Lee Sin’s Bizzare Adventure Chapter 172: Hunter and prey

Li Qing did not hear the sound of the grenade hitting the ground as he expected.

At the same time, the mixed smell of metal and gunpowder was getting closer and closer to him, and it seemed that it would pounce on him in the next second.

“What’s going on?”

Li Qing subconsciously felt that something was wrong.

So he struggled to twist the heavy and stiff pig head and looked behind him with his highly myopic eyes:

I saw a small fuzzy black figure completing an almost 90-degree right-angle turn in mid-air in a strange manner, and then struck Li Qing’s body straight from behind.

“This’sexy grenade’?!”

Looking at this automatically tracking black figure, Li Qing’s pig face covered with white hair suddenly became extremely stiff.

He hurriedly used his hooves and tried his best to escape as fast as he could.

The grenade was like a nightmare that could never be escaped. The faster Li Qing escaped, the faster it flew.

Finally, after a short flight, the grenade quickly rushed in front of Li Qing and lightly hit his left front leg.


The delayed fuse detonated the explosive, and the grenade exploded into a flash of fire.

This ball of sparks bloomed close to Li Qing, and the high-pressure air wave released actually knocked his three-hundred-kilogram body away in one fell swoop.

Fortunately, after he turned into a pig, his other attributes were greatly weakened, but his “armor” was actually strengthened.

That fat body became the perfect buffer zone to withstand the impact of the explosion, and the thick pigskin and hard ribs became the best shield to block metal fragments.

Being knocked to the ground by a grenade at close range, Li Qing only lost about 20% of his health.

“It’s okay”

“Sure enough, the supervisor’s ability only changed his body, and he can even continue to use his ‘substitute ability’.”

Looking at Li Qing whose body was “unscathed” and the blood bar that was always floating on Li Qing’s head, Thomas’s expression became increasingly nervous.

He is now wearing orange transparent eyepieces on his head, a solid body armor on his body, a double-barreled shotgun in his hand, a row of 12-gauge thick shotguns hanging on his waist, and three unused extensions. Time grenade.

And Li Qing is just a 300-pound pig.

No matter how you look at it, Thomas is the hunter now, while Li Qing is the pig being slaughtered.

But Thomas was nervous.

Although he has a substitute ability that is very suitable for fighting, he is really not good at fighting and is unwilling to fight.

If he hadn’t been forced by his supervisor, he wouldn’t have wanted to risk going into battle and fighting a battle that didn’t belong to him.

Because he was not a gangster, but an honest and clean white-collar worker.

He was completely fooled by the so-called high salary and high benefits in the job advertisement, so that he was half-coaxed and half-deceived into this pig farm by the mafia who pretended to be a serious HR but actually ate people without spitting out their bones. Act as a technical staff member who maintains the passion organization’s intranet and manages organizational intelligence.

If Thomas hadn’t awakened his stand-in ability by chance and gained the status of a full member, his situation would have been a hundred times worse than it is now.

Because in this pig farm, the technicians, who are ordinary people, are complete slaves:

The working environment is extremely harsh, with no daylight 24 hours a day, unlimited overtime 365 days a year, no holidays and no rest. In order to keep confidentiality, they are not allowed to contact the outside world, and they are not allowed to leave the gate of the pig farm.

If anyone has any objections, the supervisor will personally send him to the pig pen.


“It would be better if I hadn’t been fooled in the first place.”

Being on the front line of the war, Thomas was distracted and thinking about other places.

“Why are you standing still? You are fighting now!”

The supervisor’s extremely angry roar came from the wireless headset.

Just for a second, his boss’s murderous warning reached his ears: “Thomas”

“Cheer up, you know, pig!”

“The miscellaneous soldiers I sent out can only barely delay Bucciarati and others. If you let Li Qing successfully join his companions here, you will know the consequences.”

Although the supervisor himself was still hiding in the secret computer room, a thin layer of cold sweat suddenly broke out on Thomas’ forehead just by hearing that sound.

This pig farm is a substitute for the supervisor.

There are special surveillance cameras everywhere, and the surveillance images are directly connected to the supervisor’s thoughts. Everything that happens in the pig farm cannot escape the supervisor’s eyes.

And Thomas’ performance of “catching fish” just now was naturally seen by the supervisor from a distance.

This is a very dangerous thing.

If you are caught slacking off in this pig farm, your salary will not be deducted, but your qualifications for human survival will be deducted.

“I understand.”

Once again, he habitually endured the humiliation of being treated like a pig or dog.

“I will definitely be obedient.”

Thomas said this sentence through gritted teeth.

As he spoke, he quickly raised the shotgun in his hand and pulled the trigger towards Li Qing, who had just stood up from the aftermath of the explosion.


A thunderous sound came from the muzzle.

Li Qing’s pig ears couldn’t help but tremble violently.

He heard the gunshot and immediately ducked aside in panic.

But this has no effect.

The two No. 12 shotgun shells fired from the two thick barrels scattered a total of 16 metal pellets. Like the previous grenades, they also flew towards Li Qing like self-tracking missiles.

Compared with grenades, their speed is hundreds of times faster.

It was impossible to dodge. These 16 small projectiles quickly drew simple arcs in mid-air, and the next moment they all hit Li Qing’s left front leg joint.

Li Qing’s blood volume suddenly dropped sharply again.

Although he would not be injured, the huge kinetic energy carried by these metal projectiles bombarded the leg joints without any reservation, causing him to stumble to the ground like a lame chair in that moment.

“Damn it!”

Li Qing’s heart was beating fast.

After realizing that the enemy’s bullets and grenades were “directional attacks”, he suddenly felt very big, although he was indeed very big now.

What to do?

He is now unable to use skills, and his physical fitness has degraded to the level of a pig.

The double-barreled shotgun used by the enemy has a powerful repulsive effect. Without displacement skills and only relying on four hooves, it is impossible for Li Qing to get close to its body to fight back.

And if he chooses to escape, there is absolutely no way he can outrun those automatically tracking grenades and bullets.

This is a dead end

“There is no such thing as a ‘dead end’ in the world!”

In this flash of lightning, Li Qing’s cloudy eyes suddenly aroused a will to survive.

He thought of the pig he saw in his hometown in the countryside when he was a child.

A pig can burst out with the speed of a motorcycle when facing a butcher’s knife. As a person standing at the top of the food chain, he cannot lose his desire to survive to a pig that has been kept in captivity for his entire life.

“Calm down, think, and start analyzing from the fundamentals”

“What mechanism and method is used to realize the enemy’s ‘automatic tracking’ ability?”

“How did he target me? Is it through thoughts, sounds, breath, or other factors?”

Li Qing kept thinking.

Countless question marks appeared in his mind, and he was also making decisions and judgments quickly.

So, while the enemy was loading the double-barreled shotgun, he used all his strength like instinct to roll towards the low cement wall on one side of the aisle.

Similar to an ordinary large-scale pig farm, this pig farm has two wide aisles running from north to south, and rectangular pig pens are regularly distributed on both sides of the aisles.

And these low cement walls that form the pigsty can serve as bunkers during gun battles.

Of course the bunker can’t block the bullets that can turn, but what Li Qing wants to block now is not the bullets, but the enemy’s sight.

Sure enough

After Li Qing hid behind the low concrete wall, gunshots did not ring out again, and grenades were not thrown again.

What came was the sound of enemy footsteps.

Obviously, the enemy is adjusting its position to where it can see its prey.

“As expected”

Li Qing instantly got the information he wanted: “The enemy is relying on vision to lock the target. So”

He carefully sniffed the complex smell in the air, and used this complex olfactory information to restore the spatial distribution of the entire pig farm:

“As long as he can’t see me, the problem will be solved.”

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