Lady Cultivator Chapter 405: Affirmative and negative

Danxia Sect is one of the five major schools of Taoism in Yunzhong. Although it is weak now, it has been passed on for tens of thousands of years and has countless disciples. Being in such a sect, Yong Ruyu and Qiu Chengruo are also pill cultivators. Logically speaking, their horizons will not be narrow. Since they know this is corpse soul art, they should know some ways to deal with it.

Yong Ruyu and Qiu Chengruo looked at each other, bowed their heads in thought.

“Brother,” after a while, Qiu Chengruo said with some hesitation, “Isn’t this City Lord May not knowing our identity, why did he trick us into it? Not only us, but among those demons, there are also three major The master of the devil’s pill formation, can he afford to offend a small Starfall City Lord?”

Yong Ruyu pondered for a moment, and said: “This matter is indeed suspicious, but we did find the magic crystal. It is certain that City Lord Mei has no good intentions.”


“Since one thing is already in front of us, it is meaningless for us to deny it. We can only say that this matter must have conditions that we have overlooked.” Yong Ruyu and Qiu Chengruo said, turning to Mo Tiange and Nie Wushang , “Two fellow Taoists, my junior sister said it is right. According to common sense, Starfall is just a small demon realm in Beilin Kingdom. Even if he is a Yuanying monk, he cannot offend the forces behind us.”

“So, this City Lord Mei can definitely get a lot of benefits by doing this, so big that he can ignore these forces, or give up Xingluocheng.” Mo Tiange frowned and continued.

“Yes.” Yong Ruyu said, “I just thought about it for a while, but I still feel that something is wrong. Even if all of our fifteen pill knot cultivators were cast by him, it would not be of great benefit to him. After being controlled by the corpse soul technique, although the cultivator’s cultivation base does not decrease, his strength will not be as good as the original. This reason must be understood in the hearts of both Taoists.”

Mo Tiange and Nie Wushang both nodded. It is obvious that an autonomous person and a puppet have different powers.

Yong Ruyu went on to say: “Fifteen pill knot puppets sound terrible, but to the monk Yuan Ying, what is it? The strength of the monk Yuan Ying is better than that of the pill knot. It is not an exaggeration. If there is no special method, even a monk in the early Yuanying stage will not be afraid of a group of pill puppets.”


Affirmed by Mo Tiange, Yong Ruyu continued again: “The question has come back again. What benefit can this City Lord Mei get in this matter to make him so reckless?” This time, he did not wait. Someone replied that Yong Ruyu had already replied in a deep voice: “I thought of one: Refining so many pill knot puppets, he has a special purpose, which can greatly increase his strength”

Hearing this, Mo Tiange thought carefully in his heart.

Yong Ruyu’s inference is not a problem. If there are not enough benefits, this City Lord Mei does not need to do this. There are so many alchemy cultivators who can’t hide their whereabouts. There are many high-level cultivators in the cloud. Every big power must have several Nascent Soul cultivators, and they are not uncommon in the late Nascent Stage. City Lord Mei is not afraid that the forces behind them will come to seek revenge. It shows that this advantage is enough to make him stand on top The ranks of monks, don’t be afraid of monks in the late Yuan Ying period

Inferring here, there are two possibilities. One is that this benefit can enable him to advance to the late Yuanying stage, which is a temptation that any Yuanying monk who is trapped in the realm can’t resist; second, it can enable him to obtain a heaven-shaking magic weapon or a heaven-shaking magical power, without fear These monks in the late Yuan Ying came to seek revenge.

Thinking of this, Mo Tiange asked: “Friend Yong Dao, I have two inferences, which one do you think is more likely?”

Wait for Mo Tiange to explain the two inferences, Yong Ruyu twisted his eyebrows and meditated. After a while, he replied: “The latter.”

“Why?” Mo Tiange asked.

“Because… the core formation cultivators of Starfall City seem to know.” Yong Ruyu said.

Mo Tiange was startled and thought carefully. Even if City Lord Mei did not explain this matter to his subordinates, the alchemy cultivators would never be ignorant, because the alchemy cultivators would have a share when they were deceived into this trap. For example, Elder Liang, such as the few people who opened the ban, these things can’t be hidden from them.

So, there are two more possibilities. One is that these pill cultivators are fully aware of this, then this matter will not only benefit City Lord Mei, but also benefit them, so that they don’t need to be afraid of the forces behind these deceived cultivators. The other is that City Lord Mei didn’t tell them all, or used other reasons to perfuse his subordinates. But then, why did these people try their best to help City Lord Mei? The nature of the monk is self-interested, and even more so. It is not denied that some people will have the loyalty of the world, but it is definitely not all. Or, these cultivators were actually controlled by City Lord Mei a long time ago and could not help them? This is not impossible, but depending on the style of the elder Liang, it is unlikely.

Negative while affirming, the conclusion is already obvious. Yong Ruyu’s judgment is good. If what he gets is a magic weapon or magical power, it is very likely that this magic weapon or magical power can protect these pill-forming monks in Xingluo City, so they are doing their best to help City Lord Mei.

But the other possibility cannot be completely erased. After all, people are alive, and they don’t know what City Lord Mei did. Perhaps, what means did City Lord Mei use to make these pill-forming cultivators help him. If he gets a high level of cultivation at that time, even those cultivators in the late Nascent Infant stage will not be able to help him. What about Xingluocheng and what does it matter to him? Compared to being able to advance to the later stage of Yuan Ying and become a top monk, what is a city lord? The entire Starfall City is just a dispensable abandoned child.

Speaking of this, Yong Ruyu knocked his head, very distressed: “But I really don’t understand. How can he bring so much benefit to him by using corpse spirit technique to create so many puppets?”

“We have missed a possibility.” Nie Wushang, who has been silent for a long time, said suddenly, “Maybe, this magic crystal is not used for corpse soul magic at all.”

Yong Ruyu was dumbfounded when he heard the words: “Don’t use corpse soul magic?”

“Yes.” Nie Wushang looked at him and said calmly, “Friend Yong Dao, can this magic crystal only be used to perform corpse soul surgery?”

Yong Ruyu thought for a while and shook his head: “I don’t know. Although this thing is terrible, it is also precious. I don’t know exactly what it is. It’s just that it’s so famous for its use in corpse soul surgery. Whenever you mention magic crystals, you will immediately think of corpse spirits.”

“That’s Wushang continued, “I will do some research on the magical way, and I know a little bit about it. Since this thing has the unique effect of absorbing essence, it is definitely not only used for a sorcery, and even some sorcery can be invented according to the characteristics of this thing. “

“Yes,” Qiu Chengruo murmured, “Brother, do you remember that rumor? The corpse soul technique was invented because a certain **** passed the human demon king and discovered the magic crystal?”

“…” Yong Ruyu wiped the sweat from his face, his face pale, and said sullenly, “This matter is getting harder and harder to imagine, I, I really… helpless…”

“Yong Daoyou” Mo Tiange looked at him sharply, “What are you talking about? Are you giving up now?”

A look of despair appeared on Yong Ruyu’s face: “A person who can invent a sorcery with this, can a pill-forming monk like us be able to fight it? It’s not my wish, it’s beyond my ability.”

Nie Wushang snorted coldly, and stared at him coldly: “We asked you to find a way because you understand the situation in the clouds, not letting you find your own way of death. Now everything is just speculation, and you have cut your life. Bring me up with spirits. Otherwise, we can kill you now, lest you hit morale here”) Book friends, hurry up and pay attention!

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