Legend of Fu Yao Chapter 13: Amazing Break

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“Hey, fell asleep?”

Meng Fuyao opened his eyes in surprise with a low and elegant voice, with a smile on his ears.

Ahead, Yuan Zhaoxuan was neat and elegant, as if he had just stepped into the palace. The rainstorm hit him and his clothes were not wet. Standing far away in the oily green, a new bright moon suddenly rose behind the cliff.

He stood so far away, and his expression was not in a hurry. It was said that it was too late to save Meng Fuyao. However, when Meng Fuyao saw him, he felt relieved for no reason. It seemed that the moment of life and death in front of him was splashing. The catastrophe is no longer worthy of panic.

Before Meng Fuyao’s smile had time to unfold, I saw Yuan Zhaoxu, who was still quiet just now, also smiled at her.

Before the smile was over, he moved suddenly.

This movement moved like thunder, like the avalanche of a snowfall from Yushan, a bright rushing and rolling over, stirring the night and rain into a magnificent and violent, and the grass and leaves on the ground were driven by this incomparable vigor. , Judu hulala uprooted and stood upright into a wall, flying towards the direction of the giant net cover.

Yuan Zhaoxuan’s body was almost flying close to the ground, and he flashed in front of Meng Fuyao instantly. He stretched out his hand and brought down Meng Fuyao, holding her body with one hand and continuing to fly forward against the ground, while the other hand rolled his sleeves. The magnificent violent wind broke the “grass wall”, and the long grass branches mixed with his innocence were like countless darts and small arrows, whizzing and rotating towards the giant net, only listening to the endless sound of the small impact, and the giant The net was cut to pieces by those blades of blades of grass.

When the last point of the giant net with the gloomy light fell, it just fell on the heel of Yuan Zhaoxu’s boots, behind him, it was instantly driven into the mud silently by the rain.

Smiling, Yuan Zhao raised his arms calmly and looked at the woman under him.

“Seeing me, how do you feel?”


How do you feel?

Meng Fuyao blinked and looked up.

The condescending Yuan Zhaoxu, his smiling eyes are deep and dark, and the divine light is clutched, intoxicating like wine.

A faint and strange fragrance diffused, even the endless rainstorm could not dilute.

Binoculars looked at each other, and there was nothing for a while. Yuan Zhaoxu stopped joking, and Meng Fuyao also forgot to ridicule each other. At this moment, the crisis has been solved, and the heavy rain has not ceased. Shrouded in Yuan Zhaoxu’s unique breath, she forgets words , I don’t know how to speak.

This person, who seems to be very far away, has been close to her since the moment he met, and in just a few hours, he rescued her twice.

Meng Fuyao didn’t even understand why he wanted to help her.

She just looked at him, a warm current surged from the bottom of her heart, and her body, which had been cold from the rain all night, seemed to suddenly become hot.

It’s just that moment of looking at each other.

There is a thin string at the bottom of my heart. This string that has been rusted for many years because of the indifference of people’s heart due to wind and frost, because that person’s abandonment wants to break the string, suddenly at this moment of eye contact, in this noisy wind and rain and In the silence of the hug, they were gently rang and continued, making a subtle but thrilling trill.

As if hearing thunder in a silent place.

Meng Fuyao trembled.

Her fingers suddenly squeezed the damp ground, those unknown grasses with spikes poked into the fingers, and the white fingertips immediately rolled out large and round blood beads, which were instantly washed away by the rain and immersed in Mucous mud.

Meng Fuyao inhaled, and the tingling of her fingers made her eyes clear instantly, and she shrank subconsciously. Just halfway through this action, Yuan Zhaoxuan, who had been staring at her, suddenly dropped her eyes and stretched out her hand. Picking up her, Yizhan has already flown out.

Meng Fuyao turned his head in his arms in amazement, Yuan Zhaoxuan already smiled, “Do you want to dedicate yourself to me here? But I’m afraid of catching cold.”

He smiled lightly in his tone. Meng Fuyao couldn’t see his expression from the angle. Seeing that he was not strange, he felt relieved, but for some reason, listening to his indifferent tone, suddenly a touch of melancholy appeared.

With a sound from the bottom of my heart, Meng Fuyao scolded himself Qiong Yao secretly. What are you doing? He is an veteran with a mental age of nearly 40, still playing tangled?

She turned her head, wanting to get out of Yuan Zhaoxuan’s arms, she didn’t want Yuan Zhaoxuan to press her finger to press her down, and said in a low voice, “Don’t move.”

Before the voice fell, countless black figures suddenly appeared five feet ahead, holding a bow and shooting arrows in the rain, waiting in a serious array. One person saw the figure from a distance, and immediately blasted the empty string, and there was a long buzzing sound, like a firework. Amidst the lightning, a cluster of trees suddenly fell to the ground, revealing a clearing. Behind the clearing are more than ten trees. The upper half is shaded and verdant, but the lower half is stripped away, revealing the miserable white body of the tree. .

Looking at the arrangement of the trees, Meng Fuyao immediately remembered the five-element white wood array mentioned by the dead old Taoist. He was trying to make Yuan Zhao be careful, but saw him stop, one foot, and face straight. The heart fluttered past.

Yuan Zhao praised the high level of light work, only seen in Meng Fuyao’s life, holding a person still not touching the ground, light as nothing, so fast that Meng Fuyao could not stop him, and he was in front of him in a blink of an eye.

Meng Fu shook his heart and had to close his eyes, silently calculate where he was, and according to what he had learned, he planned to destroy the tree three steps on the left. Then, the five elements and white woods are endlessly changed. The door and death door alternated in an instant, and she had only a 50% chance of escaping from the big formation might be hit by the hidden arrows and giant woods, but anyway, it was better than Yuan Zhaoxu going straight to the death road.

Just about to move, Yuan Zhaoxuan suddenly kicked his feet, and Shengsheng kicked off the giant tree in the front of the eye. The huge tree rose from the ground and flew straight away. There was a whistling sound. There was a rolling sound and a soft buzzing sound, as if a cluster of bees flew up suddenly from the ground, or the piled leaves were rolled up by a hurricane, and the black pressure rolled in an instant.

It is a dagger buried in the ground. It is black and iron. It pierced the air in the rain and shards of cement. It ran across the trees, hitting trees at various angles, and then bounced back by the force of the impact. Changing direction, the previous moment toward the eyes toward the chest, the previous moment toward the back of the heart toward the heavenly spirit, ever-changing, there is no way to escape.

Yuan Zhaoxu ignored the compelling killing at all. His robe flew through the air, like a gust of gale, and the clouds floated, or the electric light flickered in the clouds and mist, in the dark. In the firmament, the breeze rises again and again, and wherever it passes, the wind is like an invisible knife, and the knives break into the tree of hugs. You can see the endless rumbling sound between the sleeves of the sleeves. Every shot must be broken. He pierced between the blade of light and the giant tree, as fast as lightning and as light as a feather, flashing through the smallest gaps when there was no room for hair. He clearly responded to the most frantic and irregular attacks, but his movements were It is as precise and delicate as if it has been calculated countless times beforehand.

Like a fairy with great supernatural powers, with rivers as threads and strong electricity as needles, on the brocade of the seas and eight wastes with complex layout, a picture of the lost track is densely embroidered.

The giant trees are falling down one by one, seemingly disorganized, but each tree breaks at a slightly different location, one is higher than the other, and the strength changes so that each tree When they fell, they all happened to stand on the previous tree, and they fell down like a domino, and no tree fell to the ground. In the end, all the trees fell into a undulating mountain shape. Those daggers that were shot randomly were also blocked by the trees that fell at different angles, and all fell into the ground.

Taking a breath of air, Meng Fuyao could hardly breathe. She knew how to break the formation, but she never thought that someone in this world could break the formation like this. This method of breaking the formation with the full use of strength, How accurate and terrifying calculations are needed. The many trees, the countless flying knives and the angle changes of each flying knives must be calculated to the point of subtlety, so that they can all fall unharmed. Such calculations, Meng Fuyao I feel that even modern computers will only take a few seconds, let alone Yuan Zhaoxu, who is in a big battle, facing a fierce attack of lore?

Here, is this still a human?

The huge tree fell, the dagger fell off, Yuan Zhaoyu’s sleeves flicked, and he flew straight up with Meng Fuyao, walking in the void like flying clouds, and stepped onto the top of the tallest tree in one step. Large swaths of rain were provoked by the infuriating spirit flowing all over his body, and his posture flying across the sky seemed like a man in a fairy.

Based on the height of the canopy and the green leaves under his feet, Yuan Zhao smiled with his hands and Shi Shiran looked at the group of ambushers who were still bowed in their hands and arrows. Those people were stiff with their previous actions. In the same place, looking at the god-like figure on the treetop with his mouth wide open in dismay, watching him wave his hands in an instant, destroying the white wood array that the owner has carefully arranged for years that no one can break; He understates, using one of the most bizarre and unbelievable methods to break through the formation, watching him stay in the dust, entering and leaving the fierce killer formation as if entering no one, and the figure standing on the tree crown is scattered and dazzling for a while. Fear is like seeing the gods, wherever you remember to shoot arrows.

Yuan Zhaoxu seemed to be smiling but not smiling. He raised his sleeves and threw his sleeves. The people underneath jumped away, but they saw nothing. After hearing a long laugh in the air, two dark shadows shot away like a shock. A black rain line was drawn in the rain curtain, wherever it passed, the leaves flew away, and the trees separated to each other. The soil on the ground was rolled up by the soft and huge real power, and it splashed all around. The sound continued, the arrows broke and the ground cracked, and the fire extinguished. The remaining black water, loess, and turquoise fires after the white wood array were all destroyed in an instant.

The chain mechanism that was broken in four bursts shot randomly, immediately shooting a lot of Xuanyuan sword guards to death, and the crowd scattered even more chaotically in the exclamation.

Running too fast and the wind was violent, Meng Fuyao reluctantly probed from Yuan Zhaoxuan’s arms, and it was a pity that she looked at the impossibly large array. She also knew how to break the law, but because the person above her head was too sturdy , A hero is always useless, she played with Yuan Zhaoxun’s clothes boringly, and then sighed boringly.

Hearing Yuan Zhaoxuan’s voice whispered above his head, his chest vibrated slightly when he spoke, and it hit her cheek that was pressed against his chest. The hot temperature of the touch gradually spread to his body, warm She had to make her drowsy, who had been exhausted all night.

“…This formation is too shabby, let’s try another way to escape…”

Okay, run away, drag you together.

Meng Fuyao closed his eyes and fell asleep.

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