Legend of Fu Yao Chapter 13: I am shocked

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Meng Fuyao is falling.

The water on all sides was like the sky, the blue was poured down, and she was pressed against the top of her head like a rock. She covered her head with her hands, pinched her fingers on the throbbing temples, and determined not to let herself faint.

At this time, fainting will be a drag on others. No one around can swim around Shanghai with her fainted under the chase of sea beasts.

Pale red bloodshot leached from the forehead, dragged in the turbid green water like a ribbon, and disappeared for an instant.

The figure above her head swam down quickly, but her speed was not as fast as her descent-the huge sea beast below had been circling and dancing, stirring up countless large and small vortices, which made her unable to keep falling.

More than one figure above her head is trying to reach out for her, but Meng Fuyao is still sinking uncontrollably. The thing behind him is not like a fish, but like the genus of a dragon. The huge body scrolls flexibly, and it can easily It was a whirlpool, and the direction she planted was exactly the center of the sea beast’s body. As long as she fell in, the sea beast shrank, and she was faced with a fragmented end.

The huge beast’s head has been raised, and under the green eyes is a big mouth with deep teeth, and the awakened submarine beast that has been dormant for many years, can’t wait to taste the fresh delicacy.

She had heard the thunder in the belly of the sea beast’s open mouth.

Hear the gurgling sound of the whirlpool stirring.

I heard the sound of the coral reef being swept and cracked by the tail of the sea beast. If she was swept like that, she would guarantee that there would be no sound, and it would only become a ball of Meng Fu Yao sauce.

The whirlpool is under you!

Meng Fuyao suddenly raised his hand and gave himself a knife!

The skin is cracked and blood drops are scattered like coral beads.

On the human body, the pain is different in various parts. Once some parts are injured, the pain is severe, but it does not hurt the joints or the mobility. It only hurts the willpower of the person when the pain comes!

As long as you can resist the extra pain at that moment, you can stimulate the potential of 120,000 points!

Of course, Meng Fuyao could resist. After the spiritual purgatory, there was no pain that she could not bear.

Under the pain, his mind cleared, and his strength returned instantly.

Meng Fu shook his body and made a profit!

Get out of the whirlpool!

The black shadow in front of her eyes flickered and the wind screamed, and there were two rows of sharp teeth, biting her shoulder blades!

She managed to escape from the whirlpool of the sea beast’s body, but fell on the sea beast’s head. The thing reacted quickly and fiercely, and she opened her mouth to bite!

As soon as the sharp teeth are worn, they will inevitably penetrate her pipa bone, and all martial arts will be abolished!

Meng Fuyao made a bang in his heart, he had no time to do anything, and subconsciously raised his hand to block!


It was not the sound of sharp teeth penetrating the flesh as expected, but the sound of metal objects hitting the teeth.

Meng Fuyao turned his head in astonishment and saw a black ring on his wrist, which was blocking the sharp teeth of the sea beast. The sharp teeth of the sea beast were as sharp as steel knives, and gold and iron objects could still be broken, but here Not only that, but even half a tooth was broken under the flat bracelet!

Meng Fuyao immediately grabbed the half tooth, and Huo Di inserted the sea beast’s nostril!

The sea beast raised his head and roared, and the sound shook the sea. Huo Di bounced over, and waves aroused on all sides like an invisible giant wall. Meng Fuyao turned and swam away. With a glance, he vaguely saw a spot on the sea beast’s head. The extremely small and narrow bulge gave off a strange luster in her light red field of vision. Intuition told her that this is probably a very important part. “Slaying the Sky” immediately shot!


The indestructible sharp black knife was inserted into the bulge. It failed to insert it without a handle, and it made a low ding sound. The sound turned out to be like a fight between gold and iron. You can imagine how hard the fast place is, but Meng Fuyao is dark. It’s a pity that the severe headache affected her shot, she was half a minute away and inserted into the bone suture.

The bone seam stuck tightly, Meng Fuyao couldn’t pull it out, but the sea beast was already in madness, twisting and rolling, twisting and bounced his body like lightning, surrounded by sea water. Because of the violent shaking and turbulence of this huge body, it seems that the entire bottom of the sea is being stirred by its pain, will be lifted, will fly high, and will replace the endless sky above 30,000 miles.

Meng Fuyao barely saw the shape of the sea beast at this time. The long body was dozens of meters, the head was thick and the tail was thick, the half-length armor, and the body had four claws. Only the giant claws were several meters long.

There are countless calamities in the legend, and it is a fierce beast that has sunk under the Raksha Sea for three days and three nights fighting against the five winds of the top ten.

The swinging figure drove the direction of the water flow to reverse and reverse, making Meng Fushao dizzy. She tried to shuttle through the gaps of the whirlpools to prevent herself from being taken to the center of King Jiao’s body.

Her breath is exhausted, and the pain between her chest and lungs is about to explode. If she doesn’t go up, she will burst into blood and die first.

The person above finally swam near during this respite and reached out to catch her.

Yao Xun grabbed her left arm, Yan Jingchen grabbed her right arm, and Daddy Ma quickly tied the rope around her waist, and the cloud mark blocked the chasing sea beast.

The painful and crazy fierce beast will never let anyone dare to stop in front of it at this time, and the fierceness at this time is all stimulated, and it is more difficult to deal with than before, and it is covered in slippery and firm armor. There is steel-like skin under the armour, and even the skin of a peerless magical soldier can pierce its skin in the hand, and it is difficult to cause fatal damage.

Meng Fuyao struggled to look back, and desperately pointed at the top of the Jiao King’s head to Yun Hen. Yun Hen saw Meng Fuyao’s “Slaying the Sky” inserted there at a glance, and immediately swam up to try to pull Meng Fuyao off.

He is not as proficient as Meng Fuyao, he can’t control this tour, he will plunge into King Jiao’s mouth when he is curled by the whirlpool.

Meng Fushak was heartbroken and wanted to go back after struggling. However, Yao Xun and Yan Jingchen would not let go, clutching her desperately upwards.

The three of them broke through the water with a “crash”, Meng Fu leaned on the side of the boat and gasped for breath. After taking three deep breaths, he found a medicine and took it, grabbed a rope and squeezed his head tightly. Put the long knife on the skin bag prepared on the boat and turn around immediately.

“Fuyao!” Yan Jingchen stopped her, “You are physically exhausted and can’t go anymore!”

Meng Fu shook his head and bumped his chest, knocked him out of the boat, and cursed: “Get out of your egg, get out of your Yan family’s selfish ghost!”

She turned her head and dived resolutely.

The light was bright and dark, and Meng Fuyao went into the water again.

How can I leave Yunhen alone?

She fought over that thing, she knew that Yun Hen could not get up alone!

The bottom of the sea is still volcanic eruption, and there are too many things on all sides. There are too many and too messy. The ancient treasures of the sea that have not been disturbed for a long time under the thousand-year-old country are all rolled up at this moment, emeralds, coral beds, jade, 璎珞, The horned dragon golden cup, the opal… countless treasures passed by her with shining light and temptation, and then she was waved away in disgust.

She didn’t have the time to look at those illusory things.

She just wanted to find the person underwater.

Cloud marks——

Hold on–

The most muddy piece of water, low and deep, there was a roar from the King Jiao, Meng Fuyao opened his eyes wide, and tried to find it for a long time before he saw it, and a faint figure came and went as the fine sand fluttered, and the sword light was like the wind. He couldn’t help but slashed on King Jiao, passing a thick blood band.

Meng Fuyao breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, Yunhen is still alive.

It’s just that his movements have slowed down, and his aura is exhausted in a fierce fight.

Meng Fuyao rushed up.

She didn’t go to Yunhen’s side, but went straight to the head of King Jiao, staring at the huge green eyes with one foot, and the eyes were splashed with blood, just like exploding fireworks, while the beast was in pain. Raising his hand, he grabbed “Slaying the Sky” and hung himself severely on the handle of the knife.

The King Jiao shook his head desperately in pain, but the more violent the swing, the greater the damage. The weight of Meng Fuyao, who was hung at the vital point, dragged the “Sky Killer” to a little bit by this swing. The unparalleled skull slowly slit open.

Like Ling Chi’s pain caused the roar to shake the world, the beast was dying and struggling, Huo Ran swung it with all his strength, Meng Fuyao was thrown out, and was thrown several feet away in the water with huge resistance.

Then the King Jiao arched and fluttered, flicked under the water, and suddenly trembled. The gray-blue color of the whole body gradually changed, from dots to patches, gradually showing a dark red, not bloody. , It’s like a heavy rust, gradually unfolding.

Meng Fuyao couldn’t see exactly what color it became, but he also felt a change in color. This man was about to fight his death, so he drew his knife and went to pull the cloud mark.

The finger will touch the corner of his clothes, and Yun Hen’s body suddenly retreats quickly.

That kind of retreat method is definitely not achievable by swimming, Meng Fuyao saw that at some point when the Jiaowang’s claws and nails were soaring, he hooked Yunhen’s legs with one flick and stretched out, dragging him viciously towards the seabed. .

And deeper on the bottom of the sea, there is a vaguely huge black hole, which should be the guy’s den.

Meng Fuyao raised his hand to cut the nail, but couldn’t catch up with the speed of the Jiao at the moment. It rushed to the nest eagerly, as if there was a life-saving baby there.

Meng Fuyao immediately buried her head and took a few deep breaths, grabbed the dragon’s tail, and chopped it horizontally and vertically, trying to draw that guy’s attention to her, she could only make 20% of her martial arts underwater. , I couldn’t cut off the dragon body that was several meters wide with a long knife, but it also chopped the diamond-like body to the flesh and blood, and the scales splashed all over, and the green water was a deep red.

The Jiao raised his claws, and the five claw tips opened twice as much as before, tearing the water of the deep sea, and the five sharp swords generally swept towards Meng Fuyao. Meng Fuyao let out, and his skin ruptured. However, she also took advantage of that slip and slid to Yun Hen’s side. She did not dare to pull Yun Hen, for fear of breaking his leg and slashing the nail with a knife.

However, the King Jiao is at an astonishing speed at this moment. He has grabbed the cloud mark and is about to enter the black hole!

The hole is not too big, it can only accommodate the body of the King Jiao. The gravel canine teeth at the entrance of the cave are staggered. As long as the Jiao squeezes in with the cloud mark, the cloud mark will become a broken body in an instant!

The head of King Jiao has entered the cave!


Meng Fuyao cut off the nail and kicked Yunhen out.

This kick exhausted her last strength, and her martial arts in a state of holding her breath was limited, but it was just as good as kicking Yunhen out a few meters.

This kick also delayed her chance to float up, and the King Jiao swept his tail, suddenly curled up!

The sea water on all sides was squeezed into a deep vortex, and Meng Fuyao, who ran out of strength and oxygen, couldn’t get out.

Several black shadows rushed over, and one hit the vortex and was blown away, but one flashed flexibly, and smoke flew from a gap under the dragon king’s tail.

While he was running, Yun Hen happened to see the dead end of the rapid flow, and when he wanted to pounce on, the man pushed him hard.

There seemed to be something vaguely said, but only Yun Hen heard it.

Under the push, the reaction force cloud mark was knocked away, and the person rose rapidly, falling on the soles of Meng Fuyao’s feet, slanting shoulders and pushing her out vigorously.

Meng Fuyao was immediately thrown vigorously by the rapids and under his body, and flew out, wiping the rusty crimson long tail of Jiaowang.

Leave that person, there is no time to escape, and the long tail snaps.

A faint sound of broken bones spread, and a large area of ​​thick, **** fog rose up in the sea, as the sunset glow would make the last glare.

King Jiao curled his tail tightly, listening to the sound of broken bones, rushing towards the black hole happily.

That is its birthplace, born here, and died here!

If you die, you must also drag a sacrifice!

Blood mist rushes.

The man’s pale face appeared in the blood mist.

Yan Jingchen.

In the last scroll of King Jiao, the power of steel was so powerful that it broke the bones of his whole body. He should have died in an instant.

However, he didn’t even die. He just looked back at Huo Ran’s Meng Fuyao with a smile on his pale lips.

He saw that woman suddenly looked back, and rushed again as if she would not give up on Yun Hen.

He saw the woman break free. Everyone raised a long knife and tried to nail the tail. She couldn’t help but abandoned the knife and dragged it with her hand. She wanted to use her own strength to tug of war with this giant beast, and put him out of the eternal darkness that was about to be submerged. Pull it back.

He saw the woman looking back from the emerald green shade on Xuanyuan Mountain, smiled at him, her eyes shining brightly on the gray and dark world.

He saw the woman sitting with him on the edge of Xuanyuan Hou Mountain, shaking her legs in the breeze and bright moon, and quietly stuffing him a bag of self-made flowering beans.

He saw the Xuanyuan sent martial arts training ground and he tried to teach her the internal skills of swordsmanship, but she looked up and smiled at him pretendingly.

He saw that the woman was pouring in the heavy rain and knocking her head in the mud, and when she raised her head, she held out her hand with warm eyes.

The warm eyes…Zeng thought that there was no more for this life, after he took her away, after he fell into the quagmire, after he started to capture her, there is no chance to see her again in this life.

I don’t want to be able to accompany this windless journey last.

I don’t want to be able to finally see her pure smile on his unfettered and unrestrained forgetting all previous dust.

Don’t want to see her turn around for him again, willing to fight for him without any discrimination.

It’s great.

It’s a nice end.

More than twenty years have been pouring in, and it has all turned into fine sand like snow under the deep sea tonight, filling the empty city that has been lonely in my life, and the lights in the empty city have since gone out.

The day I met you, the heavy rain was endless. It turned out to be just to write the last words of my life. See you in the rain, parting in the water, and see you smile like a bright flower, and never fade in my eternity.

Yan Jingchen is also smiling, his lips are deep red and thankful, blossoming into the last vividness of life.

The golden hall jade horse in the eyes of the world is perfect and cannot bear the irreparable brokenness in the depths of fate. However, at the end of life, Mingming sewed his wishes in another way-in his life, it turned out that it was only for the last half of the year.

At the last encounter, he was complete and atonement.

Very good…very good.

My eyesight is dim, and I can gradually lose sight of her, the last struggle she made for his life.

And the surroundings are so cold, like the roaring wind in a winter night, piercing through the broken window paper, tearing the bian bones.

Not knowing where, suddenly a flickering light lit up, cold and white, like the color of the soul.

There is a woman in a splendid red dress, coming slowly from the light at the bottom of the deep sea, with her clothes floating and walking lightly, the palms of her palms are shining, but she is constantly extinct.

Pei Yuan.

Fight against rumors for him with happiness and life, and trap him with pride and strong love, his wife.

In his last field of vision, the gorgeous and arrogant woman leaned towards him slightly.

I heard her say:

“I will pick you up.”


There was a loud movement between heaven and earth.

The King Jiao finally ran to its place of death, squeezing into the warmth and dampness of the place of birth, like finding the root of fate, connecting end to end, entering the eternity of life.

How to start, how to end.

Intelligent creatures often share the same persistence as humans.

Meng Fuyao was dragged up by Yao Xunma and the pirates foolishly.

At the last moment, they all came down, but the beast broke out with violence, and their martial arts connection was almost impossible.

Meng Fuyao had been trying to rescue Yan Jingchen before he was dragged in. She knew in her heart that Daluo Jinxian could not live by twisting that thing, but she still didn’t want him to be dragged into the depths of the sea. The cave, squeezed by the gravel and the body of the dragon, has no bones, and will fall into the dark abyss forever.

That shouldn’t be his ending. The man who was wrong for his whole life because he missed her didn’t really do anything wrong, and he didn’t really apologize to her. Even if there is a mistake, he has done it with more than half a year of careful care. make up.

In the past half a year, she has headaches, irritability and irritability. She has always taken care of her carefully, looking for medicines on every merchant ship, looking for doctors, and boiled medicinal soups by hand.

She always speaks badly at each other, but he never looks angry, sometimes there is a slight joy in his eyes, looking at the sad joy, it seems that he feels that way, as long as she is willing to pay attention to him, it is scolding and close.

Just now, at the first time she was out of the water, she scolded him so viciously!

He made the mistake of that time in his life, but he has since recited the sin of a lifetime. He tried to call her back with all the efforts and glory of his life, but finally changed her last swearing.

The person, the person she liked the first time, the man who recorded the first warmth and softness of her earliest fascinating era, replaced her life with his own life, replaced some hard edges and corners in her heart slowly Go, turned into pearls scattered in the deep sea that can never be picked up.

Gratitude… Gratitude… Carrying on her body, hurting people invisible, and she, speaking of magnanimity and carelessness, still remembers his betrayal in her heart, and never gave him a word of forgiveness when she died.

Said to let it go, but never really let it go. When I really remembered to let it go, it was too late.

Eternal life is hard to save.

From then on, he stayed at the eternal twenty-four years old, letting go and pushed her to move on to freedom beyond the sea.

Meng Fuyao lay on the boat, motionless, eyes wide open, looking at the sky so high and far away, thinking about how the water on his face can never flow out, and what kind of flow is needed to save this life Wash away all the helplessness and pain?

On his side, the cloud mark is also motionless.

He closed his eyes.

At the last moment, he wanted to look back, but in the end he didn’t look back. He knew what he should do—if he looked back then, Meng Fuyao would definitely follow, and the three would die together.

At the last moment, he chose to drag Meng Fuyao back with Yao Xun and the others, leaving that person forever.

It was his and his choice, the one they love together.

In the end, Meng Fuyao only knew to desperately save, his thoughts were already confused, but he watched soberly as he was involved, taken away, and brought into the eternal black hole.

He even saw the breaking into the black hole for a moment.

Will people shed tears in the sea?

At that moment, the eyes were filled with the tides that have come and gone throughout this life.

At that moment, the heart entered the deep sea, and was also in the black hole, twisted, convulsed, sharpened, and endless pain…like the unshakable relationship in this bloodline, there has been a thread of life ever since Apex.


Who kowtows heavily behind him in the mud and water, moonlight in all directions?

“Brother may not be able to go back in this life…”

Who trembles in a low voice behind him, his words with blood and sadness?

Why is this happening? Why does it come true?

Is it unintentional words, a premonition at the end of life, or a strange prophecy that suddenly came out when I was hiding outside the window and heard about the danger of Rakshasa?

He closed his eyes and wondered why the water on his face never flowed out, and why his eyes, which had dried up for more than 20 years, were so humid today as if they were soaked in sea foam. It seemed to be like this forever, endless Stop the dampness.

At the last moment, that person pushed away the last two words left in his life before pushing him away.

“The Yan Family.”


The body of King Jiao was finally taken up.

Many years ago, it harmed the entire Fufeng sea area and caused countless deaths. The fierce beast that even the gale could not really solve has finally disappeared from this world.

The King Jiao is a treasure. The inner alchemy is as big as a baby’s head. The bones, blood, and oil are not treasures. Meng Fuyao ordered people to take out the flesh, muscles and bones. The huge skin did not move at all, and was deeply buried. Rakshasa Island.

It’s a pity that Yao Xun repeatedly stopped his feet and said that the scorpion skin was used to make armor. It was a rare protective armor in the world. It was so big that it could equip a hundred-man top guard, and its value is already incalculable.

When he said that, Meng Fuyao was silent, and he didn’t show any fascinating expressions—Yan Jingchen’s body could not be found in the end, or could not be found at all. It must have been with King Jiao in the last squeeze. Physically together, how could she use the skin of King Jiao to make leather armor? How did she know which piece of scale armor had his flesh and blood and wreckage? How could she let his last body be attached, washed, tanned, and sewn leather armor?

How about priceless? What about desperate hunting? Some things can be ignored without value.

A new tomb was erected on Rakshasa Island, but it was actually just a burial mound. The little Hou Ye of the Yan family in Shangyuan wrote his exile at sea as eternity. There will be no more day to return to his hometown in this life.

Meng Fuyao repaired the tomb to the best of its ability, and hired locals to guard the tomb for many years. The blue light in front of the tomb was always bright to illuminate the way back for the wanderers who were wandering overseas and unable to return home.

Yun Hen’s leg was pierced by Jiao Claws that day. In order not to leave him with any sequelae, Meng Fuyao ordered him to recuperate on the shore. Yun Hen often sat in front of Yan Jingchen’s tomb, pulling out the chaotic long grass. Sitting in the shade of the sun is a long time.

The ancient country that had sunk for a long time under the Raksha Sea was also unwittingly found. It was at the end of the black hole where the King Jiao was dying. The last shock shattered the short mountain that had hidden the ancient country. The mysterious and splendid civilization of the ancient country thousands of years ago.

Perhaps the Jiao, who has not known how long he has lived, has always been the guardian **** of the ancient country. After thousands of years of guardianship, he has never forgotten his life’s mission at the moment of death.


Everyone is born with a mission.

Meng Fuyao will never forget his ultimate goal.

After recovering, she opened the gale box. At first, she was worried that the contents would be rotten after soaking for so many years. But when she opened it, she found that it was full of thin golden pages with deep engraved writings. Does not rot.

There is a brand new set of exercises in it, which is similar to “Po Jiuxiao”, but it feels simpler and higher. Meng Fuyao thought about it for a while and felt that he used martial arts when he met Gale. It is not the exercise method on this golden page, so the origin of this martial arts is really worth questioning.

Since there is no conflict, then it is natural to practice. Meng Fuyao sets out to practice new martial arts, and he always confirms with his own martial arts. He always feels like different branches of the same source, and even “Bro Jiu Xiao” is not the main source. As for where these two martial arts belong, it seems that I can only wait to meet that old Taoist priest in his own family.

The last page of the Golden Page is very weird. It’s not that there is no handwriting in martial arts, but some strange lines, which look like abstract paintings. The windy things are definitely not useless. She carefully put them away.

She also used a part of Jiaowang’s inner alchemy, and the rest was hidden. She always felt that it was a pity that she had eaten like this. She had the opportunity to ask Zong Yue how to use the most appropriate one. She remembered Zong Yue was a very awkward fork. For the Mongolian doctor, Jiaowang’s inner alchemy is indeed not comparable to anything ordinary. With her martial arts, it took a full half a month to absorb almost.

On the fifteenth day, at the beginning of the morning, a pale mist enveloped the islands. The closed-door Meng Fuyao slowly opened his eyes in a cave on Rakshasa Island.

The redness in her eyes has faded slightly, but it still hasn’t disappeared completely, but her vision is clearer than before, and it’s obviously getting better.

But it’s not this.

As soon as she opened her eyes, she actually looked into her body.

She saw in her dantian, Zhen Qi was spinning silently with a strange and slow melody, and the center of the rotation glowed with a white pearl-like luster, gradually condensing into a small center, like a cloud of inner core, driving The true power of the meridians throughout the body is flowing, and the place it passes is no longer surging, but the sea is endless.

The dantian rays of light rise and fall with her breathing, shining bursts of light, shining the entire internal organs, wherever the rays of light reach, the flesh and blood of the meridians that have been polished are more and more solid, like jade as strong.

She has not regained her eyesight, but has activated the “inner vision” ability. Her facial features and her whole body touch have been mobilized to the highest level that human resources can almost reach.

At this moment, she heard a black-winged gull flying across the water in the sea breeze hundreds of miles away and picking up a silver fish.

At this moment, she “sees” that a grasshopper about fifty feet away has just jumped over a mother-in-law daisy.

At this moment, she heard that a fisherman on the other side of the island accidentally put an extra spoonful of sauce while cooking fish.

At this moment, she felt a strange smell permeating the whole island. The low crying on all sides sounded almost as loud as the sea waves. The smell rolled over her nose, and she immediately remembered what it was.

All the feelings are doubled open, the body and the heaven, earth, mountains, rivers and air can naturally seem to be integrated at any time, and they can blend in, dissolve, use, and circle silently.

The ninth floor of “Broken Nine Heavens”, “Tiantong”!

So far, success.

Meng Fuyao stood up.

As soon as I stood, my body was fluttering. Under the light and round infuriating energy, I almost hit the top of the cave, who had not yet adapted to this improvement.

She took a breath, lowered the bottom of the hole, retracted her infuriating energy, and turned off the particularly sensitive sensation-so sensitive that the sound of footsteps rushing in the distance sounded like thunder.

She sank in the darkness in the cave, and she was done, without joy.

More than ten years ago, the conversation in the valley somewhere in Taiyuan suddenly floated through my ears.

“Practicing “Break the Nine Heavens”, the ultimate suffering of life, that suffering includes not only physical suffering, but also all betrayal, contradictions, embarrassment, destruction, self-blame, regret, cruelty, choice, separation, grievances, love and hate, Death…all the negative mental suffering, do you think you can make it?”


The five-year-old is so frivolous, thinking that there are no people and things that cannot be surrendered in his life. However, after many years of vicissitudes, he realized that the phrase “can” is more important than a thousand times, and almost overwhelmed her countless times. Where she fell, Meng Fuyao had long since become ashes.

She picked herself up and put it together along the way, and barely got back to the original shape before moving on.

There are also those people who have paid for her, who accompany her along the way, picking up the scattered her and putting them together, not hesitating to devote time and energy to martial arts and even…life.

How miserable she was, but how lucky she was.

Meng Fuyao raised his head, and through the gap between the big rocks at the entrance of the cave, he saw the cloud marks sitting in front of Yan Jingchen’s tomb practicing martial arts. There was a wave of guilt in his heart. He was busy practicing martial arts, but he forgot about it. Actually, Yan Jing Chen’s death, he was the most injured. In any case, that was his brother, the only person in the Yan family who expressed warmth to him.

She touched the golden page of Gale and prepared to give this to Yunhen. “Bao Jiuxiao” is an old Taoist martial arts that cannot be passed on to outsiders without his approval. The golden page does not matter. Yunhen counts as half of her. Junior brother, but because it was too late to learn, although the top martial arts is difficult to peak, his experience is also the worst of all her friends, she hopes that the things left by the wind can help him.

The sound of footsteps in the distance has come to the front. It is Yao Xun, who first said something to Yun Hen, and then rushed over and banged the rocks at the entrance of her cave.

Meng Fuyao pushed the stone away with one finger and asked: “What’s wrong?”

“There is a plague on the island, we must leave as soon as possible…” Yao Xun ran out of breath. “There was a strange illness a few days ago. We were afraid to disturb you and did not dare to tell you. Today is getting worse. People A lot of death…”

Meng Fuyao frowned, thinking of the smell he had just smelled, it was a strong lifelessness, it seemed that something was really wrong on the island.

“It seems that Rakshasa Island is not the only one.” Yun Hen came over, “Many islands on the Fufeng Sea have people sick and many people have died.”

“Do these islanders interact with each other?”

“No.” Yao Xun said, “It is the pirates who will stay on the islands.”

Meng Fuyao stood there thinking for a while, faintly felt something was wrong, is it really a plague? The islands are scattered on the sea, and the distance is very long. Where can they all get the same disease so easily? But now it’s stupid to ask all the pirates for questioning. Who knows which link is the problem? Who knows if it is the Viking pirate problem?

“Which coastal city is the closest to Luosha Island?” Meng Fuyao asked.

“It is Jiaocheng, Taer’s sphere of influence,” Yao Xun replied, “Fufeng Ohai Line is involved in the three clans of Fufeng.”

“Go to Jiaocheng and buy the strongest ship in Jiaocheng. I will go out from Jiaocheng to the Extremis Sea Valley.” Meng Fuyao raised his leg and left.

“Ah…” Yao Xun couldn’t react to Meng Fuyao’s decision, “Isn’t you a sea king?”

“I’m not the emperor, let alone the overlord of the sea?” Meng Fuyao looked back and smiled, “I will leave a part of the treasures of the ancient country under the sea, enough for those pirates to survive three lifetimes, and ask them to wash their hands in the golden basin and stop doing this licking. For a **** business, find an island and enjoy your blessing. It can be regarded as a reward with me.”

“It’s a pity that the Viking pirates are so famous…” Yao Xun muttered behind her.

“It doesn’t matter if you have a big name, but the important thing is to live well.” Meng Fuyao smiled negatively, “Follow me again, maybe you will die without any left.”

She looked at the thick clouds billowing from the sky, her eyes showing the dark color of the thick clouds.


At the end of the tenth year of the Fufeng Tal Daguangming Dynasty, a large ship quietly berthed in the harbor of Jiaocheng. Several young men alighted from the ship and entered the harbour pier silently.

“There are not many people in this harbor.” Meng Fuyao frowned as he looked around at the sparse crowd. “I think there are many people on all piers.”

Yao Xun was already familiar with it and ran to the side to inquire, and returned after a long while, with a look on his face that was struck by lightning.

“What’s wrong?”

“It’s still fighting, and many people have been recruited…” Yao Xun was sluggish, “It’s a chaotic battle…”


“It was originally a stalemate. Taer and Shao Dang joined forces to deal with Faqiang. At that time you suddenly disappeared. All the people who helped Princess Ya ran away. Faqiang almost failed a few times. Who knows somehow, Dahan The emperor suddenly said that the Taer saint had infiltrated his family’s Hanwang’s Changhan Mountain fief for no reason, and entered the forbidden area in the heart of the Changhan Mountain. He regarded this as the greatest insult and challenge to Dahan, and immediately confronted the Fufeng Taer. Declaring war, regardless of whether he was separated by a Dawan or a Qiang between Dahan and the Taer, he directly sent his troops northward and joined the melee of the three races…My God…”

“What does Dawan mean?”

“Open up the land and borrow roads, and borrow 30,000 soldiers to demonstrate—because your Royal Highness King Han is also your Majesty Dawan, sending troops to cheer is a trivial matter. The key lies in this attitude. Taer is now flustered and many They all gathered in front of the Saintess’s Palace to pray and pray, hoping that the war will be over soon and Thar’s peace will be restored.”

Meng Fuyao was silent, thinking what was going on, Zhan Beiye couldn’t find himself, so he just started a fight? Although he has a fierce temperament, he is actually well versed in politics. It’s not like a person who can’t find anyone and then irritates for no reason, and he does not hesitate to travel across other countries to fight. Why did he seek out the Taer? Is it to help Zhuzhu or is there another secret? Feiyan really sneaked into the fief of Changhan? What is she doing there? And what is the connection between this incident and her experience in Fufeng?

These many questions are entangled together, floating in her chaotic brain, and disturbing her a little headache. She originally realized that because of Yan Jingchen’s death, she planned to let go of all the grievances in Fufeng, and did not want to report the murder. The hatred of blindness and amnesia, directly bought a boat to cross the sky, and now it is like this, do you really care?

“Where is their main battlefield?”

“Emperor Dahan has broken up the burning soldiers, and the soldiers from Faqiang and Dawan are heading towards the city of Taer. At present, the main force is not far from Jiaocheng.”

Meng Fuyao let out an “um”, sat under a tree and ate dry food, took a shortbread in his hand but didn’t eat it, slowly pondering, hesitating slightly between going to the King City and leaving the Jiao City directly to the sky.

But suddenly something fell on the pie in her hand, and there was a “click” sound. Meng Fu shook his head and saw that it was a black starling eating pine nuts on top of her head. Crumbs fell on her pancake unceremoniously.

Master Yuan Bao was angry when he saw the starling-like animals, and immediately jumped out to fill up with his old fists. The starling flapped his wings and flew away, flying to another tree, squinting at Master Yuan Bao. Yang continued to eat its pine nuts.

Meng Fuyao looked funny, and was about to recall Lord Yuan Bao who was screaming, suddenly his face changed.

She stretched her hand there, turned her head slowly, and looked at the starling who was gnawing the pine nuts.



Meng Fuyao stood there, listening to the ordinary but deafening sound in an instant, his face became cold.

Sure enough, it’s you!

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