Legend of Fu Yao Chapter 10: Flee from suffering

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Meng Fuyao was in a chaotic rush, thinking about these things intermittently, and gradually felt distant.

When I arrived, these flashback thoughts were very few.

She ran around and couldn’t discern the direction. In the end, she lost her direction. She didn’t even know how long it took or how long she ran. At first she seemed to ran into a mountain somewhere, where she stayed for a few days. It’s not good yet, one night when I heard noisy voices, I suddenly felt uneasy, jumped up and ran away.

When she came out, she had no money on her body. When she heard the smell of the melon field, she rushed in, picking the melon and breaking the corn, and patted the watermelon all the way. She was sure to pick a good one.

She is very greedy to break the corn. She breaks a lot of them under her armpits like a blind bear, but she only pulls along one tree. It’s absolutely not like a blind bear who can’t break much corn but will ruin the whole area.

Some of the corn is still filling, not too ripe, and the milky syrup from the bite flows down the corners of the mouth. The taste is astringent, and the astringent taste feels a bit familiar. She stopped, holding the corn and looking up to the sky. After thinking about it for a long time, she couldn’t think of anything. She took out a medicine and took it. There was not much medicine, so she had to save it.

After eating, I thought about it again. After a long time, I vaguely heard someone say to her:

“The world is obsessed with getting, and for this reason, all the way forward, in fact get is close.”

That’s right, she praised the knot, continued to gnaw the corn, and forgot after gnawing.

Tired of gnawing corn, she wanted to eat meat, so she hunted when crossing the mountain. The wild beasts of a mountain shocked her with wolves rushing, but sometimes she rushed with wolves-she would suddenly be hunting animals When she had a headache, she clutched her **** and ran away. She was often chased by wild boars and wolves, jumping up and down. The most dangerous time she chased and fell off the cliff. She fell asleep on the tree on the cliff and woke up. When I came here, my head no longer hurts. I heard someone ask her: “Are you full?”

She was full of sleep and she stretched out in a refreshing way.

Then who said to her again: “Why have you lost so much?”

Yes, she touched her face, she seemed to be thin? Thinking of this, she was very dissatisfied, and jumped up the cliff with a stride, and ate the wild boar that was guarding the edge of the cliff and wanted to eat her, and one person gnawed a hind leg.

The wild beast was tired of eating, she wanted to eat stir-fried vegetables, and when she passed by Shifu, she smelled it carefully. Someone’s dishes were fragrant and broke in. The Da Ma Jindao sat down and ate. After eating, she wiped her mouth and went down on the stone floor. Clap and press a handprint, ready to pay back the money in the future.

As for where the money will come from, she never thought about it. She always felt that with her being so smart, she would have it sooner or later.

She doesn’t know which direction to go, as if there are two hopes in her heart, as if the two hopes are in conflict? Why is it so troublesome? Then go.


The road goes farther and farther, wider and wider, and fewer people go.

The air is getting more and more humid, the wind is getting stronger and stronger, and the salty smell in the wind is getting heavier.

One day, Meng Fu shook her head and sniffed the moist and bright wind. The sun here is very warm and soft, and the air here is very open and clean. She heard a voice in the wind saying leisurely: “Fuyao, when will we Can the direction of effort be consistent?”


Oh, my name is Fu Yao.

Meng Fuyao frowned, and had some opinions about his name-too feminine!

The sound of people passing by, everyone here seems to be very busy, only she is standing there in a daze, hearing the sound of the waves, it comes over.

The sea.

This is the beach.

Those fishy and salty smells are the smell of the sea.

“Fufeng has the Inner Sea, the E Sea, the north of the E Sea, and the Extremis Sea Valley.” A voice spoke clearly in her ear, “The Extremity Sea Valley is in the north of the Raksha Island in the E Sea, deep into the sky.”

The firmament…

Sounds familiar.

She is going to the sky, yes.

Go to the sky to find who?

Who? Who?

She took out a medicine, ate it like broad beans, and began to think. After thinking about it for a long time, she didn’t move. Maybe she took the wrong medicine. Then she changed it and took another one. This time she figured it out.

The grandson Wuji.

Although she only came up with four words, she immediately connected the two fragments together intelligently and came to the conclusion-go to the sky to find the grandson Wuji.

Very good, to draw a conclusion, or a conclusion with clear goals.

Meng Fuyao was very happy and grinned. People on all sides passed by her, all looking at her in amazement—a tattered little beggar who opened a pair of red eyes and stood stupidly on the coast Among the busy crowd, they looked up and smiled brightly to the sky.

The smile is broad and clear, noble and refreshing, and is as long as the blue sky and breeze of the sea.

It was weird that this smile appeared on a little beggar in ragged clothes and wounds, so someone immediately disliked it, and someone strode over and shoved the little beggar heavily.

“The stone pestle is in the way here! Get out!”

He didn’t move.

The man seemed so thin that a gust of wind could blow him down, but he couldn’t move anyone with a lot of strength.

On the contrary, the man suddenly turned his head and “looked” at him with reddish, obviously wrong eyes.

Just like that, he had prepared a bellyful of foul language to scold him, but suddenly he couldn’t scold a word.

I just think of those gazes. Just now I remembered the slightly smiling, soft and broad gaze, suddenly it became hard and cold, and it threw it down like a sharp blade, hitting it, and hitting it straight in Heart of fire.

He has never seen anyone’s eyes so sharp, tempered thousands of times in the fire of hell, and the darkness is shining with fiery red light.

That was the look in the eyes of a blind man!

The gangsters on the pier on the seashore often deal with the three religions from the south to the north. They have always had a bit of insight. Seeing this kind of gaze, they immediately retreated vigilantly, but it was too late.

The man stretched out his hand easily, grabbed him as soon as he stretched out his hand, and fiddled around in his hand. He only heard a creak of bones all over his body, and then the man let go and threw it casually. .


The fat body drew a ball-like arc in the air and fell into the sea ten feet away.

This shock made everyone on the dock stop their hands. There are separate powers here. Meng Fuyao throws this. The boss of the dock thinks his opponent is looking for a place to grab the site. .

They came up, but didn’t dare to do it. After all, Meng Fuyao’s hand was too amazing just now, and he only dared to wait and see from a distance.

Meng Fuyao sneered, draped a grassroots drape as the wind, and acted like a great man.

There is a thing in my impression that likes to stretch out in the wind, but I can’t remember who it is, and why do I use “thing” to describe it? Meng Fuyao thought for a while but didn’t come up with an answer, so he gave up.

But my head hurts suddenly.

It’s out of time, regardless of time and place, and the occasion is messy and painful.

Meng Fuyao hugged his head with a cry, jumped up, and ran away.

The green skins were immediately excited.

It turned out to be a silver wax gun tip, fake!

With a crash, the gangsters all gathered around, punching and kicking bricks and tiles raining down and flying past, crackling on Meng Fuyao’s ass.

The dignified lord of the Three Kingdoms, Master Jiuxiao, and Empress of Dawan, were chased by a group of Xia Sanlan and fled in embarrassment at the seaside of Fufeng E.

Fortunately, Meng Fuyao can’t remember who he is.

She ran away with no shame. Under the headache, her vision became more and more unclear. There was still an outline, but now she couldn’t see anything. She suddenly ran into a hard object and heard a “bang”. The fluffy dust rose up and struck her face.

There are so many stars…golden…

Turn and turn…Turn and turn…

The dignified lord of the Three Kingdoms, Master Jiuxiao, and Empress Dawan were chased by a group of Xia Sanlan and fled in embarrassment by a group of Xia Sanlan… Then they hit the wall, the wall was destroyed, and people fainted.

Meng Fuyao planted with a “gudong” sound. Before he fell, he felt countless people rushing over, and vaguely felt that someone rushed up and pounced on her.

It seems that I heard the person yelling: “…you are merciful, that is my third stupid brother…”

Your mother is stupid.

Queen Meng thought so.

Immediately she sank into the darkness.


When Meng Fuyao woke up, he felt that all sides seemed to be dark, and the space seemed to be very large, and there was a leisurely sway under him, with a rhythmic rhythm.

The sound of the sea tide came in waves, washing the far distance, clear and clear. She sat up and listened to the sound of the waves close to her ears, knowing that she was already at sea.

Under him is a simple mattress, and there are some messy rope buckets and other things piled around. It seems to be some utility room on the ship, the door is open, and the sea breeze is fierce.

The sound of footsteps came over, handed over a bowl of water, sat down beside her, seemed to stretch her waist greatly, and smiled: “Brother, sorry, I was supposed to wake you up and take you home. , But the boss of the wind urged us to hand over to this year’s fish market, and put you ashore to be beaten, so I had to take you out to sea.”

The man gulped and drank water and asked her strangely: “Why don’t you drink it? Don’t everyone who wakes up wants to drink water?”

Meng Fuyao said “Oh” seriously, thinking about why he seems to have the habit of drinking immediately without getting water, and thinking about the hearty and rough feeling of the boy next to him is very kind, as if he had met such a person before, but this Small things are not worth looking for medicine to take, if you are lucky, you will suddenly remember it.

She drank water slowly, but felt that there seemed to be a pair of eyes falling on her not far away for a long time, and immediately turned her head.

The gaze jumped away immediately, a black shadow moved uncomfortably in the red light and shadow, and the sound of “knocking” from the boat gang.

The young man beside him also looked back and explained: “Ah, that’s Papa Ma, my uncle, he is in charge of this boat, he is very nice.”

He came over quietly and bit his ears at Meng Fuyao, “Originally, Papa Ma didn’t want to take you on the boat…well…you have to be more obedient and don’t offend him.”

Meng Fuyao smiled, knowing that this kid was probably the one who said he was his third stupid brother before. He wanted to save himself, and he didn’t know how long the kid had begged before he changed. The right to survive on his own ship.

Meng Fuyao wouldn’t take these things to heart, so he asked: “How many days did I sleep?”

“Three days!” The boy patted her on the shoulder, “You can really sleep. When we wake up this time, we have reached the middle of the sea.”

He lay down on Meng Fuyao’s side, and said: “Go to sleep, let’s hurry to the sand island, where the white fish is about to be flooded, make a good catch and you can lie down in the next year Belly on the deck.”

He turned over, lay on his back, and murmured: “I just don’t know if anyone will get a share of the pie. There are a lot of merchant ships over there, and sometimes they will get a handful by the way, but fortunately, Line pirates rarely go…Why don’t you sleep?”

Meng Fuyao “looked” at him in a daze, and said: “Hey, how do you sleep here?”

“Of course I sleep here. This is where I sleep.”

“Isn’t Daddy Ma your uncle? How do you sleep in the utility room?”

The young man fell silent for a long while and said with a dim voice: “My father died early… There are many people that Daddy Ma has to take care of…” After a while, he cheered up and laughed: “Daddy Ma has already treated me Very good! At least I can get on the boat and earn money to raise my mother.”

Meng Fuyao listened to this sentence, and his heart moved again. He vaguely heard someone say: “Mother concubine is weak, anyway, I want her to see me!”

I also seem to hear someone singing in the sea breeze: “… Deserted Nagano, vast rivers and oceans, my son is gone, I don’t know where… Cangshan is reckless, Bai Rixi, my son has not returned, I don’t know the time…”


Meng Fuyao suddenly remembered that she has a task to find her mother, but where is her mother?

It seems that I have to wait for the next time I think about it, but next time I think about it, maybe what I think of today is forgotten.

She thought for a while, raised her hand to touch the wall, and carved on the wall: Fu Yao, mother, grandson Wuji.

From now on, every time she thinks of something, she has to write it down first. A good memory is not as good as a bad pen.

The young man next to him was already asleep, snoring, Meng Fuyao lay down, resting his head on his head amidst the shaking of the ship’s plank, and this scene seemed a bit familiar, as if there was a person who slept next to her. In the wind on the water, chuckles softly.

“Shuyao…Ten years of cultivation can be carried on the same boat, a hundred years of cultivation can sleep together…”

Well, from these words, this person is mostly a romantic type.

Meng Fuyao closed his eyes and fell asleep.


On Papa Ma’s boat, there has been a boatman named Shao San.

It’s not accurate to say that he is a boatman. This person doesn’t know how to do all the work on the boat. He is even half-blind. He is basically a waste. The only effect is that he can help with the weight of the cast net. The strength is amazing. .

The ship doesn’t raise waste, but it’s in the middle of the sea. Would it be possible to throw him into the sea? Besides, the boatmen looked at the young man who often sat on the bow of the boat with his knees in silence, with his face facing the other side of the sea. At that moment, his expression looked very far away. Someone tried to make fun of him, but the red eyes turned and everyone immediately fell silent.

I can’t provoke or hate, so I squeezed him out intentionally or unintentionally, let him live in the worst corner of the boat, eat the rest of the meal, the weather is getting colder, and he didn’t give him a quilt, but that silly San seemed right I didn’t care much about it. I didn’t sleep without a quilt. The people on the boat got up at night and saw the boy sitting cross-legged many times, not knowing what he was doing.

The young tiger who saved the silly Asan is also very involved. He often accompanies Meng Fuyao to eat leftovers. When everyone laughed at Meng Fuyao, he was the only one to protect him. Once Meng Fuyao was blowing on the bow and heard the cabin underneath. Papa Ma taught Xiaohu: “Stay away from that fool!”

Ahu’s defense: “The other person is very good!”

“It’s not a question of whether it’s good or not!” The well-informed Papa Ma slammed his pipe. “It’s that the person’s origin is unknown, and have you noticed, that person is obviously not a normal person, even a drinker The postures are different from ours! If it is the children of a large family or a higher-level official involved in struggle, you and I will not be too late to go!”

“The son of a big family? Guaner?” Xiaohu smiled, “Uncle, you said that the first one is nothing but the latter one is a joke. How old is he and an official?”

“You know what a fart!” Ma’s father scolded, “The boy is ignorant, so what if he is young? Haven’t heard of the Empress Dawan next door? He succeeded at the age of 19!”

“I know, I know–” Xiaohu muttered dissatisfiedly, “Really, what do you compare to the female emperor? A fool can’t be the female emperor–“

“Can’t compare? You pig—” Papa Ma hit the pot more fiercely.

Meng Fuyao listened from a distance, raised his head and smiled.

Emperor Dawan?

Sounds familiar.

People you know?

Isn’t it me? Meng Fuyao looked up and down for a while, seeing the ragged feet of the trousers from his hands full of fishy smell, and finally confirmed that this girl was wearing a dragon robe, and definitely not like a female emperor.

She stood on the mast, closed her eyes and greeted the sea breeze. Recently, due to semi-blindness, her sense of hearing and other five senses have become more sensitive. Vaguely, her brain has suffered the crime, as if she was hit and hit by mistake. Pass, just waiting for the day when the cloud breaks through the moon and the shadows dissipated, she was in a daze, thinking that a martial arts she had practiced had a very crucial breakthrough in the last level. Ordinary cultivation is not easy to achieve. It needs to be put to death. , I don’t know if it is referring to this?

As for what martial arts it was, what was the last layer, she forgot again.

She went back to the utility room that night, raised her hand and clicked on the little tiger’s acupoint, and used her true power to pass his meridians.

When doing these things, she vaguely remembered something, as if someone did the same thing to her a long time ago.

“Fuyao…You are stronger, and it is more important than me to be stronger.”

Whose voice is this? Low and graceful, like the sea breeze of the night, floating over softly and thoughtfully, entwining her in the slightest, unable to go away.

Meng Fuyao climbed up the high mast and looked at the top of the sail. She didn’t know which way to look, just as she didn’t know what important thing she had lost. That thing is so important that once she loses it , She always felt that there was a piece of empty in her heart, and was filled with the salty sea breeze, causing a fiery pain.

Suddenly feel lonely in such pain, like this tide coming in endlessly, knocking at the lost atrium in the quiet night, filling the sour emotions.

I vaguely heard him say:

“Swinging, the brave are not afraid to cry.”

Yes, the brave are not afraid to cry.

Meng Fuyao sat quietly on the mast, facing the wind.

Late at night.

Above the boundless darkness of the vast sea, a lone leaf sailed towards the huge distant moon. In the pale moonlight, a lonely figure sitting on the mast was inlaid, shining upon her, flowing The reddish tears all over his cheeks.


I don’t know how long it took, but that day I heard everyone on the boat cheering.

It’s Sand Island.

Amidst the cheers, Meng Fuyao keenly heard the sound of fish swimming squeezed next to each other under the water, heard the sound of the waves becoming more and more turbulent, heard the silver net flashing and falling, and then heaved up with the joy of harvest. The voice, heard such a joyful smile, spread across the wide and sunny sea.

She can even hear the sound of large swaths of fish swimming in deep red corals and turquoise water plants under the turquoise sea bottom, gurgling with crystal clear blisters, those fish should be scarlet, or Silver, in the transparent blue, refracting colorful light——

Her ears moved suddenly.

Weird sound.

It’s far away.

No, it’s getting closer.

The sound of rapid wind, the sound of a heavy draught boat turning quietly behind the island–

Little Tiger ran over joyfully, holding a big fish, and excitedly handed it to her to smell the fresh fish. Meng Fuyao grabbed him and asked, “Is there a boat nearby?”

“Ship?” Xiaohu was startled by the question, raised his hand and opened his mouth: “There is a merchant ship, it’s a big one, and…and…and…”

He stammered suddenly and couldn’t say a word anyway.

No need to talk about it.

Suddenly there was a miserable cry for help in the distance. The penetrating sound of arrows shot through the human body, and the sound of blood flying on the cabin, the sound of extremely penetrating penetration into Meng Fuyao’s now extremely sensitive eardrums. It also penetrated the ears of everyone on this medium-sized fishing boat.

The joy of harvest in an instant was immediately replaced by a huge panic!

“It’s a shark thief!”

“The shark has stolen!”

“How can a shark thief appear in this sea!”

“The people on the merchant ship are dead! They are coming to us!”

The people on the boat started to run frantically, but where can the sea be? Someone jumped into the water and tried to swim to the opposite sand island, but as soon as the sound of falling into the water sounded, there was a stern scream. At the same time, a huge sound of wind flew from the front side, seeming to be a thick spear and The sharp arrows fired by the bows and crossbows pierced the sky, seizing the sound in an instant, piercing the bodies of the people who flee, and bringing out a stern bloodbath.

The smell of blood soon permeated the air, thickly covering this sea area that was full of laughter and laughter just now.

The little tiger on his side has not moved, and seemed to be frightened. Meng Fuyao patted him, he suddenly woke up, and desperately pulled Meng Fuyao back to the cabin, saying: “Asan, Asan! Jump from behind the ship Go down! Quietly!”

“What about you?”

“I…I will come later…” The young man’s voice was a little wrong, and he pushed her desperately, “Asan…I’m sorry, I don’t know the Shark Thief will appear here, I shouldn’t take you out. You can jump down, hide behind the boat, don’t come out, they will leave if they grab something.”

Meng Fuyao turned to him, this kid, still want to save Papa Ma?

Before she had time to speak, a violent wind suddenly came, Meng Fuyao pulled the tiger’s head to yield, snatched a heavy arrow and plunged into her side of the boat, splashing wood chips.

At the same time, a rough and hoarse voice suddenly sounded on the opposite side.

“Kill all!”


Happy holidays, dear ones.

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