Legend of Fu Yao Chapter 3: The Thief of the Palace

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“I’m not an ordinary servant, I demand treatment that matches my own excellent qualities!” Meng Fuyao squatted in front of the “Dexin Yard” of the Dewang Mansion in the East Corner Lane of Zhongzhou City, clutching a small servant’s clothes and shaking Protesting.

There was no movement in the room. Yao Xun squinted to look at Meng Fuyao, and pulled her, “Hey, Ms. Meng, you drank wine worth tens of thousands of gold, and you should be a small servant to pay off your debts. This, this, asking for anything seems a little bit Too much…”

“You know what a fart!” Meng Fuyao blocked him back, “Am I not bothering him? This person is so quiet and clean, I will bother him until he voluntarily surrenders.”

She rushed to climb the window, the window was closed tightly, Meng Fuyao went to poke the window paper, I poke, I poke poke poke…Puff puff puff puff puff puff, the window paper quickly became a hornet’s nest.

Thinking of what a beautiful scene when the cold wind penetrates through the window paper that is full of holes and blows on someone at night, Meng Fuyao smiled very happily, I poke me and I continued to poke… …Ouch!

There was a sudden pain in the fingertips, like a needle prick, Meng Fu shook his hand back in a hurry, and when he saw that a round blood bead had bloomed on his fingertips, he was furious and cursed, “The villain is so vicious! There is an ambush! !”

The window sash was opened quietly with a hula, and Zong Yue, dressed as snow, sat in front of the window. Behind him was a large screen of white and beautiful maple leaves. The crimson maple leaves were inlaid with yellowish teeth on the serrations. There is a kind of vicissitudes of Jingshuang, which sets off Zong Yue in front of this maple map, with light and beautiful eyes.

He held a hollow needle at his fingertips, looked thoughtfully at the thin blood flowing in the needle, and said lightly, “I once met Shenkong Saint Feiyan in Fufeng, she and I said that if there is a 17-year-old girl who practices the Supreme Mind, she is a rare blood sacrifice body. She has been searching for years and has not been able to find it. If I meet, I must notify her.” With the blood needle in his hand, he was meditating, not looking at Meng Fuyao, and muttered, “The sacrifice blood body that Mr. Yan wants, I tried a lot of them and it was not appropriate. I don’t know if this is?”

Meng Fuyao squatted under the window, grinning with anger, and murmured, “In addition to threats, blackmail, persecution, etc., what else will you do in your life?”

Zong Yue raised his eyes, threw a basket to her through the window, and said, “I’ll show you what I will do now—please pick off the tender tips of the seven-leaf clover in the garden and put it in the medicine cauldron. It’s grated, I want to use it. Remember, it must be as fine as a powder and the most tender tip.”

Meng Fu shook his nose up to the sky, his arms folded, not moving, but Yao Xun stepped forward to take it, dragged Meng Fuyao and left.

“You picked you up to pick it.” Meng Fuyao kicked and walked out, staring at the grass on the side of the road, and suddenly said, “Hey, this grass is very similar to horse chestnut, exactly the same… …Hey, you go pick it up and give it to Zong Yue. Didn’t he let me see his skills? I don’t think he can see it.”

Not waiting for Yao Xun’s answer, she waved her hand and said, “I’m going shopping.”


Zhongzhou is worthy of being the number one prosperous city on the Wuzhou Continent. It is different from the legendary high-walled city and the ancient and solemn Tiansha capital city. Zhongzhou is prosperous and prosperous, the folk customs are idle, and it is unique in the prosperity of the people. Satisfaction and leisure, from the snow-white bare feet of the flower girl, the tea customers who spend a long time in the teahouse, the scholars who talk in the hall, the merchants of various countries who exchange goods in the market, the red sleeves waving in the wind from the brothel, from The gambling halls filled with powdery fragrance and wine and meat aroma can see the eclectic nature of this city and the wide range of Bona.

According to a famous bard who is very romantic, Pan Du is like a strong and mighty man, with a solid attitude and motionless like a mountain. Zhongzhou is the wide-sleeved and wide-sleeved handsome man in Eguanbo. , Indulgence and gentleness coexist, gorgeous and romantic coexistence.

Meng Fuyao walked aimlessly on the street while buying some gadgets at will. She is rich now. Although Zong Yue is not a good thing, but the supply of her little servant is not bad, if not for Finding a free benefactor responsible for board and lodging, Meng Fuyao had already tried to escape.

Walking all the way, gradually passing the main street, gradually sparsely populated, and the road gradually widened, and in front, the exquisite and gorgeous buildings are in sight, but it does not look like a palace, the wall is so short that Meng Fuyao can lift his leg You can step over, and there are still houses scattered around. Meng Fuyao grabbed a passing old man and asked. The old man smiled at her kindly and said, “The girl is a foreigner, this is the palace of His Royal Highness.”

“The palace of the prince?” Meng Fuyao was stunned. “Only the emperor can have a palace, right?”

“Is the Prince Wuji an ordinary prince? He has long held the power of the Wuji country, and only has to become the throne.” The old man was unhappy, “According to you, only the emperor has the title, and the Prince Wuji does not still have the title?”

“Oh? What kind of honor?” Meng Fuyao asked casually. It seems that the grandson Wuji is very popular in this country.

“Is the title of the prince worthy of mentioning by us?” The old man hurried forward, “Girl, you can take a look here, the prince rarely comes, this palace is a quiet place, looking at today, the prince is sure Not here.” Pointing to the low palace wall again, “I saw that the low wall is not there. There are a lot of herbs in the outer garden of the palace for people who have no money to treat diseases. Just turn over the wall and get it. In fact, I want to see the prince. It’s not that difficult, it’s just that everyone consciously doesn’t bother.”

Meng Fuyao let out a cry and muttered, “Don’t be defensive at all, be careful of the assassins to get in.” She turned around. Seeing that there were many herbs in the medicine garden, Meng Fuyao had a whim-steal some and sell it, isn’t it money? ?

A quarter of an hour later, Meng Fuyao, who rushed into the medicinal garden, straightened up sneakily with a pile of bulges in his arms. Meng Fuyao knew the pharmacology and chose the more valuable medicinal materials, and planned to wait to bring them back to sell. Give Zong Yue a sum of money.

After stealing for a long time, it was a little hot, and there was a lot of mud on his hands. Meng Fuyao looked around, looking for some water to wash his hands. At a glance, there was a clear pond behind a rockery in front, and there was a faint iron-red plant on the opposite side of the clear pond. The tree with black flowers, Meng Fuyao frowned, feeling that this is a bit like the green sacred tree mentioned by the old Taoist. The bark of this thing is a good medicine for strengthening the foundation and cultivating the essence. “The exercises were also very helpful, and he immediately became coveted, and leaned in furtively.

Not yet approaching, a pair of golden guards suddenly turned out from behind the rockery, crossed their guns, and said, “In the future is the place where the prince is in the outer palace. Someone who comes to gather herbs, please stop here.” /

“Oh,” Meng Fu rolled his eyes and said with a chuckle, “I won’t go there, but Bing, can you climb the rockery for me and see what the palace looks like? You can tell me about it when you go back.” /

The two guards looked at each other, because the people often made this request out of admiration for the prince. It’s no surprise that they smiled tolerantly and said, “Then you go up and take a look, don’t miss it.”

“Hey, thanks.” Meng Fuyao headed to climb the mountain. When he passed by their side, his fingers flipped and the two guards fell to the ground.

“Hey, Changsun Wou-ki has trained these soldiers so well. They are of high quality. They are so good that they will fall down.” Meng Fuyao looked around, there was no one at all, it was really empty. Unguarded, I couldn’t help being overjoyed. He climbed up the rockery in twos or twos, and didn’t even see what the palace looked like, so he jumped down without a word.

Under the long sky and above the rockery, the black figure stood up straight, and the breast swallow fell into the pool behind the rockery like a forest.

“Freestyle preparatory style! I’ll come too!”


Hey, I thought I could write about Wuji’s appearance today, but I didn’t actually write, so what, cut me into longan sauce, I broke my promise, I am guilty…

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