Lady Cultivator Chapter 591: 3000 Avenue

Under the moonlight, Fairy Fengqing flew for a while with trepidation, always letting out her spiritual consciousness and paying attention to her surroundings.

Flying away for most of the day, there is nothing unusual, only then a little relieved.

What she told them just now was the truth. She didn’t return to the Heavenly Dao Sect, and stayed in the East China Sea was indeed for treasure hunting, but she concealed the specific information about the treasure. She was very thankful that Qin Shoujing didn’t get to the bottom, otherwise, she really didn’t know how to hide it. This treasure is not to be missed. If she can find it, this will be her biggest chance since she set foot on the fairy road.

Observing the surroundings, she waved her belt and raised a shield around her body, and the red lotus slowly fell under her feet and dived into the sea.

The sun is rising and the moon is setting. Two full days later, Fairy Fengqing came out of the water with a sound of “crash”.

She looked around vigilantly, and found nothing unusual before she stepped on the red lotus and disappeared into the sky.

After she disappeared, the figures of the two people on the spot slowly changed from blurry to clear.

Qin Xi looked at the direction where Fairy Fengqing was flying, and said: “She is arguing about it.”

Mo Tiange frowned slightly: “Does she know that we are following her?”

“It should not be.” Qin Xi said, “Cautious and suspicious is the common character of Yuanying monk. Fairy Fengqing is also a Yuanying monk for many years. It is not strange to do so.”

Tian Ge paused, and said, “Speaking of which, this fairy Fengqing was also more than 300 years old, but now he is only 700 years old, very similar to Senior Sister Miaoyi, but her name It seems that there is no resounding Sister Miaoyi, and the monks of Tianji rarely mention her.”

Qin Xi said: “There is a reason here. We all know that Tiandao Sect accepts only the qualifications. Regardless of character, disciples do not taboo when practicing magic arts. Many people who practice magic arts have a cruel temperament. Therefore, a lot of eloquence is left. This fellow Fengqing, although his main practice is not magic, he has practiced some side-by-side techniques, so his temperament is also a bit weird. To put it nicely, it is hateful and ugly, it is like killing people. Hemp.”

“Hundreds of years ago, she often walked outside, but whenever she felt unpleasant, she had never been merciless under her hands. The monks who fell in her hands were even hundreds of them. Therefore, the monk Tianji gave her the title of’Female Rakshasa’. When she learned about this, her temperament was even more irritable. If she heard someone talk about a female Rakshasa, she would be absolutely ruthless. From then on, no one dared to talk about her. As time passes, the past will be unknown. I knot After Dan, I never heard of her acting outside. Over the years, she has been practicing hard in the mountain gate. Outsiders only know the name of Fairy Fengqing, but they don’t know the truth.”

After listening to Mo Tiange, he frowned and said: “Master often said, “Xinxing is the first in the journey of the great road. Why do I often find monks who don’t cultivate nature when I am right?” Like this fairy Fengqing, he can actually cultivate to the point. Yuan Ying.”

Qin Xi shook his head: “You have a wrong understanding, it’s not that they don’t cultivate xinxing.”

“What do you mean?” Mo Tiange puzzled.

Qin Xi looked at her and asked: “Do you remember the Professor Han in the cloud?”

Professor Han, naturally it is Han Shizhi of Yueshan Academy, Mo Tiange nodded: “Remember, what did he do?”

Qin Xi said: “You should know that this Professor Han, although his cultivation level is not obvious, but he has unique insights into the classics. He is only a pill, but he can be named a professor. It is precisely because of his maverick and talent. Outstanding.” After a pause, he saw Mo Tiange nodding, and then continued, “In our opinion, he is vicious and self-interested. He neither restrains his desires nor cultivates his character, but he can create his own mind. Do you know why this is?”

Mo Tiange slowly said: “I have thought about this problem, but I still don’t think it through.”

Qin Xi smiled and said slowly: “My thought is that he found his way.”

Mo Tiange was startled when he heard the words and looked up at him.

“He can create his own mental method, which shows that the Scriptures are already clear to his heart, and he has his own opinions. He has insights, but does not practice the exercises of his predecessors. To my own way.”

After listening to Mo Tiange, he thought silently in his heart. She has traveled to many places and met many people for more than a hundred years, but no one is like Han Shizhi, which makes her puzzled. As Qin Xi said, Han Shi’s hands are cruel, self-sufficient, and the so-called xinxing training is all nonsense to him. To put it bluntly, he is not a good person. But it was such a bad guy, but he was a Confucian genius, and he became a professor at Yueshan Academy just by cultivating pills. He is highly regarded, and even recognized by the Confucian sacred objects. It is sooner or later that he will be promoted to Yuan Ying.

She can’t understand why such a person has such a smooth path to cultivate immortality? Is the so-called state of mind and character all nonsense?

“Tao is not the only one. Buddhism, Confucianism, Taoism, and demons, each genre is a different Tao. In a small way, even if the same cultivator, everyone’s Tao is different. Every Dao has the opportunity to cultivate and become immortal. This is the Three Thousand Dao, and everyone can communicate with God.”

Mo Tiange nodded slowly, of course she knew this.

Qin Xi continued: “There are three thousand Taos, similarity is Tao, and opposite is Tao; justice is Tao, evil is Tao; universal salvation is Tao, killing is Tao; beauty is Tao, ugliness is Tao . Tao is ever-changing, only one thing remains the same: only a strong heart can find one’s own Tao.”

“There are some people in this world who are vicious and vicious. They do not cultivate magic skills, but they can go to the end without a heart. Why is this? Because vicious and vicious is their heart. They face their hearts and firmly believe , What they think is the truth, that is, their way. Since what they do is to follow their own way, of course there is no demon.”

“Therefore, people who are attached to themselves, whether they are good or evil, beautiful or ugly, are likely to find their own way.”

Mo Tiange was startled, and murmured: “So, if you don’t cultivate your mood at all, you can set foot on the road.”

“You can’t think like this.” Looking at her expression, it seems that there is a question about the cultivation of the state of mind, Qin Xi explained, “Each school has different ways, such as magic cultivation. They don’t need to cultivate the state of mind, but you can Envy them?”.

Mo Tiange shook his head, the way of demonic cultivation, although the promotion is fast, the chance of becoming a great way is much smaller, most of them fell into the devil of cultivation. The path of Tao Xiu’s cultivation is water milling, slow but steady.

“Dao has no order, but there are superiors and inferiorities. There are many causes and effects caused by other people, and most of them fall on the way to find immortals. So, what is the use of Tao? This is different from the magical way. It is a truth.”

Mo Tiange did not speak or move, his eyes fixed on the void.

She has never doubted her own way, even if the magic is progressing rapidly, she still feels that being upright is the way she wants to go. When she met Han Shi, she was puzzled, and she didn’t understand how such a person could win the favor of the heavens and walk smoothly to the formation of pill, and even Yuan Ying. She thought, maybe everyone is different, so Xianlu is also different, but she still has doubts in her heart, can such a person really get to the last step?

At this moment, she was awakened by Qin Xi. As long as others are persistent enough, she can also set foot on the great road, but she does not have to doubt her own path because of this. As long as she walks steadily and firmly, one day, she can set foot on the supreme road.

When Qin Xi saw her raising her head, her eyes were firm, he knew she had figured it out, and smiled: “Let’s follow up quickly. If we don’t keep up, let her slip away.”

Mo Tiange nodded, and smiled back, and the two drove away, chasing after Fairy Fengqing disappeared.


Fairy Fengqing has always been very cautious, hiding in the water for two days, and then wandering on the sea. Although this place is in the depths of the East China Sea, she is a cultivator of Nascent Soul, and it is easy to fool those monsters below the eighth rank.

Mo Tiange and Qin Xi followed her aimlessly.

They are so leisurely. They have always completed their tasks, and they can go back anytime. The two Fairies Fengqing behaved strangely, making them curious. If there is a treasure, she won’t be robbed of her, but she can get a share.

After three days in the East China Sea, Fairy Fengqing finally stopped on a small island.

She offered a thatched house and entered it.

Mo Tiange and Qin Xi found a place around the small island, used the peach branches to hide, and hid in a canoe.

There was no movement on the first day, and no movement on the second day. After several days, Fairy Fengqing never stepped out of the hut. And they also felt that the atmosphere in the house was stable, she did not leave quietly, nor was she doing anything special.

“What did you say she was doing?” In the soundproof barrier, Mo Tiange said questioningly, “Adjusting her breath? She hasn’t done anything in the past few days. It’s intact; practicing? It’s really too idle for this. Have to hide in the deserted East China Sea and practice.”

“Maybe it’s researching clues.” Qin Xi said, “This should have only got this information after arriving at Bixuan Pavilion. After such a little time, it may not be understood.”

“When is this going to be studied?” Mo Tiange had a headache, “Just three or five days, one or two months?”

“We are fine anyway. We can wait even one or two years.” Qin Xi was very calm. They had already sent the Immortal League disciples back to Kunwu. They could go back anytime, and they would have fewer tasks.

“Okay.” Mo Tiange thought about it, it’s okay not to go back for the time being. Although the manpower is a bit tight, it is not enough to lack them. The Xuanqing Gate guarding the mountain was fully opened and it was safe, and the Master and the senior brothers and sisters were not in any danger.

Fairy Fengqing hasn’t moved, so Xiaofeng woke up first. After transforming the heavenly calamity, the sky thunder is shaping the body, its aura is solid, and the coercion is thick, and the trace of the Vermillion Bird’s breath is more pure, guarding the Dantian.

Qin Xi entered the Void Heaven Realm, tried to use it, and was very satisfied. The current Xiaofeng is as strong as the Yuanying monk, and can be taken out to fight. In addition to themselves, they also have a doll of the Yuan Ying stage and an eighth-order heavy bird, even if they meet the monks of the Yuan Dynasty, they will have the strength to fight.

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