Lady Cultivator Chapter 391: Heart of the Avenue

This time when we met, Mo Tiange realized that Nie Wushang seemed to be different from the original.

The original Nie Wushang, although she acted boldly and decisively, Mo Tiange always felt that she was full of tiredness and seemed to have no interest in everything around her, and it didn’t even matter whether she was alive or not.

But this time, although she was wandering around aimlessly, she was excited and angry.

Mo Tiange couldn’t help asking: “Friend Nie, you and I were separated for one year, what chance did you have? Why are you different when you meet this time?”

“Oh?” Nie Wushang heard her words and asked with great interest, “Where is it different?”

Mo Tiange turned his head for a moment and said: “It seems that I have begun to enjoy the fun of being alive.”

“…” Nie Wushang was stunned, smiling away, looking at Mo Tiange, his eyes deep, “Thank you fellow Daoist Mo for this.”

Mo Tiange was puzzled: “Thank me for what?” Except for the Arctic Island who took her in for three days, she hadn’t done anything to help her, and in those three days, nothing special happened, enough. Change Nie Wushang’s concept.

Nie Wushang sighed slightly, looked into the distance, and slowly said: “For so many years, I have been dreaming of leaving Master’s control and living a free life. I can go through all the hardships and escape from the sky to the clouds. , I suddenly found out that I don’t know what to do. For more than a hundred years, Master wants me to do everything I do. Although I don’t want it in my heart, it’s undeniable that Master gave me alive. Meaning.”

Hearing this, Mo Tiange frowned: “What is this? You are a human, not a tool. Why should he give you the meaning of life?”

“Friends of strangers, you don’t understand.” Nie Wushang shook his head and said, “Your master lets you be free, so you live for yourself, but I am not. Before I left master, I couldn’t be considered a person… …”


Nie Wushang smiled and didn’t explain more. There are some things that people who have not experienced it are difficult to understand. In other words, the master was too successful, not only controlled her life, but also suppressed her nature. Therefore, she clearly hated the master, but after leaving him, she felt that she had lost the meaning of life and was at a loss.

Over a hundred years, for a high-level monk, it is not too long, but it is the whole of her life.

“Friend stranger,” Nie Wushang asked suddenly, “Why do you want to leave the celestial pole and come to the cloud?”

“…” This question is a bit difficult for Mo Tiange to answer. She went to the clouds not only to see the wider world, but also to chase Mo Yaoqing’s footsteps. Which one is more important, even herself Difficult to answer. Moreover, she had never thought of telling anyone about Mo Yaoqing.

Seeing her face embarrassed, Nie Wushang waved his hand and said: “You don’t need to answer too much, I know some things are inconvenient to tell outsiders. I’m just surprised, you are at the celestial pole, you are a well-known student, and you are practicing smoothly and lovingly. Master, who is just like my life, has just become a Taoist companion with your senior brother. Why did he leave the celestial pole and come to the clouds when the spring breeze was proud?”

Nie Wushang thought about this issue as early as when the two reunited on the Arctic Island, but at that time the relationship between them still suspected enemies and it was inconvenient to ask each other. Asking at this time can also be regarded as a solution to her confusion over the past year.

When Mo Tiange heard this question, he just looked at her and smiled: “In the eyes of fellow Daoist Nie, what kind of person am I? Well-known children, who practice smoothly, have a master and a Taoist companion, should enjoy the enviable eyes of others in the sky. Waiting for others to do everything for me?”

“…” Nie Wushang couldn’t answer. She instinctively felt that Mo Tiange was not such a person, but at Tianji, weren’t all the female nuns with superior backgrounds like this? They don’t need to bother about their own path of cultivation, they have their elders and husbands to pave the way for them…

No need for Nie Wushang to answer, Mo Tiange also knows what she is thinking, she said: “If I only enjoy the shade of master and brother, then even if I form a Nascent Soul, I won’t be able to become a great master in the end. .”

Nie Wushang suddenly turned his head to look at her, his gaze was not for an instant: “Decheng Dadao?”

“Of course.” She looked surprised, making Mo Tiange puzzled. “Did Daoist Nie step on the road of immortality, didn’t he think that one day he will become a avenue and fly into a fairy?”

“…” Nie Wushang took a deep breath, and solemnly saluted her: “Until now, I didn’t know that I was the one who underestimated the stranger.”

Destroyed into great roads, soared into immortals, how many monks today still think about this? It is true that immortal cultivators set foot on the path of immortality, and all are longevity. But after ancient times, in the vicissitudes of life, for hundreds of thousands of years, no one has ascended to immortality, and there are very few people who transform into gods. Most cultivators have died of the heart of becoming immortal and turned to pursue strength and longevity. It is also because of this that there will no longer be immortals and demons that are incompatible, because whether it is to cultivate immortals or to cultivate demons, there is no longer a fundamental difference in the goals pursued.

All this, I don’t know whether it is the depravity of the cultivator or the helplessness of the immortal Dao.

But today, those who can still adhere to the path of immortality are absolutely determined and worthy of admiration.

Seeing Nie Wushang’s dignified face, Mo Tiange laughed: “I am no more than a pill monk now. The so-called Dao is still out of reach, and Dao Xin is just a sentence. Why is Daoist Nie so?”

Nie Wushang had no smile on her face. She said: “If we say that we meet on the Arctic Island, Friends Mo Dao just makes me feel that there is still some fun in life, so today I can see the words of Friends Mo Dao A new world. From now on, where will Nie Wushang go, and never have to be trapped in the past.”

Mo Tiange raised his eyebrows in surprise: “Friend Daoist Nie, you…”

Nie Wushang looked at the peaks and mountains in the distance like gatherings, and the clouds like anger. He only felt that the sky and the earth were so vast, why abandon that free future for the sake of the darkness? In the past 100 years, she has never thought about it or dared to think about it, but now it is different. She is no longer bound and can exist freely between the heaven and the earth. Why can’t you pursue the true meaning of Tao? Abandon the spirit of the original demon and become a true cultivator.

Climbing over Mount Jialing and entering the northern kingdom of Northern Lin, the vast green hills are covered with a layer of shallow black energy, this is devil energy. To the north of Mount Jialing, is Starfall City, a demon realm of Northern Lin Kingdom.

Northern Lin Kingdom is the domain of magic repair in the cloud. They have three major demon kings, each occupying three major demon domains, and there are also seven small demon domains, which are smaller in scale than the three major demon domains, but also gather a large number of magic repairs. Xingluocheng is one of the Seven Little Demon Regions.

Nie Wushang said: “The city lord of Starfall City is an early Demon Cultivator of Yuan Ying. In the Demon Realm of Beilin Kingdom, his strength is not big or small, so careless and carefree is a personal thing.”

Mo Tiange nodded to express understanding. She discovered that the monks in the clouds, whether they were immortal or demonic cultivators, were not so rigorous in addressing them. For example, in Tianji, Xuanqing Sect and Zhengfa Sect, both follow the tradition of Jie Dan as a real person and Yuan Ying as a Taoist monarch, and the name is also a symbol of identity cultivation. But this is not the case in the cloud. Among the Taoist monks, there are many Yuan Ying monks who call real people, which is purely a personal hobby. Among the demon cultivators, there are many who claim to be demon kings, and among them, there are only three demon kings who are truly famous.

Mo Tiange smiled slightly when he thought of this. She thought of the Demon Lord Xuanyue, who had a relationship with Xuecheng that day, although he was called the Demon Lord, he was just a cultivator of alchemy.

Seeing her expression, Nie Wushang asked curiously: “What’s so funny?”

Mo Tiange asked: “Do you remember that fellow Jing Daoist?”

Nie Wushang was startled, and his expression immediately became a little uncomfortable: “Friend Mo Dao, that incident… Didn’t he treat you in the end?”

“Huh?” Mo Tiange was taken aback, and then knew that she had misunderstood, and smiled, “No, what I want to talk about is not that, but I met a person in the cloud who is very similar to him. “


Mo Tiange told her about encountering the Demon Lord Xuanyue, and finally said: “When I saw the Demon Lord Xuanyue, I thought of him.”

Nie Wushang listened and smiled: “In fact, that fellow Jing Daoist, although a little unrefined, is still quite reliable. He knew Master’s plan that day and resisted fiercely. If it weren’t for Master to keep him useful, Almost killed him.”

Mo Tiange didn’t know about this, she was surprised: “This happened?”

“Well, you had lost consciousness at that time.” Nie Wushang said, “He said, Qin Shoujing is one of the few people he can be called a friend. Although he is romantic, he is not willing to be sorry for his friends. The matter of men and women should be congenial, joyous and happy, so how can they be coerced and become a dirty act of procrastination.”

After a pause, Nie Wushang sighed: “I didn’t have a good impression of him at first, but after this incident, I feel that he is much more lovely than those who are respectable.”


Seeing Mo Tiange thoughtful and silent, Nie Wushang raised his eyebrows and asked: “Friend Mo Dao, what are you thinking?”

Mo Tiange sighed and said: “If this is the case, it is me and Senior Brother Shoujing who are ashamed of him.”

“Huh? Did he fall on the Heavenly Demon Mountain?”

Mo Tiange shook his head and said: “That’s not true. He also escaped the disaster of Tianmo Mountain, but afterwards, he turned against an apprentice of the ancient sword school Fuling Sword Sovereign. If I remember correctly, then One disciple of the Fuling Sword Sovereign is the head of the Ancient Sword Sect. His move is regarded as offending the ruling party of the Ancient Sword Sect and cannot return to his teacher.”

Speaking, Mo Tiange told Nie Wushang all about meeting Jingxing again that day. Jing Xingzhi was hurt at the and couldn’t return to the Ancient Sword Sect, and I don’t know what happened now.

Nie Wushang listened, but said: “Friend Mo Dao, what does this matter have to do with you? Even if there is no such incident, would he be able to get some chance at Tianma Mountain? Maybe he can’t escape the Tianma. The mountain fell in a catastrophe. Even if he could really get some strange treasures from Tianmo Mountain, he and Fuling Sword Sovereign had a rift for a long time, and it would be sooner or later that he turned his face. Besides, how opinionated he is? I’ve been unhappy in the Ancient Sword Sect, I’m afraid I’ve wanted to leave a long time ago, so why worry about him?”

Mo Tiange was speechless for a while.

Nie Wushang saw this and asked: “Did I make a mistake?”

Mo Tiange sighed and nodded: “No, what you said is correct. I want to make a mistake. That fellow Jing Dao is not someone who needs sympathy.”

Actually, there is one more thing, Mo Tiange did not say. She found that she was softer than before, and even worried about others. Could it be that because I have got too much, so the feelings are also rich? Is this a good thing or a bad thing?

When the chapter was written yesterday, a bunch of women were talking and watching TV. The state was bad and the concept was messed up. I changed it today…) Book friends, hurry up and pay attention!

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