Lee Sin’s Bizzare Adventure Chapter 227: Failed transfer

Lee Sin is moving forward unswervingly.

Unlike the absolute confidence that he is bound to win on the surface, he actually knows in his heart that his current situation is somewhat dangerous:

Because the aging on his body has been getting worse.

Although Li Qing is so powerful now that he looks like the reincarnation of Lian Po, he is actually a patient suffering from serious illnesses.

The body’s functions are declining every minute and every second. If he doesn’t take advantage of the opportunity to act quickly, sooner or later he will age to the point where he can hardly move and be slaughtered by others.

So, Lee Sin charged at Bessie with all his strength.

The distance between the two sides is getting closer and closer, and Bessie’s power cannot effectively hinder him at all.

As long as he can grab the ice cubes from Bessie, Li Qing will have the confidence to stay here and face the enemy head-on.


“Brother, save me!”

Bessie shouted in panic.

But the urgent call for help did not receive a response at the first time:

“Brother, brother, where are you?”

“Come and save me”

No one responded to two calls for help.

But at the moment when Li Qing was only a few meters away from defeating Bessie, a figure suddenly appeared from the waiting area next to him.

“His companion showed up?”

Li Qing suddenly stopped charging with all his strength.

He instinctively reversed his fist and turned his still powerful fist towards the man who was halfway out.

However, at this critical moment, Li Qing’s fist subconsciously hesitated.

Because of that man, no, I should say that old man.

His heart and blood flow have become extremely slow after aging, and his life seems to be exhausted at any time.

This guy has no killing intent at all. He doesn’t look like an enemy at all. He just looks like an aging passerby suffering from Alzheimer’s disease.

Li Qing instinctively did not want to attack such an innocent and weak person, so before his mind could move, his body unconsciously restrained his movements.

The old man was walking towards this side with a staggering step, while mumbling in a daze:

“Hey, save me.”

“Please help me, I don’t know what’s wrong with me.”

“I obviously like eating greasy meat, but now I don’t want to touch it at all. I want to eat something light.”

He was talking nonsense, and he reached out his hands to Li Qing for help in a daze.

It looks quite pitiful.

“Get out of here!”

Li Qing has no time to waste time with this guy who already has dementia:

“Get away quickly, I will treat you to meat later!”

He raised his hand to drive away the troublesome old man.

But the old man’s brain seemed to have aged to the point where he could no longer understand human speech. Facing the ferocious-looking Li Qing, he felt as if he was stuck on porcelain.

Finally, the old man’s hand touched Li Qing’s body.

A terrifying humanoid double with eyes all over his body suddenly appeared in front of Li Qing:

“Heroes become benevolent!”

Then, the next moment

Li Qing’s body became dry and shriveled at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The degree of aging suddenly increased at a frightening speed, and his body aged like a mummy in just one second.


Li Qing exclaimed, and even the sound he spat out became extremely old:

The dying old man turned out to be the real body!

It turns out that the enemy’s stand-in ability can also be applied to yourself.

He had been hiding beside him pretending to be an aging passerby, and he also deceived himself with his confused and pitiful appearance.

Li Qing’s whole body was covered with chills, and he immediately slapped away the hand of the weird old man in front of him, and then suddenly took a few steps back.

“Oh? You still have the strength to break free?”

“Obviously as long as my hero Chengren directly touches the target, the aging speed will be greatly accelerated.”

“The average person will never have the strength to stand if they are touched, but you can still retain this kind of physical strength that is similar to that of a healthy person”

“You are such a monster, Lee Sin.”

The old man’s cloudy eyes gradually became cold and sharp.

His rickety back began to straighten quickly, and the dry flesh became full in an instant.

In just a short moment, this haggard old man turned into a young man with a tall and tall figure and a handsome face.

“Brother Proshute!”

Bessie narrowly escaped death and was so moved that she almost cried:

“You have always been hiding by my side!”

“Fortunately, I have big brother here, I was almost killed”

He habitually wanted to vent his fear, but Proshit glared back fiercely:

“Shut up!”

“You are such a spoiled brat, Bessie.”

“Why did you ask for help just now? You were giving the enemy a reminder, did you know that?”

“‘Only poor people cry for help. I don’t want to hear such weak words from your mouth again.”

Proshute gave his younger brother the required lessons for gangsters at the right time.

Bessie timidly nodded a few times, while Prosit immediately turned his eyes filled with murderous intent to Li Qing:

“Li Qing, your body is indeed different from ordinary people.”

“But that’s where it ends.”

“Accelerated aging has reduced you, a monster, to a level similar to that of an ordinary person.”

“Before long, you will be like those passers-by, aging to the point where you can hardly walk.”

“And your companions waiting outside the station may not have time to come and save you.”

“It’s all over.”

Prosit stepped forward slowly.

The double with eyes all over his body was heroic and benevolent, guarding him tightly like a loyal guard.

The speed at which Zhuang Lie became a benevolent person was not that fast, but it was not far behind the aging and degenerated Li Qing.

And its power (panel force b) is far superior to that of Li Qing at this moment.

In other words, now Prosit doesn’t need to use any tactics at all. He can quickly resolve the battle by just pushing forward.

“We are the ones who win.”

“Li Qing, you have nowhere to go!”

Procute and Zhuanglie Chengren came forward together.

They are about to break through Li Sin’s already fragile defenses, take away the hundreds of billions of treasures in his pocket, and take away his life.

However, at this critical moment

“That’s right, I can no longer confront you.”

“But, there is no way out? Haha”‘

Li Qing suddenly raised his arm, and a flash of light lit up his skinny fist:

“Tian Yin Bo!”

A bright white light group lit up in the sky.

There was no time to stop it, it quickly penetrated the air and submerged into the wall and flew away.

Li Qing has been hiding his skills before, in order to ensure that he can “strategically switch” at any time.

And he has been using his hearing to lock onto a passerby who was dazed and motionless outside the station for a long time.

Even though his hearing was rapidly declining due to his body a few seconds ago, he was 90% sure that he could use his memory to successfully hit the target with this Tianyin Wave.

Sure enough, the results did not disappoint.

Li Qing’s Tianyin Wave successfully hit the target nearly three hundred meters away.

Such a long ability distance not only ensures that the enemy cannot catch up with him, but also allows him to escape the influence of the enemy’s avatar in one fell swoop.

With such flexible and powerful displacement ability, Li Qing can literally go wherever he wants.

“Goodbye, you two.”

“I’m going to borrow some ice first, and we’ll fight again later.”

Li Qing smiled at Prosit without fear.

As he spoke, his figure turned into nothingness, and his whole body soared into the distance.

The displacement speed of Echo Strike has not slowed down at all because of Li Sin’s aging.

Proshut couldn’t stop it at all. He could only watch as Li Qing turned into a phantom with the hundreds of billions of treasures.

Li Qing just rushed through the waiting hall, through the wall, through the aisle, through the train platform next to the waiting hall, through

I can’t wear it anymore.

Li Qing suddenly fell from mid-air.

He fell down on the train platform at an alarming speed, and almost fell into the rails under the platform.

Yes, Li Qing’s second echo strike, which he had never missed before, was interrupted midway.

He didn’t manage to fly out of the station at all. He only flew less than fifty meters at most before he fell off halfway and hit the train platform.

“How could this happen”

“My body was completely ‘insubstantial’ when I was in the displacement state of Echo Strike. How could I be dragged down midway? Could it be”

Li Qing’s face changed slightly.

He suddenly remembered the fishhook that had been stuck in his flesh, causing no pain or itching and no sense of existence.

So Li Qing immediately lowered his head and stretched out his hand to wipe his thigh:

Sure enough, the fishhook is still there.

The fishing line pulled behind the fishhook was stretched straight, pointing all the way fifty meters away to the waiting hall where Li Qing had just escaped.

The so-called “body deformation” could not free him from the shackles of this fishhook at all.

At this time, Li Qing figured it out:

Just like in the game, the echo attack can be interrupted by various forced displacement skills.

This fishhook generated by the stand-in ability is considered an “enemy hero skill” in the system’s judgment and can affect Li Qing in a displaced state.

In other words, Li Qing cannot escape at all now, not even with his skills.

“We’re in big trouble.”

Li Qing’s mood finally became serious.

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