Lee Sin’s Bizzare Adventure Chapter 247: Mouse Knight

At that moment of life and death, Formaggio secretly calculated his chances of survival.

He was almost standing at the edge of the drain, standing in front of the rats that were ready to move.

Those mice only need one leap to carry this delicious butter man back into the sewer, and the whole process may take less than 1 second.

From when Mista pulled the trigger and the bullet came out of the chamber, to when the “Bullet Riders” discovered that Holmaggio suddenly became smaller and temporarily adjusted the trajectory, and finally, they controlled the bullet whose speed was greatly reduced after turning and blasted them head-on. Come on, the whole process will take about 1 to 2 seconds.

Theoretically speaking, he did have time to escape.

It’s just that there are too many variables in this method:

Formaggio needs to bet that Mista will aim for the vital parts of his head in order to kill him, instead of anticipating that he will become smaller and aiming for the ground in advance.

He also needs to bet that the mice can’t help but jump out to hunt as soon as he becomes smaller. He needs to bet that the mice will turn around and return to the sewer as soon as they pick up the “food”. He needs to bet that the mice will be gentler. Be gentle instead of just opening your mouth and biting his head into pieces.

Infinite variables add up to make this escape a complete gamble.

The probability of winning this bet is slimmer than buying a lottery ticket, but the bet is Formaggio’s life.

But Formaggio had no choice.

Instead of giving up thinking in the face of death like a weakling, it is better to gamble with your own life on the glimmer of hope.

This is his basic quality as a substitute messenger.

Fortunately, Formaggio won the bet.

Before the fourth bullet rotated almost 90 degrees in the air and struck, he successfully used his body covered in icing sugar as a bait, allowing a mouse eager to fight for food to save him from a narrow escape. picked it up in his mouth.

But for just a short moment, it was like a scene from some kind of horror movie…

A shadow suddenly shot out of the dark abyss cave, instantly dragging the humans wandering at the cave entrance into darkness.

It’s just that after falling into darkness, Formaggio will become safer:

“Mista does not have any sensory abilities.”

“He can also determine the direction by observing ants on the ground, and then let the stand-in patrol the air to find my position with the naked eye.”

“But you can’t see in the sewers. Whether it’s Mista or Sex Pistols, they can only rely on the naked eye to lock the target. It’s absolutely impossible for them to fight in such a dark environment.”

“Without that precise ‘guidance’ ability, the Sexy Pistols would no longer be able to chase me with bullets.”

Formaggio thought calmly.

Just looking at the calm, relieved, and even faintly thankful expression, no one would believe that he was being held as food by a mouse.

The sharp rat teeth dug deeply into his shoulder, impaling Formaggio.

The rats kept galloping in the dark and narrow drainage pipe, and the two huge teeth firmly embedded in Formaggio’s shoulders trembled violently between his flesh and bones.

Chisel, twist, grind, grind…

Half of his shoulder soon became a blur of mud.

The rat’s dirty, turbid saliva mixed with the overflowing blood, and the fishy smell alone was enough to make you suffocate.

The footsteps of rats in the darkness were as dense and frightening as rapid drumbeats, and the frantic rattles stimulated by the smell of frosting and blood were even more frightening.

But Formaggio was still enduring, still enduring.

Because he knows that this gamble is not completely over yet, and he is not completely safe yet.

But the danger did not come from Mista, who had lost his target and could not pursue him, but from the mice who had just saved his life.

The rats took his “butterman stick” into the drainpipe, but the space in the drainpipe was too narrow.

He can’t get much bigger here, otherwise he will be squeezed into a pulp by the narrow pipe.

So Formaggio can only wait patiently, or pray:

He had to pray that the rats would be patient and take him back to the spacious sewer, instead of stopping to feast in this narrow drainage pipe.

In this way, Holmaggio endured the pain of torn flesh and bones and gambled his last life…

Tough and lucky to survive.

The rats did not crowd into the narrow drainage pipe to eat. They took the delicious and tempting food and went around two turns in a familiar way. In a few seconds, they ran back to the main sewer connected to the drainage pipe. .

When we arrived at the main sewer, we were greeted by a strong, disgusting, and unpleasant odor.

The bad smell of mixed fermented waste and excrement makes people feel dizzy and nauseous.

But now Holmaggio seemed to be reborn, and he took a few deep breaths of the rich and greasy air without any disdain.

Because no matter how it smells here, at least the space is much wider.

As the main sewer for treating urban domestic sewage, the ceiling here is as high as one person and the floor is as wide as two meters.

On one side of the ground is a ditch flowing with a large amount of stinking sewage, while on the other side is a narrow platform specially built with cement for inspection and maintenance personnel to walk.

Although rats are dirty, they certainly don’t like eating poop.

So fortunately, the mouse took Formaggio directly to the relatively clean narrow cement road in one leap, and he did not experience the terrible feeling of diving into the dung river.

“It’s safe.”

Formaggio let out a long sigh of relief.

And those mice finally brought the food back to their “restaurant”, and their emotions began to become more intense and unbearable.

The mouse that held Formaggio in its mouth seemed to have no intention of sharing the food with its companions. As soon as it landed smoothly with Formaggio, it suddenly opened its big mouth and tried to take the mouthful of food. Swallow it whole.

“Sorry, you are no longer useful.”

Formaggio said goodbye to his savior in his heart:

“Littlefeet, let me change back!”

The moment the mouse opened its mouth and swallowed, Formaggio’s body suddenly expanded more than ten times.

He changed back to his original form in an instant.

As for the rat that was originally biting Holmaggio’s shoulder firmly with its mouth, after the food in its mouth suddenly expanded dozens of times… its appearance became indescribably tragic.

The headless mouse corpse was just ejected.

Formaggio collapsed against the wall of the sewer.

The other mice seemed not to care at all about the strange deaths of their companions.

They gathered tightly around Formaggio, sniffing the smell of cream that had grown in size and become dozens of times richer, drooling and grinding their teeth.

The little brains of these mice can’t figure out why their food has grown in size. They will only watch greedily around the aroma of the food, and wander around because they are afraid of the size of Formaggio’s enlargement.

Formaggio certainly had no intention of paying attention to these rats who were interested in eating sweets but could not kill people.

After being completely safe, he immediately concentrated on analyzing the current situation.

The first thing you need to confirm is naturally your physical condition:

One leg was shot in the knee, and later half of his shoulder was bitten off, leaving an arm disabled.

For the stand-in user, this kind of damage is actually not serious.

After all, he still has one leg to walk and one arm to use, so he can continue to fight.

However, it is a pity that the situation is different now – he wants to fight, but the enemy will not be so stupid as to accompany him.

“Damn it…why did it hurt my knee!”

“I am walking with a limp now. If Mista wants to escape, there is no way I can stop him!”

Formaggio realizes that he has lost the ability to stop his enemy.

He couldn’t help but regret his laxness and felt helpless at the decline of the battle:

The power of Mista’s previous bullets has actually been greatly reduced.

If he could hide for a little longer, maybe just a dozen seconds longer, Mista would definitely shrink further, to the point where he was almost no threat to him.

But not only did Formaggio fail to hide, but unfortunately, Mista took advantage of the little time he had left to kill, and shot his knee twice in a row.

“Mista must have shrunk so much that he is no longer a threat.”

“But I could only sit in the sewer dragging my injured leg and watching the target I was responsible for escape!”

“Damn it…Damn it!”

Formaggio gritted his teeth, but what he hated in his heart was himself.

But no matter how much he blames himself or how unwilling he is, it can’t change the current situation where he has a leg injury and is unable to walk.

Even escaping had to rely on the help of mice. How could he crawl back to the ground and catch up with the enemy in this desperate situation?

“Wait…a mouse?”

Formaggio suddenly thought of something.

He is a strong warrior after all, not an incompetent coward.

Those negative emotions only lasted for two seconds in his heart. Formaggio, who had just come to safety, immediately thought of a way to return to the battlefield

So, he couldn’t help lowering his head, and in the darkness, he tried hard to observe the mice that were still drooling at him and at the ice cream.

“By the way…the mouse’s nose must be very powerful, right?”

“Since you want to eat ice cream so much, you will definitely be able to follow the taste and run there, right?”

Formaggio suddenly began to talk to himself to the restless rats.

As he spoke, he stood up staggeringly and cast his gaze towards the underground drain in front of him that was filled with stinky sewage.

The next second, under the puzzled eyes of the mice, Formaggio suddenly jumped forward:

“Little feet, make me smaller!”

As his body reached mid-air, Formaggio turned himself into a tiny person again.

He just jumped into the thick, greasy and turbid “chocolate river” and let the rapid water wash away his body.

When he immediately turns back to shore…

His body was already overflowing with soup and full of juice, and the ice cream wrapped around his body was completely replaced by something else.

Smelling such a smell and seeing such a sight, the mice that were salivating at Formaggio immediately stopped salivating——

My teeth are already ground, so why don’t you give me this?

These manic predators instantly entered sage mode. Even if Formaggio was standing in front of them without hiding, they would only find it boring.


Formaggio laughed to himself.

He unceremoniously grabbed the back fur of a mouse, and then straddled it like a knight conquering a fierce horse:

“Hurry up, little mice, don’t let me down.”

“I don’t have food for you here. If you want food…”

“Just go back to the ground and get it!”

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