Lady Cultivator Chapter 403: Mystery

After an hour, everyone stopped adjusting their breath.

With the help of spirit stones and pill, they have regained their spirit energy, but by looking at the spirit stone powder piled around them, you can know how many spirit stones they used.

The meridians and the aura that the dantian can hold are unimaginable for low-level cultivators. A few low-priced spiritual stones can keep the Qi-refining cultivators full of aura, but they are low-level cultivators. The aura of the spirit stone is simply dispensable, unless the spirit stone of the middle rank or above can have an immediate effect. But the middle-level spirit stones are rare, and they are generally only used for formation or emergency rescue. Who would use it to supplement the aura? Therefore, only the number of low-level spirit stones can be used for piles.

However, no matter what, none of them is full of aura. Because in the case of not being able to absorb the external aura, the speed of recovering the aura is too slow, and they are currently unable to spend a long time.

The same is true of Mo Tiange. But her situation is not bad, because she has a lot of replenishment pills, and she can also produce aura in her body, although it is not full, it will not affect her strength.

After “The formation broke”, Qiu Chengruo said with joy.

The power of the wind and snow gradually dissipated, and the ice sheet slowly disappeared, revealing a cave.

Mo Tiange smiled. Sure enough, the place of trial and the usefulness of the formation is just a trial, they don’t need to break the formation.

But she looked at the surrounding scenes and became cautious again.

The place where they are now is a cave. It is said to be one, but it is not accurate. To be precise, it is a cave, a cave that extends in all directions and has many branches. Just where they are, there are three or five points. At the fork, these fork roads are deep and I don’t know where to lead.

“Friend Daoist Qin?” Nie Wushang asked in a low voice.


“Is there any problem?”

Mo Tiange shook his head and said: “No, but, do you think this is true or not?”

Nie Wushang looked at it for a while, then shook his head: “I don’t know anything about the game, I can’t see the end.”

“Friend Daoist Qin,” Yong Ruyu interjected, “In my opinion, this seems to be true.”

“Oh?” Mo Tiange was very interested, “What do you think of Yong Daoyou?”

Yong Ruyu smiled, and said modestly: “I am like a fellow Tiancun Daoist. I don’t know anything about the battle method, so this is just a guess.” He paused and said, “One is the terrain, I remember, we enter When the array was teleported, it was in Mount Galing, and the cave seemed to be in line with it. Second, the surrounding aura was very stable, not like there was a phantom array.”

Mo Tiange nodded, and said: “Yong Daoyou said it is very true, I also have this feeling.”

“Since Fellow Daoist Qin doesn’t think it’s a fantasy formation, then, is this scene really true?” Qiu Chengruo said.

Mo Tiange shook his head: “Friend Qiu thinks of me too much. Although I have a little knowledge of the formation method, I don’t know much about the ancient magical powers. How can I not miss it?”

When Qiu Chengruo heard it, he felt that it was the same. Is the ancient magical power comparable to the monks today? Even if it is a real formation mage, facing the ancient fantasy formation, it may not be able to see it.

“Anyway, since Fellow Qin can’t see it, it means it’s relatively safer.” Qiu Chengruo looked at the fork in front and asked, “What shall we do next?”

“What else can I do? Of course I continue to go.” Yong Ruyu said, turning his head to look at the two Mo Tiange, “Friends of Daoist Qin, Friends of Tiancan, don’t you think?”

Mo Tiange and Nie Wushang both nodded. There is really no other way to see the scene in front of you, only to walk down the cave and see if you can find a clue.

However, Mo Tiange felt a little strange again. The City Lord Mei said that this is a place for trials. If you pass the level, you can get many rewards. How did he know these? He said that he didn’t pass the barrier when he entered, but after they came in, they passed a barrier, right? I haven’t seen any hint about the trial.

Mo Tiange intuitively felt that something was wrong, she must have missed something.

“Two fellow daoists, shall we go?” Seeing her not moving, Yong Ruyu called again.

Mo Tiange nodded, followed behind them, and walked slowly into one of the forks.

They walked on the middle fork road on the left. This road was chosen by Nie Wushang. When Qiu Chengruo asked, she punched the ground at will and punched several cracks. The largest one pointed to the middle, so she I chose the middle. The situation is unclear at the moment, it doesn’t matter which way you choose, so the other three have no opinion.

Going all the way, there is nothing unusual. Although Yong Ruyu’s cultivation base is not obvious, the person is very careful. Mo Tiange took a look, and safely gave him the responsibility of leading the way, and continued to think.

Since I feel I missed something, I think about it from the beginning of the incident.

First, she and Nie Wushang came to Xingluo City, and when they were in the shop, the elder Liang from Starfall City came to meet at the order of City Lord Mei. Afterwards, City Lord Mei told them about the discovery of the ancient secret place, and asked them to enter the secret place and obtain the gods fruit for themselves. Finally, he led the elders under the pill formation, opened the secret place, and put their fifteen pill formation monks in.

Thinking about it carefully, there is probably no problem with this incident, so the problem should be the details.

Details, which step of the details went wrong…

“Friend Mo Dao, what are you thinking?” Nie Wushang’s low voice sounded in his ears, but she was whispering.

Mo Tiange returned to his senses, and also said: “Um…I think there is something wrong with this matter.”

Hearing this, Nie Wushang cast a look, his eyes brightened: “Do you think too?”

“Also?” Mo Tiange frowned, “Did you…”

“I felt that there was a problem after I set off, but I haven’t come up with a clue yet, and I can’t speak to you with the presence of City Lord Mei.”

“Really? What do you think is the problem?”

Nie Wushang thought for a while, and said: “I am not as careful as you, but you know, my master practices magic skills, and I know more about the magical monks than you. First of all, I felt that they started teleportation. The method of formation is a bit wrong. Since this is an ancient secret place, even if they use their own methods to cast a prohibition cover, it should not be directly covered. You should know that the things left from the ancients are often pure in spirit, and they can absorb magic repairs. Spiritual energy, however, has to go through some special mental methods, so that the restriction of the magic way is directly covered on the pure spirit energy, which has an offsetting effect on the restriction.”

“That’s it?” Mo Tiange really didn’t know much about Moxiu, but after thinking about it, she felt wrong, “According to you, there should be something wrong with that teleportation array, but I saw that it is indeed ancient The array is good.”

At the end of the discussion, both of them felt very suspicious and didn’t know how to say it for a while.

“Friend Qin, fellow Daoist?” Qiu Chengruo suddenly turned his head and said, “What’s wrong with you?”

The two of them had their own concerns, and unknowingly fell behind them.

“Oh, nothing.” Mo Tiange stepped up a few steps and followed. Seeing Yong Ruyu’s questioning eyes, after thinking about it, she finally said, “Two fellow Taoists, you are native monks in the cloud. You want to come to know the situation in the cloud very well. You have discovered the ancient secret place like this, but please don’t Is it really normal for related people to explore inside?”

Yong Ruyu and Qiu Chengruo were both startled, stopped, and looked at her.

Mo Tiange continued: “Should not such a good place be reserved for exclusive use? The scale of Starfall City is not large. If there is this secret place as a backing, it will be great for them to train the monks. “

Hearing this, Yong Ruyu frowned and muttered: “Friend Daoist Qin is right.”

“So, fellow Yong Daoist thinks something is wrong?”

Yong Ruyu thought for a while, but shook his head again: “I’m not good. Fellow Qin, I don’t know what kind of place your hometown is, but in the clouds, I found a secret place and enjoyed it exclusively, but I was caught by the big sect. I found that there have been examples of misfortunes. Therefore, after this city master discovered the secret land, he did not think of monopolizing, but took advantage of other forces before they reacted. It is not incomprehensible.”

“Oh? It was like this…” Mo Tiange stopped talking. That said, she should be wrong about this reason? But she believed her instinct in this matter, and it was definitely not caused by suspiciousness. She was sure that there must be something wrong here.

“Friend Daoist Qin,” Nie Wushang said suddenly, “Let’s put it this way, do you think this secret land fits the scale of the ancient secret land?”

Mo Tiange was startled and looked at Nie Wushang.

Nie Wushang also looked at her, and continued in a hoarse voice: “You are also a monk of the Great Sect, and you have extraordinary knowledge. Look at this place, can it be called an ancient secret place?”

Hearing this, Mo Tiange suddenly realized. Yes, although there are traces of ancient times everywhere, it would be too simple if it is said to be a secret place of ancient times. Just say that the first level they passed, the ice storm, did contain the mystery of ancient supernatural powers, but the power was too small, it just exhausted their aura and did not cause them any substantial harm.

Seeing the look of Mo Tiange, Nie Wushang smiled slightly: “Although I am not as careful as you, I am Wu I am naturally sensitive to power. I dare say that this is nothing at all The ancient secret place is just a fake secret place created by applying some ancient magical powers.”

As soon as Nie Wushang said this, Yong Ruyu and Qiu Chengruo’s expressions changed drastically. Yong Ruyu stared at Nie Wushang for a long time before asking: “What do you mean by Tiancun Daoist friend?” “

“What else do you mean?” Nie Wushang said in a light tone, “Two fellow Taoists, you are also from extraordinary backgrounds, and you must have a good vision. If you think about it, of course, the ancient trial place will be so easy to pass the level? We must know that we are alchemy cultivators and can use magic weapons. The magic weapons of the ancient times are so vast, how can the trial of the alchemy realm be so simple?”

When she said so, Yong Ruyu and Qiu Chengruo did not speak for a long time. After a while, Qiu Chengruo whispered: “Our Danxia Sect also has a secret place, but my senior brother and I are still in the early stage of alchemy. The master suggested that we should be higher at a higher cultivation level, but…” Her gaze Pausing on Nie Wushang’s face, he said, “The Tiancun Daoist said it is reasonable. This trial is really too simple. Even if we are better than ordinary monks, it is impossible that there will be no injury at all…”

“Moreover, it drained our aura.” Mo Tiange suddenly took the conversation, looked at the three people in front of him, and said in a deep voice, “Three Taoists, I am afraid we have entered a trap.”) Bookmate Let’s pay attention!

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