Law of the Devil Chapter 335: [Ruffick]

Chapter 335 [Luffick]

Time finally crosses the last day of the 962 years of the Empire.

On that night, in the shops of the Duke of Tulip Industry, the “fireworks” invented by Du Wei became the best-selling thing. Even the palace has purchased several carts.

In addition, Du Wei also ordered the factory to make a batch of small fireworks suitable for civilian use for public sale to the civilians of the imperial capital.

Taking advantage of the happy season at the end of the year, a large number of gold coins flowed into Du Wei’s pocket again. As for Dewey’s commercial chief ceo little Zach, he was smiling.

That night, the sky above the Imperial Capital, the brilliant fireworks flashed throughout the night, lighting the sky above the Imperial Capital like daylight. In the square of the palace, special regulations are issued. Here, the largest fireworks to be given to the royal family by Duvitgong will be concentrated. This thing is much more magnificent than the “Goddess of Forgiveness” that Du Wei had made to celebrate his mother’s birthday.

Looking at the huge fireworks blooming in the sky, Du Wei did not go to the square to observe the ceremony at this moment. Even though countless nobles went to the square in front of the court tonight to see the ceremony, Du Wei claimed to be sick and rest at home.

He was sitting alone on the top of the highest building in the Ducal Mansion, his legs were swaying on the eaves, and there was a bottle of fine wine beside him. Even though the cold night was heavy, Dewey seemed to be very happy.

“It’s another year … It’s me again.” Du Wei sighed, took a sip from the bottle, and laughed, facing the starry sky in the distance, loudly: “Happy New Year!”

Suddenly, a loneliness has come to Duwei’s presence in this world for many years, although he feels that he has gradually adapted, and even has melted into this world. Even sometimes, he has become very accustomed to being a “Roland”. But the Chinese saying goes great: think twice about the festival.

Only during this festive season for everyone, the inner loneliness will flash out like a ghost, reminding myself at all times: I am different from the people in this world.

Actually, Du Wei now thinks that this kind of emotion is ridiculous.

Originally, he thought he was a pure person from the original world. But now I know that I have actually lived in this world for several lives! Aragon. Du Wei 1 … hum.

If you count in this way, you will spend much more time in this strange world than you did on the earth in the previous life.

“Zhuang Zhoumeng butterfly, 孰 is a butterfly, 孰 is me?” Du Wei smiled at himself.

In the distance, there is a lively hustle and bustle on the streets, and in the sky in the distance, one firework blooms in the roar. The festive atmosphere on that street. It seemed to be able to smell across the distance.

At this moment, Du Wei’s heart suddenly fell silent …

Since it is integrated, why should we do this kind of childish mentality?

Looking at the streets in the distance … presumably everyone is in a happy atmosphere now. Today, even the servants of the Ducal Mansion have changed into new clothes.

Think here. Du Wei suddenly felt an impulse in his heart … Looking at the streets in the distance, there was a flash of fireworks.

“In fact, how many people know. I made this firework, not to make money at all.” Du Wei whispered to himself: “I just want to make the world more like my original. That world. “

When a person becomes more lonely, in fact, his heart becomes more yearn for those lively occasions. If you do not want to open people, at this time, you will be locked up alone.

Coduwi …

After he took the last sip of wine, he threw the bottle from the top of the building, flipped his clothes, and laughed, “Stupid, stupid!”

He flew down from the top of the building. After landing on the ground, he strode toward the outside.

When he came to the front hall of the Duke’s Mansion, when the servants saw the master, they immediately stood still and saluted, but Du Wei smiled slightly and walked quickly. He walked to the door and listened to the sound of crackling fireworks and firecrackers from the distance. The impulse in Du Wei’s heart was even more vigorous.

Wave hands to let a few guards step down: “I’m going out alone. Don’t follow me … um …”

He said so. Suddenly he saw the honest, even a little timid, standing at a corner in the distance. Du Wei smiled and tickled his fingers: “Rufick, you go out with me.”

This Lufick is naturally the “Future Nanyang King” from Nanyang. At this moment, he has to be beside Dewey, and he has been afraid of Dewey all day, even from his groom.

Looking at the dreadful expression on Rufick’s face, Du Wei’s attitude today is very kind: “Okay, boy, don’t talk nonsense, follow me out.”

After speaking, he strode out of the Duke’s Mansion. Rufic didn’t dare to delay, but obediently followed.

The fear of Dewey has been deeply imprinted in his heart. At this moment, Dewey smiles more kindly at himself, but in Ruffick’s heart, it becomes more awe.

The two of them went one after the other, and after turning out two streets, they came to the bustling place of the imperial capital.

Lu Feike followed quietly, but Du Wei looked back at him rarely and smiled, “Are you afraid of me?”

Luffick shrank back hard. The fear of this boy’s undisguised eyes made Du Wei smile. He reached out and patted the boy’s shoulder: “Very well, I’m satisfied Your performance. Remember one thing: it is normal for you to fear me. It is not surprising. In fact, as long as you do not disobey me in the future, I will not punish you. Moreover, I do not want you to As a result, you become cowardly. Remember, you may be a king in the future. “

Speaking, he nudged the boy slightly, and then he pulled the boy and walked side by side.

On the bustling street, there are still many young children bouncing with fireworks. It seems that Du Wei has made this new thing and it is very popular.

“Master, master …”

Luffick hesitated suddenly. Timid mouth. Although he was afraid of Du Wei in his heart, after all, he was still a teenager, looking at the bustling road and the fireworks held by the children, he could not help showing a look of longing: “You, you today …”

“Why are you so gentle today?” Du Wei smiled softly, then he whispered: “Ruffic, you are not Roland. Your hometown is in Nanyang, that is, you are a stranger. . “

He then whispered something that only he could hear: “And I … is also a stranger.”

Du Wei suddenly came to the side of the road, took two children who were preparing to set off fireworks, and then pulled out a gold coin from his pocket with two fingers, and smiled: “I’ll exchange this for yours Things, okay? “

Although the two children play hard, they are young. It’s enough to tell how much money is. Glancing at Du Wei, he could not help but let out his eyes, and nodded eagerly. Before Dewey spoke, he quickly dropped the fireworks in his hands to the ground. Then took Dewey’s gold coins and turned around and ran away.

“Well. Hold on. These are yours. If you want to play, just play.”

Du Wei sighed. He actually touched Lufick’s head: “Child, after all, it’s just a child.”

Luffick’s black eyes suddenly flashed a trace of something other than fear, and there was a touch of faintness.

Walking to the street intersection, watching Xiao Lu Feike cheerfully lit a firework, a gorgeous spark spewed out of the fire, Ru Feike’s small face was full of excitement and joy. Du Wei sighed and couldn’t help thinking: Am I too harsh on him on weekdays?

With this idea, in the next shopping, Du Wei even bought a packet of candy for Lufick. The master and servant actually held candy in their hands and ate along the way.

Gradually, in the lively atmosphere of the street, Du Wei’s eyes indifference finally faded. He seemed to be truly immersed in this atmosphere. Rufick finally raised his head unknowingly. No longer a cowering look, of course, whenever confronting Dewey. He was still full of awe.

When the two reached the end of the street, they turned a corner. The next road was not so prosperous. Du Wei suddenly saw that there was still a tavern open by the road, and she couldn’t help but be surprised.

It’s the New Year’s evening at this moment. I am afraid that every household will not come out to eat and drink, and it is almost late at night. Such a pub is still open for business. Where can there be any business?

With a hint of curiosity, Du Wei walked into the door of this house at will. After walking in, it turned out that the tavern did not look very prosperous. The hall looked very narrow and dark. From the environment and decoration, it was also slightly outdated, which was a bit out of touch with the festive atmosphere outside.

Even for the sake of economy, even the lights were only lit two.

At the moment, in the empty hall, there is not even one guest besides himself.

A teenager who only looked like a teenager, dressed in a waiter’s service, saw Du Wei coming in, and hurriedly greeted him. After the counter, a woman in her thirties hurried out.

Du Wei looked back and looked for a chair and sat down.

“Dear guest, what do you need?” The young boy spoke squiggly, but his tongue was a bit unclear, as if to say that it seemed extremely jerky, and seemed to be a novice.

Du Wei smiled, and pulled out a gold coin from her arms and put it on the table: “Just get a bite to eat and drink, it’s cold enough on this day, and a brazier is next to me.”

The waiter saw the gold coin, his eyes were widened immediately, but the person next to the female boss hurried over, embarrassed, and respected Du Wei: “Guest … you, such a piece Gold coins, we do n’t have anything worth this price … “

Du Wei saw the embarrassment of the other party: “It doesn’t matter. If you have anything here, just get a little bit. The extra will be a tip for the waiter.”

He can see from the contours of the waiter’s and female boss’s faces that they are afraid of being either mother or son or sister.

The food will be delivered soon. The lady boss was very honest. She didn’t lie. There was really nothing good here. The food served was just a bowl of stuffed meat and a plate of beans cooked in salt water. In addition, Dewey took a sip of wine. It is also relatively poor split wine, but fortunately, it is quite strong.

The female boss seems a little apprehensive: “There are only these things left in the store, and you have a gold coin, we really don’t want to accept it … please you …”

Du Wei smiled slightly: “Nothing, since I rewarded this child, there is no reason to take it back.”

Luffick next to me, followed Dewey one night today. Seeing Dewey treated himself and Yan Yue, it seemed to be more courageous. He coughed, stood behind Dewey, and said to the female boss: If your master rewards you, please accept it. Our master is a noble person. Where can we take things out? “

After letting the boss and the waiter back, Du Wei pointed to the chair around him: “Luffick, sit down and drink with me.”

The teenager looked at Du Wei unbelievably for a moment.

“Look what? Are you afraid that I have eaten you? Sit down, I’ll let you drink with me.” Du Wei faintly said, Rufik quickly sat down.

After eating something, Dewey is very satisfied with the food. The salted beans are very tasty. And the meat was stuffy and fragrant. It seems that the boss here is pretty good.

As for Ruffick, he just got his **** carefully on the edge of the chair, but didn’t dare to reach out to eat. Du Wei smiled. He didn’t know what happened. Suddenly he had a bit of pity for the boy tonight.

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