled, “You are a hedgehog who has eaten too much meat and has an irregular belly. Go and get back soon.”

The sound of someone walking away quietly in front of him, Meng Fuyao closed his eyes and smiled. There was a touch of warmth in his heart, and the soldier’s face appeared in his mind, probably the one with big eyes and a scar on his forehead? He is young, but he has already experienced many battles, hey, these iron-blooded men have such a careful side.

She slowly fell asleep.


Meng Fuyao woke up when the sky was coming. He opened his eyes at the first glance and thought happily, hey, nothing happened tonight.

As soon as I heard Ji Yu’s deep command, “Look again, two people are in a team, no singles!”

Meng Fuyao suddenly sat up and said, “What’s the matter?”

“One missing brother.” The answer was Zhan Beiye. He sat cross-legged and his eyes were sober as before, as if he was not asleep, “I went out and did not come back.”

Meng Fuyao was startled, and said, “The one who went to relieve the hand last night? The one who went to relieve the hand and disappeared? Then why did you find someone now?”

“He had a stomach trouble last night and hasn’t stopped. The first few times were fine. He went there for the last time when it was about to dawn, and then disappeared.”

Zhan Beiye raised his eyebrows and stared at the white mist floating in the forest. In this endless dense forest, there are so many death factors, and any hidden danger may be swallowed. A strong life.

The soldiers who searched again came back, and still couldn’t find them. Ji Yu thought for a while and said, “Don’t look for it, continue on your way.”

Zhan Beiye didn’t speak, got up for a while, made a mark on the ground, and then said, “Let’s go.”

Meng Fuyao took a deep breath. She knew that the temperament of Beiye would not give up any of her subordinates easily. However, the generals must know how to choose when they are in a critical situation. If you delay in this dense forest, you will die. Only more.

She looked at the figure of Zhan Beiye walking all the way, his back was straight, and his black robe flew out of the red robe as he walked, and a ball of fire scorched into this shady jungle. Such a man seemed to never When he was depressed and weak, it seemed that the painful stories written in a long time had never sharpened his innate confidence and pride.

However, she knows that this man always sleeps with his sword in his head, he must raise his hand to touch his sword every quarter of his sleep, and move his place subconsciously every half an hour of sleep–has he never been calm Lying on high, a good night’s sleep without dreams?

And his dreams, are they always filled with those dark and **** memories? The house of the second minister, the son of the mad concubine, the boy who was exiled, the grandfather was poisoned…

Meng Fu shook his head and sighed silently.

She looked up, her eyes suddenly frozen.

Above, in the drooping dense green shade of a towering tree, a familiar face suddenly appeared, staring at her blankly.

Young pale face, big eyes, and a scar on his forehead.

It was the soldier who went missing last night.

Meng Fuyao was shocked and it was a joy. Before he could call for joy, he suddenly felt wrong. His pale face, cyan pupils, astigmatic eyes, stiff posture… That was a dead man!

She was surprised and delighted, and her breathing was different. The Zhan Beiye ahead immediately noticed that, Huo Ran turned around, and when she looked up, she saw the soldier’s body. Seeing Meng Fuyao stretched out his hand to pull the soldier, she rushed over and said , “I’m coming.”

He came very fast, coming first. Meng Fuyao’s hand was already under the lightning and flint, and he drew his sword extremely cautiously, first to cut the vine that tied the soldier.

The vine suddenly shrank, as if a living body encountered danger, avoiding it.

Zhan Beiye was stunned, and the vine suddenly slammed it horizontally, slamming it towards Meng Fuyao’s face.

Meng Fuyao slashed without saying a word about drawing a knife. The knife cut up the vines and spewed a lot of gray-green sap. Zhan Beiye pulled Meng Fuyao to retreat, and Ji Yu and others flew over and stopped. At this moment, the soldier’s corpse fell on its own without being caught, and suddenly hulled and pulled a large pile of vines, and a net-like cover fell down.

This vine is full of red barbs. It looks like a poisonous plant, and the sap is full and scattered everywhere. Everyone dare not chop and poke, fearing that the sap will cause trouble, they all retreat subconsciously, back again, back again…

Meng Fuyao was originally blocked by them at the very end, and this retreat was at the forefront. As soon as Zhan Beiye looked back and saw her, he immediately pulled her to protect him. A soldier beside him saw the prince at the forefront. Backing back to all unknown dense forests, he immediately rushed to Zhan Beiye to try his way.

He then heard a “pouch”.

The voice is extremely low, as if stepping on a blister, the body of the soldier and Zhan Beiye suddenly fell short.

Meng Fuyao, the third from the bottom, suddenly felt her heels soft, and her body fell backwards involuntarily. Suddenly, someone behind her pushed vigorously, pushing her forward and flying away from the place, which was worthy of being driven over. Ji Yu caught it.

Meng Fuyao immediately turned around as soon as he landed on the ground, and then took a breath.

Behind him was a seemingly featureless swamp. The soldier and the War North Field were all sunk in, and they were immediately pulled down. Especially in the War North Field, the situation was even worse. He had just fallen into the swamp and had no time to get out. He didn’t know why he was sinking deeper than the soldier, and the mud reached his chest in an instant.

Meng Fuyao bit his lip, knowing that it should be him who got stuck there. Among the people who were forced out by the vines, the one closest to the swamp was originally her. She was the one who replaced him with Beiye, and she fell into the swamp. At the edge of the moment, regardless of the danger, she used her true power to send her to safety, so that she would now be overwhelmed by the swamp.

What’s worse, this swamp is mobile, constantly pushing the soldier and the Zhan Beiye toward the center, getting farther and farther from Meng Fuyao.

At this time, self-blaming is useless, only saving people, Meng Fuyao drank, “Ji Yu, block the **** vine!” As soon as he turned over and jumped onto a rock, he drew the soft whip from his waist, and then lifted the whip to shoot.

But her hand suddenly froze.

Who to save?

The soldier fell closer to the center than Zhan Beiye. He fell into the swamp to fight Beiye and Meng Fuyao. Although he is in better condition now, he may not last longer than Zhan Beiye with his strength. Once he saves Beiye first and then saves him, he will undoubtedly die.

However, after Zhan Beiye fell into the swamp and used real power, the sinking speed was astonishing, and the toplessness was a matter of time.

According to Meng’s heart, she naturally wanted to save Beiye, but according to her conscience, she didn’t know who she should save.

It’s all fate, all fate that got into danger to protect her!

At this moment, she was anxious to go mad-this is not an ordinary swamp, and the huge suction power of this swamp cannot tolerate her hesitation!

Zhan Beiye raised his head, and at this moment he fell a lot, but the mud and chest still didn’t hesitate to drink suddenly, “Save him! I can support!”

The soldier turned his head in the mud with difficulty and looked at Zhan Beiye. At this moment, the ordinary-faced youth was full of tears, and two ditch rushed out of the muddy face.

He said in a low voice, “His Royal Highness, with your words, Wang Hu died without regret…”

Zhan Beiye immediately said angrily, “What are you going to do? I order you–“


Blood splattered, rushed to the height of the small half-person, and then fell sullenly, and fell with Beiye’s face.

Half of the tongue, ejected from Wang Hu’s mouth, pattered into the swamp, and was immediately drawn into a silent whirlpool. The silt around half a meter was dyed a brilliant red, the creamy red, reflecting the king Tiger’s **** face.

He opened his mouth, only half of his tongue was left purring, “…I will be your subordinate in the next life…”

Zhan Beiye stared at him, closing his eyes for a long time, and between the closed eyes, a little moist water gradually soaked, mixed with the blood on his face, silently falling down like blood and tears.


The whip flew out.

The moment Wang Hu committed suicide by chewing her tongue, Meng Fuyao’s eyes also lit up with water, but because of this, she never wasted the sacrifice of this young man to give up the chance of survival by suicide, almost at the moment when the blood splashed. The whip was released.

The whip accurately put the whip on Zhan Beiye’s wrist. Meng Fuyao pulled out vigorously, but did not pull it. The suction power of this swamp was not only huge, but it was still slowly turning and stretching. Slowly pulled Zhan Beiye up.

Just half an arm’s distance away, there was a sudden crack in the middle of the swamp, and then a dead branch that fell across the swamp suddenly burst, and a large number of red-headed and black-body iron crawled out of the dead branch. The giant ant with its steel teeth looks very fragile, like the poisonous sand that continuously pours out of the bottle of the devil, and the black cloud rolls over it. In an instant, it swept through the silt of the swamp and arrived behind Zhan Beiye!

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