Legend of Fu Yao Chapter 11: Zhengyi streaking

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Xuanji Tiancheng thirty years, February 28th, night.

On the plain at the foot of a mountain thirty miles away from Guanyuan, there were bonfires and hundreds of tents were erected. Purple silk spikes floated on the top of the tents, indicating that it was the purple cloak of the Imperial Special Institution.

A large number of purple cloaks evacuated from Guanyuan County, and the batch of purple cloaks who had been waiting for many days in Donglan Mountain, and knew that they had been deceived, merged with the group of purple cloaks that had been deceived. According to the order of the emperor, they were preparing to go to Shangfeng Mansion. When passing through a town and preparing to rest, they found that a villager with a blue complexion was lifted out and lifted to the nearby mountain. When asked, someone in the village was suffering from a strange disease, and many people died. The purple cloaks looked at the house, White rice ward off evil spirits, the purple cloaks have long been left behind by Guanyuan’s encounters. Wherever they dare to live, they always pay attention to enjoyment. The purple cloaks that sleep in the best bed wherever they go are finally a rare camping in a century. Once.

Purple cape camped on the back of the mountains and waters. This spring night, the mountains are beautiful, the flowers are swaying, and the scenery is very good. It is a pity that the uncles who were frightened in Guanyuan just now have no intention to appreciate it. After arranging the night watchers, they plunged into the tent to sleep early. .

The stars are sparsely scattered on the tent, extending from the tent closest to the mountain wall up to the top of the mountain wall, sitting with men and women with windy sleeves.

The woman hung her feet on the cliff high, propped her hands behind her back, looked up at the stars and moon in the sky, and let out a long breath.

“Holding for so many days, suffering, enduring anger, being beaten, going to jail, and finally turned over. Auntie must kill you colorfully today and beat you up.”

The man tilted his head, and the sparse starlight poured into his eyes. He couldn’t tell which one was brighter. He smiled softly, just reached out and took up the woman’s long hair that was falling back, and said: “Don’t use too much force. I have to spare some strength to deal with the good show in Tongcheng.”

“Of course.” Meng Fuyao curled his lips. “The perverted thing like the purple cloak is just a microcosm of the entire Xuanji dynasty. It grew out of the rotten mud of this **** dynasty, instead of relying on humans to slowly dig it out. , It’s better to change the whole soil, to change it upside down and generous.”

She picked up two small bags and said triumphantly: “Zong Yue is really a good boy. As soon as I heard that we were missing in Xuanji, I knew there was something to do, so I actually gave him all of the Guangde branch. I sent a pack of good things, and even thought that I might take the medicine and get lost. It’s not in vain that I worked hard for him, even the queen did it.”

She said happily, but the grandson Wuji next to her calmly said: “I’m at this, and I will have a good talk with him one day.”

Meng Fuyao fell silent immediately, rolled his eyes, and quickly turned away from the subject, and said to Lord Yuan Bao who was sitting seriously beside him: “Mouse, are you ready?”

Master Yuan Bao nodded his head bitterly and bitterly-Master Yuan Bao, who travels freely in the seven countries, is now full of hatred for Xuanji. In this **** country, it is in this **** country. The rat hole, being caught in the hand and pinched, is really a serious insult that rat life has never seen before. This is unbearable, drilling a hole is bearable, and being touched is unbearable!

This hatred is not a good rat!

“Go.” Meng Fuyao put his hand on the rat’s forehead, holy and kindly said: “Where there is light, there is darkness, darkness calls for light, and light also calls for darkness. You are a beautiful boy in sailor suit of love and justice. Warrior, you have to represent the moon and destroy them!”

“Go and take off those who offend you, take off your pants!”

Wearing a black sailor suit and an assassin’s black scarf, Master Yuan Bao immediately enthusiastically, quickly, and with blood boiling, picked up the two small cloth bags and crawled down the mountain wall.

The little black ball, chuckled like a black line, sank into the darkness, and then rushed into the tents silently, clutching his nose amidst those snoring noises, clutching the powder in the little red pocket on his back, Sprinkled it on the mattress, rushed to the corner of the tent, grabbed the powder in the small green bag, and sprinkled a little in the incense burner of the burning anti-snake incense.

Red is bristle powder, green is frightening incense, when bristle powder meets frightening incense, *.

Powerful effect, fragrant smell, little bit of everything, and sleepless night.

Lord Yuanbao spreads a lot in the tents with gold thread on the purple base-the purple cloak is strictly hierarchical, and the clothes of different levels are very different. It is extremely easy to identify. The gold thread is the team level. of.

The pocket on his back was soon empty, Master Yuan Bao didn’t leave, just squatted down in the bushes, his eyes were bright, wait.

There are two others beside it, waiting with bright eyes. One of them yawned lowly and said: “Thank you, Xiongtai, let me borrow a fire.”

The other one gave him a big white eyeball.

After a while, there was a commotion in the tent.

The purple cloaks who slept well suddenly felt hot, and involuntarily tossed and turned on the floor in a dazed manner. They covered the bristles on their bodies. They became more itchy and difficult. They got up and scratched desperately, causing dander. The dander flew out, and the people who were squeezed to sleep next to each other were itchy again.

So they all got up and scratched. The more they scratched, the more flustered and the more uncomfortable the scratches became. The skin oozes blood and itchy, but it seems that the itching is in the bottom of my heart, and the blood is everywhere. After peeling and scratching, I felt happy, and my heart throbbed again. The itch was urged by the hard work, making it more difficult.

The little tent couldn’t stay any longer, feeling dull and unbearable. He raised the tent and rushed out, only to find that the tents on all sides were rushing out, including the officer.

Everyone was scratching randomly. The purple cloaks that hadn’t been sleeping for a long time were unsure whether the skin was not suitable for grass seeds, so they pulled each other’s clothes to look at each other. Most of the itching was in the lower body, took off their pants, and looked at the skin under the moonlight. The last red marks were all scratched by oneself, but there was nothing unusual.

“Hey! Itchy! Itchy!” Suddenly someone was making noise in the shadow of the tent, doing the action of taking off his pants, “Recently it has been raining and humid, and it feels uncomfortable to wear this clothes for a few days. I took it off!”

Everyone was itching, irritable and flustered. When they heard this, they suddenly felt that the clothes were the fault. While scolding the boss for unscrupulous sleep and not allowed to take off his clothes, they took off naked, and immediately felt that the cool breeze was blowing, cool!

Under the moonlight, they looked at each other’s bodies, and they all laughed. They felt that when people took off their clothes, their faces seemed to be suddenly unfamiliar. They looked at them and became interested again. They compared each other’s size and laughed.

A group of naked men in the camp was making a lot of trouble, so the captains of all levels came out to stop them, calling for people to return to the tent to be careful, everyone smiled, sparsely responded, but did not move.

The leader of this batch of purple capes is a team captain. The purple capes total 20,000 people. There are 20 teams, each team is 2,000. Under the team is a team, each team is 500, and each team is divided into groups. Fifty, in addition to the chief and deputy chiefs, the following are the team leader, team leader, and team leader. Originally, 10,000 people in the purple cape were in Tongcheng, Beijing, and 10,000 people were stationed in various capitals. However, since the emperor has served as an inspector in the middle road, Zi The cloak was mobilized, and now there are about 13,000 people flexibly used at hand. The captain temporarily took these three thousand people, two of them were direct lines, and another thousand belonged to other teams, so he The control is slightly insufficient-when the boss also grabs the **** and gives orders to the subordinates, the deterrence of the order is really very limited.

Grabbing for a while, squatting at the door of the tent to discuss whether it is moisture, the first person who took off his pants in the shadow of the tent said again: “Moisture, there are herbs on the mountain that can be cured. Just apply the juice. That thing is everywhere in the mountains. The grass is dark green, with hook teeth and spike-like whiskers on the top. You can recognize it at a glance.”

As soon as the voice fell, someone yelled in the grass halfway up the mountain: “Hey! What are you still scratching? The herbs on the mountain, I don’t feel itchy anymore!”

With a boom, the purple cloaks without cloaks all ran naked…

Under the stars, countless naked naked men shook their legs and ran wildly, like a tail fish scrambling to jump into the dark green shade of the sea. Those dangling yellow, yellow, white and white quickly merged into the mountain from all directions, sinking into the gray and black. Cliffs and dark woods.

“Come back! Come back! Don’t go into the forest at night!” The purple cape leaders felt bad, and ran out of the tent, shouting to stop them.

However, the itch-crazy subordinates were desperately trying to get rid of the itch. They just didn’t hear them. They had already moved far away. The leaders had no choice but to grab their buttocks and stick their heads out of the tent, shouting: Some come back, for the big guys to use–“

The shouts drifted to the top of the cliff. A woman on the cliff looked down at the white dots, squinting her eyes and sighing: “It’s magnificent!”

He said: “It’s a rare wonder in a century.”

Changsun Wuji stood up and said: “Tiecheng and Zhong Yi sang together, finally catching the people up the mountain, where they will be cleaned up first, and then it’s your business…the moon is black and the wind is high, Zhengyi runs naked. “

Meng Fuyao smiled, “It’s dry and dry, suitable for murder.”


The lights in the main account are shining, and the captain in the purple cape is scratching in the tent. While scratching, he is thinking about the weirdness of tonight. From the outbreak of the town, I have been thinking of the inexplicable itching of the whole team tonight. The more I think about it, the more things are wrong, Huo Di Stand up and call someone.

Call back all! Even if you kill a few disobedient!

He put on his clothes and pants in a hurry, just about to order the soldiers to call people, suddenly the tent curtain was lifted, and a person in purple clothes came in with a fluttering smile, and said: “The team does not need to call, it is coming down.”

The person smiled lightly, and came over slowly without any rush. The captain stared at him and suddenly felt a chill in his heart. He was also very sensitive and knowledgeable, and immediately understood that this person shouldn’t work hard, hurry up Move backwards.


The very slight sound of cutting the flesh of the blade, he has heard this sound countless times in the life of the murderous purple cape captain, but the difference this time is that this time is his own.

After that, my heart is cold, and the cold gives rise to heat. The cold is other people’s knives, and the hot is my own blood.

The captain turned his head back hard, and saw the delicate young man in black clothes in his swaying dim vision, pointing forward with a sharp smile, and he himself, hanging on the knife.

The young man raised his arm straight and flat, and didn’t move. It seemed that he had waited there with the knife from the beginning, and then easily waited until he slid back and raised the tip of his knife.

The captain knew that it was not the case at all.

He can climb to the position of captain step by step in the purple cloak of the weak and the strong, how can he be mediocre? The instinct he had trained through countless blood battles allowed him to perceive the enemies and murderous auras within ten feet of him around him. However, just now, not only did he not know how the man in purple came in, but he didn’t even feel someone behind him when he retreated.

These two people… just kill a hundred purple cloaks to attract people they are looking for day and night, right?

Suddenly before he died, he was sane and clear, and he clearly felt that the young man slowly drew his knife, blowing his blood on his knife carelessly on his face, and said: “This posture is really handsome. From now on I will call Meng Blow blood. .”


So… it was her.

The captain wanted to open his mouth, yell, and tell his Shangfeng that he finally knew who the master was. Unfortunately, Meng Chuuxue would not give him another second chance to struggle.

His last consciousness was a mass of black, black, white and white things, suddenly came over, and his **** plugged his mouth.


In the smaller captain’s tent on the side of the main tent, several captains were scratching and discussing the current situation. They didn’t feel the killing that happened next door. In fact, the next door was still a little bit moving. No.

“It’s ramming like a fly without its head, and now I don’t even know who the other party is!”

“Guanyuan, my brothers died inexplicably!”

“The enemy is in the dark, I am in the dark, I will suffer!”

“Don’t complain, we are pretty good here. I heard that the brothers from Shangfeng who cooperated with Tiewei suffered countless losses. Those black dogs are vicious!”

“His Royal Highness doesn’t know what to think, but he will cooperate with the third prince.”

“Don’t talk about national affairs, don’t talk about national affairs, the things above are not what we guessed!”

The tent fell silent. The Xuanji imperial power struggle is something everyone knows, but it is also something everyone knows is absolutely inaccessible. It is said that every Xuanji imperial dispute is a monstrous one. Shocking slaughter, the current emperor was killed in the conspiracy of the conspiracy, and now he carries forward the glorious tradition of the Xuanji imperial family and uses this trick on his own next generation.

Obviously, we are about to establish a heroine, and we are still delegating power to the princes and princes. The most competitive eleven princes and the three princes seem to be exiled, but they are allowed to occupy the three realms of north, middle and south. No one can figure out what medicine your majesty sells in the gourd, and dare not figure it out.

In a silence, someone murmured: “Strange, it’s been so long since I took a medicine.”

“It’s dark and you can’t see it clearly.” Someone laughed, “Don’t mention this. If you don’t mention it, I don’t feel it. The more itchy I am.”

“I will scratch you.”

“Who wants you to scratch, clumsy–” The captain suddenly froze in the middle of speaking.

This voice… strange!

As soon as he looked up and saw that the captains on all sides were frozen there, and the lights were white as puppets, he moved his eyes sluggishly, and turned his head to look, but somehow his head couldn’t move, and he barely lifted up. With a glance, the man in the light purple shirt smiled and hugged his chest, leaning against the tent door. The young man in the dark shirt was striding over.

There was blood on the tip of his knife, and the big drops rolled down with the steps. Those sticky blood rubbed his body’s pale jade-colored innocence and fell, and his eyes shone brightly under the light.

He walked over, and as the pace approached, several captains felt suddenly relieved of pressure.

They looked at each other, and leaped up to the top of the tent with all their strength.

Run away!

Several people are not weak in martial arts, and they have jumped to the top of the tent in an instant, and they have broken through the cowhide tent with a “chuck”, and their heads got out of the tent.

Immediately they all felt that their bodies suddenly lightened.

It’s really light, and suddenly I lose half of my body’s weight, including the heaviest soul.

The six heads popping up on the tent are frozen. The six faces look at the top of the tent in a hexagonal shape in the moonlight under the stars, and they all see the pale and pale blue gradually appearing on the other’s face, and the eyeballs. Condensation one by one until the divine light dissipates.

Under the tent, Meng Fu shook his sword and muttered to the remaining six and a half: “This is good, save trouble.”

I looked up again and knocked on the upper half.

“999 Piyanping, quickly relieves itching, and is available at home. Does your home have it?”


On the mountain, the bare-bottomed purple cloaks are still looking for it. Some people are searching in the crevices of the stone, and they can’t help but mumble: “Hey, there’s no such kind of grass.”

A person next to him, pouting his **** and looking for him, suddenly grabbed a piece of grass and said: “Do you think this is it?”

The purple cloak leaned over, squinted hesitantly, and suddenly found New World astonished: “Hey, why are you wearing clothes?”

The man showed him a brilliant and beautiful smile, reached out and patted him on the shoulder, slapped a knife into his chest, and said with a cute smile:

“You are mistaken, everyone should wear clothes, only animals should not wear them.”


Behind a bush on the mountain path, a pool of water lies bright and bright, and the jade is generally pure. At first glance, you can see that it is absolutely original ecology without pollution and can be directly bottled for drinking.

Some people are itchy and irritating, and they can’t help but shine brightly in front of this pool of water. They feel that the cool water is really confusing, so they immediately call their friends to come, and do not have to take off their clothes, and plop into the water. , Shouted when he jumped in: “Okay! Comfortable!”

“Take a bento in a bath, so it’s fine to soak overnight!”

“Give me a back rub.”

“Tsk tusk, why do you smell like oil on your body? Honestly confess, which half-aged **** was in Guanyuan?”

“With your mother!”

“Bah! Looking for death!”

There was a sound of water, half-truth, you came to me and me, and the purple cloaks were too tight recently, and it is rare to enjoy the fun of the mountains and wilds on weekdays. The bright moon is clear and the spring is refreshing. They were all amused, and they slapped each other happily, arousing the half-person height of crystal water.

When I patted, I suddenly felt dizzy.

Not only dizziness, but also flustered, not only flustered, but also difficult to breathe. There were bursts of white light in front of my eyes. I thought it was water but not water. I thought water was splashed in my eyes. When I rubbed it with my hand, it turned out a bright red The blood comes.

Then looked up at the other person, somehow it was blood-red, but I didn’t know if my eyes were red because of it, or the other person was so red.

Lengyue is silent, the water is clear, and the dark mountain wall is in front of a group of people standing in the water, looking at each other and rubbing out more and more blood. This scene is a bit strange no matter how you look at it.

So they all knew that there was a problem with the lake, rushing to climb to the shore, climbing faster than when jumping down, but I don’t know when there was a person on the edge of the pool, coldly pursing his lips and squatting on the edge of the pool, grabbing With an epee, shoot anyone who is climbing up.

The faster you climb, the faster you can shoot. It’s like a hamster with a toy. It’s rare that the hand is fast and the eyes are sick.

The people in the pool screamed and crawled out lifelessly from all directions. The person grabbed the sword and turned around, rushing from Tandongtou to Tanxitou, turning into a hurricane of indistinct figures. The sword was shot like wind.

Gradually, fewer people climbed up.

Gradually, there are fewer people in the pool.

Everything that should sink has sunk, and it will naturally rise when it should come up.

The man looked down, turned around his sore wrist, slammed a few sword flowers, nodded with satisfaction, and touched his chin thoughtfully and said: “The master said tonight looking at this pool of water. Keep me lightly swordsmanship, and it’s a whole body and airtight. Now it seems that it is really good.”


There are more people scattered on the mountain in groups of three or five, looking for the unnecessarily itching grass.

They might run into such a situation-a few people in gray, usually four, appear in a stupid manner, in four directions, front, back, left, and right, a subtle small formation, a few swords, piercing the heart, flicking under the moon There was a bright red rainbow, but the shadow of the rainbow had not yet dispersed, but the gray-clothed man had changed places and came again.

Some people are also careful. I went up the mountain at night for fear of encountering beasts or dangers, so I invited more people, ten or so, jokingly looking for medicinal herbs, and visiting the mountains on a moonlit night, watching the grass under the fog, is also special taste.

Someone still shook their heads and shook their heads and chanted: “There is a bright moon in the sky. Looking down at the crotch, they are all small crotches, but I have big crotches!”

There was a burst of laughter all around, and a group of people shouted together, rushed to twist him, and asked him to open his dog’s eyes to see who is the real big crotch.

A group of people rushed into a ball naked, like white cotton covers in the moonlight, they were having fun, and suddenly they felt cold somewhere.

It’s just a cold, and I haven’t had time to feel the pain.

Immediately, I saw a young man in a dark-colored shirt, smiling and looking down at them with his knees supported. The black knife in his hand was neatly carrying a dozen “big crotch”.

I heard him smile sincerely: “How can it be compared? Just cut it off and weigh it, come, come, come and judge, who is the biggest?”


On the night of February 28th in the thirtieth year of Xuanji, the night of the purple cloak was hit hard.

Following February 14, the purple cloak was attacked again, and this time the consequences were even more miserable. In the camp of a corps, six brigade and twenty corpses, seven or eight hundred purple cloaks were inexplicably colorful *Zhizi died on the back mountain of the camp, and nearly two thousand purple cloaks disappeared-some of them saw the killing that night and rushed to escape, some of them got lucky and became a slippery fish coming down from the mountain and found that the camp died in a mess, afraid Military law is engaged in escaping. Most of them didn’t go up the mountain and didn’t see the killings, but found that the leaders were dead in the early morning, and the companions did not come back. Knowing that it would be unlucky to go back like this, they simply divided up the main account and ran away. and also.

Anyway, I’ve had enough for half my life. Although the treatments in the purple cloak career are generous and free, but also because they are too hateful, they often encounter dangers. Now the leader is dead, and I don’t even know what happened. Instead of going back to the dark room like this To be tortured, it is better to wash your hands anonymously and become a rich man.

Three thousand people, every night.

If one hundred people died last time, Xuanji’s ruling party was shaken, this time it was a collective silence. The frustrated emperor was so angry that she could not speak, and kicked to death the one who came to report the bad news. team leader.

Then she immediately replaced the chieftain of the purple cape and asked the new leader to choose one of her own head and that of the enemy.

She originally lived in Duanjing, the capital of the middle road, and now she also rushed to Shangfeng Mansion in the southern border. If she wants to enter the southern border, Shangfeng is the only way to go. Tens of thousands of people are entrenched in Shangfeng, and the detective network radiates to hundreds of miles. In the inner township, it is bound to intercept the opponent at Shangfeng.

But until now, no one has really seen who the murderer is. At the beginning, the grandfather of the Li family courtyard and the town official were both alive, but the man who brought the purple cloak into the backyard with the lamp was facing Meng Fuyao. Killing, I was frightened alive, and died before I had time to say a complete sentence. The county magistrate and the township official recalled desperately, only remembering that the other party “the knife was bright, the eyes were red, and there was a lot of blood.” This testimony was uttered. He was slapped by the purple cloak.

With such a pustule, it will become more difficult to find people. It is impossible to even follow the diagrams. The Grand Emperor ordered the middle roads to prohibit the people from entering and leaving at will. Those who enter and leave the city must have a guide document and hold a Xuanji household registration document. If you need to enter the city and you must enter the city day by day if you need it, you must file it at the Yamen, and post it at the gates of the city according to the portrait of the murderer that the magistrate reluctantly put together under interrogation. This picture is bold and colorful. Chic*, his figure resembles a New Year picture Zhong Kui, and his temperament resembles a nine-day thunder god, especially his big eyes, bright red and bright, better than a light bulb.


On March 3rd of the 30th year of Xuanji Tiancheng, it was the day when the Shangfeng “Qichun” rally.

“Qichun” is one of the most important festivals of the year for the people on Xuanji Middle Road. It is held on March 3rd in the early spring of each year. It means “the spring is coming, the happiness of a year”, when the people will come in all directions. , Gathering in Shangfeng County, displaying the most beautiful handicrafts, showing the most exquisite utensils, and dancing the most unique tricks. Xuanji is famous for having more skilled craftsmen. The most like “smart”, the handicraft industry accounts for a large proportion of the national economy Therefore, during the “Spring Festival”, it has always been the biggest platform for competition among the peers. Whose thing is surprisingly successful, and has become the king of this industry since then, with a lot of money, and whose daughter’s embroidery won the jackpot, and has been worth a hundred times since then. , Every family is good.

On this day, the city gate was very lively inside and outside. The flow of people was crowded for several miles early in the morning. The officers and soldiers were busy with inquiries one by one. Seeing that the flow of people was increasing, the team became impatient with the urging and the interrogation loosened a lot. .

Several officers and soldiers guarding the east side gate, led by an old secretary, yelled profusely: “Queue in line! Don’t squeeze, don’t squeeze! Hey, return it to me! Tell me about you!” /

I was so busy that I suddenly saw a little daughter-in-law who was half-faced curly and Tingting approaching, accompanied by her in-laws and husband, carrying the burden of preparing to participate in the festival stalls, the little daughter-in-law was very pretty, exposed in the pink circle A pair of eyes outside the fan were slick, bright and gratifying, and the eyes were clear and lingering, and the young officers and soldiers were heartbroken.

But he still didn’t dare to neglect to stretch out his hand, the little daughter-in-law gently handed the road guide and the papers, but it was also complete, the officer and soldier squeezed, suddenly felt something wrong, just about to speak, the daughter-in-law leaned over , Exhaled like Lan Qiao and said with a smile: “The official…”

The apricot and yellow concentric knots on her fan hung down, soft and slippery on the back of the officers and soldiers, and the rippling touch made the officers and soldiers soft, and she suddenly forgot what she was going to say. He stretched out his hand to retrieve the paperwork, and gently scratched his fingernails in his palm. The intensity was neither light nor heavy, and the expression was half provocative and half teasing. The tone was also floating and charming, “Official man, we can go to the next level and stamp the seal of the city. Already?”

“Oh…” The officers and soldiers scratched the soul so that they were flying away. They looked at her in a vague way. They looked back and smiled at her, even the bones were lighter, how can they remember the “feeling wrong” “?

The person responsible for stamping the seal of the city is the old clerk. This is a gentleman who is also responsible. The papers have to be squeezed one by one. The old guy looks frowned and worried.

The daughter-in-law’s fragrance is soft and soft, and she handed over the quotation papers in the same way. The old secretary touched her hand and said “Huh?”, the daughter-in-law suddenly said “Oh!” When he leaned forward, the silk fan in his hand was falling in front of him.

Old Zushi’s eyes suddenly lit up.

Top embroidery!

Water-red silk satin, embroidered plain clothes, beautiful women, rolling bead curtains, frowning eyebrows, leaning against the window, looking sad at the moon, but embroidered with palms, the clothes, looks and colors are all exquisite and lifelike, even the wrinkles of the clothes Naturally and smoothly, I want to fly, and the sorrowful mood of leaning against the window and the moonlight is cool, as if in front of my eyes, there is a **** beside him. Lao Zuo doesn’t know much about writing, but he can see that the word is embroidered with bones. The breath is extraordinary, there is no ordinary embroidered character, and it complements the beautiful picture. It is actually a rare wonder that is produced in this genius…

For such a thing, how many people should be crazy about it to get it on the “Spring Festival” festival?

Old Zushi’s heart was pounding, and he remembered what he had been worrying about all the time-her daughter is eighteen years old and looks ugly. She has been in her boudoir, so many people can’t find her husband’s family. This, still worry about it?

His eyeballs stuck to the fan and couldn’t come down again. The little daughter-in-law said softly and smiled: “Oh, it’s dirty.” Flicking the fan into his hand, the old Zushi subconsciously tightened. Hold it, this hand holds the fan, and there is no time to study the guide, and no time to open her mouth to speak. The daughter-in-law’s finger pushed, and the veteran who was buried on his side did not lift her head, she covered it with her hand. With a wave.

Several people Shi Shiran in the past, each smiled, the woman smiled: “I feel sorry for me, let alone the old slave?”

The little daughter-in-law is shy, she twisted her body and pointed a little, poked “Mother-in-law” forehead, “Death!”

The “husband” jumped over, rolled his eyes, and buzzed: “Rabbit!”

“Am I easy to me?” “Little daughter-in-law” complained and said with shame: “A real woman refuses to dress up, but tells me to be a dignified man with cream and powder, even with the treasures of the famous embroidery Yunniang in my family. I gave it out, and it didn’t make you say good.”

“Okay, very good, natural actor, infinite coquettish.” Meng Fuyao’s version of “Mother-in-law” came up with a smile, admiring Zhong’s wife’s acting skills.

Daughter-in-law Zhong immediately leaned forward with musk and vomiting fragrance as if boneless, and the orchid fingers were slender, “good guy…”

The collar was suddenly grabbed by someone, and wife Zhong turned her head back and drank dissatisfiedly: “Tiecheng, don’t be so horrible every time…” She suddenly choked in the middle.

“Father-in-law” eldest son Wuji looked at him with a smile, with a gentle expression in his eyes, but clearly said: If you don’t stop, I will let Master Yuanbao wait for you day and night…

Daughter-in-law Zhong immediately thanked her, shuffled away, and murmured: “The in-laws stole the city, the daughter-in-law kicked the wall…”


The “Spring Up” festival lasts for seven days. Because of the festival, although the Great Empress and the Third Prince strictly ordered not to go out in each camp, some high-level leaders in the purple cloak and the iron guard still couldn’t help but seduce and sneak in by the bustling lights of the city. Come out, “Have fun with the people”.

Of course, this citizen is a citizen woman.

However, compared with the lawless purple cape, Tiewei’s rules are better. They usually prostitute themselves to the kiln. Since the accident in the Li’s compound, the purple cape generally does not touch the citizens. According to the rules, two families One and a half minutes, according to the two stationed locations, the south kiln belongs to the purple cloak, and the north kiln belongs to the iron guard, each fighting each other, and the water of the well does not violate the river.

The grand prince and the third prince are afraid that the two families will quarrel, and they strictly order not to be jealous, so they have been in peace.

But something went wrong today.

According to the usual practice, during the festival, famous oirans from nearby counties will usually rush over to perform in the city and develop their personal talent reputation, in order to achieve greater visibility and higher prostitution treatment. This time also Without exception, some well-known beauties came, especially with the name “Yitu Yun”-what is a Tayun? It is said that this woman has practiced a different technique, she is light and soft, and the man sleeps on her body like a soft cloud on a couch. From this, we can imagine how it feels like*!

Actually, the lower body is always more important than the upper body. The piano, chess, calligraphy and painting play with artistic conception, but when it comes to temptation, artistic conception is definitely not as good as a bed of soft clouds, so a city of talent The shuangjue oirans had to look eclipsedly at “Yi Ting Yun” and the city is the leader.

“Yitaoyun” is also different from other places. The Qixing River in the city, which runs across the north and south of Shangfeng City, is the first river in the city. On weekdays, there are some painting boats drifting on it. , Doing some skin and flesh business, now the “Yi Da Yun” is also in interest. Choosing on the Seven Stars River does not require gorgeous and grand paintings. It is an ingenious light boat carrying a red light, floating on the clear water, like a woman Feeling like a sleeping posture, in order to treat your benefactor, it is even more sultry.

The night is full of radiance, the Seven Stars River is full of brilliance, and countless people on the shore are eagerly waiting for the beauty to arrive. It is said that “Yita Yun” is not an ordinary prostitute with a little bit of red lips. It is worthy and status. With integrity, the benefactor must be selected by her.

It is said that this girl’s famous quote is:

The chicken is also human!

At the end of the night, a light boat came here in the expectation of all people, and stopped ten meters away from the shore. Looking from the weeping willows on the shore, the light boat was silent.

Everyone waited impatiently. Among them were Chengnan Kiln’s contractor Purple Cloak and Chengbei Kiln’s boss Tie Wei. The leaders on both sides looked at each other, and looked at the positions of the two sides, and turned their heads.

The small boat has been silent forever. At this moment, the soundlessness is better than the sound. Just before people are impatient, they will erupt without breaking out. The red light suddenly brightens, and suddenly there are women in plain clothes under the light.

The clothes are light and soft, and the charm is like flowing clouds.

Under the red light, the woman’s face was hazy, yet she was graceful, like a fairy Luo Shen, beautiful jade dizzy.

From everyone’s point of view, only her snow-white slender hands are held together on her belly, her posture is graceful, like a magnolia flower blooming in the morning glow.

The skirt corners are scattered, like white lotus on the water, in the cool breeze of early spring, twelve points of charm and charm are drawn.

The most beautiful figure is the sleek figure. Plain clothes and light makeup can’t conceal the feminine glamour revealed in the muscles and bones. Whether it is raised or recessed, it is beautiful and natural. It can only be painted by a top craftsman with the help of gods. Wonderful pen.

Everyone lost their breath while looking at the distant Liying.

Really…a cloud of clouds…

The woman didn’t speak, and as soon as she stood on the boat, she went into the cabin, leaving her beautiful figure, pulling her eager eyes for amazement.

In a silence, the boat became quiet again, and then the sound of a pipa suddenly appeared in the boat!

Sound energy cracks the rock and moves upward!

The pipa song suddenly broke the silver bottle, but the wind and thunder shocked the sky, piercing the confusion and chaos, and splashing agitation!

When the sound starts, the sea is surging, the five continents are romantic, the sound of cracking and the dance string shocks the heart, like the wind and thunder from all directions, the wind of the king sweeps the mountains and rivers, and there is a phoenix on the long sky, and the colorful tail feathers pass through the clouds. After the wind, the clouds, the moon, the sun rise, and the endless brilliant rays of light, the sky gradually becomes clearer and brighter, the clear sound flows and the sound is ethereal, the willow silk flutters and falls into the top of the distant mountain, and the pine waves burst into twilight. Together, the frost and the bell ring deep in the clouds and mist, who is in the middle of the moon and in the deep mountains? But the moonlight is gradually sinking, falling into the red tent and jasper boat, lingering, beautiful, soft, smart…all the lively and prosperous dreams of the red pink building.

Everyone is dreaming.

Peerless song.

I have never seen a pipa song that can blend the **** and the ethereal and the beauty so ingeniously. The transitions are naturally integrated. Regardless of the **** skills, the three turns of the different artistic conceptions of this song are already a coincidence. .

And what kind of vulgar appearance should a pipa player look like?

Everyone thought drunkenly, they all automatically substituted the plain-clothed woman into the pipa player, thinking so far, thinking that the woman was more streamlined and beautiful than the pipa, it seemed to burn a great fire in my heart. , The fire purged all the sanity, leaving only the enchanting Liying.

The pipa rests, the curtain on the boat is lifted, a little maid in Tsing Yi sticks out his head, fingertips the flower, smiles and says: “Masters, but someone would like to be with my **** this light boat, between the soft clouds ……Ripple?”

The last two words of her made the masters look wolves and tight.

The maidservant raised her hand, threw the flower up, and said with a smile: “Whoever picks this flower, whoever takes the lead.”

The magnolia blossoms floated slowly and slowly.

Dozens of figures flew up on the shore.

“Pang Papa Papa” immediately there was a collision, first with skin and flesh, then with swords and guns.

One person in the air yelled: “Hi, your grandma and grandma, why are you Tie Wei coming to join in the fun today?”

“The purple cloak with rotten eyes and sores on the bottom, I can’t come if you come!”

“This is the south of the city!”

“Who told you that Qixinghe is from the south of the city?”

“Bah! Get out!”

“Go away!”

People are falling into the water constantly, they are still picking their eyes and noses in the water. The purple cloak and the iron guard have been grudges for a long time, but due to the strict prohibition of fighting between the two masters, they are now burning with lust. The girl is bound to win, not to mention the Qixing River traverses the north and the south, who said that it is the south (north) of the city? Anyway, no one is bad rules, let’s talk about it!

The water is smashed into a ball, and the shore is still robbing endlessly. The deputy leader of the purple cape and the big leader of Iron Guard II are all here today. The two high-ranking eagle dogs with the highest martial arts are also moved today. Such a wonderful work. The beautiful lady, looking at her figure and listening to the pipa, we can see that the peerless is hard to find. How can we let it go if there is no shop in this village? Besides, even if you didn’t want to insist, how can you let it be? Once let go, where do you put the face of Purple Cloak (Iron Guard)?

Both of them have high martial arts and similar strengths. In the middle of the purple cape, a purple light flashed across the air and took the lead. The leader of Iron Guard II stepped in the air and kicked with his leg raised. Fighting a few moves, each turned over and fell, with one hand raised.

Grab each half.

The deputy leader of the purple cloak hurriedly called: “My half is older, me!”

The boat drifted a few times and moved north. The leader of Iron Guard II looked at the position of the boat, turned his head and looked at the painting building that the three princes originally divided the north and the south. Brighter than his eyes, he called: “Now the boat is in the north of the city, I!”

As soon as his voice fell, the boat floated again and floated back to the south. The leader of the purple cape looked furious and cursed: “You are blind! Shameless!”

“You bastard! Obviously I was there just now!”

“You are looking for death!”

“You are faint!”

“I have to kill you today!” Undressed.

“Tonight next year will be your old dog’s death day!” Draw his sleeves.




Except for the purple cloak and the iron guard, the rest of the people on the shore have already escaped.

The small boat dangled a few times, slashed away leisurely, and swung under the willow silk in the distance. Of course, the group of murderous people couldn’t see anything, and they couldn’t chase it.

In the boat, the woman in plain clothes sits cross-legged with a smile, pouring wine to the man sitting opposite, the wrists exposed under the sleeves of the snow-white clothes are as delicate as jade.

“I don’t want you to be good at playing the pipa, I really listen to me.”

The man reclined on the brocade mattress, his long fingers plucked the unit strings, his long eyebrows were like ink and his skin was like jade under the faint shadow of the red light. The vulgar black clothes are romantic.

He raises his eyes, his smile blooms in full swing, and there is no fascination in the elegance and quietness.

“This is the tune written for you, named “Feng Wu Fu Yao”, today I finally have the opportunity to play.”

Puck the string with a smile, and the string sounds clearer and clearer, just like the sound of a thought.

“If you like it, I will play with you every day in this life.”


On March 3rd of the thirtieth year of Xuanji Tiancheng, Xuanji’s two major supervisory forces, Purple Cape and Tiewei, were in Shangfeng City. They killed each other in spite of their superiors’ strict orders. Some people died directly in the Qixing River, and the corpse emerged only a few days later. As a result, the conflict between the purple cloak and the iron guard, which had been in disagreement but had to tolerate each other because of the boss’s control, finally broke out and exploded in a few days. After several riots, more than 10,000 people in the city started fighting, and the chaos became a pot of porridge.

The grand prince and the third prince were busy restraining each other’s subordinates, exhausted their lives, and no longer cared about the reasons for the assassination.

So some people wandered out of the city happily, leaving the mess for the princes and princes to clean up, sneaking all the way and running fast, day and night.

On March 10th, a post station in the suburbs of Beijing rushed to the Xuanji Ministry of Religion. The Ministry of rituals became a sensation, and people suddenly turned their backs.

“The Prince Wuji and King Dahanmeng suddenly appeared, and now they are escorting three thousand guards at the Changli Post in the suburbs of Beijing, please pick up!”

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