Legend of Concubine’s Daughter Minglan Chapter 281: Set fire, Manniang, Brother Chang (1)

novelmao.com, do you know the fastest update? Do you know? It should be the latest chapter of Green Fat Red Thin!

A pungent bitterness penetrated into the cheeks of her teeth, Ming Lan woke up slowly, and the worried face of Cui’s mother was caught in front of her eyes, she was holding a small copper enamel small mouth pot and pouring herself Shentang said, “Madam, it’s okay.”

Ming Lan waved her hand. She was full of thoughts and dizzy thinking before, and she used nearly seven or eight hours of strength in a trailer like an old cow, as if she was preparing for the Olympics finals day after day, and then ran the whole course. During the marathon, the body and mind were exhausted to the extreme, and then she fell asleep. At this time, she tried to sit and lie up, her body was weak, and her voice was dumb, “Let me see the child.”

The woman on the side hurriedly brought the tightly wrapped baby girl over, smiling all over her face, and continued to say, “He is a white and handsome fat boy! Congratulations, Mrs. Congratulations!”

Ming Lan has no strength in her arm, so she can only look at Mama Cui’s arm, and she suddenly smiles bitterly. Where is the red and wrinkled flesh white and handsome? But it’s really fat, round head and brain, chubby little cheeks, clear nose bridge, swollen eyelid is a long and curved eyeliner, I don’t know what the facial features are, just keep emitting small Animal sounds.

“Suchai can cry very well, and his voice is about to knock the roof over. He is a strong brother!” Cui’s mother smiled and tears came out of her eyes, “I’m afraid I’m tired of crying now. “

Ming Lan nodded weakly, trying to calm down as much as possible: “Reward! Everyone has worked so hard, and everyone has a reward!”

The maids in the room bowed to thank you.

Ming Lan panted, leaning on the soft cushion behind her, and hardly took the little things into her arms, and then let go of her clothes and asked him to try sucking. The women on both sides were a little dazed. How can the ladies breastfeed themselves? , But Cui’s mother is helping to support the child. After countless debates, she was persuaded a long time ago, and the nurse still invited, but first asked Minglan to feed her. It is said that colostrum is very good, it can not only strengthen the body but also enhance the resistance. In this era when the infant mortality rate is generally high, there is no vaccine for allyin, and Minglan can’t let it go. Besides, she has no control over her in-laws and no restrictions on her under her.

The little guy is incredibly soft. As soon as his squirming mouth touches his mother’s skin, he automatically reacts and **** up close together. Although the suction is not strong, he can see that he is desperate. The two sides took turns trying for a long time, but the little things were still persevering. Except for stopping twice and crying a few times in the middle to express their protest against doing white work, they continued to work hard to suck. The bald and tender gums bite the food source hard. With her head unyielding against her chest, Ming Lan felt amused and moved, and kissed his bald little forehead. This is a strong and tough little life.

After Mama Cui and the two wives took turns saying “Forget it” eleven times, the little bastard’s hard work finally yielded results, sucking out the precious colostrum, watching the little guy close his eyes and work hard As he swallowed, hot tears welled up in his eyes. For this little meatball, Ming Lan suddenly felt that no matter how hard he suffered, it was worth it. Cui’s mother also turned her back to tears.

Ming Lan was so tired that she looked at the child again and again. From the transparent pink little fingers and toes to his little wrinkled ears, the newborn could not eat much. After giving the child to Mama Cui, Minglan fell asleep again. From the beginning to the end, she didn’t notice that there was no blazing fire outside. Instead, there was a quiet and bright light; but even if she noticed, she would only say, “Second Master Tu Good job, there will be big prizes afterwards.’

Ming Lan was born with very poor alertness. He slept for a long time. When he woke up again, it was already bright, and the **** and dirty air in the house was gone. The body is clean and tidy. About the time Mama Cui was asleep, she had already cleaned herself a little bit of sweat. Sitting next to the bed was a tall man with a stubble face, looking at the big baggage on his pillow, his hand was not stretched out, as if he wanted to touch the baggage, but he didn’t know how to start.

Minglan calmed down, and when she kept her eyes on it, there was a burst of fire. All the hard work these days has surfaced. She blamed this unworthy man on her mind, and she became excited inexplicably despite her dry voice. “You unbelief, you are willing to come back! What did you say when you left? Now the world is peaceful, you are down! You, you……”

There were still a few maids standing in the room. Mama Cui was embarrassed and quickly asked Dan Ju to take the people out. Gu Tingye had a thick face and didn’t think it was a shame at all, and smiled and pressed Minglan back on the couch. : “You are very tired, don’t get up, you can count me lying down.”

Ming Lan only wished to rush up and bite him, but she saw him looking at the big burden with affection. Ming Lan looked sideways, but she saw the baby lying next to her pillow with a wet mouth. Moved, two small bubbles popped out, the fragrance of sleep with closed eyes.

“He was born so beautiful, his arms and legs are strong and strong, and he is also clever.”

Gu Tingye’s eyes were gentle and almost dripping out of water, and he couldn’t help but fill the red-pumping chubby meatballs, the talented man and martial artist, who are both full of muscles and bones, and even smiled thoughtfully at Minglan. “Let’s speak lightly, don’t disturb him.” Ming Lan almost smiled before coming up.

Gu Tingye stared at the child fascinatedly, and said to Minglan: “You don’t know how vigorous this kid is. Even I can hear the cry of crying outside the courtyard. When he gets older, he will be the one to be alone. “

Ming Lan intuitively wanted to refute ‘being a singing artist at best has nothing to do with being a singing artist’. Suddenly she was surprised and asked, “When did you come back?”

Gu Tingye was finally willing to raise a glance, and his smile disappeared quickly: “When the house was on fire.”

Ming Lan’s expression constricted, and she looked up and down Gu Tingye, and found that he was wearing a semi-old black robe, his face was weathered, and his riding boots were damaged everywhere. Then she remembered her current situation, struggling to get up again: “By the way, there was a fire outside…and, Madam, she…and Yu’s family…” Minglan started a few heads in a mess, and Ming Lan didn’t know where to start.

Gu Tingye felt pity, helped Minglan sit up, stuffed a thick cushion behind her, and whispered comforting: “Don’t worry, I’m back, everything is mine. It’s me that makes you feel wronged. It’s not.” Minglan’s nose became sore, and her eyes became wet. She lowered her head and turned her face to let the thick and soft pillow soak up the tears on her face. When Gu Tingye saw it, he felt quite uncomfortable. He never knew any soft words to a woman, so he could only lean over, hug Minglan tightly, and pat her back gently.

To say that it is false not to be wronged, Yao Yiyi deeply remembers the situation when his two besties were pregnant. The husband of the best friend is a criminal police officer. Because his wife wanted to eat canned sugar in the middle of the night, he wore a police uniform to shoot the door of the small shop downstairs in the middle of the night, scaring the old couple who opened the shop to death; the second friend was even more outrageous and scratched his head at noon. She wanted to eat fried dough sticks, her husband from the tax bureau had to wear a uniform with a red ticket, and asked the boss who was selling lunch to set up a frying pan again. But what about her?

Ming Lan nestled on Gu Tingye’s shoulder and sobbed softly. The figure of the husband who ran away is missing, and the luck is still unclear. There is an old witch with a Buddha’s mouth and snake heart at home. She fights wits and courageously every day, is exhausted, and is afraid and worried. If it is not for his psychological quality, he has survived and changed someone else. Take a look!

Mother Cui looked at something wrong, and hurried forward to persuade: “Madam, it’s hard to cry in confinement, so hurry up and put it away. It’s not stubborn to turn your head back and fall sick!” Gu Tingye was anxious in his heart, and quickly turned over Minglan wiped her face quickly, and repeatedly urged him not to cry. He never said soft words to women. After thinking for a long time, he could only save the country: “What’s the use of crying, tooth for tooth. Treat you well. Now, how about I give you a few beats to vent my anger. I will not fight back!”

Ming Lan asked him to wipe his face aches and felt funny, and said, “You knead the dough, don’t let it go!” She didn’t know that it was not easy for him to be outside, and it was hard to earn fame.

“The errands in the south are finished?” Minglan received her tears, took Mama Cui and handed a warm water kerchief to wipe her face. Don’t say that he left his job and ran back. She doesn’t want her son to be born. Lao Tzu was severely cut by the emperor.

Gu Tingye leaned down and kissed his son’s sleeping little face. The little guy beeped vaguely, still closed his eyes, twisted his round body uncomfortably, and vomited two bubbles. Expressing his dissatisfaction, he touched the stubble on his face and smiled unkindly. Then he motioned to Mama Cui to hold the child down, and turned to Minglan and said, “I have finished the business, but if it wasn’t for Xuan Zhiyuan, I wouldn’t be able to go back so early.”

Ming Lan breathed a sigh of relief. She had some doubts and couldn’t figure it out for a while, so she could only ask the person nearby: “How do you say this? Oh, yes, the case of General Duan is over. , Is he back.”

Gu Tingye smiled and said: “The case of Brother Cheng Yong is nothing more than a trivial matter.”

“You won’t bend it into a trick.” Minglan joked, after all, she was a good woman. I thought that Gu Tingye would have to take a blank look at himself, but he didn’t expect him to sigh, “Something went wrong at the beginning and it was imminent. I really had this plan. Fortunately, I dragged Mr. Gongsun along.”

Although Gu Tingye came from a good background, but under the frustration of his youth, he also had a bit of self-knowledge that ordinary wealthy children didn’t; he was good at marching, but he didn’t judge the case, so he had to catch Gongsun and go with him. Gongsun Baishi has been known as a fine researcher of criminal names for more than 20 years. In his opinion, there are two doubts.

One is whether the vain women are forced by others. Second, whether the restaurant has been asking for fish from this family.

Minglan chewed carefully, realizing that these two points are very close to the point, and couldn’t help clapping her hands in applause. Gu Tingye deliberately explained the ups and downs of the process, citing Minglan’s smile and no time to be sad and sad.

Once I arrived, I first went to see Duan Chengyong, who was like a trapped beast, and asked about his passing, and then he was interrogated. At the moment, the soldiers were divided into two groups. Mr. Gongsun was guarded by guards to make unannounced visits, while Gu Tingye went to meet local soldiers, large and small. Since eating wine is inevitable, I simply held a banquet on my own territory. For some unknown reason, from the commander in chief to the commander of the guard to the guerrilla general, the wine of these soldiers was surprisingly good, and they were so gentle and unwilling. Drink more, there are pretty girls shuttle between the banquets, and never take a look.

“It’s about being afraid of taking photos of General Hou’s case, so I’ll give them a show as it is.” Minglan listened to it interestingly, and she hid her mouth and smiled. Gu Tingye also found it funny, “It’s really a villain.” He But I want to entangle them, so that there are no constraints on investigating the case.

In a few days, Gongsun Baishi saw the clues and solved the case quickly.

First of all, although the woman is a genuine woman from a good family, the restaurant has been asking for goods from a certain fish store in the city, and it was just in those few days that she asked for extra goods from this fisherman. Once again, it is obvious that the father-in-law, husband and uncle in the house of the citizen’s wife are fine with all the men. Why should a woman be asked to show up and collect the money, and it is a place like a restaurant.

Starting from these two suspicious points, and then opening the gap in the confession, the next step is to follow the vines, carefully check, the feudal master is handling the case, and it is necessary to use threats and temptations, and then some threats to frighten, but the truth is finally floating Out of the water.

Someone actually took the sons and daughters of the village woman, and promised a lot of money to make her go wrong. As soon as the incident was completed, the child was put back and the money was given again. The fisherman knew that it was a capital crime to slander an official, and he did not dare to tell the truth and could only bite to death.

“At the end, only one guard came out to commit the crime.” Gu Tingye implicitly sneered, “It is said that the brother Chengyong is disrespectful to the generals of the local health station. I only wanted to play him a bit, but I didn’t think that the woman would seek death. , This caused a catastrophe. Huh, it’s a pity that they couldn’t hold the proof that they stubbornly forced the women to death. In the end, they had to remove that person and punish him.” Minglan felt sad: “I only pity the fisherman, for no reason. At the end of the day, disasters fell, and the family was destroyed.”

Gu Tingye also shook his head and sighed: “Mr. Gongsun told them to take the silver and go out to make a living.” He looked at Minglan’s expression, and went over to sit with her on the bed, and whispered, “Are you angry with me? “

Ming Lan lay in his arms, nose full of dust and sweat, and whispered, “I know it’s not easy for you. You…have you never been hurt?” She straightened up and touched his arm. Chest, “I just thought, if you could come back earlier, it would be fine.” Gu Tingye was silent for a while before saying: “I found out that the officialdom of Lianghuai has been corrupted like this.”

After nearly two decades of Taiping in Renzong, the local government not only colluded with businessmen, but also connected with civil and military forces, small and market gangs, and large and noble lords in Beijing, all were related! No matter which one is checked, a large piece of the vine can always be pulled out at the end. Lord Rao Qinchai is a steel and copper bone carefully selected by the emperor, and it is also annoying. Originally, after pulling out Duan Chengyong, Gu Tingye wanted to return to Beijing to accompany his wife, but asked the imperial commissioner to repeatedly plead for more stay to help open the situation.

“Master Hou is admirable for the country and the people. Then why did you come back?” Minglan said sourly. Gu Tingye took it for granted: “I have to come and see my son.” Ming Lan was furious, and pushed the man away with his arms: “Your son is in the cubicle, hurry up! What do you do with me!” Gu Tingye said loudly. Laughing, holding Minglan and not letting go, can’t help kissing her on the cheek.

Mother Cui was gently patting the baby to sleep, hearing the laughter from the next door, she immediately laughed in relief, and shook her head smilingly, except for the newly found nanny, the maid in the room full of surprises. It’s not surprising that the child is.

“Lianghuai is really not what it looks like, so I have to rectify it severely. I originally wanted to stay longer and call someone back to Beijing to report a letter, who knows…” Gu Tingye circled Minglan in his arms and slowly Recounting, “Xuan Zhiyuan, reminded me.”

In fact, many people don’t know that since the day when he first took over, Gu Tingyi has the habit of investigating carefully. At that time, the new emperor came to the throne, the throne was unstable, inside and out, I don’t know how many people have ulterior motives. This time in Lianghuai, three or four whistleblowers were discovered from the army. The people behind the scenes were nothing more than the light and dark forces. This is not surprising. Who knows that one person was caught recently, and after interrogation, he confessed to be instigated by the Ningyuan Houfu.

I asked about this detailed work again, but I couldn’t tell who the person was. Actually, I don’t even ask Gu Tingye to know who it is. If that person is calculated by his side, then Minglan…he was scared at the time. Cold sweat on the back. Thinking of this, he went back to Beijing stubbornly. Anyway, he had finished the errands requested by the emperor. Several secret orders were given to investigate the situation of salt affairs, and the emperor praised again and again.

The imperial commissioner is also well-versed, thinking that the situation is under control, so I won’t force Gu Tingye to stay. Just leaving Duan Chengyong behind, saying, ‘rather than calling someone who is not aware of the situation, it’s better to ask the general Xiao Duan who has suffered a loss to keep it’. Duan Chengyong was full of willingness, thinking that he could easily send an errand, but he suffered a lot when he didn’t make a good effort, and he was thinking about how to find his place.

Gu Tingye had no choice but to tell Duan Chengyong a little bit, and then left Gongsun Baishi behind and walked slowly. He led a team of guards and set off quickly.

Thrilling. I rushed the road for several days, and as soon as I arrived at the corner of Ningyuan, I saw black smoke billowing above my mansion and crowds of people in the streets and alleys, rushing to scream, ‘Hou’s mansion is in the water’. Gu Tingye was very anxious. At the moment, regardless of the three or seventy one, he drove straight into Chengyuan, only to realize that Minglan was giving birth in it. Finally, the second-class guardian Ding was still able to protect Jiaxi’s surroundings, so the fire never spread. He breathed a sigh of relief now, looking at Xuan Zhiyuan’s calm and tranquility, only Chengyuan was in a mess, and his anger suddenly attacked his heart. When he was angry, he… let out another fire.

“You, you, you… actually set fire?” Minglan was shocked. His wife was giving birth, but her husband ran to set fire. This kind of genius creativity is not something ordinary people can think of. Gu Tingye smiled and pushed Minglan back to get the brocade wrapped, got up and poured a cup of warm water from the small purple sand stove on the table, and handed it to Minglan, “Thirst?”

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