Legend of Fu Yao: betty991214 long comment

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Fuyao is finally coming to the end, a little sad. As a senior high school student, it is shameless to study by myself every night under the guise of checking information and update it on his mobile phone. But I still can’t stop waiting for it every day. For me, Fuyao is like a little stone, so that this calm and dull life finally has so little ripples.

Everyone is alive, and it’s because of emotion, as if you can find a little bit of yourself in everyone. Seeing those bits and pieces that I can’t reach. Rejoicing, sorrowing, and painful. Just because it is like a mirror, reflecting his pale, small, and cowardly.

When every day in the boring exercises, it slowly becomes a walking corpse like a machine, when it is gradually polished to be smooth in the river of life, those shining people, shining dreams, like a knife with a sharp edge, click , The heart was severely cut, there was a slow dull pain.

There is no way to simply like or dislike a character. Their life is their own choice. Many times in life, it is not just right or wrong that can be summed up. No need for words from others, as long as you have no regrets. It is so lucky to be able to choose the path by himself, even if he is bloodied and broken.

It’s a pity that in our long life, we gradually lost ourselves, where did our first dream fall. What a heavy dust on our attachments. We have become what others expected, but where is what we want? We sing forward without hesitation, but whose life is under our feet? There was something roaring low in my heart, trying to break through. I want to be myself. I don’t want to be a good student in everyone’s eyes, I want to leave at least something at the end of youth. I want to write my own words, have my own dreams, and want to walk my own life.

It’s not a comment. Okay, I’m complaining. But thank you very much for being able to accompany Longan all the way.


Still make a mark, and the reward will wait for me to recharge and fill it up. I also thank you for your support and for your company.

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