Legend of Fu Yao Chapter 32: Freeze and thaw

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At the same time, Changsun Wuji quickly cut his mouth, “General Meng, you retreat.”

Meng Fuyao immediately bowed, “Yes!” Backed three steps, turned and left.


The empress Yuan’s icy eyes seemed to burn a hole in Meng Fuyao’s back, and said coldly, “My palace is talking, you are a minister, dare to say and leave?”

Meng Fuyao turned her back to her and sighed. Why is the mother of the grandson Wuji so virtuous? Girl, I’m your fart minister, why don’t I dare to leave? If it wasn’t for the face of Changsun Wuji, I would dare to kick you.

“Niang Niang.” She turned around, bowed slightly, and said neither humble nor overbearing, “The minister obeys His Royal Highness, the prince ordered the minister to retreat, and the minister is content to obey. Besides, the minister has never heard of it, Wuzhou The family members of the mainland countries can directly order and deal with foreign ministers.”

“You!” Empress Yuan was so angry that the crown was trembling slightly, and she gritted her teeth for a while, “Sure enough, she is a arrogant and impolite kid!”

“Mother, you are impolite.” Changsun Wuji suddenly answered, his tone indifferent, “This is my Wuji hero. It is the hero who made great contributions to King De’s case and was granted by the emperor just now. General Meng, and my Promise court, are very grateful to the general for his courage and loyalty. As the head of the harem in the maternal ritual world, you have a good reputation for treating heroes in this way, and it also chills the hearts of the soldiers who are fighting hard.”

“Professor?” The ending voice of Empress Yuan’s slightly upward pick is not sure whether it was a smile or a sarcasm. “This world is really upside down. The loyal veteran has been put to jail, and the stinky child successful minister, haha, haha.”

She laughed twice, and stepped forward slowly, walking very slowly, ringing with jingle bells during her movement, and making a sound in the deep corridors of the inner courtyard terrace. Don’t have any pressure.

She walked up to Meng Fuyao, Huaguang’s swaying pearl light covered her eyes, but Meng Fuyao still felt her sword-like forest and cool gaze after the pearl, so she looked so savagely. Once again, it’s not like looking at a courtier, but like looking at his enemies.

“I really want to know how Meng Gongchen’singled into the camp to kill the seven generals and ruined the king by drawing a salary’?” Empress Yuan said with a touch of Xiazhi’s deep lips and looked at her with a smile. “The whole capital is sung about your story, and even my deep palace woman is fortunate to hear it. On weekdays, I think about what kind of brave man I should be, and I don’t want to be so young…” She smiled, “It’s my imperial court. Fu.”

Meng Fuyao took a step back, bowed slightly, and said, “The kid is ignorant, the queen will show love.”

Emperor Yuan slowly said, “It’s easy to say, easy to say.” She stretched out the sleeves of the flat gold embroidered Feifeng, with ten fingers of enamel armor in the sleeves, and helped her personally,” the emperor said. , You are a hero, don’t give up.”

Meng Fuyao was about to get up, she stretched out her hand to help, the big sleeves hung down, the palms outstretched under the sleeves turned over, her ten fingers suddenly hooked forward, and she was hooking towards the eyes of Meng Fuyao, who was bowing her head. !

The sharp and curved nails, which are as long as ten small daggers, are close to Meng Fuyao’s front door. With a single hook, Meng Fuyao’s eyes will be plucked!


With a very slight cracking sound, the Empress Yuan suddenly froze. After a while, ten pieces of dark blue armor inlaid with crushed garnet fell onto the white stone ground, splashing around, and a series of crisp cracking sounds sounded.

Meng Fuyao smiled, raised her head, and moved her scissor-shaped fingers away from the stiff fingertips of Empress Yuan. She playfully moved her “scissors hand” at Empress Yuan, haha ​​smiled, “Queen here The quality of the armor is so bad that it breaks when you touch it.”

Immediately, Meng Fuyao slammed his hand unceremoniously. Empress Yuan immediately staggered and almost fell on the grandson Wuji. Behind him, the grandson Wuji had no intention of helping her. He saw that the empress Yuan’s expression was very complicated. , It seems painful and hateful, sad and helpless, just a look in the eyes, it is like a long sigh.

Emperor Yuan retreated a few steps before reaching out to support her body on the porch, raising her head to stare at Meng Fuyao fiercely, suddenly laughed for a long while, and actually restored her grace and calm posture again, and said in a peaceful way, “The palace stands Instability, General Meng was almost injured, General Duolao rescued him.”

“Really? I thought the empress was practicing a new kung fu,” Meng Fuyao blew her fingers, and said lightly, “It’s probably nine-yin-white bone claws and other kung fu? It’s a pity that she hasn’t practiced her skills at home.”

“Naturally, it can’t be compared with the general,” Empress Yuan said lightly, “If the general is not a good kung fu, how can he get into the German army camp, kill my court transport officer, and disturb the German army’s heart.”

“Niang Niang, please forgive me to remind you.” Changsun Wuji had been silently watching Empress Yuan, and suddenly said, “The German army is a rebel, and the grain transport officer appointed by the German king is a rebellious minister. General Meng is going to quell the rebellion. During this period, please don’t remember it.”

“Counter the rebellion?” The word was like a fire, burning the Yuan empress who had been calm and calm. She suddenly sneered, “How can I be convicted of this crime before being tried? The deeds are undecided, the prince Do you want to frame him for the big crime of conspiracy? You are’in the middle of the way’, and the King of Germany is avenging you. What is wrong? Why did you suffer this crime and become your scapegoat for cutting off the dissidents!”

The eldest grandson Wuji stared at her. At this moment, the pain in his eyes flicked over, and he slowly said, “The son and the minister are’in the middle road’, and have never seen the mother’s queen in Wanzhou; the German king is detained in Huazhou, the mother’s queen I arrived within two days. The wonder of the world is really impressive.”

He has a calm tone, but every word is sharp and sharp. Empress Yuan’s face pales when she hears her, her mouth is speechless, she can’t answer the word, and she said for a while, “You’re just guilty of death.”

“Yes, the empress is aware of Qihao. She knows that the child minister is guilty of death, but also understands the injustice of King De.” Changsun Wou-ki laughed mockingly. “The minister will remember your defense for King De, and strive for fairness during the trial. However, since the empress did not come to Huazhou for fun, but came only for King De, she probably did not have the permission of the emperor. As the prison of the state, the ministers there must remind you that the palace servants are not allowed to go out of the palace at will, let alone interfere in state affairs, you two I have committed all the rules, so I should return to the palace earlier.”

He didn’t even look at the Empress Yuan, and said, “Come here. Send Niang Niang Feng back to the palace.”

“I won’t go back!” Empress Yuan didn’t even say “My Palace”, stood upright, and said coldly, “I’ll be here to watch and see my emperor.” How to deal with him——”

“Send Niang Niang a rest!” Changsun Wuji suddenly cut off her words, turned around and pulled Meng Fuyao and left. He walked quickly. Meng Fuyao looked a little worried at the green color between his eyebrows. This is Changsun Wuji’s second I was angry again, but in this anger, the sadness was stronger.

“Changsun Wuji, you’re so cruel!” Empress Yuan screamed and tore through the suffocating silence behind her. The crystal nails that had lost their enamel armor broke with a crack because of too much force. Her voice was louder than that. It’s shocking, “You can’t kill him, he is—he is—”

The purple shadow fluttered, and swept back like a gust of wind. In an instant, there was Grandson Wuji beside Empress Yuan. He lowered his head slightly. Grandson Wuji looked at his mother empress without expression, and said lightly, “You really are today Talk a lot.”

The Empress Yuan raised her eyes and stared at him, her breath could not help but she said for a long while, “Niezi, you can kill me.”

“Why would a child minister kill his mother?” Changsun Wuji regained that indifferent smile, and said softly, “Only those who deserve death should die.”

“Who should die for the crime?” Empress Yuan said quickly, “The King of Germany has the right to discuss with relatives!”

“Those who have bad minds should die.” Yuan Zhaoxuan replied coldly, suddenly leaning over to Empress Yuan’s ear, and said in a low voice, “I have endured him for a long time, and I have given him the last chance. However, I gave a step, and people made a fortune… and even touched my bottom line… I’m sorry, my queen, I don’t want to be guilty, but some people who don’t know how to advance and retreat forced me to recite.”

“You are also forcing me to die.” Empress Yuan also calmed down, put her broken finger in the enamel armor slowly on her throat, and gave Yuan Zhaoxuan a calm and serene smile, “Wuji, You must not regret it.”

“Do you commit suicide with a broken nail?” Changsun Wuji smiled and said faintly, “Last time it was a broken vase, and the last time it was almond juice. Niang, you are so full of tricks.”

He no longer looked at Empress Yuan. He looked up and stood aside from a distance. He didn’t dare to look up at the guards of the Heavenly Family Mother and Child and called out, “Send Empress to rest!” Turned and left.

He just walked a few steps and hurried over to the Governor. His face was sweaty, and his face was pale and clinging to the ears of Longsun Wuji. He said a few words, Meng Fuyao vaguely heard the words “self-destruction”, and his heart was tight. , Raised his eyes to look at Changsun Wuji, his face was full of smiles, and the turbulent and dark tide rolled in his eyes. Meng Fuyao leaned on his hand and felt that his fingertips were cold, and the Empress Yuan seemed to feel something behind him, and walked quickly. I chased up and asked, “What happened?”

The grandson Wuji said without turning his head, “Send Niang Niang back!”

The guards hesitated to pass, and the Emperor Yuan behind him sternly said, “Get back! Here is your troublesome place? Come and go if you want to see who can move the palace!”

The grandson Wuji looked back and smiled, “Yes, madam, no one can move you, what you love, you can do what you can do, but I would like to remind you that there are still people who can move you. , Your move makes Erchen uneasy, so Erchen has to solve the source of the disaster directly, you can take care of it.”


The long-term Sun Wuji has already pulled Meng Fuyao away. Meng Fuyao walked to the middle of the corridor and couldn’t help but look back. He saw the gorgeous and noble woman standing in the middle of the corridor trembling, with a strong touch. It was bright yellow, but when I looked from a distance, I suddenly became a little weaker and haggard, like a leaf that was about to wither, falling helplessly to the gorgeous palace full of gold and jade.

Meng Fuyao sighed in the bottom of her heart. This is the heavenly mother and son. This is the life of the royal family. It is intriguing, deceiving, tit-for-tat, murderous, indifferent, and ruthless. She has always thought that as the only prince with the highest status on the continent, 15 years old The eldest grandson Wuji, who served as the minister of the country, must be the only pride and glory of the father and the queen. The Wuji imperial family must also be the most harmonious family among the five continents, but never thought that there would be a deep rift between mother and child. The conversation between the two was extremely chilling, and it made her, an outsider, her hairs stand upright, and this palace has thousands of floors and pavilions. How many secrets that the royal family cannot tell?

The relationship between the king of Germany and the queen is not normal, right?

Is it because of this that Jangsun Wou-ki opened up to Dewang.com?

She accidentally offended the grandson Wuji’s mother. Seeing the look in the eyes that people would hate to skin her, Meng Fuyao felt sad. Offending the great **** doesn’t matter. Offending the auntie has serious consequences…


Changsun Wuji walked faster and faster. His lavender shirt was blowing in the early spring like a bright green stroke, like a soft cloud walking fast, Meng Fuyao stared at his steps, her heart was vaguely disturbed, she knew him Since then, this person has always been calm and calm, and he seems to be insulated from his loss of state and loss. However, at this moment, seeing him obviously affected by the complex emotions in his inner pace, Meng Fuyao is a little startled.

What happened that would shock him so much?

The two followed the governor all the way to the backyard. The more remote they went, the fewer people left, until they stopped in front of a row of houses. These houses looked ordinary, and there were colorful clothes hanging outside. Passing through the middle, the governor opened the door of the third room. When the door was pushed, a heavy smell of pig iron rushed over his face. The light in the room was dark and dark. At first glance, the equipment was ordinary. However, Meng Fuyao’s eyes fell on On an ordinary oil lamp.

Sure enough, the governor stepped forward and put his hand in the lamp cap to mention it. The western wall rumblingly raised it. The governor bowed, but did not dare to go any further. He stood under the deep staircase with a big face. Khan bowed down.

I accidentally ran into royal secrets. The governor only felt that something was wrong. Watching Meng Fuyao follow along the way stupidly, his eyes were like seeing a goose about to enter the slaughterhouse.

Stupid Goose was unconscious, and followed Changsun Wuji all the way down the iron ladder. Fortunately, he asked the Governor politely, “Aren’t you leading the way?”

The governor wiped a sweat and scolded him where he came from two hundred and five, repeatedly saying, “The lower official is here to guard the gate…”

Changsun Wuji waved his hand without turning his head back, the secret door rumblingly closed, the heavier rust smell was forced, and there was a slightly more cold and pungent smell. The smell was familiar to Meng Fuyao, and she was startled. , A cold palm.

The stairs went all the way down, and the two quick steps on the iron ladder clicked straight, and they spread far away. There was no sound other than that. It was dead, cold, dark, and empty. Like the eternal sleeping bed of life, like a tomb where countless dead people are buried.

Zhang Sun Wuji suddenly stopped in front of the bottom step. He stopped very suddenly. Meng Fuyao lowered his head to think about it, and almost hit his back. He raised his head and gasped.


Blood in the eyes.

The dripping blood slowly flowed out of the iron fences, sticky and thick, squirming like a red snake, silent and crippled, swimming slowly on the ground.

The iron wall facing the stairs was also covered with a large amount of blood. The blood was sprinkled on the iron wall in a spray pattern. Large blood flowers bloomed on the iron wall. Among the blood flowers, several brushstrokes The sharp characters, written with teeth and claws in the middle, are shocking.

“With my life, cast your sin!”

The words are full of hatred, and the pens are as thick as fingers. The end of the strokes filled with blood cannot bear the viciousness and hatred. The blood filled with blood first fell into a curve The arc then slid down thinly, and every stroke dragged out countless thin blood lines, intertwined vertically and horizontally into a web of blood, as if to catch some curse from the depths of hell.

The King of Germany sat under these words.

He crossed his knees, opened his eyes, and opened his mouth. The tongue in his mouth was gone, and some blood that had flowed out of his mouth was dripping slowly.

He is sitting in the direction facing the end of the stairs. In other words, anyone who gets down to this iron jail will see the horrible open blood mouth at first sight.

How many people can bear such a fierce impact of vision?

And those words…Meng Fuyao clenched his palms, slowly turned his head to look at Changsun Wuji, he stood on the last step, and never took the last step, he stood straight, but his sleeves When there is no wind, a bit of chill radiates from his side, heavier than the rust and heavier than the blood.

Meng Fuyao took the next step and stood behind him. She always felt that the back of Changsun Wuji looked so weak at this moment. It was the weakest moment since she knew him. The blood in this room seemed to have invaded his muscles. Bone, so that he was cold to the bottom of his heart, freezing blood.

Someone used the most tragic death method as revenge, and slashed the last and most powerful blow in this life against the person he had never been able to control.

This moment seems very short, this moment seems very long.

In the suffocating darkness and **** silence, I finally heard a long sigh from Changsun Wuji.

“You are so cruel…”

Meng Fuyao raised his heart, and the desolation in Changsun Wuji’s tone was like a pair of weak hands, which suddenly caught her breath.

Then listened to him in a low voice:



The thunder in the sky suddenly hit Meng Fuyao’s head.

It exploded her soul to pieces.

With a sound of “Keng”, Meng Fu swayed into the iron ladder, but she didn’t know the pain anymore. She squeezed the iron railing tightly with her backhand, those rough and cold iron particles rubbed her hand, she was Suddenly in such pain, it turned out that this was really not a dream.

Dewang is the biological father of the eldest son Wuji!

Just now, the Yuan empress shouted “He is–” Meng Fuyao thought he was going to say, “He is my love.” But he never thought that the blank space after the dash was such a shocking one. secret.

The Venus rushed in front of her, and a lot of chaotic thoughts ran across her mind…the mad concubine of the German king…she insulted the eldest son Wou-ki for being in a wrong position…the patience and temptation of the king’s king… I never thought that he would really kill me… the bitterness in his tone when he said that… and the “crime of casting you with my life!”

Zhu Er’s death of his father!

What kind of father and son are these, what kind of parents are these!

Meng Fuyao shivered, and her teeth clashed loudly. She was not afraid, but felt cold. She felt cold for the mystery and the final ending of the **** life experience that entangled the royal family. The smooth and flawless long-term Sun Wuji, who is famous as a beautiful jade in the world, always feels cold with such an unspeakable pain behind no one knows. She is so cold, but opened her arms to the long-term Sun Wuji who has never looked back. .

She hugged Longsun Wuji from behind, just like the grandson Wuji who sneaked into her room that night hugging her. She pressed her face tightly against the cold back of Long Sun Wuji, moving gently, just like that day. Changsun Wuji put his chin on her shoulder.

That night, the spring breeze was like promise, the fragrance of flowers was faint, they lay on the bed and watched the light of spring walking slowly by the skirt in this beautiful night; **** night, surrounded by hostility, they stood on the rusty stairs , Looking at the tragic corpse of the opposite person, complaining with death with his mouth wide open.

The grandson Wuji stands silently, his broad sleeves hanging down, his long but straight back looks weak and weak at this moment. Although he stands, he can be swept away like a gust of wind and caught in the cold terrace. From then on The salvation of fate will never be found.

He stood, I don’t know how long he stood, the moonlight shone lightly, and the hair that escaped from his temple gradually faded from black to gray to white, and finally turned into the same color of moonlight.

In an instant, gray hair.

Meng Fuyao watched in shock as the white hair danced sadly, and the thin hair, like an iron whip, was drawn to her heart fiercely.

Her tears have dripped like a disconnection at some point, and she feels so useless at this moment that she cannot have the overwhelming hands of fate and erase the worst scene in her life.

She can only hold Long Sun Wuji tightly, and hold his trembling back tightly.

She said, “Wuji…you speak, you speak…”

She said, “It’s not your sin, it’s not your sin…”

She repeated it over and over again, tears slowly soaking the long-sun Wuji’s lavender long dress, and that piece of dress gradually became darker in color, and it looked like blood from a distance.

The longson Wou-ki finally moved.

He slowly turned around and gently held Meng Fuyao in his arms. The coldness of his fingertips reached her heart through several layers of clothing. Meng Fuyao looked up at his pale and bloodless face for a moment, listening He said lightly, “Fuyao… are we all born with sin…”

“No!” Meng Fu shook his head, “This is a crime of desire, and it is the wrong choice of others. What does it do to you? Grandson Wuji, you are a wise man in your life, you should want to understand the truth of this, and you can’t take others. Punish yourself for your mistakes.”

She suddenly let go of the grandson Wuji, strode to the door of the prison, pulled out “Slaying Heaven” and slashed hard, the chains smashed, and Meng Fuyao pushed the door in and walked in front of King De, kneeling on her knees. , Banged three heads, said, “The deceased is the greatest. No matter what grievances or grievances may have in his lifetime, this is all I should worship you. In addition, this is also my apology for disturbing your body in advance. Would you like it or not, I must do it.”

She stood up, stepped forward, raised her hand and closed the German king’s open mouth.

“No matter who is at fault, this shouldn’t be a way for a father to punish his son.” She stretched out her hand resolutely, closed Dewang’s wide-open eyes, and gently laid down his body, smoothly. He wiped the blood on the wall without hesitation.

There is no cloth around, she uses her sleeve to dry the blood stains little by little.

After wiping her back, she saw Changsun Wou-ki not knowing when she had already stepped down the stairs, sitting on the ground, silently watching her do all this, his expression was always very quiet, as quiet as a narrow line from the top of an iron prison The moonlight sprinkled on the window of his, clear and cool, was plated on the dark ground, like a roll of unremovable inscriptions.

Those grievances, love, hatred, merits and demerits that fade away with death are just like no-character inscriptions, but they can only be commented on by blanks, and the thoughts are rushed in an instant and a night, leaving alone the night before the sky, the glazed fire.

The blood on the wall can be erased, but how can the imprints left on the heart be freed?

Meng Fuyao walked over slowly, took out the Huozhezi from his arms, lit the inlaid copper lamp, and then sat down, among the blood stains, sitting in front of Changsun Wuji.

The light of the copper lamp flickered and flickered dimly, with a little yellow light and shadow, shuttled through the empty room, closely intertwining the past that has been deposited for a long time and the irreversible present.

“A long time ago, there was an emperor who was seriously injured in a counter-insurgency war. It was a general next to him who hid in a cave with him on his back, and finally died on his behalf at the most dangerous time. The general himself It is also a line of the far branch of the imperial family, with the same surname as the emperor. After the emperor escaped from danger, he swore to the Manchu civil and military line that he would never lose the descendants of the general and adopted the general’s orphans as parents and children.”

“Since then, the orphan has been crowned king from generation to generation, and has guarded the royal line. He is like a family. About three generations later, the emperor of this generation was born with congenital deficiencies, weak and sick, and the prince of this generation is brave and good at war. , Loyal to the country, and leaned by the emperor as his right-hand man. When the two were young, they often traveled together and traveled privately.”

“In the late spring of that year, the two went to a mountain on the outskirts of Beijing. The emperor came and played a song in the pavilion. The prince danced his sword together in a healthy place, but was interrupted by a passing woman. , The woman spoke agilely and sharply, and scorned both of them for their piano skills and swordsmanship. The two of them came home in shock, and somehow they never forgot about the woman.”

The lights are dim, reflecting the calm face of the grandson Wuji, his eyes are dim, it seems that through the cold scene at this moment, he saw many years ago, the flowers in the spring mountains, the breeze and the long shadows, the handsome man playing the qin in the pavilion, the brave boy Swords dancing under the tree, and a girl in a pale yellow shirt with flowers in the sky lingering in the sky came beautifully, and her words like a warbler stirred up the love of this world, the ups and downs of a royal family, and the fate of countless people. , And many, many years later, still harming innocent people.

Meng Fuyao stretched out his hand silently and took his hand. Changsun Wuji smiled faintly and patted her hand gently.

“After a while, the emperor was busy with national affairs, and gradually forgot the woman. One day, the prince rushed into the palace and told the emperor that he had found the woman and said that he wanted to marry her. The emperor heard that The woman was born in a prominent family, and she was very excited, but didn’t want to rely on the emperor to win the love of her brothers, so she ordered the personal **** to the woman’s mansion and sent a famous painting. It was a picture of a sword dancing in the snow by a former national player, the emperor thought. Since it is a woman who knows martial arts, she would definitely like this painting, and asked the **** not to reveal her identity. She only talked about her outing on a certain day. Miss Meng gave some teachings. Since then, she will never forget, courageously offer her painting, and ask her to favor her.”

“The woman took the painting, looked at it carefully for a long while, and asked the eunuch: piano player? Sword dancer?”

“The **** thought she was asking about the content of the painting. Answer: Sword dancer.”

“The woman stretched her eyebrows and smiled and said, ‘Okay.’”

“The final word, the emperor liked it very much, and immediately made an order to accept the woman as a concubine. The second year after entering the palace, the woman gave birth. That was the first and only one of the royal family’s generation. The emperor was even more pleased. Register her as a queen.”

“In the year when the queen was enrolled, the prince also accepted the princess. The other party was the eldest daughter of the Linjiang King. The royal princess was originally not allowed to marry with the same clan, but the princess was pampered since childhood, and she loved the princess. If he did not marry, he married. At that time, the folkway was generous and sparse and not pedantic. From the eyes of the world, they were also a very happy couple.”

Long Sun Wuji raised his head to look at the moonlight in the window. Tonight seems to be the night of the full moon. That night many years ago, did it hang high on the eaves of the two seemingly happy royal couples? A perfect moon? And in that moonlit night, what kind of story happened, which made the years to come be poisoned by hatred, and bite the bones day by day, until the ending was eaten into a permanent incomplete?

“The days have passed. In everyone’s eyes, there is nothing unusual about things. However, only the person concerned knows about the turbulent waves inside. For example, the queen found out that she was married to an inhuman, and found that the emperor had already Inhumane, for example, the emperor found out that the person in the queen’s heart was not him at all. For example, the prince thought it was the emperor who had robbed his beloved woman, such as the princess, and finally realized that the husband was not his real husband. These thoughts were buried like a malignant tumor. In the hearts of the four people, there is no day for them to find peace.”

“Then the child grew up. When he was three years old, he was missing for half a month. In fact, he was not missing. He was taken away by the princess.”

Meng Fuyao gave a short “ah”.

“The princess–that was a naturally paranoid and crazy woman. She ventured into the palace, secretly carried the child away, and locked him in a secret room. She didn’t beat and scold him, but used a mirror to look at him all day. He pointed to the person in the mirror and said to him-look at your nose and your forehead, you are his! You are his! This bitch! Bitch **** bitch… She cursed constantly , The child was about to cry, so the woman pinched him severely and forbade him to cry, she said-people in this world smile is not a laugh, crying is not crying, the face is fake, only the pain in the heart is Really, the pain in my heart cannot be seen by others. Once I see it, it is over.”

“The kid spent half a month in the dark room where he could not see his fingers. He was shining in the mirror all day and his eyes dazzled. When he was rescued, he was almost blind. From then on, he really won’t cry anymore.”

Meng Fuyao suddenly raised his head, sniffed, and said dumbly, “Stop for a minute, I will digest it.”

Changsun Wuji lowered his eyes, gently rubbed her fingers with his cold hand, and said softly, “It’s all over…”

Meng Fuyao stared at his chest, where it was wet for some time. She stretched out her hand, took the guy who was secretly crying out, pressed her forehead, and said softly, “Mouse, don’t hide. Now, let’s cry.”

Master Yuan Bao stretched out his claws and hugged her neck silently.

The grandson Wuji smiled, still smiling. Meng Fu shook her head and turned her head away. At this moment, she didn’t want to see his smile at all. In that kind of forever grace, noble and calm smile, how a child was deeply hidden The transformation of forcing the struggle hides his unknowable and unspeakable pain, and hides the glazed glorious and perfect grandson prince, and the queen is unable to deal with the brokenness.

She was unable to make up for the painful shattering, she could only squeeze his hand, vainly using her warmth to warm the man’s frozen heart.

“…The one who came to save the child was the prince. He stared at the child straight, staring at him frightened, and then picked him up. He laughed wildly and said, my, my ——Haha, this is mine, this time you can’t grab it again——”

“The queen was there at the time, she waved back the maid, walked over and closed the door, suddenly rushed to hug him, and cried, “It’s yours…It’s ours…In the future, it will all be ours… They didn’t avoid the child, they thought he didn’t understand, but he did. “

“The kid grew up in his teens and gradually gained some talents. His father loved him very much. He gave him military power early and let him display his political talents. The prince and the queen were very happy. , They discussed to support the prince as the emperor and kill the emperor.”

“The kid knew about this. He thought about it for days and nights, but never made up his mind. That night, he went to the emperor’s palace to greet the emperor. The emperor who had been lingering on the sick bed was playing with a picture and saw that he did not accept it. Instead, he beckoned him to look over.”

“On that night, the kid knew all the story, but what he couldn’t forget was the tenderness in the eyes of the emperor when he mentioned the queen, the gentle apology when he mentioned the prince, and the gentle eyes when he looked at him .”

“At that moment he immediately understood that the emperor knew everything, including his life experience!”

“He returned to his bedroom that night. The child didn’t sleep all night. He carefully considered the temperament of the prince and the emperor. He had to admit that no one was more like the father or the emperor. Well, the prince has a narrow temperament, and he has been irritated by hatred for many years. Although the emperor is limited in frailty and cannot make greater achievements, he is generous and kind, and the people can have a peaceful time because of him. , And to that child, he never suffered any harm. He helped him to walk, he held his hand to teach him to write, he put him on his lap together to correct the chapter, before that night, he had never Make the child realize that he is not his father.”

“Bloodline and family affection cannot be combined. That night, the kid thought of white hair. In the early morning, he pulled out the white hair in the morning light, and then made several wills in succession with the order of prison. “

“Those decrees gave the prince more honorable titles and more fiefdoms, but cut off his military power. The child still had hope at the time, hoping that the prince could take the initiative to seal him, and he has gone away since then. , Those old grudges that have sunk in the years can also slowly fade away.”

“However, the prince refused to be sealed on the grounds that the princess was in poor health. After losing his military power, he was not willing to provide for the elderly. He kept keeping a low profile and secretly cross-linked. He acted openly and honestly. He was always loyal to the court. No one praised him for his loyalty, righteousness and bravery. The child kept watching him coldly. On the one hand, he really couldn’t deal with the’loyal minister’ at will. On the other hand, he also hoped that his biological father would rein in the precipice, so he just kept holding back in secret, but didn’t really move him.” /

“Who knew that the prince was actually a bolder person. He couldn’t bear such a day. He even joined the queen to imply that this child is his life experience, asking him to recognize his ancestors, kill his adoptive father, and welcome his biological father. Home.”

“This request is really absurd. The kid just smiled, but under the anger of the prince, he really took the risk, linked with foreign countries, and wanted to instigate a military rebellion in the old part of the Beijing army. After knowing this, the kid knew that it was impossible. , Had to make up his mind and gave him 200,000 troops to quell the chaos in the frontier.”

“This is the test and the last chance. If the prince is honest and rebellious, the child will never be difficult for his biological father, but he… really has trouble.”

The grandson Wou-ki smiled without a smile, and said, “The next thing, you naturally know, it is the story of the grandson’s royal family, the prince is the king of Germany, the queen is my mother and queen, that child, that’s Me.”

Meng Fuyao clutched his hand tightly, no longer knowing what to say and do, why are there so many mistakes in this world? Life and death ruined the happiness of those innocent people. In this story, no one was wrong, but in the end it caused unexpected consequences.

“Fuyao, Gaoluo’s turmoil is real, I didn’t lie to you.” Changsun Wuji said in a low voice, “It’s just that since I can find the Gaoluo spy Tory lurking in the country, I’m naturally prepared for Gaoluo. , So it didn’t take long for me to go and the Gao Luo war was over, but the news was not released.”

“And what I need to explain to you can finally be explained at this moment.” He gently adjusted Li Meng Fuyao’s hair that was stuck to the corner of his forehead with tears, and personally gathered her messed sideburns, said, “I really didn’t expect that he would give up Yao Cheng and design to kill me. I expected everything, but stupidly didn’t expect that my father would kill me.”

My father, want to kill me.

Meng Fuyao’s tears dropped, dripping on the ground where the blood was floating, the condensed purple blood was dissolved, and a pale red on the ground again, like a yellow spring blooming on the other side, flowers and leaves forever Manshu Shahua who didn’t want to see.

She suddenly rushed over and hugged the shoulders of Changsun Wuji, who was motionless. Her tears were hot on the skin of Changsun Wuji. Every drop was as heavy as mercury. She pierced the muscles and bones straight into the bottom of her heart, smashing out a large swath. The burning pain.

The grandson Wuji slowly raised his eyes and looked at Meng Fuyao, who was in tears under the lamp.

At this moment, the light is dim, and those stories full of loneliness in the vicissitudes of life are slowly flowing. This woman who has been trapped in the Xiuluo field and faced death has never frowned, crying for his story.

Master Yuan Bao also rushed forward, rushed in between them, and hugged Longsun Wuji tightly.

“Please, cry once, just once…” Meng Fuyao shook the shoulders of Grandson Wuji who was sitting silently, pinched his nails into his clothes, “Cry out, cry out…”

“Please… cry out…” She buried her head on his shoulder, crying over and over again.

Zhang Sun Wuji stared at her for a long while, finally reached out his hand to embrace her, looked up, and looked at the moonlight shining through the tiny window.

That is the moonlight without distinction between the present and the ancient, that is the moonlight that is full of joys and sorrows, and that is the moonlight that crosses the desolate river and is stripped of the golden powder blur of the world, forever shining in the cold, not knowing the suffering of the world.

His previous life was also moonlight, cold and lofty, not belonging to the light of a thousand accounts, not belonging to the ordinary years, not belonging to the warmth of the world, he was trapped in plotting for a few rounds, and his grievances turned like sand between his fingers, a big dream Wake up as a guest.

He is the master of the dynasty, he is a happy traveler in the world.

He enjoys the luxury of the world, and some things are also luxury for him.

However, at this moment, someone embraced him and shed tears for him. Her warmth came to the bone, and he could not refuse to hear the sound of freezing.

Long, long time later.

He lifted his head and closed his eyes.

The moonlight outlines his delicate jaw.

Outlined, under the long eyelashes, there are faintly reflecting water droplets flowing down.

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