Legend of Fu Yao Chapter 20: Lie Wang Beiye

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“How do you think this person should be solved?” Meng Fuyao knocked him down with another slap, turned around and asked Yuan Zhaoxu, “Did Qi Xunyi doubt me? So he sent these two people to solve me. ?”

Yuan Zhaoxuan’s eyes flashed a faintly different color. He naturally knew that Meng Fuyao leaned against the blue sky and water, and his figure had been exposed. Qi Xunyi must have seen it in his eyes, with Qi Xunyi’s character. Will definitely check it out.

But how could he be unprepared? Qi Xunyi sent the people to follow him. They were taken away by his guards long ago. They also made misunderstandings by the way to attract Qi Xunyi’s attention. Then how could these two people appear here?

Yuan Zhaopai patted the man’s acupoints, and after a few questions, he learned that the Yiweisheren Master Fang was Qi Xunyi’s very favorite subordinate, very good at flattering, and Qi Xunyi stared at him during the day. Looking at Meng Fuyao’s body and eyes, he thought that the prince fell in love with Meng Fuyao. In order to surprise the master, he secretly contacted the subordinates who were waiting to be greeted by the Prince Qi Palace in front of him. The two roads intend to intercept Meng Fuyao.

Yuan Zhaoxuan’s guards focused their energy on leading the people behind to track them, but he didn’t expect that there would be someone standing in front of him.

Meng Fuyao knew the whole story and couldn’t help being furious. He kicked him again and shut his breath. Then he hesitated, “Hey, kill him. The sin is not dying. If you don’t kill, it will leave me with trouble. What to do?”

Yuan Zhao smiled, leaned over, flicked his slender fingers on the top of the opponent’s head, and said, “Okay.”


Yuan Zhaoyun said calmly, “His memory will be chaotic from tonight, so you can rest assured that he will not take things he can’t even think about and report back to the master.” /

Meng Fuyao stared at him, knowing that he had injured his opponent’s Baihui point with a heavy technique, permanently damaging his opponent’s memory. This technique seems simple but superb. The opposite effect may occur if one point is light or heavy. , It’s okay to break through Jiuxiao to reach the sixth level, but he can never do so lightly.

The more this person gets along, the more mysterious it really becomes.

She turned her eyes around and tried to figure it out, but Yuan Zhaoxu turned around and walked towards the man in gray that was tied up. After a few steps, she smiled suddenly and said, “Hey, it’s beautiful.”

“What is beautiful?” Meng Fuyao asked blankly.

Yuan Zhaoxuan and Master Yuan Bao looked at each other, and the latter immediately showed her big white teeth and raised her fat legs to signal to Meng Fuyao.

At the same time, Yuan Zhao said leisurely, “I said, thighs.”


“Call you to peep, call you to peep! Peep! Peep! Girl, I beat you down three thousand feet, I will not return if you see the blood!”

Meng Fuyao used the hapless gray-clothed man to practice boxing bang bang bang, and by the way pointed out that Sang cursed Huai with innuendo.

The locust tree that was scolded smiled as it did, without any sense of shame.

The man in gray was beaten up abruptly. As soon as he opened his eyes, he shouted in panic, “I didn’t steal! I didn’t steal!”

“I know you didn’t steal,” Meng Fuyao sneered at him, “I stole everything from you.”

She pulled those messy things for a while, and unceremoniously carried the valuables into her own bag. The man in gray looked blue and white, and begged for a long while, “I have everything for you. Let me go, I have to run for my life!”

“Escape?” Meng Fuyao was startled, “You just lurked there sneakingly, not to attack us?”

“Where did I have that spare time to attack you?” The man in gray stared at fisheyes, and blue veins appeared on his forehead. “Are you rich? Are you colored? Is it worth my dignified palm help to attack you?” /

Meng Fuyao looked at himself, then at Yuan Zhaoxuan, thinking that how they two should be considered beautiful, right? How do this man’s eyes grow? Really puzzled.

“Oh, big boss, what are you doing while squatting there?”

The man in gray spit, “Unlucky!”

After talking for a long time, Meng Fuyao realized that the man in gray was being chased by the people of the **** of heaven, saying that he had stolen the belongings of the prince’s attendant Ye Buqi, and the man in gray fled all the way from Yanjing. Failed to shake the opponent off.

“Bah, I was out of luck, so I contacted the dark charm to block me for a while, and made an appointment to meet in this woods. Who knows that the guy’s shadow has not been seen!” The man in gray said that he was depressed, and he was angry again. Spit.

“Dark charm? The world’s number one killer?” Meng Fuyao widened his eyes, “You are so capable, but you can get him to be moved. In other words, you stole Master Ye, what kind of treasure, so that the other party pursued endlessly. You?”

The gray-clothed man’s complexion changed, his expression passed a trace of hesitation, and he said for a while, “Dark charm is not my contact. I have a friend who gave him a favor before he agreed to do it. As for that baby… listen Said it was a customs clearance order for the gods.”

After the last few words were exited, Meng Fuyao’s heart beat.

Subconsciously stretched his hand into his arms, and immediately retracted halfway through the hand.

Yuan Zhaozhi didn’t seem to care about her actions, and smiled, “You didn’t steal the customs clearance order?”


“Oh.” Yuan Zhaoxuan actually stopped asking, took Meng Fuyao and turned around, “Then you stay here, and I will explain to Zhan Beiye later, I hope he can believe you.”

He walked without looking back. The gray-clothed man’s face changed and changed again. Seeing that he was actually ready to walk, thinking that he was tied to a tree, waiting for the evil star to come over was not a dead end, so he swallowed helplessly. He swallowed, raised his neck and shouted, “Stop, stop!”

The two Shi Shiran walked forward, as if they were deaf in an instant.

“Let go of me, let me go first!”

“People who are not sincere, we have no reason to waste time for him.” Meng Fuyao replied with a smile, without looking back.

“I said, I said!”

Meng Fuyao flicked back, grinned and patted his face, “This is only obedient.”

The grey-clothed man said with a bitter face, and said in frustration, “Stealing…seems like stealing, but it wasn’t my hand, it was one of my subordinates. However, he disappeared near here, something… also No more.”

Meng Fuyao glanced at him, then at Yuan Zhaoxuan, worried that he would ask, “Where did I go missing?”

Fortunately, the man in gray did not say, Yuan Zhaoxuan did not ask, Meng Fuyao sighed quietly, and pressed the thing in his arms… I always wondered why such a small character could have the least appearance. It turned out that this is the same thing about the Sha Passing Order. Tonight, a mistaken collision confirmed the authenticity of this thing, which is a real gain.

At the moment, the two of them dismantled the man in gray, and after some inquiries, they found out that this man was Yao Xun. He was indeed from the Hidden Clan. There was actually a well-known “God’s Palm Gang” under his team. Set, organized by three hands.

Although Yao Xun looks weird, his mind is the style of a man by the sea. He is simple and straightforward. He can’t say a few words, “Since you know that the king of the heavenly kingdom fights Beiye, you must be an ordinary person. If you can help me After this batch of chasing soldiers, God Palm will help you to drive up and down!”

Yuan Zhao glanced at him. He has been thoughtful and suddenly asked, “Aren’t you waiting for the dark charm? He will do what he says, and he will definitely appear.”

“I count on him to die early–” Yao Xun said halfway, suddenly his expression changed.

At the same time, all three of them fell silent.

In the distance, the sound of horseshoes protrudes, it seems that a horse team is approaching quickly, and the disease is unparalleled. It sounds like a violent storm, whip-like beating on people’s hearts.

Especially a horse ran even more hurriedly, the wind whistling, and the thunder, almost instantly, it reached the edge of the woods.

The horse was too anxious. When it reached the edge of the woods, it still couldn’t stop, so it rushed straight in. The knight suddenly raised his arms and reined his horse. The reins were pulled into a straight line, trembling slightly, and the horse leaned back and hissed. , The kicking man stood up, but immediately the knight did not move his back.

Behind him, a group of knights rushed forward, one horse behind him, and they all halted their horses together, “cha!” dozens of hoofs fell like a sound.

Exquisite riding skills.

At this time, the clouds broke through the moon, and the brightness was infinite. The first person and horse were outlined by the moon into a dark silhouette.

The moonlight spreads farther and spreads to the feet of the man. The man sits high on the horse. He is dressed in black and blends with the night. It is cold and solemn, exuding a sense of suffocation and existence. Feeling, the evening breeze messed up his clothes, dancing wildly with his dark hair.

Apart from this far, you can feel that he is “looking down”.

I looked down at the three in the forest.

In silence, the man suddenly gave a deep drink.

“Tiansha, fight the North Wild!”


The Tiansha customs clearance order mentioned in this chapter, I don’t know if you guys remember it. In the first act of the first chapter, Meng Fuyao did the work on Xuanyuan Mountain. This is the thing he took. As for this thing. It’s used for drying hair, as we will talk about later, it’s very important.

Also, this dark charm, hehe, not for nothing.

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