Legend of Fu Yao Chapter 21: Two hearts entangled

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Luolongtai finally sucked up the dragon’s blood and recovered calm in the autumn rain. The supervisors reported back to Zhan Nancheng. Zhan Nancheng had naturally heard that Meng Fuyao sent Zhan Beiheng to the road without suspicion. Not unhappy, but a look of relief appeared-this kid really is not a cold person.

Meng Fuyao looked at him coldly, with a slight sneer. It was nothing more than an emperor’s heart. We have been around the deepest future emperor in the world all day. Haven’t eaten pork and haven’t seen a pig run? Not enough to deal with that guy, not enough to deal with you.

She rode home, and from the palace to her residence, she had to pass through a forest of purple bamboos. It was the only secluded place in the center of the city. Thousands of purple bamboos were swaying in the wind and rain. The bamboo dew sounded and the sound was clear and pleasant. Meng Fuyao Riding a horse on the path between the bamboo forests, he listened leisurely, and said: “This is probably the only place where the storm is as peaceful as it was at this moment.”

There was no reply behind him. Meng Fuyao frowned. Tiecheng didn’t like to talk, so Yao Xun should have some fun, right? This guy is the most shameless and the most flattering.

She raised her eyes, a little bamboo leaf in front of her, rolled over the thin dew drops, the light of the water flashed away, and she saw a pink shadow.

Meng Fuyao suddenly rushed out.

She patted her hand, and flew out of the horse without turning her head back. People rushed forward, and the bamboo leaves around her suddenly shot backwards with a “swish”!

In the middle of the shot, the bamboo leaves were folded together, and then shot back with a “swish”, half and half shot Meng Fuyao’s heart.

Meng Fu slid like a fish. He swung his body over the bamboo blade knife. He stretched out his hand, and the bamboo leaves were caged in the void, letting the pale blue and yellowish float under his palm, smiling and looking at it. Tuan Xiaopin said: “Taeyeon, has no one taught you whether to give or receive a relationship between men and women?”

Tae Yan poked her head out from behind the stiff Yao Xun, her white face, her old-fashioned bun, she frowned and looked at Meng Fuyao, and said, “Man and woman in the world, It seems to me the same, just ants.”

“Really?” Meng Fuyao exclaimed, “So Taeyeon, are you holding the ant’s waist and can’t rely on the ant’s shoulder? You are really petite.”

Taeyeon’s bright eyes glanced at her, and said, “Are you scolding me? Does anyone tell you what the price will be for someone who scolds me? Also, say I am not as tall as him? I killed him. Isn’t it shorter than me?”

Meng Fuyao immediately shot out!

Just when Taeyeon uttered the words “I killed him”, Meng Fuyao “Slaying the Sky” had already been pulled out, and the black blade flashed and went straight to Taeyeon.

Tae Yan just gave a cold snort, and Da Lala raised her hand to pick it up. She turned the knife in mid-air and turned around, Huo Di slashed towards the horse’s leg, and the hilt of the knife knocked on the horse’s leg. Li Junma knelt on the ground miserably, Taeyeon suddenly tilted her body, not guarding against false moves.

She was naturally superb. She had already risen into the air under a twist, but still did not let go of Yao Xun, Meng Fu shook her hand, and quickly stuck something on the top of a purple bamboo, and Tai Yan wanted to see it subconsciously. , But because he was too short to see, he had to step on Yao Xun’s body and soared up again. The moment he took off, he felt the wind passing by under his feet. Meng Fuyao had already bowed his head and rushed over to take Yao Xun down.

Taeyeon looked up at the stuck Zizhu, only to find that it was a toothpick at all. Her face turned purple, and she stood up with a thin bamboo leaf, staring at Meng Fuyao with an expression that is absolutely inconsistent with her appearance, and said: “You are very deceitful, but master tricks are not useful by deceit.”

Meng Fuyao smiled and looked at her. Although this dwarf martial arts is high, she obviously lacks the enemy’s experience. With her gradually healed injuries and the existing “Bro Jiuxiao” skill, it is not difficult to draw a tie.

Besides, why bother to fight her? Why can’t she use her temperament of “whatever grandson Wou-ki wants to do, I must destroy something”?

“What do you want to do when you stay here?” Meng Fuyao smiled, “Kill me? Slap me again? Then why are you talking so much nonsense?”

“What did I kill you for?” Taeyeon was expressionless, “I am a teacher from the school of authenticity, and I am not the enemy of my own school, I will not kill him.”

Meng Fuyao was overjoyed and heard Taiyan say: “I just asked you to bring a letter to Changsun Wuji. Master has something to ask him and tell him to listen carefully.”

Meng Fuyao heard this strangely, and said in amazement: “Here is his master?”


“Then how does he listen?”

“You can just bring it here.” Taeyeon was impatient.

“Why didn’t you go yourself?” Meng Fuyao didn’t care about her impatience.

Taeyeon was silent, her eyes gloomy, and she said after a long while: “If you ask one more question, I really killed you.”

“Don’t ask, don’t ask,” Meng Fuyao shrugged, “Miss Taiyan, please concentrate on practicing and waiting to kill the eldest Sun Wou-ki. Don’t do anything to harm us. If you kill me, kill me, don’t When I entered the palace, I broke into the palace and disturbed your Majesty. That is the person I want to protect.”

Taeyeon said calmly: “When will it be your turn to order me?” She turned her head and walked a few steps and suddenly turned back, and said: “You probably thought you would be the queen of Longsun Wuji?” She used weird He glanced at Meng Fuyao, his eyes were dark and green, like a piece of broken jade sinking in the abyss, deeply embedded in Meng Fuyao’s eyes.

She said: “You are so pathetic.”

Meng Fuyao was confused by the look in his eyes, pointed to his nose, and said: “Me? Poor?”

Taeyan glanced at her indifferently, her figure was gone for a moment, leaving Meng Fuyao staring at the sky in amazement, but suddenly there was the sound of bamboo leaves behind her, and a faint smell of smell, Meng Fuyao did not look back, and said: “You came to pick me up again. I’m not a kid. Besides, you didn’t please Taeyeon.”

The grandson Wuji smiled and said: “Children are more worried than you.”

Meng Fuyao rolled his eyes and asked: “You heard that sentence just now, what do you mean?”

Behind him, Long Sun Wuji did not answer. His breath sank in the purple bamboo forest in the rain, and it became more and more cool. Today he seems to be a little worried, a little unsatisfied. After a while, he took Meng Fuyao into his arms and said in a low voice: , When can we work in the same direction?”

Meng Fu shook his head and looked at him. The faint light in his eyes was extinguished. The light purple brocade robe reflected the dark purple bamboo leaves. The whole person looked like a vague mottle. Meng Fuyao pressed his chest and felt his breath. Unsteady, I suddenly felt down. I don’t know where a smell of fishy sweetness gushed out, and the evil was blocked in her heart. She sighed faintly and said: “Zhangsun Wuji, give up.”

The eldest grandson Wuji stiffened, and did not answer. Meng Fuyao thought for a while and said in a low voice: “In fact, Taiyan is not like a vicious temperament, and her martial arts is also high, but her height…oh, really I am relieved to have a good girl worthy of you.”

The grandson Wuji was silent for a while before suddenly laughing.

He laughed, completely different from the usual gentleness and grace, cold and sharp, he swept his sleeves and suddenly pushed Meng Fuyao away.

This is the first time he has actively pushed her away since he met Meng Fuyao.

Meng Fuyao stepped back silently, saying nothing, bowed his head and leaned on a purple bamboo speechless.

“Meng Fuyao…” Changsun Wuji looked at her, “Are you going to commit a mess of mandarin ducks again? Did you not wake up enough last time? Don’t you understand that your’thinking’ at this moment is to me The biggest irony?”

Meng Fuyao smiled bitterly, and said for a while: “If I really want to mess with mandarin ducks for you, I won’t be so evil to deal with Buddha lotus.”

Zhang Sun Wuji looked at her, smiled faintly, and said: “Fuyao, even if I don’t want to, I have never stopped you from chasing you, so please compare your heart to your heart, and leave me alone.”

Meng Fuyao looked at the sky silently, asking me to ignore your chase… The question is whether the object you chase is me, okay? You feel so affectionate all day long, do you think I am a wood? When the wood still falls into the quicksand, will I not fall into your tender trap? You’re so simple, you don’t know how difficult it is for me to persist? My teeth are sore, my bones are aching, my menstrual period is also disordered, and even my hormones are less secreted… Am I easy to me?

The man in front of me sinks in the secluded shadow of the bamboo forest, noble and quiet, like an unshakable god…This is a god-like man, perfect and impeccable, even the tenderness given is solid as jade, no one Can’t find fault and wrong, yes, he is right, he will never be wrong, so she becomes the wrong one, she is ruthless, she is cold, she is heartless, she is shameless and indifferent… Meng Fuyao closed his eyes. Suddenly feel extremely irritable, why come here? Why meet him? Why should I be trapped in the quagmire of love and unloving, guilty all day for having to reject him-what is she guilty of? Isn’t she the one who was hurt? She is more of a dilemma than him, and as long as he chases after women regardless of what they don’t care about, it’s so unfair, so unfair…what would he say to compare his heart?

She began to grind her teeth, and the unexplained evil started from the bottom of her heart and hated her guts—rather than being tortured by the warmth of each other day by day, it would be better to be clean and thoroughly angry, and then let time slowly Healing each other’s wounds is the most humane way to deal with it. Isn’t it just a break? My aunt has never talked about love soap operas but watched a lot, knowing what words can knock you down.

“Eldest Sun Wuji, I hate your chasing, can I ask you to disappear in front of me in the future. I don’t want to continue to owe you and never pay it back. I will live with such a lifetime debt and live in pain, so please let go Passing me is just letting go of yourself. This is my truth. I will say goodbye this time in my life. Thank you. I hope I will never see you in the future.”

Practicing “Bro Jiu Xiao” is good, look at this lung capacity is really exciting to tears… Meng Fuyao wiped a handful of “excited” tears, waved his hand bitterly, turned around and left without going. Look at the face of Changsun Wuji behind him.

She walked forward with her head held high, her eyes bright, and her head raised too high. It was suspected that the purpose of the height was to prevent some liquid from flowing out smoothly. She stepped hard, but couldn’t help it. He always raised his ears in the gaps between those steps to look for the sound behind him, but behind him was as quiet as always, as quiet as stagnant water, and even the swaying sound of Zizhu was not heard. Meng Fuyao wanted to look back, and wanted to look back at what he was. What kind of expression is she doing, but she stretched out her hand and stuck her neck firmly, holding her head and walking to Tiecheng and others who were avoiding the bamboo forest, and said viciously: “Go!”

There was a sudden wind behind him.

The very fine and very fine trickle swirled from the soles of the feet, and brought a thin leaf that whirled, and floated leisurely on the feet of Meng Fuyao.

Where is the wind?

At the other end of the bamboo forest…

Meng Fuyao looked back and saw at the other end of the bamboo forest, a small pink figure appeared at the tip of the deep purple bamboo leaves. He sneered and sneered with the light of China, and he slammed the heart of the local eldest grandson Wuji!

Meng Fuyao immediately rushed over.

She pounced so fiercely, like an angry leopard, a mad lion, and a tigress going down the mountain, wherever she passed, the purple bamboo leaves swelled and turned into a deep purple curtain, which she walked through in an instant. The passing wind kneaded into a ball and threw it behind her. She was not there yet, and the black tip of the knife had desperately met the pale blue odd-shaped weapon. She desperately tried to reach it, so that her arm was stretched vigorously and the joints rubbed. The slight creaking sound resounded like a small explosion in the silent space.

Damn Taeyeon! Changsun Wuji must have the slowest reaction at this moment!

In the other direction, the hidden guards also rushed up desperately, but the moment Taeyeon’s sword flicked her sleeves, within three feet of her, no one except Meng Fuyao could pierce her and rushed forward. .

Qing Guang was cold, straight into his heart, Changsun Wuji looked back, raised his finger and handed the knife light, but both Taiyan and Meng Fuyao had already seen that he was indeed a step slower.

Meng Fuyao was also a step slower—she was too far away after all.


Meng Fuyao’s heart was cold after hearing the extremely subtle sound of weapons entering meat.

Taeyeon’s sharp laughter sounded at the same time, a bit mad, a bit distracted, a bit proud, and a bit sad, she laughed: “I finally beat you once!” The tip of the sword in her palm stopped halfway, but she went up fiercely. One pick!

That sword, not in the back of the heart, will cut open the back of Changsun Wuji for a lifetime!

The raised sword’s edge was as bright as a galvanic electricity, and it scratched the skin without hesitation while grazing the blood beads, and it saw that it was going all the way down without suffocation, and the blade suddenly stopped.

Meng Fuyao’s palm firmly blocked the sword.

Blood gushed out from the palm of the palm, flowing down the groove of the sword body, into the wound on the back of Changsun Wuji, the blood of the two mixed together, and then slowly fell into the ground covered by deep purple leaves.

Meng Fuyao did not change his face, stretched out his fingers to pinch the tip of Taeyeon’s sword, and wanted to squeeze the sword off, but the sword was made of unknown material, and he didn’t keep his hands. A wound with open flesh.

She was so angry that she didn’t even squeeze the sword. She rushed up and slammed straight into the sword, using her shoulders to knock out the blade that was still behind Changsun Wuji.

Zhang Sun Wuji suddenly stretched out his hand, took her away, and twisted her behind her with his fingers. This action made his long sword that had not been withdrawn from his back go deeper, and blood surged. After coming out, the light purple brocade robe immediately turned into deep purple, Tai Yan’s hand trembled, her eyes trembled, and Changsun Wuji had already waved her sleeves.

He flicked his sleeves, and the silk robe was instantly as hard as a board. He threw it out thick and hard, and slammed the sword body. A strange shock came from him. Tai Yan’s hand softened and she involuntarily let go of the sword, Changsun Wuji He drew out the long sword backhand, raised his hand, the sword glowed like electricity, not at her vital point, but at a pond not far away.

Taeyeon turned over in midair, and hurried to pick up the sword given by the teacher. The sword hit the stone beside the pond, and suddenly shot back faster. Taeyeon hurriedly turned over again to avoid it, and then reached for the sword again? , Just halfway through the body, suddenly freezes.

The fingers of Changsun Wuji have been pressed to the center of her eyebrows.

His hand is full of blood, and there is a crimson fingerprint on the center of his eyebrows, which makes Taiyan’s face look like a good fortune boy, but her eyes are definitely not good for money, or even frightened, she Looking at that finger in horror, he hissed: “Do you dare to use the forbidden method on me——”

“You forgot again. In addition to the memory of confinement, it can also leave you a lifelong mark.” Changsun Wuji looked at her lightly, calm and unwavering, watching Taiyan’s instantly gray face, his finger touched her. Went out, “I think this is the most suitable punishment for you!”

Taeyeon turned over and dropped the purple bamboo leaves. She quickly reached out and wiped her forehead. This smeared blood, but the fingerprints on her forehead were not erased. The bright and crimson inlays were there, which looked very funny.

Taeyan’s face turned pale, tears almost rushed out of her eyes, she stomped her feet and turned away without saying a word of anger. Meng Fuyao didn’t care about her either. The wind rushed up and hugged Changsun Wuji, anxiously. He fumbled: “How are you, how are you……”

She touched the back of the grandson Wuji, with dripping blood on her hand, so bright and alarming, her voice changed in shock, shaking her lips and tearing her clothes in panic to wrap him up, her hands were shaking. It was so terrible that he couldn’t tear the fabric no matter how to tear it. Feeling that Zhang Sun Wuji’s body was a little soft, he hurriedly sat down with him and tore his clothes, but Chang Sun Wuji suddenly reached out and held her hand.

The palm of his hand was slightly cold, with some intense blood, and the gesture was still gentle, gently moved away Meng Fuyao’s torn hands, and wiped her face with his backhand, and this touch took a finger of crystal clear liquid. Dripping down his fingers and turning the blood into a faint pink color, Meng Fuyao stared at his fingers foolishly and touched the corner of his eye with the back of his hand, only to realize that tears were streaming down his face at some point.

This cognition made her heart sore–it turns out that people’s feelings will betray her will, no matter how she died, she would still cry when it was painful. She stared at her tears in a daze, and more tears suddenly came She rushed out of the tears like that, she threw herself into the arms of the grandson Wuji, and cried loudly:

“I’m not good or I’m not… I don’t know what’s wrong with me… Suddenly I lost my mind and said those bastards… I’m not good… Beat me, beat me, beat me Right…”

While crying, she used her hand to plug the wound, desperately looking for the golden sore medicine in her arms and in the arms of the grandson Wuji, and indiscriminately stuffed those baby pills into the mouth of the grandson Wuji. The wounds in her palm seemed to be cut at the same time. In her heart, her heart was cut with scars all over her, and those scars were also bursting with blood, covering her heart with blood and blood, making her heartbeat so fast and so slow that she could hardly find her own heart. Where.

Changsun Wuji smiled softly in her arms, put her tear-stained fingers on her lips, as if savoring the saltiness of the tears, and then raised his hand to touch her hair, closing a bit tired. Upper eyes, said: “Let me sleep for a while…”

He closed his eyes seriously and fell asleep quietly. Meng Fuyao stared at his pale face, his long closed eyelashes, and his heart suddenly felt like being run over by a chariot and knocked by a thunderbolt—he, he, he Is he dead?

She shook her hands, and tremblingly touched Changsun Wuji’s pulse gate. She touched it a few times without touching it. She managed to touch it. Then she spit out a long breath and fell to the ground. She was silently paralyzed in the wet ground. On the purple bamboo leaves, suddenly the soul flew into the sky, not knowing what to do.

A hidden guard came over and tried to hug Changsun Wuji, but she had recovered her composure and pushed him away: “I’ll come.”

My fault, I am coming.


Changsun Wuji and Meng Fuyao are caught in the Cold War period.

Actually, it is not very accurate to say that. It should be said that Meng Fuyao had no face to see his grandson Wuji, so the two did not meet.

Every day she lay sadly on the eaves and drank, sang some songs with messy lyrics to the moon, slept on the roof tiles when she was drunk, turned over and kicked the quilt in the middle of the night and kicked off a few roof tiles by the way—the grandson Wuji was recovering. He was badly hurt and needed to rest. Zong Yueyunhen couldn’t control her. Even the pet from Changsun Wuji’s family had his eyes on his forehead when he went out recently, completely turning a blind eye to Meng Fuyao.

Meng Fuyao drank boring wine every day and thought about it. He felt more and more that what happened that day was not right. His sudden evil was not right from the gall. Although the thought was true, it was indeed suppressed in my heart for a long time. But such a vicious outbreak is really not what she would do if she was still calm, unless there was an introduction, what kind of introduction? It won’t be the words of Changsun Wuji, the problem should be Taeyeon.

She recalled carefully, all her doubts were fixed on the look in Taeyeon’s eyes when she said the last sentence to her. The look in her eyes was strange at the time, but when she remembered it later, she felt wrong. Changsun Wuji’s martial arts was not true. What kind of focus is on mind control? Did Taeyeon act on herself at the time?

So she intercepted herself halfway inexplicably but didn’t do it, just to control part of her spirit, relax her vigilance, and then use her to fight against the grandson Wuji, and then take the opportunity to sneak attack-she should have expected that she could cultivate grandson How could Taeyeon have no scheming for someone like Wuji? I am too stupid, thinking that lack of combat experience means lack of IQ. What a hopeless pig!

Meng Xiaozhu figured out all the joints, but felt that it didn’t help. Can she still forget the hole in the long-sun Wuji vest? She hurt him… She hurt him… Thinking of it, she couldn’t wait to be extinct from the people. The only most important meaning of her existence in this life is to hurt him both physically and mentally?

Meng Fuyao looked at the moon sadly, and once again lazily toasted someone a cup, and muttered: “Chang’e, you, tell you to run? Tell you to fly to the moon? Tell you to travel through time and space? Now Can’t go back, right? If you can’t go back, you’ll even harm Zhu Bajie, and you’ve changed from a marshal to a monk. You consciously or not?

“What are you talking about?” Someone sat down beside her, snatched her hip flask, took a sip to his mouth, and smiled: “You drank all the wine at home, which made me out of alcohol. Drink.”

“Home?” Meng Fuyao murmured in his eyes, “I have no home.”

“Meng Fuyao, where your heart is, there is home.” Ya Lanzhu turned her head, her eyes bright as two black pearls, “Your home is here.”

“He–” Meng Fuyao returned her with a sturdy smile.

“I know you don’t admit it,” Ya Lanzhu shook his head helplessly, “I don’t know who was the ghostly blood carrying the grandson Wuji and crashed into the house a few days ago, shouting Zong Yue Zongyue straight in his voice, stunned. It scared me to death, thinking that you two were killed in love, Meng Fuyao, I should find a painter to paint your appearance, and see how hard your mouth is.”

Meng Fuyao fell silent, and put his head in his crotch for a while, squeezing his hair like leeks.

“Grandma drops me so tangled–“

“Tangle your head.” Ya Lanzhu knocked on her with a hip flask, “You told me last time, live in the present, remember? Live in the present!”

“If I live in the present, I can only live in the past from now on–” Meng Fuyao continued howling.

Ya Lanzhu couldn’t bear it, kicked the roof tile into a hole, and then kicked Meng Fuyao down.

There was a bang, mixed with chirping curses, and then suddenly fell into silence, as if the cursing mouth was suddenly blocked.

Ya Lanzhu grabbed and kicked the hole and shouted to the bottom without any guilt: “Long Sun Wuji, you haven’t been smashed, are you? I don’t want that mouth to sleep on your roof even if I drink. Your shameless guy kicked you, take it well…”

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