Lee Sin’s Bizzare Adventure Chapter 199: Sun Disk

Ahem, it is said that seven days in a row will cause readers to fail in their investment, so I will continue the chapter first.

Then continue pigeon__

Fuge’s face was not very good.

He had just narrowly escaped death in front of a supersonic portable anti-aircraft missile. He jumped from an altitude of 400 meters with zero skydiving experience, and drifted in the cold wind at night for more than a minute. Finally, he finally He fell uncontrollably into a dark and deserted alley.

I’m fine, but my **** hurts a bit from the fall.

Of course, this slight injury is nothing at all.

As a layman with no skydiving training, Fugo was so moved that he could land alive in the emergency situation just like that. He wanted to buy a few indulgence scrolls to fulfill his vow to God. .

But he was also not happy

I have survived, but I don’t know how long I can survive:

The phone was lost somewhere during the skydiving, and there was no umbrella flower visible in the dark sky. There was no way to find the whereabouts of my companions.

Out of the dark alley, there is a fairly wide street.

This street already looks a bit dilapidated and old, but it is still bustling and lively:

Cars come and go in a hurry, pedestrians come and go in a hurry, the shops and supermarkets on the roadside are quite popular, and the atmosphere is so warm that it makes people feel that the aging street lamps are much brighter, and the dilapidated ones that have been dug up and repaired The road surface is much more pleasing to the eye.

But all this excitement belongs to others.

The lively scene in front of him not only made Fuge feel at ease, but also made him extremely nervous:

The destruction of the helicopter shows that the enemy is well prepared and they may appear around you at any time.

Every stranger who appears on the street now may become the messenger of death that puts him in desperate situation in the next second.


“Where have Bucciarati and the others gone?”

“If I go to the Colosseum alone, I’m very likely to bump into the boss there alone!”

A trace of cold sweat appeared on Fuge’s forehead.

Although he has made great progress all the way to the present, and even successfully became the “online boss” of the organization, he still has not been able to completely get rid of the fear of the boss himself that has been rooted in his heart for many years.

Not only did this fear not weaken after Diavolo’s substitute information was exposed, but it also became vaguely more serious because of the Crimson King’s almost unsolvable substitute ability.

At this moment, Fuge was standing on the edge of the road, standing next to the dilapidated road that was blocked by the cordon and had not yet been repaired, and he made no move.

While he was observing everything around him nervously and carefully, he was thinking about how to join his companions as soon as possible.



A very familiar voice suddenly sounded in my ears.

“Nalanja? Why are you here!”

Fuge turned his head suddenly, a surprise bursting out of his eyes:

Drowsiness happened to hit the pillow, and he never thought that the lost companion he missed so much could appear next to him so quickly.


Nalanjia took a long breath, seeming to be very tired:

“The parachute I jumped right behind you happened to be blown in the same direction as you by the wind.”

“You didn’t see, I was floating behind you all the time, and landed on a nearby roof at about the same time you landed.”

“Then I ran all the way down from the rooftop and met you here.”

“So this is great!”

Unlike Li Qing, Giorno, and Apache, whom he had just met for two days, Nalanja was Fugo’s best friend in life, second only to Bucciarati.

With such a familiar and reliable companion waiting by his side, Fugo inexplicably no longer felt nervous even in this cold and unfamiliar city, on this dangerous night.


“Did you see the direction in which Bucciarati and the others landed?”

Fuge couldn’t help but ask about the whereabouts of the others.

“Didn’t notice.”

“I’ve been following you, and I don’t know much about other people’s situations.”

Nalan Jia shook his head helplessly:

“I’m afraid it’s too late to make peace with the others.”

“Let’s do what Bucciarati said and quickly find someone to borrow a car and set off to the Colosseum.”

“If it’s Bucciarati, he will definitely be waiting for us at the finish line!”


After reuniting with his companions, Fugo’s mentality was obviously much more relaxed.

He suppressed his fear of Diavolo and no longer guarded everything around him, but instead calmly analyzed the current situation:

“We really should get out of here.”

“We were floating in the sky for more than a minute just now. After landing, we wasted a lot of time by being entangled in the parachute. It has taken nearly two minutes now.”

“If the enemy has vehicles such as cars and motorcycles, even if the speed limit on urban roads is 50km/h, these 3 minutes will be enough for them to move roughly in the direction where we landed.”


In front of “teacher” Fuge, who often taught him mathematics knowledge, Nalanjia habitually started to answer questions.


“The **** answer is 2484 meters!!”

“I usually teach you how to count coughs in vain”

Fuge choked suddenly, and it took him a long time to suppress his subconscious temper.

In fact, he has always suspected that half of his irritable and irritable temper was caused by being angry while teaching Nalanja mathematics:

“Forget it, let’s not talk about it.”

“All in all, this time is enough for the enemy to move a lot of distance.”

“If their position had been near here from the beginning, the enemy might have even ambushed us early.”

“It is precisely because of this that I have been alert to the troubles around me.”

“I understand.”

After hearing this, Nalanjia had no intention of thinking about mathematical problems anymore:

“If this is the case, then the enemy has either not arrived yet, or he has just arrived.”

“That’s the case”

“Then I might be able to detect something useful.”

Nalan Jia seemed to have thought of some way to detect enemies and prevent attacks.

While he called Fugo to take charge of finding someone to borrow the car, he summoned his Aerosmith without hesitation, letting the small plane spin its propellers straight into the sky.

The carbon dioxide radar was quietly turned on, and a large amount of detection information was presented on the virtual radar screen in front of him at the same time for Nalanja to analyze carefully.

However, at this moment

“You don’t need to detect anymore.”

Fuge swallowed, and his voice suddenly became extremely solemn.

“Huh?” Nalanja was slightly startled: “What do you mean?”

As he was confused, he suddenly noticed that the lights around him seemed to be much brighter.

Not only did the light become brighter, but its brightness continued to increase, until it illuminated the shadows of the buildings and deserted alleys that were previously in darkness. It was obvious that this was no longer something that any light could do. .

The dim light of the street lamp was quickly obscured by a more dazzling golden light.

And the golden light gradually enveloped all directions, like a rising sun at dawn.

“What happened?”

Nalan Jia raised his head in confusion and looked in the direction of the golden light:

I saw that next to the road where the two people were standing, where there was just a broken road, a tower that was three or four meters high had “grown” out of nowhere.

The tall tower glowed with a faint golden light, and its material looked like metal or stone.

It is covered with various complicated patterns and textures, which look like remnants of an ancient civilization.

What’s even more eye-catching is that

On the top of the tall tower, where the spire should be built according to common sense, a huge, round golden disk floated out of thin air.

There is always an extremely bright light lingering on the disk. It floats high on the top of the tower, like a golden round sun.

“Solar disk?”

Nalan Jia murmured to himself in surprise:

“What the **** is this?”

“Is such a big tower a stand-in for the enemy? Where is the enemy?”

“When did it appear and how could it suddenly appear around us?”

“I don’t know any of this”

Fuge’s tone became increasingly serious:

“But what I know is”

He stared at the tall tower that appeared in front of him, the sun disk suspended on the top of the tower, and the light on the sun disk that suddenly became extremely bright:

“We are in big trouble.”

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