Lee Sin’s Bizzare Adventure Chapter 32: A handy weapon

The taxi carrying Diablo but not Tobio slowly drove out of the airport.

The taxi driver looked at Tobio’s young face with an introverted temperament in the rearview mirror, and unconsciously used a more casual address: “Little brother, where are you going?”

Tobio smiled shyly:

“Just drive towards the coast near Mount Vesuvius.”

“I will tell you the specific location when we get there.”


His tone suddenly became urgent: “Please drive faster.”

“The boss assigned me a very important task, and I must get there as soon as possible.”


“It’s not easy for anyone to work, so I try to drive as fast as possible.”

The driver nodded cheerfully, and then slightly increased the accelerator in a cooperative manner.

The taxi sped up on the busy urban road, obviously going faster.

Tobio, on the other hand, casually looked out the window at the ever-changing bustling street scene, and said to himself nervously:

“The boss asked me to go to that place to find a bald head, but what does this bald head look like?”

“Will my boss contact me again when I get there?”

He felt restless for the important task he was burdened with, completely unaware that the boss he regarded as a **** was “himself”.

At this time

Tobio, who unconsciously looked out of the car window, unexpectedly saw a strange scene on the street:


“Why is there a stone next to this street?”

On this bustling street full of life, beside the pedestrians coming and going, there is a spherical stone the size of a pumpkin.

The appearance of this stone is rough and unpolished. If you ignore the large word “fierce” carved on its surface, it looks like a piece of waste that was moved from some barren mountain.

It seems a little out of place just like this in the bustling market.

Tobio instinctively felt something strange, but the taxi drove so fast that he didn’t have time to take a closer look, and the strange stone fell far out of sight.

However, about half a minute later, when the taxi drove to another street

He unexpectedly saw another stone that was exactly the same as before.

“Is there another stone on the street?”

“Who is so bored as to put such useless stones on the road?”

Tobio felt more and more strange, and then

“Dudu, dudu, dudu, dudu~”

“Dudu, dudu, dudu, dudu~”

This pink-haired boy, who looked pretty and normal no matter how he looked, suddenly seemed to be mentally ill. He unconsciously performed ventriloquism imitating cell phone ringtones while talking to himself:


“Is the phone ringing somewhere?”

“Dudu, dudu, dudu, dudu~”


The uncle driver in the driver’s seat in front was startled by this strangeness:

“That little brother, what’s wrong with you?”

“Why, why do you suddenly make such a strange noise?”

Tobio ignored the driver’s concerned and fearful greeting.

He hurriedly groped in the briefcase he carried with him, but in the end he just picked up a wallet and put it next to his ear as if it were a mobile phone:


“Yes, is it the boss!”

Tobio was talking to his boss Diavolo on the non-existent mobile phone.

Obviously they are the same person, but the two personalities of Diavolo and Tobio can still talk to each other in this weird way.


Diablo’s voice appeared directly in my mind:

“You should be careful.”

“The enemy is probably near us.”


Tobio’s voice came from his mouth. From an outsider’s perspective, he seemed to be talking to himself into a wallet:

“The enemy is near us?”

“Is it the rock we just saw?!”

“That’s right.”

Diablo in his mind said very seriously:

“If there is such a stone that is out of tune with the environment on the road, everyone can’t help but take a look at it, right?”

“However, none of the pedestrians walking on the sidewalk noticed it, as if the big stone did not exist at all.”

“Obviously, this is”

“Substitute attack!”

Tobio clutched the wallet in his hand tightly and his face became serious:

“Ordinary people can’t see the double at all, so I was the only one who noticed the stone!”

“That, that”

His tone became panicked:

“What should I do?”

“Boss, will you help me?”

“Of course I will help you, my Tobio.”

Diablo soothed his other “self” nicely and used him as a tool;

“However, the identity and location of the enemy cannot be determined now, so it is not convenient for me to show up.”

“So, this enemy can only be dealt with by you for the time being.”

“Don’t be afraid”

“I will lend you my ‘epitaph’ that predicts the future, and you will be able to solve it yourself.”

Tobio, the sub-personality, is Diavolo’s last line of defense to hide his true identity.

If safety cannot be guaranteed and all those who see his true identity cannot be ensured, Diavolo will never reveal his true face.

So, before this mysterious enemy showed up, he chose to let Tobio take action on his behalf.


Tobio took the task assigned to him by his boss seriously.

At the same time, a small face that was invisible to ordinary people slowly appeared on his forehead, which was covered by pink bangs. This was the characteristic of the Crimson King’s “Epitaph” ability.

“Will that stone still appear?”

Tobio was concentrating on observing the scene outside the car window, wary of the strange stone appearing again.

Then the stone really appeared.

But this time it did not appear on the street, but on the moving taxi.

That’s right, Tobio didn’t even notice how the stone appeared. The stone was placed on the back seat of the car just a few feet away from him.

“Damn it!”

Looking at the stone that was only half a meter away from him, he was suddenly shocked and felt a chill running down his spine.


Tobio does not hesitate to activate the only ability he can use to detect the possible movements of the enemy in the next few seconds.

1st second.

The rough and ordinary spherical stone suddenly started to tremble strangely.

Second second.

The stone moved towards Tobio little by little in a firm and slow manner.

3rd second.

Tobio instinctively kicked towards the approaching stone.

4th second.

Tobio is dead.

He died silently, like a centenarian who passed away suddenly.


Both Tobio, who was dominating his body at the moment, and Diavolo who was hiding in his mind, were all shocked by this terrifying picture of the future:

“As long as I touch this stone, I will die!”

“You must stay away from it”

“Don’t come near me!!”

So, without Tobio realizing it

Diablo briefly took over the body and used the Crimson King to activate “Time Cut”, skipping the period of time when he was touched by the stone.

The future has just been changed.

Tobio, who had no expectation of this, was like a timid rabbit seeing his natural enemy. He jumped up from the back seat in surprise, and then somersaulted into the front passenger seat.

The driver, who was originally concentrating on driving, was pushed hard by Tobio and almost swerved the steering wheel and hit the road:


“What are you doing suddenly jumping to the front? Are you crazy?!”

While shouting at Tobio in fear, the uncle driver instinctively stepped on the brakes.

As if the stone was not affected by inertia, it actually maintained its slow and steady movement even when the taxi suddenly braked, constantly approaching Tobio who had escaped to the front seat.

“Boss, what should I do?”

“I will die if I touch it, so how should I fight back?”

“Do you want to run away?”

Tobio said to Diavolo “on the phone” extremely nervously.

“Don’t be afraid.”

Diablo said calmly:

“Currently, except for the strange property of ‘death on touch’, this stone is not very destructive or fast.”

“You don’t have to run away, just try to destroy it.”

“Destroy it?”


Tobio looked around for the right tool and said in confusion:

“I can’t touch this stone directly, and I don’t have any weapons to take advantage of it”

“Who said there is no such thing?”

Diablo retorted coldly:

“My dear Tobio”

“Look next to you, the uncle driving the car”

“The human skull is harder than most rocks. Isn’t that enough to take advantage of it?”

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