Legend of Fu Yao Chapter 22: The wind will rise

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Since I got rid of Beiye that night, the next few days were fine. Yao Xun said his words and followed them honestly, but Meng Fuyao thought that he was willing to stay, probably because he saw that night Yuan Zhaoxu’s martial arts, expect to find a protective umbrella.

This day has arrived at the outskirts of Taiyuan Yanjing. The three of them found the inn to rest. As soon as Meng Fuyao stayed, he hurriedly started practicing. These days, she worked diligently to consolidate. She felt that she had broken through the fourth level of Jiuxiao. It will be complete.

The sand flowed silently from the hourglass. Three hours later, Meng Fuyao opened his eyes, and his eyes flashed.

I took the sword on the table and pressed it with luck. The sword body stood up with a bright blue color, which was the fourth layer of light. Compared with the previous few days, today’s light is more gorgeous and soft, with pure color.

“That’s it!” Meng Fuyao smiled and jumped out of bed, “Who should I kiss?”

After speaking, I immediately slapped myself, “Don’t think about it!”

She lay down comfortably, took out the three babies in her arms, and rubbed them carefully.

This is a customs clearance order that she took a lot of effort to get.

There has always been a secret legend in the Wuzhou Continent. Collecting seven kinds of amulets from the Seven Kingdoms, you can travel across the various countries, travel the Wuzhou Continent, all the way north, until the northernmost Dizhou, the most mysterious and most mysterious and most mysterious and most mysterious dynasty. Above the Evergreen Temple, which is difficult to enter, there are people with great supernatural powers and great wisdom who can solve all the difficulties and difficulties in the world.

Meng Fuyao doesn’t have the hardship that needs help, but there is a big problem, and he counts on magical power to solve it.

But how easy is it to reach that altar? The five continents were originally five countries, and one country occupies one continent. Later, the countries fought and competed for territories. In the past 30 years, the five countries have been divided into seven countries, cutting the land of the five continents to pieces, and now each defends its territory. Although the surface peace was maintained, they actually looked at each other. Most of the Chen soldiers bordered and prohibited traffic with other countries. It is said that a bird feather from the Tiansha dynasty fell on the border of the Xuanyuan dynasty in a neighboring country and would be immediately twisted into powder.

Fortunately, this world respects the strong and opens the door to them. Thirty years ago, except for the firmament, the remaining six countries were in the Hengzhou Promise Congress League, the center of the mainland, and gathered their iconic symbols to give At that time, the ten most powerful people on the five continents issued the “Six Nations Order”. Those who hold this order can pass through the six countries unimpededly, reaching any place on the five continents except the sky and the imperial palaces of various countries.

Actually, it was just a good selling gesture. With the talents of those ten strong men, if you don’t get the token, you can get it everywhere.

After taking it, it hurts face, and it’s hard to go to someone’s inner palace to see the **** and wash the underwear for the concubine.

Of course, with Meng Fuyao’s current ability, that token, don’t even think about it.

This road is closed and there is another road. Since the continents of the five continents have their own production, the commercial, military, and people’s livelihoods of various countries are mutually dependent. Over the years, countries have gradually learned the important role of commercial circulation in national strength and economic development. Five years ago, With the help of the famed Prince Wuji Prince of the Wuji Kingdom, the Seven Kingdoms began to issue pass tokens within a certain range for their own country and other countries’ upper-level officials and merchants to use when they are in good contact with the country. The political and commercial exchanges are regarded as a foreign traffic permit, enjoying certain right of passage and official protection.

This kind of right of passage is not even affected by the war. Even if the two countries suddenly start war, these giant businessmen who hold orders will be politely sent out of the country, and then put on a posture to fight.

Just for precaution and alert, this kind of distribution is strictly controlled, only concentrated in the big chaebols and giants with monopoly status in each country, as well as the upper-level ambassadors and officials, and the country’s imperial court must issue a guarantee certificate before it can be owned in another country. Safe access within the realm.

Without this kind of thing, traveling to the Congress has encountered a lot of trouble, which is equivalent to smuggling now, but there is no such thing as repatriation in this era, it is directly served by the sword.

The situation between countries is complicated, with many hurdles, and the road to the Evergreen Temple is too far away. Meng Fuyao can’t go all the way to the Temple. She needs as much shelter as possible so that the road to future adventures can be followed. Farther.

So after she got the news, she started to collect the tokens of various countries.

Two months ago, a giant merchant from the Xuanji Dynasty came to Taiyuan Dynasty to develop the timber business. With dozens of carts of goods, he contracted the entire inn, and invited the most powerful local martial arts sect to send his disciples to protect the law. The guards stood in the corridors, and the lights in the inn were not extinguished all night. By the next morning, the giant merchant was still stripped out and the customs pass was missing.

One month ago, Sima Rui, the important minister of the Xuanyuan Dynasty by water, swaggered all the way on the Yuanjiang River. The pink powder danced on the boat, the silk and bamboo were endless, and countless enviable eyes were gained along the way.

Unfortunately, the next day, a scream almost collapsed the building, and Sima Rui rushed out in full view, yelling, “My pass token is gone!”

The chaos on the boat on the building was like boiling porridge. Sima Rui quickly deployed troops to surround the river and sent troops to search the fishing village on the shore. Countless people accepted the investigation but found nothing. Sima Rui, who had been on the river for three days, was afraid of delaying his mission. In the end, he had to appeal to the court and left Yuanjiang dingy.

The soldiers accompanying him were not so depressed. They talked with great interest about the ship’s lady they met during the search. They didn’t look very good, but they burned good fish soup.

The fish soup is delicious, and the live fish are fresh. It’s a pity that there is something hidden in the belly of the fish in the steaming heat. No one has seen it.

As for the harvest on Xuanyuan Mountain a few days ago, it happened that I accidentally met the panic who was alone on the mountain, and one of them was overturned, and Tiansha’s customs clearance order was found on him.

Meng Fuyao now has the three kingdoms of Xuanyuan, Tiansha, and Taiyuan. In the future, he will go to the Temple of Evergreen and gather the Seven Kingdoms tokens. It may be equivalent to the “Seven Kingdoms Order”, in exchange for the possibility of the priests’ help. More sex.

Because of the different levels of diplomatic relations between countries, it is not necessary to issue a general order for every country. In the meantime, Meng Fuyao needs to do a permutation and combination screening. Meng Fuyao drew a diagram of the relationship between countries, carefully calculated for a while, and then thought The fierce and evil Zhan Beiye, who was pursuing the Tiansha Ling, felt that the future was quite elusive, and couldn’t help sighing.

Half a sigh, suddenly I heard a sigh on Liang.


Meng Fuyao was so scared. With a move of his finger, he swept the three customs clearance orders on the table into his shirt. His heart throbbed and hated his carelessness. Why didn’t anyone on Liang notice it?

Next to my mind, it’s not right. Liang is so short and can’t hide people at all. How could I not notice it?

As soon as he raised his head, it was true that Hamtaro was baring her big white teeth on the beam.

Meng Fuyao was furious and scolded, “Anyone who is good at learning to sigh? Don’t you know how scary rats will scare people to death?”

Master Yuan Bao didn’t bother to care about her at all.

Meng Fuyao cursed for a while, suddenly felt wrong, and muttered, “I haven’t heard that animals will sigh…Ah!” She raised her head and stared at Master Yuan Bao, “Say! Did you just emit harmful gas? ?”

Master Yuanbao bared his teeth even more.

Meng Fuyao stared at the shameless fat rat who was wantonly emitting harmful gas in the upper wind, but Master Yuan Bao swung around and flicked his ass.

A long roll of paper suddenly hung from behind its tail, hanging in the air and unfolding, the handwriting on the wagging paper is small and handsome, and the book:

“Climbing walls, going up to the house, and sunbathing in the moon, life is proud of it.”

Meng Fuyao tore off the note, looked again, couldn’t help but smile.

I added a few words in a hurry, and shook it at Master Yuan Bao. Master Yuan Bao looked at her and really despised her handwriting. Then he twisted his hips and waited for her to put the note on again. Meng Fu shook the paper. The strip was put back, flicked its nose, laughed and jumped into the room.

On the roof, someone lazily sunbathing on the moon, with his arm pillow, playing with a white jade cup with one hand, in a leisurely posture.

The night breeze is sweet and refreshing, it is the fragrance of Sanqiu Guizi mixed with new chrysanthemum. It is rich and light. Looking down from the green eaves, a row of osmanthus trees have been planted in the courtyard, and the light yellow flowers with large rice grains are half treasured in the night. Xie, but couldn’t bear Fanghua’s disappointment, spreading the charm everywhere, occasionally some broken flowers were picked up by the wind, and fell on Yuan Zhaoxun’s cheeks, making his skin glow and smooth.

The wind swept through Yuan Zhaoxuan’s generous light-colored robe. He had a natural temperament and grace, and he was still silent and a little distracted. Meng Fuyao stood quietly in the corner of the eaves, looking at him in the distance, thinking of Xuan That night in the cave of the Yuan Dynasty, I was embarrassed. I saw the figure dancing sword in the moon through the entrance of the cave.

Meng Fuyao smiled slightly in the wind, a small smile like an osmanthus flower, and the moment that flashed disappeared in an instant.

Suddenly, she paused heavily, strode over, grabbed the flask beside Yuan Zhaoxuan’s side, grumbled it, and stuffed the note with Yuan Zhaoxuan.

Yuan Zhaoxuan unfolded, raising his eyebrows and smiling.

“Digging graves, robbing graves, blowing lamps, life is miserable, nothing is so miserable.”

Meng Fuyao drank wine, thinking about the night in the tomb, thinking about the howling of the fat man protecting the chrysanthemum, thinking about this for many years, the time and space of the Wuzhou Continent do not know whether it is parallel to his own world, and mother, not now I know how…

Thinking of this, I felt a pain in my heart. Something was stuck in my throat, Meng Fuyao quickly poured it down.

Yuan Zhaoxuan’s voice is low, “Have you dug a grave?”

Meng Fu shook his head in drunken eyes and smiled, “Well, be it, I often meet with dead bones cordially.”

Yuan Zhaoxuan’s voice was contemplative, “Are you having a hard life? To know the graves of the nobles of the Wuzhou Continent, there are many institutions, how did you dig it, a woman?”

Meng Fuyao was taken aback, and said that he was drunk and drunk, but he couldn’t say anything. He quickly turned off the topic and asked, “Hey, why are you helping me.”

A moment of silence.

Meng Fuyao didn’t urge him. He raised his head and looked at the bright moon in the sky. The moon was calm and clean, but it looked a bit cold.

“I saw that scene,” Yuan Zhaoxuan said vaguely. Of course, both of them knew what they were referring to. “But what really made me do it was the look on your face the moment you emerged from the cliff. “

In a moment of silence, Yuan Zhaoxuan smiled and raised his glass. In the clear liquor, he saw the girl’s eyes at that moment, sharp and cold, with the quenching vicissitudes of not belonging to this age.

Such vicissitudes… so subtle and so deep, so uncoordinated on such a young and delicate face, it makes my heart feel like twisting, and it hurts slightly.

At that moment, he was even surprised that he actually felt a little pain in the eyes of a stranger.

“Oh…” Meng Fuyao’s answer came after a long while, her voice sounded a bit weird, “Thank you, your kindness, Meng Fuyao will repay you one day.”

In this sentence, she took four sips of wine and finished it three times.

Yuan Zhaoxuan’s hand that had been turning the glass for a while, then resumed turning again. There was no expression on his graceful eyebrows, and his tone of voice did not change, “Well, good.”

Meng Fuyao, who has been waiting for him to answer with anxiety, was startled, and couldn’t help turning his head in astonishment—it’s that simple? Finished?

The head turned halfway, and immediately turned it back vigorously. With so much force, I could hear the rattling sound of the neck bones-I couldn’t show him his astonishment, otherwise what would it become?

This…the best.

Meng Fuyao smiled and drank heavily.

The pot of wine was halfway down quickly, and the hand was suddenly held down, and Yuan Zhaoxuan said solemnly, “Don’t drink it.”

Meng Fu shook his head, “Huh?”

She has long hair tangled in the wind, her cheeks are slightly drunk, and her bright and sober gaze on weekdays is blurred by the smoke. The whole person looks like smoke and peony. Yuan Zhaohan looks at her. There was also a slight rippling in his eyes.

Then he recovered calmly, smiled, “Look.”

Meng Fu shook his head awkwardly and saw Yuan Zhaoxuan’s direction. On the street outside the inn, a number of horses sprinted past.

Immediately, the knight went away in a hurry, breaking through the darkness like an arrow, and disappearing at the end of the street in a blink of an eye.

Meng Fuyao lay on the eaves and asked in a low voice, “Who?”

“Qi Xunyi’s Anbu is dedicated to contacting various forces and transmitting orders.”

“You are a Promise countryman, why do you even know this?” Meng Fu shook his head to look at Yuan Zhaoxu, his eyes changing in the dark.

“I am an assistant to Shangyang Palace, Prince Wuji, specializing in intelligence.”

“Prince Promise?” Meng Fuyao smiled, “Since I came to the Wuzhou Continent, this person’s name has almost been ears. What kind of heavenly emperor, peerless prodigy, unparalleled wisdom, heaven and man… Is that still a person? “

Speaking of this, she moved a little in her heart, vaguely thinking of something, but the thought was fleeting, too fast to catch.

Yuan Zhaoxu smiled slightly, and answered concisely, “It’s a human.”

He paused, his tone suddenly became solemn, and said, “Fuyao, Yanjing will be in chaos. After entering Beijing, I may not be able to be with you. Are you sure you can protect yourself?”

Meng Fuyao turned to look at Yuan Zhaoxuan. He rarely looked so cautious. However, it is impossible for Meng Fuyao to give up Yanjing and his party. Emperor Taiyuan celebrates his birthday, and all countries will come and envoys from all over the world are gathered. It is an order to obtain customs clearance. It is a good opportunity for some countries to cross the border. For example, if Fufeng wants to reach Taiyuan, it needs to pass through the Promise Kingdom. If you are lucky, you can take this opportunity to make a lot of customs clearance.

“I never thought of relying on you forever.” Meng Fu patted the dust of his clothes and walked down, “rest assured, I can handle it.”

She walked swiftly and fearlessly. Behind her, Yuan Zhaoxu focused on her back for a long time, with thoughtful eyes.

In the farther horizon, a thin red line jumps slightly, and the dawn will rise.


This chapter is full of words. Please praise me. In addition, the first half of the pros should be patient to read it. This is the main line of the full text, so you must write it.

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