Lee Sin’s Bizzare Adventure Chapter 97: TheWorld

“What?” Li Qing was shocked.

It was like suddenly lifting the quilt in the winter morning in the south without heating. The hairs on his body stood up, and he felt chilly from the inside out.

It was only at this time, when he was reminded by “dio”, that Li Qing suddenly discovered:

He just

He actually took two steps back!

“How is it possible, how is it possible”

“I am obviously taking steps forward, so how come I am further away from ‘dio’?”

“Am I afraid subconsciously?”

“It’s not impossible, I obviously don’t have any fear of this man!”

Li Qing fell into a huge panic.

In this almost solid air, he finally thought of something:

“Is this a substitute attack?!”

There is no doubt that he has just been attacked by the enemy’s substitute.

Looking back carefully now, that feeling is actually somewhat similar to when I encountered the Crimson King in the morning

Just by not paying attention, I have already experienced something that I can’t even feel.


“Unlike the Crimson King, time has not been erased”

Li Qing listened carefully to the movement of the second hand of the watch:

The second hand does not jump abnormally, but moves normally.

Although his body completed the “retreat” action at some point, time was still running normally from the previous second.

Unless the opponent adjusts the dial for him while attacking, the “dio” substitute cannot be the same type of existence as the Crimson King.

“Then what is his substitute ability?”

“Move objects through space? Transpose in space? Manipulate the ground?”


“I didn’t pay any special attention just now, and now I have no way to analyze it!”

A thin layer of cold sweat oozed from Li Qing’s bald head, which looked like a hard-boiled egg just out of the pot.

And the fake phantom who called himself “dio” stood there calmly, quietly admiring the embarrassment of Li Qing, Giorno and others.

When the silent fear slowly spread among everyone’s hearts, he smiled evilly again:

“Bald man, don’t you understand?”

“Actually, you are wavering and wavering. Doesn’t that mean you are afraid?”

“Maybe you thought in your mind that you must step forward, but because you were too scared, your body moved back unconsciously.”

“Impossible!” Li Qing gritted his teeth:

“Although there are still many things I don’t understand, the only thing I can be sure of is that there is no fear in my heart!”

“Stop talking nonsense! I will definitely see through your stand-in ability and beat this fake back to its original form!”


“dio” curled his lips and glanced at everyone present with his eyes as cold as the Arctic ice wind:

Except for Fuge, who couldn’t help but tremble, no one else showed any intention of retreating.

“In this case, there is nothing we can do.”

“Everyone, please go to hell!”

As soon as he finished speaking, a golden humanoid stand suddenly appeared around “dio”.

This stand-in named “The World” is covered in golden tight-fitting armor and a golden half-face helmet. His muscles are overflowing like inflated balloons, and his limbs are as strong as cast iron. .

From a physical point of view, it is two full times bigger than all the humanoid substitutes Li Qing has seen.

To put it more exaggeratedly, it has a different style from other stand-ins.

“So strong.”

Just by sensing the outline of the other party, Li Qing was inexplicably aware of its vigorous power.

He exchanged a solemn look with Giorno, Bucciarati and others beside him.

Without verbal communication, these battle-hardened stand-ins quickly reached a consensus:

“You must be careful when fighting a guy like that head-on. You must find a way to test out the enemy’s substitute ability as soon as possible.”

Nalanga was the first to act.

The risk of close combat is extremely high, and Aviation Smith, who has long-range attack capabilities, is undoubtedly the best choice to act as a tester.

Almost at the same time that “dio” summoned the golden substitute, Aerosmith had already emerged from around Naranja.


Aviation Smith rushed into the sky with full power, and the two mini-cannons immediately spit out tongues of fiery flames.

A dense rain of bullets shot out in the firelight, falling from the air to the ground.

The target of these bullets is not “dio” and his stand-in, but the most critical figure in this battle, Willy as the main body.


The phantom who inherited the name “dio” snorted in displeasure.

Obviously, he was very dissatisfied with the fact that he had to protect Willy’s useless body.

But after all, he is just Willy’s substitute.

The moment Willy became frightened due to the bullet attack, “dio” disappeared from the place together with his stand-in, and teleported to Willy’s side.

Including Li Qing, everyone was watching with full attention.

They want to see how “dio” will respond to Aerosmith’s attack to observe his possible stand-in abilities.




The substitute named “World” has no activation ability at all.

It stood there calmly, adjusted its posture and exerted all its strength, blasting out a fist shadow as fiery as a storm against the rain of bullets.

This fist is fast and powerful, both in strength and speed, beyond human cognition.

Although the roar of “wood big wood big” makes people think of Giorno’s golden experience, the murderous aura erupted when the “world” punched was far beyond the reach of the mild golden experience.

The fist shadow deflected the rain of bullets, leaving the “world” itself unscathed.

And “dio”‘s real body was standing behind his stand-in unharmed, chatting with Willy in a very leisurely manner.

He reached out and touched Willy’s forehead, like a king conferring a knight.

Willy knelt on the ground humbly, like a minister receiving a medal.

Everyone couldn’t hear what they were saying, but they could clearly see that “dio” was doing it with ease.


The fear that Nalanja suppressed in his heart completely exploded:

“My fists can make bullets fly away”

“What a terrifying power this is! My Aviation Smith can’t even use his stand-in ability?”

“Calm down!”

“Keep up the fire!”

Apaji bit his blood-stained lips tightly, using pain to strengthen his will:

“Let my melancholic blues help you, he will definitely not be able to cope with it!”

Although he was seriously injured, he still insisted on doing his best for everyone.

As soon as he finished speaking, the blue humanoid substitute appeared next to Apache again.

Melancholy Blues is indeed not a stand-in who is good at fighting.

But weapons are unpredictable, and water is unpredictable. As long as you know how to use it flexibly, even a gentle current can be turned into a murderous blade.

At this moment, Melancholy Blues, who seems to be “not good at fighting”, is actually the most powerful being here:

“Melancholic blues, replay the piece of meat from half a minute ago!”

“Fast forward, twenty times speed, play!”

Melancholy Blues’ figure inflated like a balloon.

But in the blink of an eye, a bloated and huge piece of meat reappeared in this cramped alley.

At a speed twenty times that of “itself” half a minute ago, it followed the traces of its past and rushed towards Willy and “dio” ahead.


“What an interesting attack.”

Looking at the piece of meat coming towards me like a speeding train, “dio” finally looked more serious on his casual expression:

“If that’s the case, let me show you how powerful it is to dominate the world!”



The next moment.

The next moment in the true sense.

Even physiological reactions such as “a blur in front of the eyes” and “a daze in the mind” did not appear, in the eyes of Li Qing and others

Willy and “dio” who were originally standing on the path of the piece of meat were gone.

They were standing in a shadow not far away, and the one who appeared in the original position and was hit by a piece of meat


Everyone exclaimed.

Nalan Jia’s figure did not know when he crossed a distance of several meters and “teleported” to the front of the piece of meat.

There was no time to react or rescue.

The melancholic blues replay of “Chariot of Meat Bombs” hit Naranja without any reservation.

He couldn’t even scream. His figure was like a cannonball that was ejected at high speed, shooting out under the brutal collision.

In the end, Nalanjia flew all the way to the depths of the dead alley dozens of meters away, hitting a crack in the hard and thick wall.

He vomited blood and fell to the ground weakly, never having the strength to stand up again.


Bucciarati was shocked and eager to rush over to check Nalanja’s injury, but was suppressed by the momentum of “dio” blocking him in front and unable to move.


“Solved a fly.”

The phantom named “dio” looked at them teasingly:

“I’ve given you two chances.”

“So, do you understand my dio’s ability?”

ps: avatar panel

Alternate name “theworld” (theworld)

Ontology Dior Brando (pseudo)

Destructive power: a

Speed: a

Range distance: c

Sustainability: a

Movement precision: b

Growthability: b

Ability: Stop time, up to five seconds.


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