Lady Cultivator Chapter 633: Go to Xuanwu

No one tried to stop the Moon Shadow Demon Lord, he escaped gently and skillfully. //Quick update without popup //

Isn’t it so easy to stop the great monk? If they were accidentally broken by him, then they had committed their own crimes.

Jing Xingzhi deliberately chased after him and shouted: “Senior, you have to go well, don’t fall to death!”

“…” Mo Tiange shook his head and said, “Are you bullying the old?”

Jing Xingzhi smiled like a ruffian: “For the old and disrespectful, I always like to bully.”

“I think you are beating a falling water dog!” Nie Wushang gave him a white look, and she was classified as a falling water dog.

At this time, she was still in Tiancan’s attire, but she did not have a disguised voice. Ling Yunhe frowned when she heard: “Tiancan Daoist friend?”

Nie Wushang simply took off the hat and showed a delicate face: “Sorry, friend Ling, my real name is Nie Wushang.”

“…” Ling Yunhe looked at her real face, a little surprised, and finally sighed, “What’s the matter with your real name and fake name? I only recognize that one of you is a friend of Qin Wei, and the other is a friend of Tiancun. .”

His words made the two of them sad inexplicably. Time passed by, and a hundred years later, they all stepped into Yuanying Avenue, and the Worry-Free Valley of the past is as if it were yesterday.

Speaking of which, the six people in Wuyou Valley, except for the two who died at the time, the remaining four have become Nascent Souls. Looking back on the past, I really feel moved.

Five people stood opposite each other, Qin Xi looked at Jing Xingzhi, who was surrounded by sword aura, as if he was in a sword formation, and said, “You are in the middle stage?”

“Why are you so surprised?” Jing Xingzhi glanced at Mo Tiange, “How long does Mo Qingwei have a baby? She can reach the middle stage, why can’t I?”

Nie Wushang only noticed now. Surprise: “Tiange, are you in the middle stage?!”

Mo Tiange smiled and nodded: “I just got promoted not long ago, so I got a great chance.”

“Huh!” Jing Xingzhi was so jealous, they had a big chance every time, and he would follow him every time! Fortunately, both Baihu and Jiandong belonged to him. Otherwise, he would be jealous.

“Several people.” Ling Yunhe said, “This is not a place to talk. Let’s go first!”


An hour later, they sat in Ling Yunhe’s magic ship and drove slowly to the coast.

“The Moon Shadow Demon Lord has no accomplices, right?” Jing Xingzhi made a circle in the magic ship. ask.

Nie Wushang said: “You are only worried now. Is it late?”

“I was worried a long time ago, so I prepared for a while.”

Nie Wushang turned his head and stared at him: “Are you not afraid that I didn’t support you?”

Jing Xingzhi smiled: “Why are you so easy to die? Look at your whole body moldy, you can’t die if you want to die, moldy girl!”

Nie Wushang gritted his teeth: “Yeah, without you, the whole body is full of swords and prestige, sword (bitch) people!”

Mo Tiange watched them laugh, and Nie Wushang was more relaxed when they met this time. Knowing her name, and joking with Jing Xingzhi like this, I must have completely escaped Master Matsukaze’s shadow. Reborn again.

After a few nonsense, everyone said their feelings. Jing Xingzhi said. He closed the sword cave in the Valley of Breath of the Wind for fifteen years, and understood the sword intent of Ziwei Sanren before leaving. Finally, he said triumphantly that he was not afraid of Qin Xi now.

Qin Xi just smiled. Of course he could see that Jing Xingzhi was different from before. It turned out that he was sharp and sharp, and his whole person was like an unsheathed sword. Now he, the sword intent of his whole body has reduced to half a drop, but as long as he wants to, he can transform into a sword at any time. Ziwei Sanren is truly a sword repair wizard. Not only did he achieve amazing achievements in his lifetime, but he also preserved his lifelong learning in the sword cave after death, and passed it down.

Jing Xingzhi kept saying that the big chance is theirs, he can only follow to pick up the leaks. In fact, as a sword repairer, neither the Yang Lingzhu nor the Suzaku’s bow can compare to Ziwei Sword Cave. . Moreover, he had been recognized by the White Tiger Pearl before, which could be something that Feifei had never done.

As for Nie Wushang, when she returned to the cloud, she retreats to participate in the elementary demon, and then somehow, let the Moon Shadow Demon Lord entangle him and ask her to hand over the elementary demon.

When Nie Wushang finished talking about his experience of being entangled by Moon Shadow Demon Lord, Mo Tiange frowned: “Strange, how could he know the existence of Yuan Demon?”

“Yeah, this is one thing I can’t figure out.” Nie Wushang said, “but no matter what I ask, he won’t show any sigh.”

Qin Xi tapped on the knuckles and said, “Your devilish energy is very high and deep, and it is impossible to hide it. Now the cloud and the celestial pole are in contact again, and the events of the extreme west may be passed on to the cloud. Go-Did Moon Shadow Demon Lord know that you are Master Matsukaze’s apprentice?”

It’s not a secret that Master Songfeng cultivated the primordial demon. Most of the high-ranking monks of the celestial pole knew about it, and the last time Master Songfeng appeared, it was in the extreme west.

“Is it Ye Frost Demon Lord?” Jing Xingzhi said, “The last time someone came from the cloud, she was the only one who went back. Maybe she was the one who revealed the innocence to Moon Shadow Demon Lord.”

Nie Wushang thought for a while, then shook his head: “It shouldn’t be that Ye Shuang and Yueying are both queen demons, and their strength is between the first and second. The Moon Shadow Demons must want to break through the late stage. , Promote the ranks of the gods. Such a good thing, will Demon Lord Yeshuang let others? There is not much harmony between several demon Lords.”

“It’s not her, how did the Moon Shadow Demon Lord know about the Primordial Demon?” Qin Xi said, “The last person in the cloud who cultivated the Primordial Demon was the city lord Mei Feng of Starfall, who was killed by me in Guixu. Hai, the story of the Yuanma Stone Tablet has not been leaked…”

Speaking of this, he suddenly stopped.

“Yang Chengji.” Mo Tiange slowly said the fame, “Guifang Mojun knows about the Yuan Devil Stone Tablet, so he will secretly sneak into the underground palace in Guixu Sea, and in the end, he fell short. , The Yuanmo stone monument was finally obtained by Yang Chengji.”

Nie Wushang was stunned: “Guifang Mojun has fallen for decades, Yang Chengji has not been seen, and has never heard of him…”

Mo Tiange said: “We were separated from Yang Chengji when we came out of Guixu Sea Secret Land. We don’t know where he went.”

“Moonshade Demon Lord will always be caught, right?” Nie Wushang proposed a possibility, thought about it, and denied it, “It’s not right. If he is caught, there is no need to catch me.”

Everyone was silent, and everyone was thinking.

“Everyone,” Ling Yunhe suddenly said, “You have to explore the reason, can you wait for the future? It’s not for this matter to come down here.”

“Oh, sorry.” Nie Wushang smiled apologetically, “Do you have any questions from Daoyou Ling?”

Ling Yunhe said: “What did the Tiancun Daoist fellow promised before?”

Nie Wushang said without hesitation: “Naturally will fulfill, we will go now.”

“That’s right!” Mentioned this matter, Mo Tiange asked, “The message you asked Ling Daoyou to preach was “The temple was born, come quickly.” What does this have to do with the temple?”

Nie Wushang pursed his lips and grinned: “Actually, I said this on purpose, to make you pay attention to it and come here quickly.”

“…” Mo Tiange shook his head, “Knowing that you are in danger, we will naturally come as soon as possible.”

Hearing these words, Nie Wushang was stunned, but his heart was warm, and he said: “However, things are also true. Before meeting the Moon Shadow Demon Lord, I went out to participate in the Demon Repair Fair and got The news. This matter has not been spread out yet, but we had better hurry up and be known by others at some point.”

Mo Tiange nodded: “Xuanwu Sacrifice Temple, still in Wuyou Valley, right?”

“How do you know?” Nie Wushang was surprised. “At that magic repair fair, I caught up with the former elder of Xingluocheng. I exchanged some news from him before I knew that City Lord Mei was from I got the elementary demon in the Xuanwu Sacrifice Temple, so at that time we lured us the pill-forming cultivators together and fed him the elementary demon he created, so that he could help himself ascend to the sky. Unexpectedly, his plan failed, and the elementary demon was swallowed by me. Mind.”

The matter of Star Falling City can be said to have changed the life of Nie Wushang. If they weren’t trapped by Mei Feng and could not get out, Nie Wushang would not devour the original demon, and he would become a real demon repairer. .

Mo Tiange said: “It can be regarded as Feng Shui turns, the Yuan Demon Stone Tablet in your hand is Mei Feng’s.”

“I guessed it.” Nie Wushang smiled and turned to look at everyone, “How about, everyone, go to Wuyou Valley right away, is it all right?”

It goes without saying that Qin Xi and Jing Xingzhi, Mo Tiange does not need to ask, only Ling Yunhe said: “I am ready for this trip.”

Nie Wushang smiled: “That’s good.”

“But…” Ling Yunhe said again, “Since I have decided to go immediately, can Dao Fellow Tiancun tell me what kind of place it is?”

Nie Wushang hesitated for a while, not knowing what to say, Mo Tiange said: “Friend Ling, you have also been to the Suzaku Sacrificial Temple, you should know that.”

Ling Yunhe frowned: “The Xuanwu Sacrificial Temple you are talking about is the same place as the Suzaku Sacrificial Temple?”

“Not bad.” Mo Tiange nodded.

Ling Yunhe meditated: “There are both Suzaku and there a blue dragon and white tiger?”

No one answered. The matter of worshipping the temple is not only a great opportunity, but also related to the secret of the chaos of the world. How can Mo Tiange be easily exported? Going to the Xuanwu Sacrifice Temple, if there is a chance for Ling Yunhe, it can be regarded as repaying him for his help.

Thinking of this, she moved in her heart. Xuanwu belongs to water, the four of them plus spirit beasts, only she and Xiaofan have water spirit roots, this chance will not fall on Ling Yunhe’s body, right?

“By the way, Fellow Ling, you said before, you know the things that ruin the world, can you say it now?”

After these few days, Ling Yunhe has completely calmed down. He just suppressed it for too long, whether it was Jiuyanzong or Ling Family, he was suppressed, and now he was suppressing a big secret in his heart, and his emotions fluctuated, not what he really wanted. In fact, even if Mo Tiange really responds, he still has to consider—Taoists admire the natural way of Taoism, and emotional matters are just a matter of course. Feelings robbed are not a good beginning or a good ending, which hinders practice.

At this time, he listened to Mo Tiange and asked him like this, and said: “This matter should also be talked about from Guixu Haixian Palace…” (to be continued). ..

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