Legend of Fu Yao Chapter 13: Scarlet Kunjing

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December 16, Xuanyuan Zhaoning’s twelfth year, the top ten who had become famous for 30 years, and their rankings had been fixed for 30 years, finally changed.

The mysterious woman challenged Wuyin at Lingzhu Mountain in Xuanyuankun. She picked Wuyin from the top ten and the eighth throne in the first battle. Xinghui was present at the time and immediately gave in and asked about the title of the top ten women. The woman replied: Jiuxiao!


The phoenix is ​​in Jiuxiao, with a voiceless voice of thousands of miles, the whole world shakes the five continents and submits.

The number given to her by this woman actually surpasses all the titles of the top ten, which is evident in her ambition.

The defeat of the mist, and the emergence of the nine heavens, is like the impenetrable supreme castle collapsed in an instant, falling down the Wuzhou Continent, stirring up the stormy waves of the Five Continents strong, for many days, the talk of the Wuzhou Continent warrior is this mysterious “Nine Heavens”.

For so many years, the name of the top ten has been deified. Not to mention challenges, people in the martial arts have never even thought of a slight disrespect behind them. Now, in this bleak winter day, they are shocked to hear that the myth has been broken. I feel that the strong will also be defeated, and the top ten have really been famous for too long, as Yue Po said, the legendary era belonging to the top ten is about to pass, and new legends are accompanied by new politics. Produced by changes in the structure.

The birth of a new powerhouse, which is also regarded as the co-lord of the warriors of the continents of the five continents. All countries have begun to forge the powerhouse tokens, ready to send them at the Jiuxiao visit, to pull relations, if possible, hire a national guardian or something like that Naturally, it is better. Although Xianyun Yehe’s top ten have not accepted many hiring so far, there is no harm in maintaining a good relationship with the strong.

It’s a pity that this up-and-coming figure has disappeared since the First World War in Lingzhu Mountain. He didn’t even leave his real name. He only knew that she was a woman, and she was very young. However, there have been no famous women on the mainland in recent years. Some people even thought about Ya Lanzhu when they found a character that could be put on, but when the little princess heard about it, her little pigtail shook her head with a smile.

“Oh my god, it’s amazing, I am Jiuxiao, I am Jiuxiao——”

She mysteriously leaned to the ear of the person who came to check, and said in a low voice: “I tell you, Jiu Xiao…”

The person pricked up his ears and waited for his ears to listen with his eyes bright.

“…I don’t know.”


The mysterious “Jiu Xiao” was a short-lived moment, Master Jiu Xiao himself has shrunk beside Emperor Xuanyuan, waiting for “rescue”.

After defeating Wuyin, she turned her head to look at Zhan Beiye, and saw that he woke up and adjusted his breath, Yalanzhu took care of her, so she didn’t bother, and talked with Changsun Wuji, and she wanted to do it later. When the plan was made, he went directly back to Lingzhu Mountain and Xuanyuanmin Anmei to rendezvous, and met the two at the mountain road. Anmei exhaled when he saw her, his eyes were anxious, and his hair was slightly sweaty in the cold winter. It is conceivable to see a night of adventure running around, feeling anxious.

Xuanyuanmin only took care of Master Yuanbao, glaring with his big eyes, and asked with great interest: “You understand me, right? Right? You speak, you speak.”

Master Yuan Bao blocked his ears without much trouble. This actor is more verbose than the old woman. I asked you a sentence all night. I can understand. How many times have I told you that I understand? Why don’t you understand?

Meng Fuyao snatched Master Yuanbao over, put it under his sleeve, and warned the actor: “You didn’t see it, you didn’t see it, remember, you didn’t see it!”

Master Yuanbao folded his arms, disapproving, a joke, I am such a jade tree with superb temperament, talent, talent, grace and vulgarity, and it is unforgettable. Do you want the actor to clear my deep memory? Is it possible?

An Mei only reached out quietly, took the pulse of Meng Fuyao, her eyes showed heartfelt joy, and made a “congratulations” to her.

Meng Fuyao smiled, smiling like a flower in the dark glazed gaze.

At this time, the team of three people has caught up, and all three of them have their expressions adjusted. The delicate emperor is still delicate, the queen who does not know martial arts still does not know how to martial arts, and the honest maid is still honest.

Riding all the way back to the palace, Meng Fuyao and Xuanyuanmin broke up in the harem. She drove straight into the harem, remembering all the surprises she saw on the road, before sitting still, she directly asked the long waiter in the palace: “Ladies Are you back?”

The chief attendant replied respectfully: “Last night the imperial concubine, concubine Shu, and Yao Guibing came back first, and the rest are still in Lingzhu Mountain Imperial Garden.”

She said “Oh”, she was so thirsty, she picked up the teapot on the table and poured a glass of water before she wanted to drink. She stopped suddenly and said, “It’s a bit cold, go get my big hairy clothes out.” /

The waiter is gone, he is also a person sent by Xuanyuanmin, who has been following Anzi, who is responsible for following the empress, and he is in charge of internal affairs. He has never talked much, and is calm and reliable.

After a while, he took the clothes and smiled: “Hui Niang, I don’t know which one you want, this black fox and that silver raccoon are good.” He said and handed it over.

Meng Fuyao stared at his hand and smiled: “Just the silver raccoon.” He stretched out his hand and took it.

She takes over clothes.

The hand stretched out suddenly, pinching the opponent’s wrist, shaking, throwing!

The man screamed, and Meng Fuyao had been smashed out, and he fell heavily on the wall, two pieces of clothing fell down and covered the ground.

He looked at Meng Fuyao in panic, his eyes trembled.

Meng Fuyao smiled, and slowly walked over calmly, stepping on the fur clothes without mercy, and by the way, stepping on the hands under the fur clothes.

She didn’t have heavy steps, but under the clothes, there was a sound of bone breaking—at this level of hers, the true energy had flowed with her mind, her body and skin were already weapons, let alone stepping on a foot , Just to breathe, you can also kill this **** who does not know martial arts.

The man was convulsed with pain, and gritted his teeth without saying a word. Meng Fuyao leaned over to look at him and said, “I suspected that there was a double agent next to Xuanyuanmin. Now I have caught one. Come, Tell me, how many more? In addition, there are people with the regent on the concubine, right? Come and tell me.”

The man squatted: “Niangniang… Niangniang… slave servant doesn’t know… what do you… say…”

“It’s okay, I know it. The teapot has been passive. Someone poisoned it. Unfortunately, a medicine has been put in my teapot. Whose nails touch the water in the teapot, the nails will change color, you After poisoning, stir it with your nails?” Meng Fuyao said indifferently: “I tell you, when you meet me, lying is useless, acting is useless, begging for mercy is useless, and pretending to be a tough guy is useless. The smartest way is to be honest.”

Looking at her eyes, the man knew that she hadn’t lied, and trembled all over, but still shut up and said nothing.

Meng Fuyao smiled and said: “I believe no, I don’t need to move your finger, I can also let you talk obediently…”

In response to the person’s surprised and unbelief look, she smiled: “I just need to promote you tomorrow to be the **** in charge of my Chongxing Palace, and give you jewels and jade, and the honor and favor…well…when the regent sees me It’s safe and sound, but you are rising up again, what would he think of you? Three-sided spy? Haha.”

The man turned pale, staring at her in horror, never expecting that this lazy, domineering, and not very clever queen would be so vicious in his mind and means.

If she were to take this trick, the regent would definitely not be able to allow him to survive, and the way to die would be worse than he could imagine.

Meng Fuyao looked at him with a smile, and didn’t even bother to use torture to extract a confession—eunuchs have always had limited loyalty, so there is no need to waste energy.

The man avoided her gaze, and finally fell under her feet after a long while.

“I said…I said…”

Meng Fuyao smiled.

After listening to the explanation, she told the man a few words, and the man went out with a look of embarrassment and did not dare to defy—all the secrets were sold to her, can you still listen to her?

Meng Fuyao called Tiecheng in again and said, “Contact Xiaoqi and ask him to do something.”

Tie Cheng took his order and went out. Meng Fuyao stayed in the palace alone, watching the shaky pearl curtain, slowly revealing a faint smile.

The pregnant woman is already pregnant, and the one who will get rid of the roots will definitely get rid of the roots. If it fails once, there will be a next time. Should we wait for the next assassination? It’s not as good as starting first!

In the last battle of Xuanyuan’s family, she was not interested in surrendering her pace to the hands of the two brothers, she had to decide!

At the moment, the wind and the waves are calm, and wait for the wind and clouds to rise!

Behind him, there was a faint light and shadow, and a figure quietly entered the inner hall. A short figure was projected on the ground, walking softly like a cat.

Meng Fu didn’t move, sipping a cup of tea casually.

The man tiptoed closer, pulled the bead curtain away quietly, and slowly moved behind her.

Meng Fuyao lowered her eyes, sitting still, the steam in the tea cup, her eyes were clear and clean, like a piece of frozen ice.

Assault me?

Looking for death!

A pair of gentle hands suddenly covered her eyes!

Meng Fu shook his shoulders, his waist “killing the sky” slipped out of his sleeves in an instant, his whole body’s strength flowed in an instant, and he was about to rise!

“Guess who I am?”

Sweet, with a childlike voice with laughter, and the tone is full of naughty and delicate.

Meng Fuyao brakes hard!

In an instant, she retracted her sword, shrank her shoulders, pressed down the surging true power, and was on the edge of the explosion. Because she had received too much force and force, she was forced to sweat in an instant.

Good risk!

We almost leaked martial arts!

Taking a deep breath, Meng Fuyao turned around and looked at the “Doraemon” imperial concubine a little helplessly, frowning and said: “A Guang, why don’t you tell me when you enter the door, you are getting more and more unruly.”

Tang Yiguang smiled stupidly, reached out to her table to fetch a snack, and said: “I miss your little walnut.”

Meng Fuyao sighed, pulled her over, took another box from the cabinet and gave it to her, and said: “The table is not fresh, change this.”

Tang Yiguang as long as there is something to eat, he smiled and picked it up. Only then did he remember to salute her, Meng Fuyao stopped, and said dumbfounded: “I will tell you when I enter my bedroom, you know?”

The child said, Meng Fuyao has always had no resistance to Loli. In any case, he would not kill a child with an actual IQ of only four years old. He personally helped her knock the walnut shell to see if she could eat young children. In general, she tossed and sprinkled, thinking of what Xuanyuanmin said about her falling horse and hurt her brain, she couldn’t help asking: “A Guang, you were only four years old, why did you go riding a horse? Did your father teach you?”

Tang Yiguang chewed food all over, and answered vaguely: “…Brother teach me.”

Meng Fuyao didn’t know what kind of brother it was, and didn’t think too much. When she was full, he sent her out. After returning, he stood in the room and thought carefully about what he was planning to do recently. The door curtain opened, and listening to the rhythmic and strange pace, you knew that it was dark charm. Meng Fuyao didn’t look back, and said casually: “You are poisoned by snake poison, are you okay?”

An Mei said with a “hmm”, walked gently behind her, and suddenly put her hand on her shoulder.

Meng Fuyao subconsciously gave in, but Dark Mei said: “I will relax your bones. Your skill will benefit your bones. At this time, it will be more beneficial to you.”

Meng Fuyao hesitated and said: “No, it will be great.”

Behind him, Dim Mei sighed softly, his voice was like autumn wind passing over a frost-white treetop, faintly cool and vicissitudes of life, he said: “This is how you let me owe you, owe my life, owe to death?” /

Meng Fuyao was taken aback, turned around, and said: “Why is it so serious? Who owes whom, how much, is it a friend who cares about this?”

The glazed glazed under the eyes of the dark magic flowed smoothly, and there was no joy to hear her words. The faint depression was a little heavier, but finally smiled and said: “Then at least help you loosen your bones, right?”

Helpless, Meng Fuyao climbed onto the couch and lay down, lying on the pillow, saying: “If I fall asleep, please don’t look at me, I will sleep better than Master Yuanbao.”

Master Yuan Bao squatted on her pillow and looked at her contemptuously-at least I don’t drool!

Meng Fuyao was lying on his stomach, thinking about his next next step plan in his mind. There was a mess in his mind. Suddenly, she felt soft behind her, and Dim Mei’s fingers had already pressed her back.

His five fingers are slender, his knuckles spread out like branches and leaves, and when he touches her back, the heat flows like a spring, flooding into the limbs and limbs. With the dark and graceful gestures, Meng Fuyao heard his joints slightly make a sound The sound is crisp and bright, so clicking, pushing, knocking, spreading, and soft pressing like a breeze, but strong and powerful like a river, gradually driving her tension and tension away from her body, Meng Fuyao feels ecstatic He got up and was relaxed, so comfortable that he almost wanted to Shen Yin, and quickly bit on the pillow.

I heard the person behind him lightly said: “Fuyao, you are too nervous, your body is tight.”

Meng Fuyao smiled embarrassingly, and said to his heart that it was actually because I didn’t know if you were a gentleman.

An Mei smiled again, suddenly changed the subject, and said softly: “Would you like to stay in Xuanyuan forever?”

Meng Fuyao’s heart was shocked. This topic has always been her most feared topic, staying in Xuanyuan? Oh no, her life is destined to never stay for anyone. Her footsteps and her heart often go against each other, but she has to grit her teeth and move on. Taiyuan, Wuji, Dahan, Xuanyuan… the road is always ahead.

She was silent, and then she felt the fingers on her back stop for a while, and the refreshing breath approached. Dark Mei’s body seemed to bend down towards her. Meng Fuyao was startled and turned to avoid it, but she didn’t dare to avoid it. Loose bones on the bed, under the body is a narrow couch, only one person wide, one side blocked, and when you turn over, you either turn into his arms or turn face to face him. It is even more a face of relative embarrassment, just hesitating, dark and charming But the body stopped at her ears, he stretched out his hand and gently twisted the earlobe.

His fingers are soft and warm. The coolness of the previous days has dissipated. They all have a satin-like touch. They both trembled. Meng Fu shook his head, but Dim Mei released his hand and said lightly: “…I can’t stay in the end? But, the days are still long, Fuyao, look, you guy who doesn’t want to be marked by anyone, you made an exception for the first time you pierced my ears… I hope that one day You can make more exceptions for me.”

Meng Fuyao silently replied for a while: “My concessions have always been within the range I think is possible.”

“I know.” Dark charm laughed softly, like a sigh, a cry of cold winter wind, but another cry of love, “If there is really no other exception, there is This time, it’s better than nothing.”

He stood up, handed over a small box, turned around and walked out, holding the door frame near the door, and without looking back, he said lightly: “Fuyao…I hope you won’t let this ear hole grow. “

Meng Fuyao pursed her lips and opened the small box. Inside was a snow-white pill, the size of a thumb, and the fragrance forced people. Meng Fuyao could not smell anything, but she knew that this thing must be precious, she Turned his head, looked at the direction of An Mei’s departure, touched her earlobe again, and sighed softly for a long time.


Xuanyuan Zhaoning December 21st, the winter is cold, dripping water into ice, Xuanyuan and the border of Dahan are covered with snow for thousands of miles, crouching silently on the vast land, overlooking the heavily guarded border between the two countries.

This winter was extremely cold. There was even a heavy snowfall last night. The snow was thick and white all over the place. Every family kept their doors behind the fire, leaving the snowy ground as flat as a sable blanket, and it was dark white without anyone stepping on it.

In the early morning, the light is faint, spreading red and silver on the snow, there is a kind of calm and quiet Huayan.

But there was a “creak, creak,” the difficult sound of footsteps on the snow gradually came from a distance, and along with the noisy voice, there were a few more deep, deep footprints on the snow.

“Grandma, in this weather, I have to guard the gate!”

“Isn’t it just for fear that the Han army on the other side will make trouble? In fact, it is a bluff. Their emperor is still here.”

“I said in this horrible weather, people are still bored in the tent, warming up, fighting? How to fight?”

“Zheng Hujun is really too, take us inappropriately!”

The chaotic voices shook the deep silence after the snow. The northeast border guards of Xuanyuan State were loose and slack, and they trudged all the way with swords. They are the team responsible for border patrol today.

The long-plan defenders who are accustomed to the warmer climate are extremely cold-resistant. At this moment, they are reluctant to go out to watch. They are dressed like a bear. The new padded jackets made by the army are too rough. Just put two arms in it. Turnip, stand straight there, not to mention drawing a knife, it is hard to touch your ass.

The leader of the current team lazily climbed a high hillside, took a look at the quiet and quiet Hanjun camp across a river that was not too wide, and said, “I said this weather will be a ghost. Go out! No fart movement! Go, go back!”

Everyone responded happily, turned around and left, and the last one turned around suddenly and said: “Huh, what is the sound?”

He turned around and saw the opposite side, on the river behind the wire thorn net, there was the sound of horseshoes, and then he saw a group of crimson armor guards appearing on the opposite bank like fire.

The guards “galloped” slowly in the snow, with bows and arrows in their hands. The soldier was delighted at the sight, and smiled: “Ha, which idiot, come out to hunt in such a thick snow?”

Everyone laughed, and the captain said: “Hey, which army is this? The Great Han Army is black armor.”

“It doesn’t matter which house he has, it doesn’t matter to us anyway.” Everyone turned around and suddenly saw a man on the other side raising his bow, and then he ran past a rabbit, which went straight across the ice on the river. Face, drilled through the barbed wire, and ran towards this group of soldiers.

The team leader came to be interested and smiled: “What a fat rabbit! Since it is delivered to the door, take it back to the tooth-fighting ceremony!”

He bent his bow and set an arrow, and shot it with one arrow, hitting the rabbit’s heart. Everyone yelled well. The team leader triumphantly said with a smile: “It’s just a rabbit. It was on the battlefield of Dinghe…”

His voice suddenly stopped.

The laughter around me suddenly stopped.

The crowd turned their heads in horror, staring, and saw that the captain’s chest suddenly had red feathers and heavy arrows.

The captain lowered his head slowly, and saw the arrow feathers trembling in his chest, shaking silently in the cold wind. The arrow was cold, and the blood gushing out of the arrow was hot, but this was the last thing in life. The heat, soon, he will be cold with the snow under him.

He fell abruptly, his eyes open, blood splashed on the snow covered with sunlight, which was a bit more beautiful than the morning clouds.

In the vision of the last fall, he miraculously saw the man shooting the arrow on the opposite side, saw his handsome eyebrows, calm and cool eyes, and saw him holding a crossbow with one arm and the sleeve of the other arm. Hanging softly.

Hearing his words, he said coldly:

“You, kill, my king’s, rabbit.”


“You killed King Han’s rabbit.”

The most sturdy, shameless and absurd declaration of war on the Wuzhou Continent ever.

This declaration quickly swept across the continents, and the legendary King Han, who was already famous in the world, once again became famous for him and the rabbit he was killed.

For many years to come, there will be people who use this as a pronoun for challenge-I will beat you! Why? You killed my rabbit!

However, Xuanyuan, the declarant of this statement, is now in an embarrassing and helpless situation.

On the day of heavy snow, King Dahan’s “hunting” guards aggressively shot Xuanyuan’s defenders on the grounds that Han’s rabbits were killed, and then Xuanyuan Chang’s army immediately tried to counterattack, but found that it was only an instant, King Han. The Han army, who had been on the border before entering the battle fiercely, was neatly armored and far behind.

They don’t attack, but with absolute superiority and an absolute murderous frontier, they have slammed into the army, who has not fought for many years and has just changed defense and is not too familiar with the terrain. , Shen Chen Renhan, like a mountain shadow, pressed against Xuanyuanjun’s heart.

Chang Ce Jun rushed to convey military information to Kunjing. The regent held a full day of court meeting. A bunch of ministers hid their faces and lamented for the shamelessness of King Meng. Although the fief of King Meng was close to Xuanyuan and Dahan In fact, the nearest border is still hundreds of miles away. Who is going to hunt for hundreds of miles in heavy snow? Which one of these rabbits hit the army? Is this hunting? This is robbery!

King Dahan Han, even more powerful than Emperor Dahan, kicked Xuanyuan’s face!

Xuanyuan, whose face was kicked, had a meeting with a blue nose and a swollen face. They were very smart and hurried to find the Emperor Han who was still stranded in Kunjing. As a result, unexpected people in the post palace went to the building empty. Xuanyuan Sheng kept sending People were paying attention to Emperor Han’s whereabouts, but they didn’t know when he left.

In the end, Xuanyuan Sheng was very helpless, and sent his powerful generals, the five army soldiers and horse captain Tang Rusong, and led an army of 100,000 to assist the border.

On the day of Tang Rusong’s army, the regent personally saw him off. On the high platform, Jin Jue gave wine. Tang Rusong drank it and vowed to the ground; “If you don’t kill Meng Fuyao, you won’t return!”

This bold rhetoric was introduced into the Xuanyuan harem, and the “Queen Yuwen” long armour hit the Huali wooden table, revealing a charming smile, and said softly: “Dear, you are going in the wrong direction.”

The smile in her eyes was probably too creepy, and Xuanyuanmin, who was coming from a distance, trembled.

Meng Fuyao saw him and beckoned him to come over. The actor hurried over and thumped Her Majesty the Queen flatly. Meng Fuyao looked at the dirt in his nails, kicked it away with disgust, and said, “Go and pull again. Does the Eastern cuisine please the West?”

Xuanyuanmin said with a stern face: “No, it’s cold recently and I can’t grow vegetables. I ordered people to buy vegetables at the market outside and help them plant them.”

Meng Fuyao strokes his forehead…the kind of love, it’s the kind of love.

Xuanyuanmin smiled and put on her knees, and said: “Tang Rusong has left, and there are three more. Anyway, both hands and feet have to be cut off.”

“Politics is a wonderful thing, it needs a veil of warmth, don’t say it so bloody.” Meng Fuyao poked, “rest assured, there is always a solution.”

The actor looked up at her and suddenly said: “Is I on your final list of solutions?”

Meng Fu lowered his eyes, calmed his eyes, then smiled and said, “What do you mean?”

The actor smiled without answering, and changed the subject again: “Can I guess who you are?”

Meng Fuyao grabbed a walnut and put it in his mouth simply: “No.”

The actor sadly covered his face with his sleeves and sang: “The Milky Way Long Tian Weiyang Hall, the concubine is in the air before the tear candle… Long live, which fox and charming son are you fascinated by the bird…”

“Long live to kill the fox.” Meng Fuyao kicked away “Concubine”, “Go away.”

The “concubine” twisted and looked back three times, and Manchang’s singing still came from a long time:



December 23rd of the 12th year of Xuanyuan Zhaoning, Xuanyuan encountered the most internal and external difficulties since the founding of the country.

Following the killing of King Dahanmeng Rabbit, Shangyuan, who had always had relations with Xuanyuan, suddenly blamed Xuanyuan when Xuanyuan Dahan confronted him, claiming that the Lord of Shangyuan had died strangely after Qi Xunyi’s mother. The suspected murderer was the Taiyuan Princess and the Taiyuan Empress Xuanyuan’s clan. The Xuanyuan Queen has already been involved, and this old case is about to be settled in Xuanyuan Country. Please Xuanyuan hand over the behind-the-scenes chief ambassador and give you an explanation. The filial piety of those who are the sons of man is also.

Twenty years ago, the old case has been turned out inexplicably, early or late, but when Xuanyuan and Dahan were confronting each other, it happened when Taiyuan was not turned against Taiyuan, but it was facing Xuanyuan. He is also a successor who inherits the noble personality of King Dahanmeng-Robber.

It is said that when Xuanyuan Sheng received the letter of the country, he punched the table and smashed the table. Most of the people in the palace knelt down in shock, but a group of veterans stood bravely and immediately took out the memorials they had prepared. Reading, the content is harsh, and it is shocking to hear it. It directly refers to the regent’s usurpation of power and improper politics, implying that the bad situation in Xuanyuan is caused by him alone, and that the regent murdered the descendants of the first emperor, assassinated the loyal orphan, and deceived the monarch. The eighteenth major crimes of controlling the regime, perversely appointing private individuals, etc.

The leading impeacher is Dou Ming, a Confucian scholar in China, the father of the former regent, the father-in-law of the regent, the current Bachelor of Wenhua, and the Tao Ming who is highly respected by scholars all over the world.

I was impeached in court, and every word of my heart was condemned. Xuanyuan Sheng was made of clay and became angry. Besides, no one can bear this kind of accusation. In desperation, he had to detain Old Dou Ming in the jail. He was reasonably sensible. He didn’t torture the old guy and didn’t say he was going to kill him. However, when the gray hair was in tears, the veteran who yelled “Prince hero, bless me sincerely” was imprisoned without a crown. It was the civil servant under Dou Laomen who looked at the regent’s eyes all wrong.

To make matters worse, the scholars of the world heard that the old prime minister was detained, and they were immediately frozen. They called for friends, formed gangs, and attacked Kunjing’s various cultural divisions, courts, and three divisions… He also went to the Metropolitan Procuratorate to call out grievances, and the riots were full of disturbances. Many officials of the various branch offices took a laissez-faire attitude towards this. When the regent sent people to investigate, he came out and waved his sleeves to drive people out and regent. As soon as the king’s people left, they went back and squatted to drink tea in the burning bureaucracy.

The government was in chaos. Shangyuan’s urging letter of credence was returned one after another, and he also made a gesture of Chen Bing on the frontier, threatening not to give an explanation, so he had to kill the rabbit, Xuanyuan Sheng ordered a good student to visit the small country Shang Yuan had gone crazy this time, and he blatantly didn’t intend to explain it. He wanted to fight in two places to bring down these people who fell into the pit and let them know that Xuanyuan is not that easy to bully! As a result, the careful return made him chill.

Shangyuan’s recent domestic turmoil–when Shangyuan was founded, the Wuji State had assigned to Shangyuan the land of Liangyi, which had been disputed on the border between the two countries, to Shangyuan. At that time, Qi Xunyi was very grateful. A long-term remote-controlled bomb that came over, the jealous two barbarians, who have always only surrendered to the iron fist of the grandson Wuji, could not hold back Qi Xunyi at all. The frequent chaos of the two barbarians made Qi Xunyi exhausted and hurt the people and money. In desperation, he had to ask Wuji. Ask His Royal Highness to take it back again.

Who knows that it’s easy to get it and it’s difficult to send it back. The great selfless and polite Prince Wuji said, there’s no reason to take back the things you gave away? Don’t you let me slap myself in the face? No, no, besides, you laughed at the Lord of the country, why do you regret it now? Is it dissatisfied with the gift I sent from Wuji? Do you want me to cede the land of the two army to you again?

Wuji came to make a sneer and a polite tone to convey this sentence, Qi Xunyi almost collapsed-I have only seen the country fighting desperately for every inch, and I have never seen desperately sending it out. You can’t even think about it. , At this time, I realized that he had taken the evil deeds of Longsun Wuji – the things he sent out were not so easy to pick up.

In the end, Qi Xunyi pulled the sleeve of the messenger and pleaded bitterly, and the grandson Wuji reluctantly agreed to take it back again, but conditions must be met.

What conditions? Qi Xunyi asked dying and struggling.

The messenger did not rush to open an encrypted document, and said to the Lord Shangyuan in a very secretive tone: “Your mother has been dead for so many years, you can use it to avenge you.”


So Shang Yuan suddenly remembered to take revenge. Xuanyuan was forced to fight by the two fronts. The land that Wuji gave out was taken back with a bargain and buy one get one free. Changsun Wuji also helped someone, even Not even soldiers are needed.

This is the highest level of the empty glove white wolf—send something to entangle you, and then let you send it back willingly. If you want to send it back to me, I still have to pay for it.

Poor Shangyuan, poor Xuanyuan…

Xuanyuan Sheng inquired and understood the twists and turns inside, and immediately lost any thoughts. Since there is a behemoth, Wuji, behind Shangyuan, it is absolutely impossible to fight, and Qi Xunyi is forced to rush and the country opens up. , Changsun Wuji promised to grab Xuanyuan unceremoniously.

Xuanyuan Sheng was helpless, so he had to once again send a first-class talent around him, the Prime Minister Situ Mo, who was in control of his official power, went to the border between Xuanyuan and Shangyuan to investigate and discuss the case of the murder of “the Lord of Shangyuan’s mother” .

When the actor emperor got the news, he looked at Meng Fuyao for a long time. Meng Fuyao gently stroked his head and said: “You have to be good.”

The actor emperor smiled wryly, swayed away, and sang orchids as he walked: “Yeah, yah, sir…mother…retribution…”


The remaining hands and feet, cut from the inner palace.

This is something that Meng Fuyao had planned long ago. He started to deal with foreign problems first, and then took advantage of Xuanyuan Sheng’s anxious head to pay attention to the inner palace, and officially started.

This is the only way to move the inner palace without being warned by Xuanyuan Sheng to counterattack.

On the twenty-fourth of the twelfth lunar lunar new year, the palace will naturally also be celebrated. Meng Fuyao specially ordered all concubines to grow vegetables without weaving. During holidays, each palace can pick up vegetables in the imperial kitchen or start a business in their own small kitchen. We all happily chose to escape from the plague **** and celebrate by themselves.

Since Concubine Jianxue was ordered by Meng Fu to take care of Concubine Xianxue last time, Concubine Xian was still frightened and was fined to move away from her main palace and live in Cuiyunxuan next to the Palace of Concubine Xian Concubine Su Xin. She invited herself Celebrate with Concubine Xian. Concubine Xian was originally disgusted with her, but she was happy to see her not being seen by the queen, and eagerly drew her together. The two happily ate the new year’s meal in Su Xin Dian, Jian Xue personally cooked, and Concubine Xian also came. I made a few dishes, but found that there was not enough salt on the way, I went to the imperial kitchen to get some. When eating, the two of you came and went in harmony. There was a slice of Yunsi chicken in the dish, and Jian Xue said with a smile. The empress likes this the most, so I might as well give her a copy to show her feelings.

Concubine Xian pouted her lips and said: “I gave it, she dare to eat it?”

“Why don’t you dare?” Concubine Yu smiled, and quietly attached to the concubine Xian’s ear, “The queen is domineering, you can see clearly up and down in this palace, the elder sister is the first person under the queen, the only one who can fight against the queen Character, but no matter how grand the Holy Grace is, it’s hard to be heard alone. With my sister’s status and family background, I have a lot of contact with everyone, and the lack of status, shouldn’t I make up for it?”

Concubine Xian’s eyes flickered, “Well”, Concubine Yu got up, smiled and said: “My sister will send it personally.”

Concubine Xian was a little worried. Seeing her volunteering to go on her own, she felt relieved and said with a smile: “Thank you sister.”

The “sisters” of Suxin Hall Xiaonianfan laughed at Yan Yan, but Chongxing Palace was another scene.

Meng Fuyao’s recent thoughts are all overwhelming, and he is determined to slowly cut Xuanyuansheng to death with a soft knife. She has no idea about this young year. In the evening, she returned from Xuanyuanmin’s Chengming Hall. Just stepping into the yard, he was startled.

Why is it so dark and there is no light at all?

Meng Fuyao, who has stepped through the blood and fire these years, has always retreated as soon as she noticed an abnormality. However, before she took two steps back, the courtyard door behind her suddenly closed silently.

Meng Fuyao stood still, with a jade-like expression on his face, then smiled and walked over step by step.

On the top of the main hall in front, a lantern floated down suddenly.

Flaming red shadow gauze, exquisite handcrafted, decorated with golden streamers and agate tassels. It is a lantern that is completely New Year’s lantern style but more beautiful than ordinary lanterns.

The red lantern dangled in the dark palace background, illuminating a golden red light wherever it passed, and the beauty was beautiful, but because of its strange appearance, it was disturbing.

Meng Fuyao looked up intently.

The lantern floated near, and there was a small round black shadow faintly, leaning on the gauze to do a “flying dance”, Meng Fu glanced at it, glanced at it again, and smiled.

Still flying, “Flying Pig” is almost the same.

The lantern fell leisurely in Meng Fuyao’s hands, and two golden ribbons floated out. One said: “Fuchun comes, see the mountains and rivers are not old, and the other said: Invite winter, celebrate the sun and the moon as before.

The inlaid homophonic phoenix first pattern, very beautiful fonts, different from the elegance of the grandson Wuji and the madness of the North Wild, the bones are exquisite and the outer circle is inside. Meng Fuyao smiled slightly, grabbed the ribbon tightly in his palm, and reached out from the lantern “Flying Pig”, surprised: “Isn’t it roasted?”

I took a closer look and found that the candle was covered with a thin jade tube. No wonder the light was so dim.

Master Yuanbao was wearing his bright red robe with white teeth. He felt that this appearance was very elegant and graceful, and he felt like dancing. Suddenly, he was held by the back of the neck, took it away, and stuffed it somewhere. in the corner.

After being used, the bridge was demolished across the river…

Meng Fuyao smiled brightly and said: “I didn’t expect you this guy to play this hand.”

The man on the opposite side, his pale jade face was moisturized and radiant under the red light of the lantern, and his lips were a bit brighter. The flowing colored glaze eyes were gleaming and shining. He smiled faintly and came to hold Meng Fu’s sleeves. , Said: “Chinese New Year.”

Meng Fu shook his head and sleeves, watching the snowy weather in the sky, and sighed: “Yes, I am one year older.”

An Mei smiled softly and said: “If you are old, what are we? You are about to enter the woods?” He took her away and said: “Today the palaces have their own business, you are lucky.”

“What’s the blessing…I am still worried about what to eat…” Meng Fuyao dragged him away lazily, and suddenly stopped: “Ah? Is there something delicious? Huh? Are you cooking?”

Dammy didn’t answer her, Meng Fuyao wrinkled his nose, and stared at his back with contempt. Is he cooking? These pampering guys who do not touch the sun and spring water and even the kitchen smoke and smoke are very annoying, wouldn’t it be a plate of boiled vegetables and a plate of boiled vegetables?

The lights in the warm pavilion came on for the first time, driving away the darkness that was just now, and the carved copper stove smoked a room of fragrant warmth. The pavilion was covered with a round table surrounded by Jinwei. The pavilion was colorful and full of fragrance.

Meng Fuyao stared at the attractive mixture of medicinal and vegetable scents, each of its colors and shapes was good at winning, and even the radishes carved out beautiful peony dishes. After a long while, he sniffed.

She said: “This world is really illusory…”

An Mei took a piece of Poria biscuit to her, and said: “I’ll eat the cushion first, I’m afraid you will suddenly jump on it.”

Meng Fuyao took a few bites and suddenly became angry and muttered: “So someone can do…”

An Mei was only smiling, slowly serving her vegetables, Master Yuan Bao squatted and pulled his sleeve, An Mei slid the plate of cakes into her arms.

After dismissing the light bulb, he said to Meng Fuyao who was thinking about eating under the light: “Well, we two spent a small year together.”

Meng Fuyao put down his chopsticks and slowly said: “Before, my years were very lively and lively…”

An Mei poured her wine: “Are there many people?”

Meng Fuyao was startled, shook his head, and then said a little confused: “Hey, those were two people too, why did I think it was so lively then?”

Many, many years ago, the lights in the hut were dim, not as magnificent as this warm pavilion; the dishes on the table were few, not as full of precious treasures as the brocade table; the shabby decoration on all sides was not as good as this golden incense burner and copper heating stove. People meet to eat hot pot, in the steaming heat, you sandwich me and I sandwich you, each blushing and smiling…the warmest past that died in memory.

At her side, Dim Mei’s hand paused, and she turned her head to look at her, her eyes flowed for a moment, and she said for a while: “I feel sad when you say that.”

Meng Fuyao woke up, and smiled apologetically: “Sorry, people always love memories when they are old.”

Dan Mei shook her head helplessly and stopped talking. The two of them ate quietly. Meng Fuyao only felt that the moment was peaceful and comfortable. The person opposite was not lively, there was a kind of loneliness of independence, but that lonely Liangli is considerate and gentle only for her.

Listening to him for a long while: “Are there any New Year’s wishes?”

Meng Fuyao thought for a while with the chopsticks in her hands, her winks were black and white under the light, shining as distinct as black and white agate.

She said: “I hope my wish will come true, and the people I love will live well.”

An Mei lowered her eyes and drank the soup slowly, Meng Fuyao asked him again: “Where are you?”

The dark charm is silent, and Meng Fuyao doesn’t want to ask, but it is not easy to fight against it.

Until the two of them finished eating, Meng Fuyao smiled and said, “You have to go to bed now, and you won’t be able to stay safe tonight.” Master Yuan Bao, who was holding his stomach and couldn’t walk, left, and when he was about to reach the door, he heard the dark charm. :

“I hope that every year, someone will accompany you to celebrate the New Year.”


Every year, someone will accompany you to celebrate the New Year.

Who is that person?

Meng Fuyao hugged Master Yuan Bao in the dark, with sleepless eyes gleaming, thinking about hearing those words, she looked back and saw the gentle and fierce man, staring at the silhouette of the bright and colorful Xuanyuan Imperial City.

That city…the beginning and end of that life, at that moment, what was he thinking about?

Meng Fuyao sighed, resting in the snowy wind at midnight.

And the night is already deep.


The jumble of footsteps and rapid reports stunned the silence of the night in the imperial city. Countless people flocked to Chongxing Palace and Chengming Palace, vaguely not knowing where, and there were cries of horror.

Meng Fuyao smiled in the darkness.

She opened the door and went out, standing on the steps, looking at the sweaty concubine Shu Fei Jinyun Palace **** who was kneeling under the steps, coldly shouting: “What are you yelling in the middle of the night?”

“Hui Niang Niang…” The **** looked horrified, and even his voice changed, “Lady Shu, Empress Shu, she… something has happened!”

Meng Fuyao frowned: “Put in Jinyun Palace!”

Jinyun Palace was already full of people. Xuanyuanmin and his concubines had already arrived. People from the Imperial Hospital knelt all over the room. When Meng Fuyao arrived, Concubine Shu’s body was cold.

Hurrying into the brightly lit inner hall, Meng Fuyao’s eyes touched Xuanyuanmin’s eyes, and each stepped aside. Meng Fuyao sternly said: “Where are the people who will be waiting for the concubine Shu tonight? Kill them all–“

“Niang, please spare your life!” Concubine Shu’s next to the court lady Xiang Jie’er was stripped of her palace dress, and her haircut was spread. A few eunuchs lay her arms on her knees. At this time, she struggling with tears and tears and struggling to walk in front of Meng Fuyao: “Niang, It’s not about slaves. Empress Shu has a stomachache after eating the Yunsi chicken slices sent by Empress Yu.”

Meng Fuyao turned his head and looked at the jade concubine Jianxue who had also been unplugged. Jian Xue was not panicked, kneeling neither humble nor humble, and said: “The dishes were given by the concubine, but it is The sage concubine herself cooks and makes it.”

“Concubine Yu!” Concubine Xian shouted angrily, her face was blue, and Meng Fuyao also shouted: “Concubine Yu, don’t bite people in a hurry–“

The Concubine Xian was taken aback and looked at Meng Fuyao in amazement, but Meng Fuyao bowed to Xuanyuanmin: “Please, your majesty for a ruling.”

“The harem is your business.” Xuanyuanmin said, “I am very sad…I am going to see my concubine love again, ahhhh, my concubine Shu…”

The actor danced his sleeves and rushed towards the concubine Shu, and went to act again. Meng Fuyao was helpless and said: “The concubine Yu was handed over to Zongzheng Temple for questioning. The concubine was also suspected of being in the palace. “

“Why ban my feet?” Concubine Xian glared: “Is the queen woman suspicious of her concubines?”

“Can the sage concubine be cleared of her suspicion immediately?” Meng Fuyao squinted at her, “The palace thinks that the handling of this matter is fair and has taken care of it. If the sage concubine has anything to say, the palace has no choice but to ask you Go to Zongzheng Temple and make it clear.”

“Huh!” Concubine Xian stared at her for a long time, and then saw Xuanyuanmin “feeling the corpse and crying,” and said angrily: “You domineering queen, one day…”

Meng Fuyao smiled and said, “How?”

The Concubine Xian opened her mouth, and after all she did not dare to say anything, she stopped and slammed the door of the palace before leaving. Meng Fuyao only smiled and said: “The Concubine Xian has a big temper.”

The concubines were silent and did not dare to speak, Meng Fuyao said again: “Concubine Hua, please stay, please comfort your majesty, don’t let him hurt the dragon too much.”

Hua Concubine was overjoyed, and Yao Guibi’s face on one side was pale-tonight Xuanyuanmin originally turned over her sign and touched her body just before the accident and praised her for her tender and soft snow baby , Promised to promote her concubine, the title is called Xue, now such a mix, good things have been ruined again.

And this month, it is not once that Concubine Hua has seized her opportunity to invite her to favor with her.

Her pink face is flushed, her breath is undulating, her nails are deeply embedded in her palms, and the jade on her bun faintly collides with her body because of her trembling body, making a sound of fragmentation.

When Meng Fuyao didn’t see it, he ordered someone to condense Concubine Shu’s body, went to the palace to report the news, and prepared for the funeral, and then said: “It’s all gone.”

She turned around, walked slowly out the door, and looked up at the dark sky. Finally, Feixue turned and fell.

How many corpses will be covered by this snow?


Three days later.

Gong Wei’s continuous abnormal changes shocked Xuanyuan.

Yao Guibi and Hua Feilu met in a quarrel. The two pushed each other and Yao Guibi pushed Hua Fei into the pool. The freezing cold of Winter Moon Pool could not be borne by the delicate palace? When Concubine Hua was picked up, she was already dead.

Xuanyuanmin was busy stroking the corpse again and weeping bitterly. “Queen Yuwen” did nothing, and directly passed the family of Concubine Hua into the palace. Concubine Hua’s father, the family Shangshu Hua Hongxi had countless sons, but this one was a daughter. Mrs. Hua almost fainted from crying, and was easily persuaded by Meng Fuyao. Mrs. Hua knelt and begged the queen to avenge her beloved daughter. Meng Fu waved her hand and said embarrassedly: “There is no one on the Tianhan Road, but a few maids accuse Yao Guimai. There is no evidence, but Yao Guibi was bitten to death and refused to admit it, let alone…” She quietly approached Mrs. Hua’s ear and said: “Yao Guibi’s father, college scholar Yao Ling, has been in the palace several times. Guarantee, no such thing, Mrs. Hua, you have to know that Yao University Fellow is also a celebrity under the regent. That one, this palace is very embarrassing…”

Mrs. Hua’s willow eyebrows are erected: “Well, you are bullying and murderous Yao Ling!”

She stood up, Eun also forgot to thank her, and hurriedly returned to her family’s home to find her younger brother, Li Yuan, the commander and envoy of Jingwei, one of the powerful figures in charge of Kunjing soldiers and horses, and belonged to the regent’s camp with Yao Ling. , But the situation is incompatible.

Li Yuanyi heard that his niece was murdered but couldn’t be wronged. He was so angry that he immediately called up the command and envoy to kill three thousand soldiers and horses to Yao Ling’s residence. Yao Ling did not react yet. Li Yuan had already led a large group of soldiers. The screaming knife entered the mansion, grabbed Yao Ling’s breasts, and cursed: “You old dog who can’t redeem it!” The knife light flashed, and the white knife went in and the red knife came out.

Then this reckless man from the side of Jiang killed Yao’s family and down, and after the killing, he smeared blood on the soles of his shoes and walked in stride, as if nothing had happened.

The Yao family was killed, shocking the ruling and opposition parties. Yao Ling belonged to the group of Prime Minister Situ Mo. All the ministers in the group were married to each other. Mrs. Yao and the daughter-in-law of the Yao family were the daughters of important officials in the Situ Mo group. Now Li Yuan stabbed the hornet’s nest. How can the ministers belonging to Situ Mo’s line be willing to take a break? Some of them also control part of the Kunjing defense, and the commander of the Jingwei commander who also has a force in his hand, the generals gave a tooth for a tooth. If you still have an eye, and have entered the Li family and the Hua family, how can the Li Group take a break? As a result, after two scuffles, Kunjing fell into a chaos among courtiers, amidst a **** storm.

This chaos, the two groups with deep grievances broke out completely because of the death of a court concubine and the deliberate provocation of one person, and quickly smashed the entire Xuanyuan court with an unstoppable momentum, nearly 8% Ten officials were involved in this upheaval. In the end, there was even the chaos of buying murders and corpses on the street. The ministers could not guarantee their personal safety. Many people claimed that they were sick and not in court. In addition, they were loyal to Prince Wen Yi. From this operation, the entire Xuanyuan government fell into a semi-paralyzed state, and in the end, when the chaos ended, the court officials in Kunjing alone had killed more than a hundred people, and their ranks ranged from small officials to first-rank officials.

The **** Kunjing, the storm is precarious, Xuanyuan in Zhaoning’s twelve years, the sun and the moon are not clear, the people are restless, like the corpses scattered on the street, people seem to be through the blood and fire fighting between the two big groups. See the end of the era of the reign of the regent, who is now crumbling with power.

This seemingly inexplicable but deliberate riot, later history said: Kunjing blood.

At this time, Xuanyuan Sheng has suffered from the power checks and balances he has always played-he cultivated the two groups to be incompatible, and sparks will explode at any point. He divided the city’s forces into the two groups to jointly manage. The name is mutual integration, but in fact they are monitoring each other. Now the two groups are fighting in one regiment, together with the military camps under their jurisdiction. Although he ordered not to follow the chaos, the hearts of the people have fluctuated.

The two core figures in the two groups, who are the most stable and can control the overall situation, are now far away. He presses the gourd and rises up alone. Not only is he busy suppressing the rebellion of Kunjing’s hundreds of officials, but also has to deal with the old ministers. In order to redress the appeal for the case of Prince Wen Yi, he must always pay attention to the next move of King Dahan, who is pedaling on his face. He knew that there was a problem with the harem, but he could no longer take care of it.

And the woman who stood on the top of the harem, smiled and watched the **** fire that she participated in and controlled, finally entered her final plan without any rush.

The final plan was aimed at the last and most loyal force under the Regent, the father of the concubine, the Gao family of Xiping County.

Before that, she had to let the concubine “kill” the queen!


December 27th in the twelfth year of Zhaoning, it was sunny after the snow.

Meng Fuyao smiled and walked from the person to the Suxin Temple where the concubine Xian concubine’s foot was forbidden, and the concubine Xian concubine greeted him a little uncomfortably, and asked: “Manny, are you here to release my ban on foot?”

Meng Fuyao looked at her with a smile, and kept seeing her anxious, kneeling down obediently, only to read her decree from others–since the chaos outside the palace, the hands of the palace were cleaned by Xuanyuanmin, and now they use them. The manpower is already trustworthy.

Concubine Xian’s face changed as she listened.

Yizhi has counted since she entered the palace, she has been jealous and not virtuous, has no respect for the palace, and oppressed the concubines…

“No! I didn’t!” Halfway through the reading, the concubine yelled and got up and went to tear up the decree: “You framed me, you framed me!”

“Are you not respecting the palace?” Meng Fuyao smiled: “The day the palace enters the palace, why don’t you go and ask for peace?”

“I have ordered the maid and the queen to take leave!”

“Oh?” Meng Fuyao slowly arranged his sleeves, “Then do you remember what the palace said at the time?”

Where did Concubine Xian remember, Meng Fuyao kindly reminded her: “My palace says that if you are sick, you should be treated.”

“Yes, that’s it. If you say you have a disease, you should treat it.”

“Yes.” Meng Fuyao smiled, “but I said, will you not come?”


“As for the life of Caoshao…” Meng Fuyao smiled, “Come here…get those beautiful bones out and remind the concubine Xianfei that she has a bad memory.”

The white and miserable bones of the gardeners buried in the cold palace were lifted out, and the hideous bones with the reddish soil rushed to the eyes of the concubine Xian, with the smell of **** soil and the rancidity of the bones. When she reached the door of Concubine Xian, she let out a scream, thrust her eyes straight up, and fainted.

Meng Fuyao doesn’t want to faint her now, she hasn’t done what she wants her to do.

She stepped forward, patted Concubine Xian lightly, Concubine Xian woke up from the confusion, and saw the smiling Meng Fuyao at a glance, leaning in front of her like a devil, her skirt slightly exposed, and the silk ribbon hanging down the skirt. There is a small gold scissors attached to it.


She stared at Meng Fuyao’s eyes, their eyes overflowing with light, floating waves and swirling shadows, blurry and flickering, all seemed to be talking.

What are you talking about?

Her brain dizzy slightly, and layers of mist rise, spread, fall, and drift.

She felt like she was drifting, turning into powder, turning into fog, turning into smoke, turning into a freely floating master in this world.


Then she didn’t know.

When she was a little conscious, she saw the **** sergeant in the hall. The queen was lying on the ground covered in blood, and her Majesty was crying again.

She felt that the palm of her hand was a little cold and sticky. She looked down, her hand was full of blood, and a small pair of scissors was caught in her palm.

Then she saw His Majesty approaching angrily, pointing to her nose and swearing something, and then saying something to the sergeants. Those dirty and vulgar soldiers came forward and pulled her up without pity. .

Her hair bun was torn off, her dress was trampled on, the noble hairpin was tossed to the ground indiscriminately, she didn’t struggle, just stared blankly at Your Majesty, the grace every night, the whispers by the pillow, that Shouting to her beloved baby, the little obedient little sheep and rabbit, vowed to love his majesty with all the king’s favor.

He ignored her, just looking at her with fire-breathing eyes, so cold, unfeeling, so strange and hateful, and cold.

It turns out…

She smiled softly and said:


This is the last word left in the world by the concubine who dominates the sixth house.


The case after the murder of the concubine Xian shocked Jinghua. After her murder, the evidence was conclusive. In addition, she had threatened to make the queen look good. All the concubines in the palace heard it. Everyone said that the queen had always treated her generously, but she suddenly The killer is really worse than a pig.

She was beaten into the cold palace, and the upper and lower sides demanded that the murderer of the queen be punished. The king of Xiping County knelt for the help of the regent, who hesitated to agree.

However, before he could move, the concubine who was beaten into the cold palace committed suicide that night.

She died not from the web of conspiracy, but from affection.

However, for the politicians who are struggling to build a grassy snake line, her death is just an arrow shot at the last barrier of the regent.

The concubine Xian obviously committed suicide, but when the king of Xiping County, who lost his beloved daughter, entered the palace, Emperor Xuanyuan showed him evidence that the concubine was strangled to death, and even the murderer gave it to him—— This murderer was known to the King of Xiping County, and he was one of the double agents who deployed to the inner palace to monitor the empress according to the order of the regent.

At this time, needless to say, it must be the regent who knew that there was no way to help her daughter out of crime, and promised him to save the concubine. In desperation, he simply killed the concubine first! Disguised as suicide again!

Xuanyuanmin shed tears at the Xiping County King, and confided in him heartily: “The king of the county…I actually love the concubine Xian the most. I just want to wait for the limelight to pass and save her life. I don’t want to… …Oh… it’s not uncommon to see rabbits and dogs cooking and birds hiding in their bows…”

The King of Xiping County shed tears and immediately returned to the mansion. That night, three cannons fired, shocking Kun Jing.

He reversed.

The towering power of the regent, after being weakened day by day, with the betrayal of the Xiping County King, finally collapsed completely.

That night, the rumbling cannons from the outskirts of Beijing spread throughout Kunming and Xuanyuan Palace. Everyone closed the gates of the palace, silently in the darkness, waiting for the long **** sky to change color again, the closed Chongxing Palace Inside, there is a “ghost image” slowly wandering in the middle of the palace.

The long wind is silent, picking up Meng Fuyao’s long hair, she slowly looked at the palace where she had lived for two months with her hand held, her eyes were complex and unspeakable… Xuanyuan Sheng’s end was over, and she was finally finished Everything she has to do, today she uses the most perfect way to end the journey of the queen, and there is no Yuwenzi in the world.

The power is like a knife, it can brazenly split all resistance, and it can also slowly thin down the high barriers like a mountain; the cunning of the human heart can overturn all situations in the world, and can be established or destroyed.

At this moment, Meng Fuyao was suddenly exhausted from the prosperous tiredness and desolation, the Kunjing Incident, the Xuanyuan Palace chaos, how many people died among them? She didn’t dare to count, and she didn’t count. Once she succeeded in everything, a country’s emperor needed more blood.

She slowly opened her hands, her palms were as white as jade in the dark, she looked so madly at her, thinking, how much blood was on these hands?

Sudden debris fell suddenly in his palm, Meng Fu shook his eyes and smiled.

Recently busy, how did you forget this kid?

Xuanyuan will be in chaos soon, take her away and return to Tang’s house. She is still a child and should not be sacrificed in this dark palace.

She opened her hand and said: “A Guang, come down, my sister will take you home.”

There was a soft “huh” from above, and the small body immediately rushed down, with a sweet floral scent and soft dessert aroma, which reminded people of some soft and sweet thoughts.

Meng Fuyao embraced her warm body, and her iron-hard heart softened a little bit. She touched Tang Yiguang’s hair and said softly: “It’s almost over…”

Her voice suddenly stopped.

In front of me, a cold light flashed.

Tang Yiguang flipped his palm, a dagger as cold as the moonlight, suddenly shot!


Recommend my friend’s Feng Dianbai’s “Every Scene”, Xiaobai is a good hand in modern writing and his writing is very good. The link introduction is available.

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