Legend of Fu Yao Chapter 14: The saint is not smoke

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The secret revealed by a starling.

In the moonlit night of Rakshasa, in a gray and white hazy, apart from the voice that does not distinguish between men and women, there is also a strange sound that has been lingering intermittently in my ears.

Dacha, dacha.

In such a tense and painful situation at the time, it was impossible to notice the extremely slight sound, the sound was in the ears, but not in the heart. However, after half a year, in the outskirts of Jiaocheng, a starling with pine nuts, The identical voice was turned from the depths of memory, awakened, contrasted, and confirmed.

King Kong!

King Kong was beside him at the time, and he was probably eating sunflower seeds.

That arrogant, self, non-smoke pet!

I don’t know you and I can just stop here without wasting time and leave Fufeng. If I know you and I pass by indifferently, I am not Meng Fuyao!

Meng Fuyao turned on his horse without saying a word, and changed direction with a swagger. Yao Xun behind him blankly asked: “Where to go?”

Meng Fuyao’s horse had already galloped far, and only a word was thrown away.

“Tal King City!”


Taer King City, named Ulun, is the same as Great Wind City. The palace is in the middle of the city, and the golden palace is shining brightly in the morning light.

However, the most noble and most admired building in the city is not the Ulun Palace, but the Tiansheng Palace.

Tiansheng, a very Chinese name, doesn’t sound so coordinated in the foreign royal city, but for Fufeng, no one would have any objection to the name Non-Smoke Saint.

Non-Smoke Sage, a wizard who appeared in the history of Fufeng for a hundred years, after the Great Wizard God, is the only powerful wizard who has practiced witchcraft to the extreme, and can almost master the gods. He is warlike and joyous, bohemian, and admires the greatness of Central Plains culture. The difference between the witch gods is that the saints rarely go out to help the wind, and they care about the people of the three tribes. They rescued disasters and don’t hesitate to help. The Tiansheng Sacred Palace is also routinely opened for one day every ten days to treat the poor people. A clan is a sacred sacred sage, but when the people are plagued by disasters and sufferings from thousands of miles, the saint will also be soothed. It is the great bright sage of tolerance, kindness, and common people respected by the whole family of Fufeng.

In this world, where there is too much light, there must be dark corners. However, when the world is stabbed with the scorching light, how many people can find it?

In the early morning, Tiansheng Holy Palace.

The sky in midsummer is refreshing and transparent. The wind seems to be particularly moist and fresh because of its proximity to the sea. It is in harmony with the main blue holy palace. The blue tower in the center of the holy palace is very eye-catching. The tower is extremely high, as tall as it is close to the clouds. The roof is narrow and narrow, only half the area of ​​a house, and wide and long windows open on all sides, covering the entire wall, you can imagine it at that height, overlooking the world, the sea is in sight, the long wind is fierce, and it is washed away like an immortal.

The maids walked lightly on the road in the palace, and when they passed the blue tower, they all lightened their steps more carefully, with a look of pity and worry on their faces, they looked at the tower and floated out. Long windows with a faint green smoke.

The incense of blessing is lit so early, the saint must have been awake again last night.

The maids walked away cautiously, and looked back at the direction outside the palace—that damned Emperor Dahan! Damn it to disturb the peace of the Taer Holy Land!

The tower is silent like its owner, a beautiful peak standing on the top of the center of the holy palace overlooking the entire royal city, and even the mountains and fields outside the royal city, and a corner of the blue sea farther away.

Of course, you can also see the large camp that stretches for dozens of miles.

The woman in the blue long dress, sitting slantingly at the window, looking in that direction, the blue dress with long black hair flying in the air, silently blending with the blue sky.

She is so light, she seems to want to ride the wind, and she seems to want to fall like a leaf.

“Women, sit away from the window, you can’t be saved by falling down.”

The noisy “Master” knocked the seeds, squinting at the non-smoke whose upper half of the body was outside the window.

Feiyan raised his eyes to look at it, smiled generously, and made a gesture.

King Kong vomited the melon seeds “Bah”, and the yellow hair on his head stood up like a green smoke, staring at him and cursing: “You said you shouldn’t eat melon seeds last time? Bah, bah, be so careful when you eat!”

Feiyan smiled, got up, came over calmly and gently, seeing that the gesture seemed to touch King Kong, but King Kong suddenly shrank.

Fei Yan grabbed it and threw it out the window.

King Kong fluttered a few times, clutching the window desperately and shouting strangely: “Woman, help, it’s too high! Lord is afraid of heights!”

Feiyan ignored it, walked away on his own, and knelt down.

Kneeling on the top of the tower, her forbidden ground, kneeling in front of the man in Tsing Yi sitting cross-legged behind the curtain.

The man is tall and majestic, with long hair draped, green robe and white cloak, and the bi-colored silk ribbon flutters in the gale of the tower in early summer.

Feiyan silently stroked the corner of the man’s clothes, his eyes staring blankly.

Beside her, the golden ring girl cautiously added incense, rescued King Kong, King Kong came up, and when she saw the opened curtain, she was about to rush to the man, being pushed aside by Feiyan, and said angrily: “Don’t touch him!”

Jin was just thrown out by her, she didn’t dare to talk back, and murmured: “You are not allowed to go up every time, but the old master needs him…”

Feiyan didn’t listen to it at all, just silently stared at the man.

The golden ring girl said in a low voice: “Grandpa the Great Witch God still can’t wake up…”

“He is missing the most important blind introduction.” Feiyan suddenly spoke, his voice faint, and his seldom spoken voice was a bit stagnant, unable to tell whether it was a male or a female voice, “I waited ten years for this introduction. After ten years of preparation, it fell short.”

“That woman…” The golden ring girl tilted her head, “Isn’t it at sea?”

Feiyan remained silent, thinking about how far the plague at sea should spread now? Once that woman discovers this situation, she will definitely leave the sea and come back immediately. She has waited for her for a long time. If it hadn’t been for Grandpa the Great Wizard God to go back and be besieged by Zhan Beiye, she would have gone to sea to attack her.

The hateful Emperor Dahan will meet him in Changhan Mountain. What will he do there? There are some things, I am still not lucky…

Feiyan sighed and stroked the corners of the green robe man’s clothes. Thirty years ago, the Great Witch God and the Ancient Gun Clan had a battle, and the Gun Clan became extinct, and the Witch God stayed in the belly of Changhan Mountain forever, thinking of Grandpa. Dead, but only she knows that he is not dead, his body is immortal, and his soul is not far away. She has been calling every day since she was a child, calling her to find the most sacred and powerful man in the clan, to find the Hui clan. Some of the top witchcrafts lost due to the death of the witch gods have since taken the lead in the world, controlling Fufeng and even the entire five continents in the hands of the truly powerful Great Light Method.

In order to get him back, she devoted her whole life.

Ten years ago, at the cost of the loss of voice, she asked for divine indications on the opening day of the Evergreen Temple-to find the woman who was born at that hour, the demon girl who descended from the sky, sacrificed the body of blood, and made her heart blood Lead, awaken the wizard god.

She knelt in the vast and far-reaching hall. In the fog, someone dropped a birthday character and a piece of nephrite, the rare apricot yellow jade. Someone in the depths of the hall said lightly: “Whose blood makes this jade change color, who is The person you are looking for.”

She knows that the witch **** is in the Changhan Mountains, but has never tried to retrieve it—the essence of the ancient tomb of the Gun clan can maintain the witch god’s body intact. Only when the blood sacrifice body is found can the witch **** be invited back.

In order to find the body that sacrifices blood, she is good at the world, and everyone who comes to ask questions must report the birth date of herself and her family, and test the blood on the ancient jade, but she has never found anything.

Until the Emperor Dahan passed through Changhan two years ago, the ancient tomb of the Gun tribe was alarmed, she immediately felt that she sent someone to sneak into the tomb and found that there was a little human flesh and blood on the door of the secret room. The careful subordinate brought back that bit of flesh and blood, causing Gu Yu to change color slightly.

This made her ecstatic, but after all, the blood has been around for a long time, and the discoloration is not obvious. She is not sure if it is the person she is looking for, but since then she has started to pay attention to Meng Fuyao, after all, she accompanied Dahan Dijun. Among the people that Changhan wears, she is the only one who fits the age of that birth date best.

Her eyes shrouded her from time to time, watching her go all the way, watching her compete in the world, watching her upgrade step by step, watching her hard work, watching the group of top men in the world chasing for her, following all the way.

Very good, such a woman, if she is really the one she is looking for, she will benefit a lot in the future.

For this reason, after Meng Fuyao accepted Xuanji’s invitation, she also made an exception to Fufeng. She had a heart-to-heart encounter at the restaurant. She took Meng Fuyao’s blood and used talisman paper to awaken her memory. Only by awakening her can she get it. Her life experience, found her birth date.

The birth date is one day apart, but the blood really makes the ancient jade completely discolored.

After ten years of searching, the dust settled.

What happened after that was like that. He attacked Faqiang, led Ya Lanzhu to return, and then led Meng Fuyao to come, densely woven into a net, netting the goal of waiting for ten years.

Through painstaking effort, it was easy to catch that powerful woman. She didn’t want to be greedy for a while or let her escape. She had to admit that Meng Fuyao was stronger than she thought.

She gained her painstaking effort, but failed to awaken the Sorcerer God as she wished. The position was skewed aside, and it was a thousand miles away.

Now the situation is not good for her because of Dahan Dawan’s intervention, but it doesn’t matter, she has one last chance…

With a non-smoky charming smile, she stood up and asked the golden ring girl: “Daya, are you all ready?”

Daya, the golden ring girl, gave an “um”, but asked with some doubts: “Are you really sure that the thing he was carrying is related to her?”

“I spent a lot of time researching her experience and studying the relationship between them.” Feiyan smiled, “His person is very simple and doesn’t like accessories. The most important thing in life is her. What he wears on him day and night must be related to her.”

She smiled leisurely: “She has a tooth that is wrong in color, haven’t you noticed it? It seems to be fake?”

“There are fake teeth?” Daya’s eyes widened.

“There are still people in this world who can make fake teeth. For example, the emperor of Xuanyuan, who happened to be her friend.” Feiyan looked cold, “He should have known that she was the person I was looking for, but I haven’t told me all the time. Fortunately, I helped him perform their Xuanyuan thaumaturgy to change his face*!”

Daya didn’t say anything, thinking that you helped him, but at the same time, you also made damage at the crucial point of the spell. The health of that person’s life was destroyed by you.

But she didn’t dare to say, otherwise it is difficult to guarantee that she would be gently thrown under the tower like King Kong.

“I want to take a gamble.” Non-Smoke looked at the dark black tide camp under the tower with his hand, “I bet on the little kit that was tied to his waist. Falling teeth.”

“I made a mistake last time.” She turned around, looking affectionately at her ageless grandfather, “I think I used her body, her force and soul, and her relationship and identity. In order to make my Taer hegemony more smoothly, people should not be too greedy. I had known that I had taken her heart or knocked her mouth full, and there would be no army to force this day, but It’s okay now, get this tooth method first, she is mine too.”

She laughed: “Emperor Dahan has never shown the things in the kit. I definitely can’t think of it. Someone knows what it is and is still calculating.”

Daya bowed in admiration and retired, saying: “Chen Shi is going to negotiate with Emperor Dahan, I will go and prepare.”

She left with the screaming King Kong, and Feiyan stood with her hand in silence, looking at the sea and sky, for a long time, she gently stroked her throat, coughing unaccustomed to it.

This voice is fake, borrowed with magical witchcraft, so there are men and women, and her own voice, as tender as a yellow oriole, has been offered on the altar of the Evergreen Temple.

Because it was too ugly, she never spoke again.

Neither smoke nor words.

She has been silent for twenty years, and she has seen too many worlds because of her silence.

In the silence, she saw the territories of thousands of miles split silently, and the sword of hegemony pulled deep and long human heart gully on the vast earth, and the sharp light of the sword illuminated the dark firmament, shining above the clouds, because of looking down Everything is satisfied with a smiling face.

She made this face with a smile, watching them chase her wildly, trying her best to set her own trap and fall into the trap of fate at all times.

She was fishing at the mouth of the well, waiting for her, approaching.


On May 30 of the tenth year of Fufeng Taer Daguangming calendar, Emperor Dahan and Fufeng sage Feiyan met in a small mountain village thirty miles away from Ulun, the city of Taer.

For Zhan Beiye, he has never negotiated. What is there to discuss about military affairs? At that time, it would be better to pull the army and fight happily, so he dismissed non-smoking’s request for the first negotiation and directly refused.

Taer’s messenger was not discouraged, and came again for the second time, and brought a non-smoke message. After Zhan Beiye heard it, his face changed immediately.

She said: “I heard that your Majesty’s close friends are suffering at sea, and they are actually cursed by witchcraft. Doesn’t your Majesty want to explain to her?”

Zhan Beiye was silent for a long while, sneered, and said: “Very well, when I will be known as the goddess of the world, I will teach you how to solve the wind witchcraft.”

At this time, he sat on his knees in an ordinary house in the mountain village that had already been opened up by the villagers. Under the strong sunlight of early summer, he rarely drank tea peacefully, and his dark eyebrows were darkened by the sunlight. Bright and scorching.

At Chenshi, at the beginning of the day, I finished three sips of tea.

He put down the tea cup, got up, and said: “Wait, go, fight tomorrow.”

He doesn’t wait for any woman except Meng Fuyao.

Someone knocked gently on the door.

Zhan Beiye raised his head, his eyes flashed sharply, this woman is so light, he didn’t even hear how she came here, is it martial arts or witchcraft?

At the opening of the door, the charming lady’s dress with azure blue and crimson came in when the wind came in. It was not stunning, but the eyebrows were trimmed, the lines were soft and smooth, like porcelain against the golden light, there was a kind of gentle and soft beauty.

Behind her was the Golden Ring girl, without King Kong, the “Master” King Kong, who met Zhan Beiye, would definitely break his head.

Zhan Beiye sat proudly, with his hands resting on his knees, motionless, watching Feiyan brought only a maid over, courageous, and his eyes calmed slightly.

He still has a black robe and red borders, a vermilion belt around his waist, and no ornaments. He is only tightly tied with a small kit with crimson inlaid gold silk, which is too small to be ignored and suspicious. Can you reach a finger.

Feiyan didn’t even look at the kit, only smiled at Zhan Beiye, and sat down elegantly.

Zhan Beiye is straightforward: “How to solve it?”

Feiyan made a few gestures, and Daya replied: “Your Majesty withdraws.”

Zhan Beiye raised his thick eyebrows and glanced at the woman in amazement. There was one more woman in the world, under the pressure of his aggressive aura, who refused to give in. Now there is one more woman.

“You are tired of life, and your whole family is tired of life.” Zhan Beiye smiled with shiny teeth, shark-like sharp, “Is there a bargaining method like you?”

“In Your Majesty’s heart, Meng Fuyao is more important than everything.” Daya faithfully conveyed the meaning of Feiyan.

“That doesn’t mean that I will be controlled by others.” Zhan Beiye turned his hand to the tea cup, “Have you ever asked if I have been threatened by others?”

Non-smoke smiles.

“Why not start now.”

Zhan Beiye’s eyes flashed with anger, and he put down the tea cup again, the tea splashed, but did not splash his hands, all flew in front of Feiyan, Feiyan smiled lightly, blew lightly, those crystals The drops of water congealed in front of her, she stretched out her fingers and slowly sketched in the air, in an instant, in the water curtain, the picture showed!

There was a gray mist, no sight, a pool of blood on the ground, and one person was struggling to breathe in a pool of blood.

Zhan Beiye was shocked.

That’s Fuyao!

In the gray mist, the man covered his heart, slowly raised his head, his blank vision seemed to be listening to something, and then he seemed to have suffered some blow, and he curled up heavily.

Zhan Kitano’s hand holding the teacup shook.

The person curled up and tightened, and Huo Ran bounced again, as if suffering from some great pain, suddenly began to roll on the ground, she rolled and struggled crazily, climbing and falling again and again, and the spirit of the illusion Juchao fought, the wound split open in the violent rolling, the blood sprayed into blood mist, and then she was heavily pressed by her own body, and shocking blood stains rolled down on the ground, but she still seemed to have nothing. The insensible desperate oppression tossed him, dying in the sharp pain in those emptiness.



Zhan Beiye smashed the tea cup in his hand, the sharp porcelain pierced the skin, blood ran down, but he didn’t notice it.


That is the rise of the moonlit night of Raksha!

No one knows what happened to her that night. I only received news that she was okay. Yun Hen was afraid that they were worried about not telling the truth. Zhan Beiye knew that Fuyao must have suffered, but he did not expect to see such a scene. A tragic struggle!

No one understands Fuyao’s anti-strike ability better than him. He won’t wrinkle his brows when he spares no time to hurt her, and make her crazy like that. What kind of pain would it be that ordinary people can’t survive?

In an instant, the psychological impact was too great, and Zhanbeiye’s heart was pounding, jumping abnormally and violently, jumping so painfully, and beating every inch with heartbreaking lungs. He held his heart and turned his eyes away. But he couldn’t take a glance at it.


Meng Fuyao rode his horse wildly.

Just now outside the city, I heard the news about the non-smoking treaty and the Beiye peace talks. She didn’t think that this woman would really go to the peace talks in a serious manner. 80% of them had something to do. In any case, I can’t let Zhan Beiye and her alone. Together!

She smashed the horse like an electric whip, and went straight to the small mountain village where the two armies met.

Just approaching ten miles from the mountain village, I first entered the guard phalanx where the Taer army followed Feiyan. The blue leather armors were neatly arranged far away, and the knives and guns were shining like an ocean of iron armor.

Meng Fu went straight to the end of the ocean current without blinking his eyelashes.

Those people saw a ride rolling in, ferocious, and hurried up to stop them.

“Stop! Forbidden area!”

Without a word, Meng Fuyao drew a whip, and the whip sprang countless flowers in the air with great skill, a flower sleeve fell a soldier, and a bunch of them fell on the ground in an instant.

The soldiers were shocked* waiting to catch up, she had already rumbling past, and the rising smoke covered her figure.

“Who! Stop him, stop him–“

There was a chaos in front of and behind him, just wanting to save time, Meng Fuyao rushed straight to the three thousand guards who were guarding outside the village. Like a sharp black awl, he unceremoniously cut open the blue leather armor. The sacred palace guards the phalanx.

Someone rushed over in full armor and changed their formation from a long distance. The front and the back then changed to the front. When the spear was exchanged, the cold light flickered!


Although “Slaying the Sky” is short, the light is as wide as the radius of the square meter. Meng Fu shook his finger and emptied and screamed. The cold light layers spread like ocean waves, one layer is colder, and the other layer is brighter. One floor hit the other, and the long spears that tripped up were stacked on top of each other, flying with flesh and blood.

The loud noise continued, and the spears that flew out covered indiscriminately, smashing the dense crowd.

The guards retreated in panic, like a wave on the beach receding, with reddish blood.

Meng Fuyao rushes forward——


The “painting” on the water curtain still continues freely.

“Drawing” Shang Meng Fuyao seemed to be shouting, the words were short and determined, and Zhan Beiye carefully identified the mouth shape… She was saying “No!”

What did she say? His heart shook in a trance and thought, what did she say at that hour?

His eyes can’t leave the scene. Knowing that it will be painful to the heart and liver, he still has to look at it. That is Fuyao’s experience, that is Fuyao’s suffering! He even knew that it was an illusion, and no illusion could create such a real rise!

He saw Meng Fuyao rolling around holding his head.

He saw Meng Fuyao panting and raising his head intermittently, the black and white in his eyes gradually turning to red.

He saw Meng Fu rock to the corner, “Killing the Sky” suddenly shot.

He saw Meng Fuyao crashing through the wall desperately, leaping up in the splash of blood, turning around in mid-air, his eyes were blood-red under the fading moonlight, and his expression frantic.

Blindness! Crazy!

The blood-red eyes looked back!

Zhan Beiye suddenly felt as if he had been hit hard by a giant hammer, and instantly lost his breath!


Meng Fuyao is rushing.

She will be out of the square.

Suddenly ten people in black robes turned out in front of them. Looking at their dresses, they knew that they were the great wizards enshrined by the royal court. They looked solemn and pointed their fingers, and the smoke burst into smoke!

Meng Fuyao hates wizards most!

She said nothing, she shouted!

The split of the sky was better than the roar of a Buddhist lion. The nine-day thunderbolt fell like a head, and the great wizards who were proficient in witchcraft and martial arts were far from her trembling. A stagnation.

For a while, they felt that the black wind was violent in front of them, as if someone was passing by the corners of steel-like clothing, slapped their cheeks with pain, fleeting, and then a long river of light like silent snow hung upside down. , Suddenly reached the top of their heads.

I vaguely heard the man in black shouting: “Yunhen, please!”

They looked back suddenly, but saw the master who shouted loudly. The person they wanted to besiege and intercept had already passed over their heads, and in front of them was the cold and gleaming Qingyi youth.

The young man had a pair of quiet pupils, the sparks flickered, but his swordsmanship was more luminous than the eyes, killing people silently.

Blood splashed, Meng Fuyao leaped!

Will be out of the square.

Suddenly a group of people came over carrying a few sacks, and quickly fell to the ground.

Ants, insects, snakes, centipedes, scorpions, golden silkworm loach…every gu worms in the world, but mortals who can or cannot think of, all fall on the way Meng Fuyao must pass.

On the flat ground, a mist of various colors of yellow, blue, purple and green was immediately woven into a poisonous and colorful net, which came to Meng Fuyao.


Under the light moon and bright sun, in front of Beiye, looking back, Meng Fuyao’s eyes were blood-red and weird, and his expression was crazy and confused. In the infinitely expanding crimson, the **** abyss with chaotic shadows swirled.

The look in that kind of eyes suddenly turned around in the painting that seemed to be true, vivid and intuitive, as if Meng Fuyao was face to face, looking straight at himself with such hell-like eyes.

Anyone looks at it and knows that this person is crazy.

Anyone who meets this tragic gaze face to face will also be driven mad.

Zhan Beiye almost went crazy in an instant.

He never thought that Luosha Yueye Fuyao would suffer this even after he died!

And seeing what happened to her with his own eyes, no matter how hard his heart is, he can’t afford to make waves. He can’t be quiet? He had already been hurt by her pain, and he had been drowned in distressed stormy waves.

The huge wave shook his head, and his head went dark.

It’s the darkness in front of me.

A flick of a non-smoke finger.

Her nails that had been curled up all the time bounced back and turned out to be several inches long, with sharp points like sharp blades.

The blade-like nails lightly swept across Zhan Beiye’s waist.


Not far from the hut in the mountain village, tangled Gu worms crawled all over the ground. The mist was steaming, and there were colorful poisonous fog everywhere.

This poisonous fog didn’t intend to poison Meng Fuyao, but just wanted to keep her in the formation, for a moment, and what changed was more than life and death? More than today’s fighter? What is the ending of Fufeng tribe? It may even be the general trend of the world, the future of Wuzhou!

All in one! Move the world at once!

Meng Fu shook his horse.

Only for a moment.

Then she yelled: “Nine Tails!”

A golden ball rolled out in response.

“Gus in the world are all your ministers!” Meng Fu said with a halberd, “It can’t be destroyed, hit the tofu yourself!”

Nine Tails chuckled, jumped on Meng Fu and shook his horse’s head, bent over, and made a posture of “You just go.”

Meng Fuyao immediately put his hoofs and rushed straight, regardless of whether it was a snake or a scorpion in front of him, or whether the colorful mist was thick as a thick blanket.

Nine-tailed steadily standing on the horse’s head against the mist, learning from Master Yuanbao’s Titanic posture, flew up nine-tailed intoxicated, and when he approached the gu belt, he suddenly turned around and fart.

The fragrance is overflowing.

The color mist broke open.

Snakes and worms rolled back like a tide.

There is no obstacle ahead.

Across from the Great Han Army not far away, you can already see the wooden house used for negotiation.

Some brave soldiers took advantage of Meng Fuyao’s meal just now and tried to stop her. The spear swept across her horseshoe. Meng Fuyao sneered, grabbed a spear, flew up and grabbed it. The man picked it up in the air and rushed straight to the room.

She whizzed, shooting the Tal soldier with a gun and flying across the sky, the opposite Dahan Army saw her rushing forward like a broken bamboo, and the Tal soldiers rushed through the formation of iron barrels, brave and fierce than our emperor. She had been enthusiastic and itchy hands, if it hadn’t been for the military order that she didn’t dare to move, she would have rushed over to accompany the group fight. For so much, seeing Meng Fuyao’s eyes is like seeing a god, she flew over, the army is like sea water waves, Qi Qi cleared the way.

Someone looked up and saw her black shadow flying above her head like a black cloud, and she couldn’t help but yelled, “Who is coming?”

Meng Fuyao shouted: “Meng Fuyao!”

There was a roar of horror—their Great Hanmeng King!

The only prince of the founding hero of Dahan, who is named among the top ten, accompany his majesty to brave the longhan, and help his majesty to overturn the pinnacle woman of the Tiansha dynasty, and even destroy a country’s royal family as a woman and ascend the throne of Dawan Meng Fuyao!

Her story has long been an epic legend that will be extolled by the army and people of Dahan. The legend is full of loyalty, justice, passion, passion, supreme wisdom and force, supreme bravery and sincerity, everything in the world The spirit and meaning of inspiration.

In the early summer, the light was like molten gold, and the woman dressed in black was shining like a god. She shot the enemy army from the head of Wanjun and the corner of her clothes was like steel, hunting in the wind and writing the glorious legend of a peerless woman.

Thousands of people held their breath and looked up, watching the sky flying and phoenix dancing in the sky, with a stunning shot, shooting the target!


Meng Fuyao slammed into the wall of the house against the soldier, and the wall collapsed under tremendous force. Meng Fuyao pounced in the smoke filled with smoke and shouted: “No smoke!”


The moment the wall collapsed, Kitano suddenly looked back.

The non-smoke nails were closed the moment the wall collapsed.

The moment the wall collapsed, Meng Fuyao rushed in like lightning, and saw Zhan Beiye sitting far away from Feiyan, everything was as usual, he was relieved, and nothing was like a palm.

Non-smoke a piece of paper floated up and smiled and said: “The two countries are at war, don’t kill them.”

When Zhan Beiye heard her speak, his eyebrows were raised angrily, but he immediately turned to look at Meng Fuyao.

He looked at Meng Fuyao carefully, saw her slimmer figure, and saw that she had obviously risen to another level of martial arts, focusing on her still slightly red eyes.

Looking at the pale red, his eyes darkened layer by layer, like the sea before the storm, the haze was surging, and chaos was about to rise.

Meng Fuyao only stared at Feiyan with red eyes.

She looked at Feiyan up and down, then smiled suddenly, and said: “Shen Kong Saintess? Sure enough, Shenkong, a neurotic god, empty and empty.”

Fei Yan was not angry, looked at her with a charming smile, and said: “Meng Fuyao, you can see nothing normal with your red eye disease.”

“I’m not arguing with you.” Meng Fuyao sat down and did not rush to fight. He crossed his legs and said, “The ins and outs of this matter, to this day, I have basically figured it out. , Now I’m going to verify with you-your saint, would you take the time to listen?”

Non-smoke nodded with a smile.

“From the very beginning, your real goal is me.” Meng Fuyao said, “You started with the Faqiang royal family, the purpose is to bring back Yalanzhu, and then Yalanzhu will attract me, you I must have spent a lot of time getting to know the people around me and me beforehand, knowing our entanglement with each other, and knowing that I will not be a part of Yalanzhu, so I used beads to attract me, right?”

Feiyan laughed: “For people like you, *destruction is useless. I originally wanted to kill you, but later I thought it would be better to subdue you. If I want to subdue you, I can only start with the trust and feelings you value most. It is possible to pry your mind. What better way to deal with you than Changsun Wuji and Yalanzhu? One represents your feelings and the other represents your friendship. Therefore, Raksha Moonlight is condensed with witchcraft. The eldest grandson Wou-ki, who started the phantom of Yalan Zhu, will let you chase away.”

Meng Fuyao stared at her, and changed the subject: “I now finally understand why I thought the process of eradicating the prime minister Kang Si was too easy and weird—Kang Si is actually your abandoned son, you control him. His soul lamp only controls him not to reveal the secrets that involve her. The remaining killing queens usurp the power and let Kang Sui reveal them. The purpose is to let Zhuzhu be in power, and then all the clues are directed to Burning, and Zhuzhu is right. Burn as a soldier, if you lure the enemy to go deeper, you can unite with the already secretly defeated Burning, and you will be defeated in one fell swoop.”

Feiyan smiled and said for a while, “It’s a pity that Kang Si, you guys, it’s too cruel.”

“It’s sorrow that Kang Chu is your subordinate.” Meng Fuyao sneered, “And you, presumably, during the days when Kang Chu controlled the imperial ban, you had already transformed the Faqiang Palace and left behind invisibly The opportunity for Raksha Moonlight to perform*, although our group is good at martial arts, they are not good at witchcraft. All those who know how to use witchcraft will be taken away by you, leaving behind Yalanzhu which is not working, so naturally we are all passive.”

Non-smoke smiled without saying a word, defaulted.

Meng Fuyao looked at her with a charming smile, thinking that when meeting her for the first time, she still felt that she was humble and sincere and had a good impression. I really missed her. This woman has a profound two-line conspiracy. The line stretches for thousands of miles, with patience and means, and while inducing Qiang, she never forgets to kill her. While witchcraft powers the spirit, she is also good at psychology. She forced herself to be extremely powerful and surrounded by strong people. Losing her life, she is indeed the strongest woman she has ever met since she travelled across the continents.

If it hadn’t been for that time she was greedy and wanted to subdue her, but underestimated her willpower, she would have really lost Meng Fuyao.

Compared with her, Pei Yuan has only fragile pride. Compared with her, Queen Xuanji has only presumptuous hostility. Compared with her, Feng Jingfan, who is the most ingenious, is just a little clever who is good at disguising.

It’s just that she seems to have the ambition to merge the three clans, but why the three clans merged should do something to herself, what she wanted from herself, but Meng Fuyao hadn’t figured it out yet.

But don’t have to figure it out, kill her and everything clean.

Meng Fuyao smiled, stretched his waist, and said: “Oh, it’s tiring to say so much. If it wasn’t for my pets to put something around you, I would have to endure nausea and you Talking for so long? God knows how bad your voice is.”

“If it wasn’t for doing something, I wouldn’t want to talk to you for so long.” Feiyan said lightly, “Compared with my voice which is not a man or a woman, you are a man who lives all day long. Called nausea.”

Meng Fu shook his head to look at her, sneered, “What can you do with moths? On witchcraft, today is not Raksha Moon Night, you can’t move me anymore, on martial arts-you are far behind.”

Fei Yan just smiled and slowly stretched out his hand.

In her palm, a tooth rolls like a pearl.

And her right hand, I don’t know when there was a blue flame.

Meng Fuyao was stunned, his face changed drastically, looking back at Zhan Beiye, Zhan Beiye was shocked, and immediately went to see his waist, but the little kit was gone.

“You still come a little late.” Feiyan smiled charmingly, “What I want is already in my hands, just to refine my real fire.”

“I use the purest witch **** fire to serve your teeth.” Feiyan smiled, “This is the top sacred fire I have prepared for you for ten years. For wizards with powerful necromancy, one The teeth that were once associated with the heart are more effective than fleshy nails and hair. They are a real killer weapon.”

The flame in her hand is condensed, the inner core is blue, and the outer circle is gradually smeared with a strange red, the infrared surface is again a layer of yellow, and a layer of purple is turned out of the yellow… Weird and coquettish.

Zhan Beiye roared and rushed over.

It was too late.

With a bullet, the flame fell on the teeth instantly, and the sparks that burst out were black and sticky, like the rotting water in a mud swamp, exuding a gloomy death air.

Meng Fuyao immediately fell silently.

Like a puppet, a broken grass, and a candle that was cut instantly, it fell silently.

Zhan Beiye turned around and rushed over, hugged Meng Fuyao, and strange laughter of non-smoke, non-male, and non-female sounded behind him.

“She is not dead yet… But soon she will die with pieces of flesh and blood falling, her joints shattered every inch, her hair quickly pale… The ugliest and most painful death, Emperor Han, you want to watch you The beloved woman, from the beauty of the world, the silk turns into snow in an instant, struggling for three days and three nights with wailing and screams, like the scene you saw in the water mirror just now, so tragic death?”

Zhan Beiye suddenly looked back, staring at her like a wolf king staring at his enemy, bloody, fierce, nasty, and murderous.

Fei Yan turned a blind eye to the soft-footed eyes of this ordinary man, only faintly brushing his sleeves, holding the colorful demon fire, and gently said: “I think she will die better-order the withdrawal of troops, and then, You committed suicide.”

She was calm and even said in a kind of thoughtful manner: “To be honest, I don’t think the latter requirement is necessary at all, because you will definitely commit suicide.”

Zhan Beiye stared at her, his blood-red eyes gradually calmed down, he no longer looked at Feiyan, he only turned his head and gently stroked the twitching Meng Fuyao, his slender fingers moved gently from her hair to her forehead. Move to the nose, move to the lips…

His fingers rested on Meng Fu’s lips for a few seconds, his body tilted slightly, as if he wanted to leaned down like that, giving her one last kiss.

Feiyan sneered and looked at her, the flames in her palms were colorful, reflecting her already darker eyebrows, deep and eerie.

Zhan Beiye has already leaned down.

But suddenly stopped.

Stopped in front of Meng Fu shook her cheek, an inch away from her red lips.

But at a distance of an inch apart, you can touch the softness and sweetness that you have always dreamed of with just a slight bend.

“Hurry up and be affectionate.” Feiyan focused on controlling the flame, “After a while, her red lips will turn into black lips, and you will lose your interest.”

Zhan Beiye had stopped like that, motionless, for a long while, as if to sigh softly, then slowly moved away.

He moved away, hugged Meng Fuyao, raised his head, his eyes were deep, as if he wanted to see some predictions about fate and emotions in the sky that had been lifted up.

He then stood up holding Meng Fuyao, and slowly drew the long sword behind him.

The long sword is crimson, and the hilt is inlaid with huge pigeon blood gems, and the sword’s edge is as strong as autumn water.

“When I held the sword, my **** pressed the eyes of Canglong’s blood spar. That was the eye of the supreme sword god. Only I can hold the sword in that position. Now I will The sword is handed to you, and I allow you to touch the eyes of the most sacred sword **** of the Tiansha imperial clan, and… everything about me.”

Everything about me.

If you are empty.

The sword handed over, the heart handed over, the hand handed over, the hand over handed over, everything in this life.

It’s the blood spilt out all over, the same cannot be recovered.

Zhan Beiye drew his sword across his neck, and a pond of autumn water was shining brightly, making his eyes dark and black.

Fei Yan smiled.

She frowned suddenly.

At the same time.

The long sword that was about to sing itself was suddenly pulled horizontally, and with a “swish” sound, it swayed across the dark dusty cabin like a rainbow, and it was immediately forced towards Feiyan!

Non-cigarettes quit.

Behind him is a wall.

The wall thickness suddenly shot into a blade, the blue light flickered, and the sword still dripped blood.

Feiyan had caught Daya who hadn’t reacted in an instant, and sent it to the sword!


The loyal maid did nothing but a shield to death.

But someone turned flat like a black eagle. At the moment when the long sword was just inserted behind the wall, he raised his hand and grabbed the long sword in mid-air, sending it like lightning!

No words can describe the peak of speed at this moment!

No one can perform any action under such a sword of thunder with hatred and doing his best!

No one can save themselves under the joint hands of Meng Fuyao, who has already broken through “Broken Nine Heavens”, and Yunhen, who went out of the same door!

The non-smoke that just took a breath of relief, you can only see the flash of colorful demon light, the fire like a candle shook in the wind, and then was enveloped by a crimson mist, the mist was sticky , Heavy and slightly fishy, ​​it shrouded and suppressed the colorful light in an instant.

Forever, gone.

She fell down.

Shen Kong saint—the saint who was admired by the whole family of Fufeng, who is charitable and peaceful, has finally become empty.

She fell to the ground, in a pool of her own blood, a pair of eyes gradually covered with death, and did not see Meng Fuyao who had caused her death, but turned hard to fight Beiye.

She stared at him stubbornly, with the same eyes that Zhan Beiye had just stared at her, but it was even more bizarre. The eyeballs were like a piece of solidified blood, falling straight on Zhan Beiye’s face, as if it were on Nothing.

Zhan Beiye also looked at her nonchalantly with a ridiculous expression in his eyes, and said solemnly: “Do you think I really can’t think of your idea? Do you think I’m really careless enough to bring the thing of the Fuyao to you In front of you? Do you think that no one has seen the things in the kit and no one knows, I will be negligent to make an idea for no one?”

Do you think—after the disappearance, I would really be careless again and again for Fuyao’s safety?

Do you think–I will take her things casually?

After her accident, I read all the legends of witchcraft. Now that I know that teeth are an important introduction to necromancy, how can I give you any chance?

The broken tooth of her was on me, but you can never guess where it is, and you don’t deserve it.

A person like you, no matter how clever, can guess that tooth, but doesn’t understand what true love is, always care about it, and be careful.


Meng Fuyao just stood calmly in front of the non-smoking corpse, his face flushed slightly.

Fighting against Bei Ye, really good at acting. The moment she pretended to be dead, he seemed to really want to kiss!

If she hadn’t pinched him at the risk of being discovered, she would probably be stolen again.

It’s just…At that moment, she was in his arms, the energy of “Tiantong” flowed, and she really felt his depression and pain, as if… as if she was really dead.

Infected by such a state of mind, she almost thought she was really dead.

The moment Beiye drew his sword to “snip”, she suddenly felt that he really had some powerful thoughts in his heart at that moment.

This made her uneasy, so after Yunhen took the sword, she shot it immediately.

Finally… solved the bewitching woman.

As soon as she entered the door, Zhan Beiye hinted to her. This was the most tacit understanding between the two of them. Meng Fuyao smiled lightly and thought, the two quarreled when they met. It is a rare success to cooperate. I really should celebrate a bit.

She took the sword and said: “I will go to the holy palace to see what moths are there.”

Zhan Beiye immediately said: “Your eyes are not good. I will go if you look at it.”

Meng Fuyao immediately fell out of anger: “You said I’m half blind? Huh, I’m blind and heart-conscious!”

Zhan Beiye frowned: “Don’t be capricious!”

Meng Fuyao: “You are wayward!”

Zhan Beiye: “!!!”

Meng Fuyao: “!!!”

For a long while, Meng Fuyao kicked the remaining half of the wall and rushed out angrily.

She was wrong just now!

It is impossible for her and this stone-like war emperor to cooperate tacitly!


Meng Fuyao was startled when he stepped into the tower of the Holy Palace.

She saw an old acquaintance.

Behind the tabernacle, the white-banded man in the green robe, with his robe draped, turned out to be the man who had glimpsed from behind the secret room in the ancient tomb of Dagun.

His face remains the same, with his eyes down and a smile, and the light from the corners of his eyebrows is flowing. It feels like he is about to open his eyes and wake up.

And King Kong, lying on his chest, pecked a little red thing from the plate in front of him, and fed it into his mouth.

If Feiyan can stay on this tower for a moment, if she is here at this moment, she can understand what is happening.

The wizard **** will wake up.

His call to the most enlightened descendants of the clan before he breathes is: I am not dead, my spirit is in gold.

There was a big battle that year. At the last moment, he was forced to seal himself. In order to prevent any accidents, the witch **** sealed a part of his soul on King Kong.

King Kong, who inherited part of his soul, has since become a sleazy, warlike, and undead parrot who has been a “master” all day long.

It’s really the “Master” of non-smoke.

It’s a pity that it inherits the corner of the soul. It doesn’t know the ins and outs. It only undertakes the task of awakening. The blood of the blood-sacrificing body, plus its blood, is enough to awaken the witch god. It’s not like Feiyan imagined. , The so-called painstaking effort to take the wrong side, you need to kill Meng Fuyao again.

With the death of the sorcerer, a part of the important witchcraft classics was lost. The most important one is the soul-returning technique. It is not the top level of smoke witchcraft, but it lacks this important guide. The final chance is in front of us, and it is in vain. miss.

If she knows that she only needs to stay in the tower, and success will be at her fingertips, and she will probably only have the soul left, and she will have to vomit blood for three liters.

However, this is destiny, only that moment, that minute, is separated by the end of the world.

It is not Feiyan who is going up to the tower, it is Meng Fuyao.

Even if she doesn’t know anything, she also knows that the guy seems to be awake, and there must be something in trouble when she wakes up, she reached out and grabbed King Kong, raised her hand and knocked over the basin containing her own blood.

The radiant light on the face of the wizard **** who was about to wake up gradually faded, but his sleeves suddenly trembled slightly.

Meng Fuyao didn’t see it. She was looking at the sky and listening to the battle horn in the distance, thinking about quickly slipping away while the Beiye was still organizing the offensive in the army, and quickly tied the King Kong and threw it away. To Master Yuan Bao, who was waiting with a sneer, said: “I’ll leave it to you, I am responsible for training, and I am determined to train this master into a new era Meiyan Yujie!”

Master Yuan Bao smiled obscenely, dragged the rope that tied the King Kong away, and there was still a scream from King Kong along the way:

“Master is not a rabbit—Master is not a rabbit—”


On May 30 of the tenth year of Fufeng Taer Daguangming, the goddess of Shenkong died of smoke, Tiansheng Holy Palace was burned clean by Meng Fuyao, and the witch gods and the top witchcraft lost by the Taer people will never When there is no recovery period, what Meng Fuyao wants is this effect-very good. The less harmful things, the better.

Tal, who is already at a disadvantage and expects the last resort to reverse the situation, can no longer survive under the coalition forces. The remaining question is whether Fufeng will be one family or two in the future.

Ya Lanzhu’s family had been trapped in Tiansheng Palace, Meng Fuyao was rescued, and the task of returning them to their relatives was handed over to Zhan Beiye. She turned her **** and quickly slipped away again.

From Jiaocheng to the port again, sail forward, but it is no longer the purposeless drift of the vast sea before, straight to the north of the Rakshasa, the stormy waves and the infinite murderous, the sky sea valley, the extremity.

The long wind on the sea hunts and blows the black hair of the woman standing on the handrail, waving like a flag.

Her eyes are shining and her eyes are thoughtful, and her eyes are thoughtful and her heart is firm.

I will go too.

You…all be well.


The Promise Kingdom.

The main hall of the Imperial Palace Hongguang Hall.

The lights in the hall are faint, the bright yellow million-character patterned ink brocade carpet is silent, and the light under the yellow gauze lampshade is soft and gentle, reflecting all the things in the room with gentle charm, but not as bright as jade under the lamp.

He quietly looked at a secret report in his palm. He didn’t say a word for a long time. There was no change in his expression, but the man in gray who was kneeling under his Highness tightened his body and bent his head lower.

Your Majesty…not very happy.

For a while, the man gently closed the secret report, sighed, and waved to him to go down.

The man was relieved and bowed out.

Leave the grandson Wuji Qianlong Xiangying, facing this Weiyangtian, Liulihuo.

His eyes flowed, like a pulse of transverse waves, and the wave reflected the figure of the person who was determined but never looked back.

For a long time, he said in a low voice:


“I knew you would forget the promise you made to me.”

With a light sigh, like a jade finger resting his chin, a lightly contemplative posture, the silhouette is clear in the moonlight, and his thoughts are so clear.

“But it doesn’t matter…”

“I will always be with you.”


Finally there is only the last volume left…huh, sigh.

Love, hate, grudge, return to obsession, ultimate struggle, who will fall in love…all in the sky.

Volume 2: Evergreen in the sky.

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