Lady Cultivator Chapter 442: Passing by

The appearance of Monk Yuan Ying made the second floor of Jingxu Pavilion quiet all of a sudden. Even the customers and folks who had been talking in low voices stopped the conversation involuntarily, and looked at the new Yuan, intentionally or unintentionally. On the infant monk.

Although there are many Yuanying monks in the cloud, they are not those monks who can meet casually. The monks below the pill formation have never seen the Yuanying monks in all their lives.

The predecessor Yuan Ying looks about thirty years old, with a handsome face and a strong heroic spirit, but he is obviously young, but with a few strands of white hair mixed in the dark hair, adding a bit of vicissitudes. But precisely because of this, the original outstanding demeanor, with a weary loneliness, attracts the attention of others.

“Senior is really honored by our store to visit Jingxu Pavilion. The junior is Liu Xiaoqing, the treasurer of Jingxu Pavilion. What can I do for Senior?” Looking at this senior, Liu Xiaoqing’s heart beat involuntarily, she thought to herself He knows countless people, and there are many more handsome men in the world of cultivating immortals, but they have never seen such a person. But she did not forget that this was Senior Wei Yuanying, and immediately converged her mind, and respectfully invited him to the elegant seat.

The screen around the lounge blocked the eyes of others. The other two foundation-building monks had already taken away all the items they had just traded. Liu Xiaoqing stood aside respectfully, waiting for instructions.

“Cough, cough” The Yuan Ying monk covered his mouth and coughed twice before he said, “What healing medicine is there in your shop?”

Liu Xiaoqing was startled and suddenly understood. This senior looks young but has gray hair. It turns out that he is hurt.

So guessing in my heart, I still replied respectfully on the face: “Senior, this shop does have a few healing medicines, but seniors are Yuan Ying cultivation bases, even some handed down spirit pills may not be of much use to seniors. “

The Yuan Ying monk nodded, not surprisingly, threw out a jade slip, and said: “In this case, let’s see if there are these kinds of materials.”

Xiaoqing picked up the jade slip, looked at it carefully, and smiled, “What a coincidence, if the senior came one step earlier, we really don’t have some things. It happened that a monk sold us a lot of materials just now. There are spirit grass and demon pill that seniors need.”

“Really?” It was such a coincidence that Monk Yuan Ying raised his eyebrows, but that was all, he asked plainly, “Is the year old enough?”

“The appreciator of our store has seen it. It should meet the requirements of the predecessors.” Liu Xiaoqing paused and asked, “The juniors will bring them and show them to the predecessors?”

Mother Yuan Ying nodded, tasting tea in silence, coughing from time to time, and did not look at her more.

Liu Xiaoqing didn’t dare to neglect, immediately returned to the counter, and ordered a few words to the foundation building monk who was sorting the items, and quickly walked over with a few copies of spirit grass and demon pill: “Senior, please taste. “

Opening the jade box, the demon pill in it has 5th and 6th steps. Except for the rare varieties, it is not rare. In addition, there are a few spiritual grasses that make him shine. Over the past few days, he has traveled almost all over the big cities in the northern part of Dongtang Kingdom. He has never found these kinds of spirit grass. Some people have never heard of it. Although some people know it, they say that these spirit grasses are rarely produced in the cloud. He almost gave up hope and looked for another elixir, but he didn’t expect to find it in Cloud Wing City.

Liu Xiaoqing was observant, and at this time he was sure that if there were no accidents, the business was done. She couldn’t help smiling. Today’s luck is really good. Although she has spent hundreds of thousands of spiritual stones, the items that can be collected are of extremely high value, and she has made two big deals, the things that senior Ye and this senior wanted, Are worth tens of thousands of spiritual stones…

“Yes, all these are needed.” During the meditation, Senior Yuan Ying put down the spiritual grass in his hand and spoke.

Liu Xiaoqing smiled openly and bowed and said: “The junior will put it away for the senior?”

The Yuan Ying monk nodded and said: “How much is it worth?”

Liu Xiaoqing quickly collected the spirit grass demon pill in front of him, pasted the talisman to prevent the loss of spiritual energy, counted it, and quoted a total price: “These things, erase the fractions, a total of fifty-two thousand spirits. Shi. ​​If the seniors don’t mind, wait a while and the juniors will work out the detailed list.”

The Yuan Ying monk said: “It’s not busy. Since you are the shopkeeper here, you want to be well informed, I want to ask a few questions, can you?”

Senior Yuan Ying asked, how could Liu Xiaoqing refuse to accept, and immediately said: “Senior has something to say, juniors should know everything.”

The monk coughed twice before asking, “Have you heard of the name Ye Xiaotian?”

Liu Xiaoqing thought for a moment: “Senior…”

The Yuan Ying monk continued: “She is a pill-forming female cultivator, and it should be in the late stage.” After a pause, he said, “Maybe the child will be formed, but it may not be known. She looks young, two-year-old. It looks very beautiful…”

Speaking of this, the monk stopped the conversation, his expression slightly hesitant. These descriptions are really not characteristics. Many of the female cultivators are young and beautiful for two decades, but when it comes to true characteristics, he feels that they are not enough for outsiders.

Sure enough, Liu Xiaoqing hesitated very much after hearing this: “Senior, what you said is really hard to recognize…” And, “It should be late,” “Maybe it’s not known if the baby is born.” This kind of description is also out of place, doesn’t this senior also know what cultivation level the person is looking for? However, the name Ye Xiaotian was a bit familiar.

She thought about it for a while, a flash of light in her mind, and frowned suspiciously, she finally thought about it, and finally said: “Senior, the female cultivator you are talking about, the younger generation has never seen it, but Ye Xiaotian The younger generation has heard of the name.”

“Oh?” The Yuanying monk raised his eyebrows and looked at her, “You said.”

“The younger generation had heard about it more than ten years ago. There was an uncle of the alchemy congregation in the teacher’s school who had a good relationship with a senior alchemist named Ye Xiaotian, and that senior was already in the late stage of alchemy at a young age. The cultivation base. However, that senior is a male cultivator, not a female cultivator.”

This monk Yuan Ying listened, but was silent.

Liu Xiaoqing waited for a while, but couldn’t help but call out: “Senior?”

Hearing her voice, the Yuan Ying monk finally asked: “Then do you know where he went afterwards?”

Liu Xiaoqing shook her head and said: “This junior doesn’t know. I remember this, because the junior has taken care of the store for the sect for many years and has always been careful about people and things. If the senior wants to inquire about this senior Ye The whereabouts of the younger generation can go to the teacher for the senior.”

After hearing this, the monk nodded and said: “You can check out for me first.”

Xiaoqing stepped out respectfully.

There is no one else in the lounge. The Nascent Soul monk pondered for a moment, and took out a piece of animal skin paper from his arms. On the smoothly polished animal hide paper, there was a picture of a young woman whose appearance was familiar to him, but the name had never been heard.

“Qin Wei, Qing Wei…Tian Ge, I know it is you, but people in the cloud say that Qin Wei has been missing for more than ten years. Where can I find you?”

Leaving the Jingxumen shop, Mo Tiange didn’t immediately go to Yuxi Building to rest, but found another refinery shop and walked in.

After half a day, she came out of this refining shop and spent a lot of spiritual stones.

In those few years in Xiyi, she found a mysterious iron core wood, if it was made into a boat, it is said to be able to resist the sea wind and huge waves. This time she was going back to the market, she thought about it, and planned to make this mysterious iron core wood into a magic weapon first, so she had a better grasp.

But her own craftsmanship is really not in the hall of elegance, so after thinking about it, it’s better to ask others to make it. The cloud is so big, it is not difficult to find a refiner who can refine magic weapons, after all, Xuan Tiexinmu is rare, she can’t afford to waste it.

Fortunately, when I passed through Cloud Wing City in the past, I had heard that there were a few good craftsmanship shops in the city. She found the best reputable one and entrusted it.

Later, after doing some chores, she went back to Yuxi Tower and asked for a clean courtyard to live in, while she meditated and adjusted her breath while waiting for news.

I haven’t been to Dongtang Country for nearly ten years. When dealing with the shopkeeper of Yuxilou just now, she heard an interesting news.

The three major factions of the righteous way have jointly informed the world that the real life-sustaining sword has emerged, and the owners of the Heavenly Devil Tower are invited to gather together to discuss major issues.

Mo Tiange couldn’t help laughing as soon as he heard the news. If it were before, she might really suspect that the Fusheng sword in her hand was a fake, but she triggered the prohibition in the Fusheng sword, and was passed on by Fu Yaozi, so there is no need to say whether the Fusheng sword is true or false. Presumably this is the deliberate rumors of the Three Righteous Dao factions, so that “Qin Wei” can appear.

This strategy is not clever, it is a profitable trend. If “Qin Wei” is really still in the cloud, most of it will not help but verify it.

After Fu Yaozi heard about it, he said contemptuously: “A group of idiots, what if the Fusheng sword falls in their hands? Can they find someone who can make Fusheng sword recognize the master?”

This is the first time that Mo Tiange heard Fu Yaozi talk about others in this way. This master has a good temper. He has always been a gentleman of Qianqian, but it has something to do with his Fusheng sword, so he can’t help it.

The five sacred objects need to be recognized before they can be used. Mo Tiange already knows this. The three major factions are eager to find the Sword for Health. Maybe the three holy objects in their hands have already found someone who can recognize the Lord?

However, this is no wonder the monks of the three major factions. They don’t know that the Fusheng Sword has already recognized the Lord. Most of them want to get the Fusheng Sword and quickly look for someone who can recognize the Lord.

The people in Jingxu Pavilion moved quickly, and the next day they delivered the things and the spirit stones. After Mo Tiange checked the items, the silver and the goods were gone.

After waiting for a few more days, the crafting shop finally made a magic weapon after wasting more than half of the mysterious iron core wood. This magic weapon was named by the craftsman as a canoe. Although the name is very popular, Mo Tiange was too lazy to oppose it. The name is not important. The important thing is that this magic weapon can really block the wind and giant waves in the sea.

Get the canoe, settle the accommodation fee, Mo Tiange no longer stays, and set off to return to the sea.

A few days later, at the end of the month, Liu Xiaoqing sent a group of rare treasures to Jingxu Gate according to the rules, and happened to encounter the Yuan Ying who was left by the Yuan Ying ancestor of the Shang Jingxu Gate asking for news of “Ye Xiaotian” Infant seniors.

Senior Yuan Ying saw one of the bottles of pill, his eyes were immediately attracted.

Miaoying Yuanjun, the first elder of the Jingxu Gate, saw his expression and asked with a smile: “Friend Daoist Qin, is there anything you are interested in here?”

The Yuan Ying monk surnamed Qin was still staring at the bottle of pill, and asked: “Friend Miaoying, do you mind if I take a look?”

“Of course, it’s not a good thing. If Fellow Daoist Qin liked it, just take it.” Miaoying Yuanjun smiled and said very generously. Although these things are precious, they are nothing to the Nascent Soul cultivator. If you can use this to make friends with a powerful middle-Yuan Ying cultivator, it is definitely worth the money.

Received the answer, the monk surnamed Qin lifted his hand, and the jade bottle flew into his hand automatically. He looked at the jade bottle carefully, and it seemed that this was a Finally, he opened the cork and smelled the medicine.

“Xianfenglu…” He muttered to himself. The next moment, he raised his head and looked sharply at Liu Xiaoqing, “Junior, where did you get this pill?”

Liu Xiaoqing was taken aback by his gaze, and quickly replied: “It was a monk who sold it in the Jingxu Pavilion. Oh, that monk has a close relationship with Senior. Those spirit grass demon pills that Senior wants, Most of them were sold by the monk in the store.”

Hearing this, his face changed, and he asked: “What is her name? What is her cultivation? What is her appearance? When was it sold in the store? Where?”

Hearing this series of questions, Liu Xiaoqing did not dare to neglect, and replied one by one: “The younger generation only knows that his surname is Ye. He is a male repairer in the period of alchemy and looks like a young scholar. It was the day the senior came to the store This senior Ye came to sell a large amount of materials, which happened to be the front and back of senior. As for whereabouts, juniors don’t know.”

The appearance of the young scholar, whose surname is Ye, is exactly the same as what others call “Ye Xiaotian”

He took a deep breath and got up to hand over to Yuanjun Miaoying: “Friend Miaoying, I am afraid that the person to be sought has already appeared. Thank you for the hospitality these days. Let me leave now.”) Book friends quickly pay attention. Right!

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